orient on PVE, the ones for Updates, ServerStatus, should by self-explanatory. Services is in PVE named "System", but reusing that cogs icon makes similar sense here too, and seems in line with search result of a "service icons" query. Syslog is the same as our general log icon, but as we also use this normally for worker task logs and that is present here too, I changed the worker task log icon to the alternative list, which resembles a task view window - so IMO even better than before. Sync that change also into the always present tasks button at the top right. Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <t.lamprecht@proxmox.com>
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Ext.define('PBS.ServerAdministration', {
extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel',
alias: 'widget.pbsServerAdministration',
title: gettext('Server Administration'),
border: true,
defaults: { border: false },
controller: {
xclass: 'Ext.app.ViewController',
init: function(view) {
var upgradeBtn = view.lookupReference('upgradeBtn');
upgradeBtn.setDisabled(!(Proxmox.UserName && Proxmox.UserName === 'root@pam'));
items: [
xtype: 'pbsServerStatus',
itemId: 'status',
iconCls: 'fa fa-area-chart',
xtype: 'proxmoxNodeServiceView',
title: gettext('Services'),
itemId: 'services',
iconCls: 'fa fa-cogs',
restartCommand: 'reload', // avoid disruptions
startOnlyServices: {
syslog: true,
'proxmox-backup': true,
'proxmox-backup-proxy': true,
nodename: 'localhost',
xtype: 'proxmoxNodeAPT',
title: gettext('Updates'),
iconCls: 'fa fa-refresh',
upgradeBtn: {
xtype: 'button',
reference: 'upgradeBtn',
disabled: true,
text: gettext('Upgrade'),
handler: function() {
Proxmox.Utils.openXtermJsViewer('upgrade', 0, 'localhost');
itemId: 'updates',
nodename: 'localhost',
xtype: 'proxmoxJournalView',
itemId: 'logs',
iconCls: 'fa fa-list',
title: gettext('Syslog'),
url: "/api2/extjs/nodes/localhost/journal",
xtype: 'proxmoxNodeTasks',
itemId: 'tasks',
iconCls: 'fa fa-list-alt',
title: gettext('Tasks'),
height: 'auto',
nodename: 'localhost',