Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Bumiller <w.bumiller@proxmox.com>
728 lines
23 KiB
728 lines
23 KiB
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
use futures::*;
use hyper::header::{HeaderValue, UPGRADE};
use hyper::http::request::Parts;
use hyper::{Body, Response, StatusCode};
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use proxmox::{sortable, identity, list_subdirs_api_method};
use proxmox::api::{ApiResponseFuture, ApiHandler, ApiMethod, Router, RpcEnvironment, Permission};
use proxmox::api::router::SubdirMap;
use proxmox::api::schema::*;
use crate::tools::{self, WrappedReaderStream};
use crate::server::{WorkerTask, H2Service};
use crate::backup::*;
use crate::api2::types::*;
use crate::config::acl::PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP;
use crate::config::cached_user_info::CachedUserInfo;
mod environment;
use environment::*;
mod upload_chunk;
use upload_chunk::*;
pub const ROUTER: Router = Router::new()
pub const API_METHOD_UPGRADE_BACKUP: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new(
concat!("Upgraded to backup protocol ('", PROXMOX_BACKUP_PROTOCOL_ID_V1!(), "')."),
("store", false, &DATASTORE_SCHEMA),
("backup-type", false, &BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA),
("backup-id", false, &BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA),
("backup-time", false, &BACKUP_TIME_SCHEMA),
("debug", true, &BooleanSchema::new("Enable verbose debug logging.").schema()),
// Note: parameter 'store' is no uri parameter, so we need to test inside function body
Some("The user needs Datastore.Backup privilege on /datastore/{store} and needs to own the backup group."),
fn upgrade_to_backup_protocol(
parts: Parts,
req_body: Body,
param: Value,
_info: &ApiMethod,
rpcenv: Box<dyn RpcEnvironment>,
) -> ApiResponseFuture {
async move {
let debug = param["debug"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false);
let username = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap();
let store = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "store")?.to_owned();
let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?;
user_info.check_privs(&username, &["datastore", &store], PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, false)?;
let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?;
let backup_type = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "backup-type")?;
let backup_id = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "backup-id")?;
let backup_time = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "backup-time")?;
let protocols = parts
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("missing Upgrade header"))?
if protocols != PROXMOX_BACKUP_PROTOCOL_ID_V1!() {
bail!("invalid protocol name");
if parts.version >= http::version::Version::HTTP_2 {
bail!("unexpected http version '{:?}' (expected version < 2)", parts.version);
let worker_id = format!("{}_{}_{}", store, backup_type, backup_id);
let env_type = rpcenv.env_type();
let backup_group = BackupGroup::new(backup_type, backup_id);
let owner = datastore.create_backup_group(&backup_group, &username)?;
// permission check
if owner != username { // only the owner is allowed to create additional snapshots
bail!("backup owner check failed ({} != {})", username, owner);
let last_backup = BackupInfo::last_backup(&datastore.base_path(), &backup_group).unwrap_or(None);
let backup_dir = BackupDir::new_with_group(backup_group, backup_time);
if let Some(last) = &last_backup {
if backup_dir.backup_time() <= last.backup_dir.backup_time() {
bail!("backup timestamp is older than last backup.");
// fixme: abort if last backup is still running - howto test?
// Idea: write upid into a file inside snapshot dir. then test if
// it is still running here.
let (path, is_new) = datastore.create_backup_dir(&backup_dir)?;
if !is_new { bail!("backup directory already exists."); }
WorkerTask::spawn("backup", Some(worker_id), &username.clone(), true, move |worker| {
let mut env = BackupEnvironment::new(
env_type, username.clone(), worker.clone(), datastore, backup_dir);
env.debug = debug;
env.last_backup = last_backup;
env.log(format!("starting new backup on datastore '{}': {:?}", store, path));
let service = H2Service::new(env.clone(), worker.clone(), &BACKUP_API_ROUTER, debug);
let abort_future = worker.abort_future();
let env2 = env.clone();
let mut req_fut = req_body
.and_then(move |conn| {
env2.debug("protocol upgrade done");
let mut http = hyper::server::conn::Http::new();
// increase window size: todo - find optiomal size
let window_size = 32*1024*1024; // max = (1 << 31) - 2
http.serve_connection(conn, service)
let mut abort_future = abort_future
.map(|_| Err(format_err!("task aborted")));
async move {
let res = select!{
req = req_fut => req,
abrt = abort_future => abrt,
match (res, env.ensure_finished()) {
(Ok(_), Ok(())) => {
env.log("backup finished successfully");
(Err(err), Ok(())) => {
// ignore errors after finish
env.log(format!("backup had errors but finished: {}", err));
(Ok(_), Err(err)) => {
env.log(format!("backup ended and finish failed: {}", err));
env.log("removing unfinished backup");
(Err(err), Err(_)) => {
env.log(format!("backup failed: {}", err));
env.log("removing failed backup");
let response = Response::builder()
.header(UPGRADE, HeaderValue::from_static(PROXMOX_BACKUP_PROTOCOL_ID_V1!()))
pub const BACKUP_API_SUBDIRS: SubdirMap = &[
"blob", &Router::new()
"dynamic_chunk", &Router::new()
"dynamic_close", &Router::new()
"dynamic_index", &Router::new()
"finish", &Router::new()
&ObjectSchema::new("Mark backup as finished.", &[])
"fixed_chunk", &Router::new()
"fixed_close", &Router::new()
"fixed_index", &Router::new()
"speedtest", &Router::new()
pub const BACKUP_API_ROUTER: Router = Router::new()
pub const API_METHOD_CREATE_DYNAMIC_INDEX: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new(
"Create dynamic chunk index file.",
("archive-name", false, &crate::api2::types::BACKUP_ARCHIVE_NAME_SCHEMA),
fn create_dynamic_index(
param: Value,
_info: &ApiMethod,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let env: &BackupEnvironment = rpcenv.as_ref();
let name = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "archive-name")?.to_owned();
let archive_name = name.clone();
if !archive_name.ends_with(".didx") {
bail!("wrong archive extension: '{}'", archive_name);
let mut path = env.backup_dir.relative_path();
let index = env.datastore.create_dynamic_writer(&path)?;
let wid = env.register_dynamic_writer(index, name)?;
env.log(format!("created new dynamic index {} ({:?})", wid, path));
pub const API_METHOD_CREATE_FIXED_INDEX: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new(
"Create fixed chunk index file.",
("archive-name", false, &crate::api2::types::BACKUP_ARCHIVE_NAME_SCHEMA),
("size", false, &IntegerSchema::new("File size.")
fn create_fixed_index(
param: Value,
_info: &ApiMethod,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let env: &BackupEnvironment = rpcenv.as_ref();
println!("PARAM: {:?}", param);
let name = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "archive-name")?.to_owned();
let size = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "size")? as usize;
let archive_name = name.clone();
if !archive_name.ends_with(".fidx") {
bail!("wrong archive extension: '{}'", archive_name);
let mut path = env.backup_dir.relative_path();
let chunk_size = 4096*1024; // todo: ??
let index = env.datastore.create_fixed_writer(&path, size, chunk_size)?;
let wid = env.register_fixed_writer(index, name, size, chunk_size as u32)?;
env.log(format!("created new fixed index {} ({:?})", wid, path));
pub const API_METHOD_DYNAMIC_APPEND: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new(
"Append chunk to dynamic index writer.",
&IntegerSchema::new("Dynamic writer ID.")
&ArraySchema::new("Chunk digest list.", &CHUNK_DIGEST_SCHEMA).schema()
"Chunk offset list.",
&IntegerSchema::new("Corresponding chunk offsets.")
fn dynamic_append (
param: Value,
_info: &ApiMethod,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let wid = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "wid")? as usize;
let digest_list = tools::required_array_param(¶m, "digest-list")?;
let offset_list = tools::required_array_param(¶m, "offset-list")?;
if offset_list.len() != digest_list.len() {
bail!("offset list has wrong length ({} != {})", offset_list.len(), digest_list.len());
let env: &BackupEnvironment = rpcenv.as_ref();
env.debug(format!("dynamic_append {} chunks", digest_list.len()));
for (i, item) in digest_list.iter().enumerate() {
let digest_str = item.as_str().unwrap();
let digest = proxmox::tools::hex_to_digest(digest_str)?;
let offset = offset_list[i].as_u64().unwrap();
let size = env.lookup_chunk(&digest).ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no such chunk {}", digest_str))?;
env.dynamic_writer_append_chunk(wid, offset, size, &digest)?;
env.debug(format!("successfully added chunk {} to dynamic index {} (offset {}, size {})", digest_str, wid, offset, size));
pub const API_METHOD_FIXED_APPEND: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new(
"Append chunk to fixed index writer.",
&IntegerSchema::new("Fixed writer ID.")
&ArraySchema::new("Chunk digest list.", &CHUNK_DIGEST_SCHEMA).schema()
"Chunk offset list.",
&IntegerSchema::new("Corresponding chunk offsets.")
fn fixed_append (
param: Value,
_info: &ApiMethod,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let wid = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "wid")? as usize;
let digest_list = tools::required_array_param(¶m, "digest-list")?;
let offset_list = tools::required_array_param(¶m, "offset-list")?;
if offset_list.len() != digest_list.len() {
bail!("offset list has wrong length ({} != {})", offset_list.len(), digest_list.len());
let env: &BackupEnvironment = rpcenv.as_ref();
env.debug(format!("fixed_append {} chunks", digest_list.len()));
for (i, item) in digest_list.iter().enumerate() {
let digest_str = item.as_str().unwrap();
let digest = proxmox::tools::hex_to_digest(digest_str)?;
let offset = offset_list[i].as_u64().unwrap();
let size = env.lookup_chunk(&digest).ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no such chunk {}", digest_str))?;
env.fixed_writer_append_chunk(wid, offset, size, &digest)?;
env.debug(format!("successfully added chunk {} to fixed index {} (offset {}, size {})", digest_str, wid, offset, size));
pub const API_METHOD_CLOSE_DYNAMIC_INDEX: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new(
"Close dynamic index writer.",
&IntegerSchema::new("Dynamic writer ID.")
&IntegerSchema::new("Chunk count. This is used to verify that the server got all chunks.")
&IntegerSchema::new("File size. This is used to verify that the server got all data.")
("csum", false, &StringSchema::new("Digest list checksum.").schema()),
fn close_dynamic_index (
param: Value,
_info: &ApiMethod,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let wid = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "wid")? as usize;
let chunk_count = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "chunk-count")? as u64;
let size = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "size")? as u64;
let csum_str = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "csum")?;
let csum = proxmox::tools::hex_to_digest(csum_str)?;
let env: &BackupEnvironment = rpcenv.as_ref();
env.dynamic_writer_close(wid, chunk_count, size, csum)?;
env.log(format!("successfully closed dynamic index {}", wid));
pub const API_METHOD_CLOSE_FIXED_INDEX: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new(
"Close fixed index writer.",
&IntegerSchema::new("Fixed writer ID.")
&IntegerSchema::new("Chunk count. This is used to verify that the server got all chunks.")
&IntegerSchema::new("File size. This is used to verify that the server got all data.")
("csum", false, &StringSchema::new("Digest list checksum.").schema()),
fn close_fixed_index (
param: Value,
_info: &ApiMethod,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let wid = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "wid")? as usize;
let chunk_count = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "chunk-count")? as u64;
let size = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "size")? as u64;
let csum_str = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "csum")?;
let csum = proxmox::tools::hex_to_digest(csum_str)?;
let env: &BackupEnvironment = rpcenv.as_ref();
env.fixed_writer_close(wid, chunk_count, size, csum)?;
env.log(format!("successfully closed fixed index {}", wid));
fn finish_backup (
_param: Value,
_info: &ApiMethod,
rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let env: &BackupEnvironment = rpcenv.as_ref();
env.log("successfully finished backup");
pub const API_METHOD_DYNAMIC_CHUNK_INDEX: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new(
Download the dynamic chunk index from the previous backup.
Simply returns an empty list if this is the first backup.
"### ,
("archive-name", false, &crate::api2::types::BACKUP_ARCHIVE_NAME_SCHEMA)
fn dynamic_chunk_index(
_parts: Parts,
_req_body: Body,
param: Value,
_info: &ApiMethod,
rpcenv: Box<dyn RpcEnvironment>,
) -> ApiResponseFuture {
async move {
let env: &BackupEnvironment = rpcenv.as_ref();
let archive_name = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "archive-name")?.to_owned();
if !archive_name.ends_with(".didx") {
bail!("wrong archive extension: '{}'", archive_name);
let empty_response = {
let last_backup = match &env.last_backup {
Some(info) => info,
None => return Ok(empty_response),
let mut path = last_backup.backup_dir.relative_path();
let index = match env.datastore.open_dynamic_reader(path) {
Ok(index) => index,
Err(_) => {
env.log(format!("there is no last backup for archive '{}'", archive_name));
return Ok(empty_response);
env.log(format!("download last backup index for archive '{}'", archive_name));
let count = index.index_count();
for pos in 0..count {
let info = index.chunk_info(pos)?;
let size = info.size() as u32;
env.register_chunk(info.digest, size)?;
let reader = DigestListEncoder::new(Box::new(index));
let stream = WrappedReaderStream::new(reader);
// fixme: set size, content type?
let response = http::Response::builder()
pub const API_METHOD_FIXED_CHUNK_INDEX: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new(
Download the fixed chunk index from the previous backup.
Simply returns an empty list if this is the first backup.
"### ,
("archive-name", false, &crate::api2::types::BACKUP_ARCHIVE_NAME_SCHEMA)
fn fixed_chunk_index(
_parts: Parts,
_req_body: Body,
param: Value,
_info: &ApiMethod,
rpcenv: Box<dyn RpcEnvironment>,
) -> ApiResponseFuture {
async move {
let env: &BackupEnvironment = rpcenv.as_ref();
let archive_name = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "archive-name")?.to_owned();
if !archive_name.ends_with(".fidx") {
bail!("wrong archive extension: '{}'", archive_name);
let empty_response = {
let last_backup = match &env.last_backup {
Some(info) => info,
None => return Ok(empty_response),
let mut path = last_backup.backup_dir.relative_path();
let index = match env.datastore.open_fixed_reader(path) {
Ok(index) => index,
Err(_) => {
env.log(format!("there is no last backup for archive '{}'", archive_name));
return Ok(empty_response);
env.log(format!("download last backup index for archive '{}'", archive_name));
let count = index.index_count();
let image_size = index.index_bytes();
for pos in 0..count {
let digest = index.index_digest(pos).unwrap();
// Note: last chunk can be smaller
let start = (pos*index.chunk_size) as u64;
let mut end = start + index.chunk_size as u64;
if end > image_size { end = image_size; }
let size = (end - start) as u32;
env.register_chunk(*digest, size)?;
let reader = DigestListEncoder::new(Box::new(index));
let stream = WrappedReaderStream::new(reader);
// fixme: set size, content type?
let response = http::Response::builder()