tools: log rotate: compressing rotated files

We renamed the last one always to a file without compression
extension, even if it was .zst previously. So always add the correct
ending to the new last one, if compress was true.

Further, we cannot detect if there'd be a compression required if we
rotated (renamed) it already to the file with .zst included.

So check on rotation itself if it would be a "no .zst" -> ",zst"
transition, and call compress there.

it really should be OK now *knocking wood*

Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <>
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Lamprecht 2020-11-02 18:31:31 +01:00
parent 1dc2fe20dd
commit 3aade17125

View File

@ -95,21 +95,21 @@ impl LogRotate {
let mut next_filename = self.base_path.clone().canonicalize()?.into_os_string();
next_filename.push(format!(".{}", filenames.len()));
if self.compress {
let count = filenames.len();
for i in (0..count-1).rev() {
rename(&filenames[i], &filenames[i+1])?;
if self.compress {
for i in 2..count {
if filenames[i].extension().unwrap_or(std::ffi::OsStr::new("")) != "zst" {
let mut target = filenames[i].clone().into_os_string();
Self::compress(&filenames[i], &target.into(), &options)?;
if self.compress
&& filenames[i+0].extension().unwrap_or(std::ffi::OsStr::new("")) != "zst"
&& filenames[i+1].extension().unwrap_or(std::ffi::OsStr::new("")) == "zst"
Self::compress(&filenames[i], &filenames[i+1], &options)?;
} else {
rename(&filenames[i], &filenames[i+1])?;