Thomas Lamprecht b81818b6ad subscription: set higher-level error to message instead of bailing
While the PVE one "bails" too, it has an eval around those and moves
the error to the message property, so lets do so too to ensure a user
can force an update on a too old subscription

Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <>
2021-07-09 12:43:23 +02:00

354 lines
12 KiB

use anyhow::{Error, format_err, bail};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use serde_json::json;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use regex::Regex;
use proxmox::api::api;
use crate::config::node;
use crate::tools::{
use proxmox::tools::fs::{replace_file, CreateOptions};
use proxmox_http::client::SimpleHttp;
/// How long the local key is valid for in between remote checks
pub const MAX_LOCAL_KEY_AGE: i64 = 15 * 24 * 3600;
const MAX_KEY_CHECK_FAILURE_AGE: i64 = 5 * 24 * 3600;
const SHARED_KEY_DATA: &str = "kjfdlskfhiuewhfk947368";
const SUBSCRIPTION_FN: &str = "/etc/proxmox-backup/subscription";
const APT_AUTH_FN: &str = "/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/pbs.conf";
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
/// Subscription status
pub enum SubscriptionStatus {
// FIXME: remove?
/// newly set subscription, not yet checked
/// no subscription set
/// subscription set and active
/// subscription set but invalid for this server
impl Default for SubscriptionStatus {
fn default() -> Self { SubscriptionStatus::NOTFOUND }
impl std::fmt::Display for SubscriptionStatus {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
SubscriptionStatus::NEW => write!(f, "New"),
SubscriptionStatus::NOTFOUND => write!(f, "NotFound"),
SubscriptionStatus::ACTIVE => write!(f, "Active"),
SubscriptionStatus::INVALID => write!(f, "Invalid"),
properties: {
status: {
type: SubscriptionStatus,
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
/// Proxmox subscription information
pub struct SubscriptionInfo {
/// Subscription status from the last check
pub status: SubscriptionStatus,
/// the server ID, if permitted to access
pub serverid: Option<String>,
/// timestamp of the last check done
pub checktime: Option<i64>,
/// the subscription key, if set and permitted to access
pub key: Option<String>,
/// a more human readable status message
pub message: Option<String>,
/// human readable productname of the set subscription
pub productname: Option<String>,
/// register date of the set subscription
pub regdate: Option<String>,
/// next due date of the set subscription
pub nextduedate: Option<String>,
/// URL to the web shop
pub url: Option<String>,
async fn register_subscription(
key: &str,
server_id: &str,
checktime: i64
) -> Result<(String, String), Error> {
// WHCMS sample code feeds the key into this, but it's just a challenge, so keep it simple
let rand = proxmox::tools::bin_to_hex(&proxmox::sys::linux::random_data(16)?);
let challenge = format!("{}{}", checktime, rand);
let params = json!({
"licensekey": key,
"dir": server_id,
"domain": "",
"ip": "localhost",
"check_token": challenge,
let proxy_config = if let Ok((node_config, _digest)) = node::config() {
} else {
let mut client = pbs_simple_http(proxy_config);
let uri = "";
let query = tools::json_object_to_query(params)?;
let response =, Some(query), Some("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")).await?;
let body = SimpleHttp::response_body_string(response).await?;
Ok((body, challenge))
fn parse_status(value: &str) -> SubscriptionStatus {
match value.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"active" => SubscriptionStatus::ACTIVE,
"new" => SubscriptionStatus::NEW,
"notfound" => SubscriptionStatus::NOTFOUND,
"invalid" => SubscriptionStatus::INVALID,
_ => SubscriptionStatus::INVALID,
fn parse_register_response(
body: &str,
key: String,
server_id: String,
checktime: i64,
challenge: &str,
) -> Result<SubscriptionInfo, Error> {
lazy_static! {
static ref ATTR_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"<([^>]+)>([^<]+)</[^>]+>").unwrap();
let mut info = SubscriptionInfo {
key: Some(key),
status: SubscriptionStatus::NOTFOUND,
checktime: Some(checktime),
url: Some("".into()),
let mut md5hash = String::new();
let is_server_id = |id: &&str| *id == server_id;
for caps in ATTR_RE.captures_iter(body) {
let (key, value) = (&caps[1], &caps[2]);
match key {
"status" => info.status = parse_status(value),
"productname" => info.productname = Some(value.into()),
"regdate" => info.regdate = Some(value.into()),
"nextduedate" => info.nextduedate = Some(value.into()),
"message" if value == "Directory Invalid" =>
info.message = Some("Invalid Server ID".into()),
"message" => info.message = Some(value.into()),
"validdirectory" => {
if value.split(',').find(is_server_id) == None {
bail!("Server ID does not match");
info.serverid = Some(server_id.to_owned());
"md5hash" => md5hash = value.to_owned(),
_ => (),
if let SubscriptionStatus::ACTIVE = info.status {
let response_raw = format!("{}{}", SHARED_KEY_DATA, challenge);
let expected = proxmox::tools::bin_to_hex(&tools::md5sum(response_raw.as_bytes())?);
if expected != md5hash {
bail!("Subscription API challenge failed, expected {} != got {}", expected, md5hash);
fn test_parse_register_response() -> Result<(), Error> {
let response = r#"
<productname>Proxmox Backup Server Test Subscription -1 year</productname>
<regdate>2020-09-19 00:00:00</regdate>
<customfields>Notes=Test Key!</customfields>
let key = "pbst-123456789a".to_string();
let server_id = "830000000123456789ABCDEF00000042".to_string();
let checktime = 1600000000;
let salt = "cf44486bddb6ad0145732642c45b2957";
let info = parse_register_response(response, key.to_owned(), server_id.to_owned(), checktime, salt)?;
assert_eq!(info, SubscriptionInfo {
key: Some(key),
serverid: Some(server_id),
status: SubscriptionStatus::ACTIVE,
checktime: Some(checktime),
url: Some("".into()),
message: None,
nextduedate: Some("2021-09-19".into()),
regdate: Some("2020-09-19 00:00:00".into()),
productname: Some("Proxmox Backup Server Test Subscription -1 year".into()),
/// queries the up to date subscription status and parses the response
pub fn check_subscription(key: String, server_id: String) -> Result<SubscriptionInfo, Error> {
let now = proxmox::tools::time::epoch_i64();
let (response, challenge) = pbs_runtime::block_on(register_subscription(&key, &server_id, now))
.map_err(|err| format_err!("Error checking subscription: {}", err))?;
parse_register_response(&response, key, server_id, now, &challenge)
.map_err(|err| format_err!("Error parsing subscription check response: {}", err))
/// reads in subscription information and does a basic integrity verification
pub fn read_subscription() -> Result<Option<SubscriptionInfo>, Error> {
let cfg = proxmox::tools::fs::file_read_optional_string(&SUBSCRIPTION_FN)?;
let cfg = if let Some(cfg) = cfg { cfg } else { return Ok(None); };
let mut cfg = cfg.lines();
// first line is key in plain
let _key = if let Some(key) = { key } else { return Ok(None) };
// second line is checksum of encoded data
let checksum = if let Some(csum) = { csum } else { return Ok(None) };
let encoded: String = cfg.collect::<String>();
let decoded = base64::decode(encoded.to_owned())?;
let decoded = std::str::from_utf8(&decoded)?;
let info: SubscriptionInfo = serde_json::from_str(decoded)?;
let new_checksum = format!("{}{}{}", info.checktime.unwrap_or(0), encoded, SHARED_KEY_DATA);
let new_checksum = base64::encode(tools::md5sum(new_checksum.as_bytes())?);
if checksum != new_checksum {
return Ok(Some( SubscriptionInfo {
status: SubscriptionStatus::INVALID,
message: Some("checksum mismatch".to_string()),
let age = proxmox::tools::time::epoch_i64() - info.checktime.unwrap_or(0);
if age < -5400 { // allow some delta for DST changes or time syncs, 1.5h
return Ok(Some( SubscriptionInfo {
status: SubscriptionStatus::INVALID,
message: Some("last check date too far in the future".to_string()),
if let SubscriptionStatus::ACTIVE = info.status {
return Ok(Some( SubscriptionInfo {
status: SubscriptionStatus::INVALID,
message: Some("subscription information too old".to_string()),
/// writes out subscription status
pub fn write_subscription(info: SubscriptionInfo) -> Result<(), Error> {
let key = info.key.to_owned();
let server_id = info.serverid.to_owned();
let raw = if info.key == None || info.checktime == None {
} else if let SubscriptionStatus::NEW = info.status {
format!("{}\n", info.key.unwrap())
} else {
let encoded = base64::encode(serde_json::to_string(&info)?);
let csum = format!("{}{}{}", info.checktime.unwrap_or(0), encoded, SHARED_KEY_DATA);
let csum = base64::encode(tools::md5sum(csum.as_bytes())?);
format!("{}\n{}\n{}\n", info.key.unwrap(), csum, encoded)
let backup_user = crate::backup::backup_user()?;
let mode = nix::sys::stat::Mode::from_bits_truncate(0o0640);
let file_opts = CreateOptions::new()
let subscription_file = std::path::Path::new(SUBSCRIPTION_FN);
replace_file(subscription_file, raw.as_bytes(), file_opts)?;
update_apt_auth(key, server_id)?;
/// deletes subscription from server
pub fn delete_subscription() -> Result<(), Error> {
let subscription_file = std::path::Path::new(SUBSCRIPTION_FN);
update_apt_auth(None, None)?;
/// updates apt authentication for repo access
pub fn update_apt_auth(key: Option<String>, password: Option<String>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let auth_conf = std::path::Path::new(APT_AUTH_FN);
match (key, password) {
(Some(key), Some(password)) => {
let conf = format!(
"machine\n login {}\n password {}\n",
let mode = nix::sys::stat::Mode::from_bits_truncate(0o0640);
let file_opts = CreateOptions::new()
// we use a namespaced .conf file, so just overwrite..
replace_file(auth_conf, conf.as_bytes(), file_opts)
.map_err(|e| format_err!("Error saving apt auth config - {}", e))?;
_ => match nix::unistd::unlink(auth_conf) {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(nix::Error::Sys(nix::errno::Errno::ENOENT)) => Ok(()), // ignore not existing
Err(err) => Err(err),
}.map_err(|e| format_err!("Error clearing apt auth config - {}", e))?,