proxmox-backup-debug: add 'api' subcommands

this provides some generic api call mechanisms like pvesh/pmgsh.
by default it uses the https api on localhost (creating a token
if called as root, else requesting the root@pam password interactively)

this is mainly intended for debugging, but it is also useful for
situations where some api calls do not have an equivalent in a binary
and a user does not want to go through the api

not implemented are the http2 api calls (since it is a separate api an
it wouldn't be that easy to do)

there are a few quirks though, related to the 'ls' command:
i extract the 'child-link' from the property name of the
'match_all' statement of the router, but this does not
always match with the property from the relevant 'get' api call
so it fails there (e.g. /tape/drive )

this can be fixed in the respective api calls (e.g. by renaming
the parameter that comes from the path)

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <>
This commit is contained in:
Dominik Csapak 2021-09-21 12:11:14 +02:00 committed by Thomas Lamprecht
parent d6fcc1170a
commit efb7c5348c
3 changed files with 518 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
use proxmox::api::cli::{run_cli_command, CliCommandMap, CliEnvironment};
use proxmox::api::{
cli::{run_cli_command, CliCommandMap, CliEnvironment},
mod proxmox_backup_debug;
use proxmox_backup_debug::*;
@ -6,8 +9,16 @@ use proxmox_backup_debug::*;
fn main() {
let cmd_def = CliCommandMap::new()
.insert("inspect", inspect::inspect_commands())
.insert("recover", recover::recover_commands());
.insert("recover", recover::recover_commands())
.insert("api", api::api_commands());
let uid = nix::unistd::Uid::current();
let username = match nix::unistd::User::from_uid(uid) {
Ok(Some(user)) =>,
_ => "root@pam".to_string(),
let mut rpcenv = CliEnvironment::new();
rpcenv.set_auth_id(Some(format!("{}@pam", username)));
let rpcenv = CliEnvironment::new();
run_cli_command(cmd_def, rpcenv, Some(|future| pbs_runtime::main(future)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
use futures::FutureExt;
use hyper::Method;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use tokio::signal::unix::{signal, SignalKind};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use proxmox::api::{
schema::{parse_parameter_strings, ApiType, ParameterSchema, Schema},
ApiHandler, ApiMethod, RpcEnvironment, SubRoute,
use pbs_api_types::{PROXMOX_UPID_REGEX, UPID};
use pbs_client::{connect_to_localhost, view_task_result};
use proxmox_rest_server::normalize_uri_path;
const PROG_NAME: &str = "proxmox-backup-debug api";
const URL_ASCIISET: percent_encoding::AsciiSet = percent_encoding::NON_ALPHANUMERIC.remove(b'/');
macro_rules! complete_api_path {
($capability:expr) => {
|complete_me: &str, _map: &HashMap<String, String>| {
pbs_runtime::block_on(async { complete_api_path_do(complete_me, $capability).await })
async fn complete_api_path_do(mut complete_me: &str, capability: Option<&str>) -> Vec<String> {
if complete_me.is_empty() {
complete_me = "/";
let mut list = Vec::new();
let mut lookup_path = complete_me.to_string();
let mut filter = "";
let last_path_index = complete_me.rfind('/');
if let Some(index) = last_path_index {
if index != complete_me.len() - 1 {
lookup_path = complete_me[..(index + 1)].to_string();
if index < complete_me.len() - 1 {
filter = &complete_me[(index + 1)..];
let uid = nix::unistd::Uid::current();
let username = match nix::unistd::User::from_uid(uid) {
Ok(Some(user)) =>,
_ => "root@pam".to_string(),
let mut rpcenv = CliEnvironment::new();
rpcenv.set_auth_id(Some(format!("{}@pam", username)));
while let Ok(children) = get_api_children(lookup_path.clone(), &mut rpcenv).await {
let old_len = list.len();
for entry in children {
let name =;
let caps = entry.capabilities;
if filter.is_empty() || name.starts_with(filter) {
let mut path = format!("{}{}", lookup_path, name);
if caps.contains('D') {
} else if let Some(cap) = capability {
if caps.contains(cap) {
} else {
if list.len() == 1 && old_len != 1 && list[0].ends_with('/') {
// we added only one match and it was a directory, lookup again
lookup_path = list[0].clone();
filter = "";
async fn get_child_links(
path: &str,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<Vec<String>, Error> {
let (path, components) = normalize_uri_path(&path)?;
let info = &proxmox_backup::api2::ROUTER
.find_route(&components, &mut HashMap::new())
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no such resource"))?;
match info.subroute {
Some(SubRoute::Map(map)) => Ok(map.iter().map(|(name, _)| name.to_string()).collect()),
Some(SubRoute::MatchAll { param_name, .. }) => {
let list = call_api("get", &path, rpcenv, None).await?;
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("{} did not return an array", path))?
.map(|item| {
.map(|c| c.to_string())
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no such property {}", param_name))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?)
None => bail!("link does not define child links"),
fn get_api_method(
method: &str,
path: &str,
) -> Result<(&'static ApiMethod, HashMap<String, String>), Error> {
let method = match method {
"get" => Method::GET,
"set" => Method::PUT,
"create" => Method::POST,
"delete" => Method::DELETE,
_ => unreachable!(),
let mut uri_param = HashMap::new();
let (path, components) = normalize_uri_path(&path)?;
if let Some(method) =
&proxmox_backup::api2::ROUTER.find_method(&components, method.clone(), &mut uri_param)
Ok((method, uri_param))
} else {
bail!("no {} handler defined for '{}'", method, path);
fn merge_parameters(
uri_param: HashMap<String, String>,
param: Option<Value>,
schema: ParameterSchema,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let mut param_list: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![];
for (k, v) in uri_param {
param_list.push((k.clone(), v.clone()));
let param = param.unwrap_or(json!({}));
if let Some(map) = param.as_object() {
for (k, v) in map {
param_list.push((k.clone(), v.as_str().unwrap().to_string()));
let params = parse_parameter_strings(&param_list, schema, true)?;
fn use_http_client() -> bool {
match std::env::var("PROXMOX_DEBUG_API_CODE") {
Ok(var) => var != "1",
_ => true,
async fn call_api(
method: &str,
path: &str,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
params: Option<Value>,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
if use_http_client() {
return call_api_http(method, path, params).await;
let (method, uri_param) = get_api_method(method, path)?;
let params = merge_parameters(uri_param, params, method.parameters)?;
call_api_code(method, rpcenv, params).await
async fn call_api_http(method: &str, path: &str, params: Option<Value>) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let mut client = connect_to_localhost()?;
let path = format!(
percent_encoding::utf8_percent_encode(path, &URL_ASCIISET)
match method {
"get" => client.get(&path, params).await,
"create" =>, params).await,
"set" => client.put(&path, params).await,
"delete" => client.delete(&path, params).await,
_ => unreachable!(),
.map(|mut res| res["data"].take())
async fn call_api_code(
method: &'static ApiMethod,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
params: Value,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
if !method.protected {
// drop privileges if we call non-protected code directly
let backup_user = pbs_config::backup_user()?;
match method.handler {
ApiHandler::AsyncHttp(_handler) => {
bail!("not implemented");
ApiHandler::Sync(handler) => (handler)(params, method, rpcenv),
ApiHandler::Async(handler) => (handler)(params, method, rpcenv).await,
async fn handle_worker(upid_str: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let upid: UPID = upid_str.parse()?;
let mut signal_stream = signal(SignalKind::interrupt())?;
let abort_future = async move {
while signal_stream.recv().await.is_some() {
println!("got shutdown request (SIGINT)");
Ok::<_, Error>(())
let result_future = proxmox_backup::server::wait_for_local_worker(upid_str);
futures::select! {
result = result_future.fuse() => result?,
abort = abort_future.fuse() => abort?,
async fn call_api_and_format_result(
method: String,
path: String,
mut param: Value,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut output_format = extract_output_format(&mut param);
let mut result = call_api(&method, &path, rpcenv, Some(param)).await?;
if let Some(upid) = result.as_str() {
if PROXMOX_UPID_REGEX.is_match(upid) {
if use_http_client() {
let mut client = connect_to_localhost()?;
view_task_result(&mut client, json!({ "data": upid }), &output_format).await?;
return Ok(());
if output_format == "text" {
return Ok(());
let (method, _) = get_api_method(&method, &path)?;
let options = default_table_format_options();
let return_type = &method.returns;
if matches!(return_type.schema, Schema::Null) {
output_format = "json-pretty".to_string();
format_and_print_result_full(&mut result, return_type, &output_format, &options);
input: {
additional_properties: true,
properties: {
method: {
type: String,
description: "The Method",
"api-path": {
type: String,
description: "API path.",
"output-format": {
optional: true,
/// Call API on <api-path>
async fn api_call(
method: String,
api_path: String,
param: Value,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
call_api_and_format_result(method, api_path, param, rpcenv).await
input: {
properties: {
path: {
type: String,
description: "API path.",
verbose: {
type: Boolean,
description: "Verbose output format.",
optional: true,
default: false,
/// Get API usage information for <path>
async fn usage(
path: String,
verbose: bool,
_param: Value,
_rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let docformat = if verbose {
} else {
let mut found = false;
for command in &["get", "set", "create", "delete"] {
let (info, uri_params) = match get_api_method(command, &path) {
Ok(some) => some,
Err(_) => continue,
found = true;
let skip_params: Vec<&str> = uri_params.keys().map(|s| &**s).collect();
let cmd = CliCommand::new(info);
let prefix = format!("USAGE: {} {} {}", PROG_NAME, command, path);
generate_usage_str(&prefix, &cmd, docformat, "", &skip_params)
if !found {
bail!("no such resource '{}'", path);
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
/// A child link with capabilities
struct ApiDirEntry {
/// The name of the link
name: String,
/// The capabilities of the path (format Drwcd)
capabilities: String,
const LS_SCHEMA: &proxmox::api::schema::Schema =
&proxmox::api::schema::ArraySchema::new("List of child links", &ApiDirEntry::API_SCHEMA)
async fn get_api_children(
path: String,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<Vec<ApiDirEntry>, Error> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
for link in get_child_links(&path, rpcenv).await? {
let path = format!("{}/{}", path, link);
let (path, _) = normalize_uri_path(&path)?;
let mut cap = String::new();
if get_child_links(&path, rpcenv).await.is_ok() {
} else {
let cap_list = &[("get", 'r'), ("set", 'w'), ("create", 'c'), ("delete", 'd')];
for (method, c) in cap_list {
if get_api_method(method, &path).is_ok() {
} else {
res.push(ApiDirEntry {
name: link.to_string(),
capabilities: cap,
input: {
properties: {
path: {
type: String,
description: "API path.",
"output-format": {
optional: true,
/// Get API usage information for <path>
async fn ls(path: String, mut param: Value, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment) -> Result<(), Error> {
let output_format = extract_output_format(&mut param);
let options = TableFormatOptions::new()
.sortby("name", false);
let res = get_api_children(path, rpcenv).await?;
&mut serde_json::to_value(res)?,
&proxmox::api::schema::ReturnType {
optional: false,
schema: &LS_SCHEMA,
pub fn api_commands() -> CommandLineInterface {
let cmd_def = CliCommandMap::new()
.fixed_param("method", "get".to_string())
.completion_cb("api-path", complete_api_path!(Some("r"))),
.fixed_param("method", "set".to_string())
.completion_cb("api-path", complete_api_path!(Some("w"))),
.fixed_param("method", "create".to_string())
.completion_cb("api-path", complete_api_path!(Some("c"))),
.fixed_param("method", "delete".to_string())
.completion_cb("api-path", complete_api_path!(Some("d"))),
.completion_cb("path", complete_api_path!(Some("D"))),
.completion_cb("path", complete_api_path!(None)),

View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
pub mod inspect;
pub mod recover;
pub mod api;