since the api call always starts a real worker, we cannot have a preview. It would also be very hard to show that for all groups in a non-confusing way. We reuse the pbsPruneInputPanel and add the dry-run field there conditionally. Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
188 lines
3.6 KiB
188 lines
3.6 KiB
Ext.define('PBS.panel.PruneInputPanel', {
extend: 'Proxmox.panel.InputPanel',
xtype: 'pbsPruneInputPanel',
mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
onlineHelp: 'maintenance_pruning',
// show/hide dry-run field
dryrun: false,
cbindData: function() {
let me = this;
me.isCreate = !!me.isCreate;
return {};
column1: [
xtype: 'pbsPruneKeepInput',
name: 'keep-last',
fieldLabel: gettext('Keep Last'),
cbind: {
deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
xtype: 'pbsPruneKeepInput',
name: 'keep-daily',
fieldLabel: gettext('Keep Daily'),
cbind: {
deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
xtype: 'pbsPruneKeepInput',
name: 'keep-monthly',
fieldLabel: gettext('Keep Monthly'),
cbind: {
deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
column2: [
xtype: 'pbsPruneKeepInput',
fieldLabel: gettext('Keep Hourly'),
name: 'keep-hourly',
cbind: {
deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
xtype: 'pbsPruneKeepInput',
name: 'keep-weekly',
fieldLabel: gettext('Keep Weekly'),
cbind: {
deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
xtype: 'pbsPruneKeepInput',
name: 'keep-yearly',
fieldLabel: gettext('Keep Yearly'),
cbind: {
deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
columnB: [
xtype: 'proxmoxcheckbox',
name: 'dry-run',
fieldLabel: gettext('Dry Run'),
cbind: {
hidden: '{!dryrun}',
disabled: '{!dryrun}',
Ext.define('PBS.DataStoreEdit', {
extend: 'Proxmox.window.Edit',
alias: 'widget.pbsDataStoreEdit',
mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
subject: gettext('Datastore'),
isAdd: true,
bodyPadding: 0,
showProgress: true,
cbindData: function(initialConfig) {
var me = this;
let name =;
let baseurl = '/api2/extjs/config/datastore';
me.isCreate = !name;
if (!me.isCreate) {
me.defaultFocus = 'textfield[name=comment]';
me.url = name ? baseurl + '/' + name : baseurl;
me.method = name ? 'PUT' : 'POST';
me.scheduleValue = name ? null : 'daily';
me.autoLoad = !!name;
return {};
items: {
xtype: 'tabpanel',
bodyPadding: 10,
listeners: {
tabchange: function(tb, newCard) {
Ext.GlobalEvents.fireEvent('proxmoxShowHelp', newCard.onlineHelp);
items: [
title: gettext('General'),
xtype: 'inputpanel',
onlineHelp: 'datastore_intro',
column1: [
xtype: 'pmxDisplayEditField',
cbind: {
editable: '{isCreate}',
name: 'name',
allowBlank: false,
fieldLabel: gettext('Name'),
xtype: 'pmxDisplayEditField',
cbind: {
editable: '{isCreate}',
name: 'path',
allowBlank: false,
fieldLabel: gettext('Backing Path'),
emptyText: gettext('An absolute path'),
column2: [
xtype: 'pbsCalendarEvent',
name: 'gc-schedule',
fieldLabel: gettext("GC Schedule"),
emptyText: gettext('none'),
cbind: {
deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
value: '{scheduleValue}',
xtype: 'pbsCalendarEvent',
name: 'prune-schedule',
fieldLabel: gettext("Prune Schedule"),
value: 'daily',
emptyText: gettext('none'),
cbind: {
deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
value: '{scheduleValue}',
columnB: [
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'comment',
fieldLabel: gettext('Comment'),
title: gettext('Prune Options'),
xtype: 'pbsPruneInputPanel',
cbind: {
isCreate: '{isCreate}',
onlineHelp: 'backup_pruning',