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68 lines
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//! Proxmox Backup Server Configuration library
//! This library contains helper to read, parse and write the
//! configuration files.
use failure::*;
pub mod datastore;
use proxmox::tools::try_block;
use crate::buildcfg;
/// Check configuration directory permissions
/// For security reasons, we want to make sure they are set correctly:
/// * owned by 'backup' user/group
/// * nobody else can read (mode 0700)
pub fn check_configdir_permissions() -> Result<(), Error> {
let cfgdir = buildcfg::CONFIGDIR;
let (backup_uid, backup_gid) = crate::tools::getpwnam_ugid("backup")?;
let stat = nix::sys::stat::stat(cfgdir)?;
if stat.st_uid != backup_uid {
bail!("wrong user ({} != {})", stat.st_uid, backup_uid);
if stat.st_gid != backup_gid {
bail!("wrong group ({} != {})", stat.st_gid, backup_gid);
let perm = stat.st_mode & 0o777;
if perm != 0o700 {
bail!("wrong permission ({:o} != {:o})", perm, 0o700);
}).map_err(|err| format_err!("configuration directory '{}' permission problem - {}", cfgdir, err))
pub fn create_configdir() -> Result<(), Error> {
use nix::sys::stat::Mode;
let cfgdir = buildcfg::CONFIGDIR;
let (backup_uid, backup_gid) = crate::tools::getpwnam_ugid("backup")?;
match nix::unistd::mkdir(cfgdir, Mode::from_bits_truncate(0o700)) {
Ok(()) => {},
Err(nix::Error::Sys(nix::errno::Errno::EEXIST)) => {
return Ok(());
Err(err) => bail!("unable to create configuration directory '{}' - {}", cfgdir, err),
let uid = nix::unistd::Uid::from_raw(backup_uid);
let gid = nix::unistd::Gid::from_raw(backup_gid);
nix::unistd::chown(cfgdir, Some(uid), Some(gid))?;
}).map_err(|err: Error| format_err!(
"unable to set configuration directory '{}' permissions - {}", cfgdir, err))