
177 lines
6.0 KiB

use failure::*;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use crate::tools::read::ReadUtilOps;
use crate::tools::write::WriteUtilOps;
use super::*;
/// Data blob binary storage format
/// Data blobs store arbitrary binary data (< 16MB), and can be
/// compressed and encrypted. A simply binary format is used to store
/// them on disk or transfer them over the network. Please use index
/// files to store large data files (".fidx" of ".didx").
/// The format start with a 8 byte magic number to identify the type,
/// followed by a 4 byte CRC. This CRC is used on the server side to
/// detect file corruption (computed when upload data), so there is
/// usually no need to compute it on the client side.
/// Encrypted blobs contain a 16 byte IV, followed by a 16 byte AD
/// tag, followed by the encrypted data:
/// (MAGIC || CRC32 || IV || TAG || EncryptedData).
/// Unencrypted blobs simply contain the CRC, followed by the
/// (compressed) data.
/// (MAGIC || CRC32 || Data)
/// This is basically the same format we use for ``DataChunk``, but
/// with other magic numbers so that we can distinguish them.
pub struct DataBlob {
raw_data: Vec<u8>, // tagged, compressed, encryped data
impl DataBlob {
/// accessor to raw_data field
pub fn raw_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// accessor to chunk type (magic number)
pub fn magic(&self) -> &[u8; 8] {
/// accessor to crc32 checksum
pub fn crc(&self) -> u32 {
let crc_o = proxmox::tools::offsetof!(DataBlobHeader, crc);
// set the CRC checksum field
pub fn set_crc(&mut self, crc: u32) {
let crc_o = proxmox::tools::offsetof!(DataBlobHeader, crc);
/// compute the CRC32 checksum
pub fn compute_crc(&mut self) -> u32 {
let mut hasher = crc32fast::Hasher::new();
let start = std::mem::size_of::<DataBlobHeader>(); // start after HEAD
pub fn encode(
data: &[u8],
config: Option<&CryptConfig>,
compress: bool,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
if data.len() > 16*1024*1024 {
bail!("data blob too large ({} bytes).", data.len());
if let Some(config) = config {
let compr_data;
let (_compress, data, magic) = if compress {
compr_data = zstd::block::compress(data, 1)?;
// Note: We only use compression if result is shorter
if compr_data.len() < data.len() {
(true, &compr_data[..], ENCR_COMPR_BLOB_MAGIC_1_0)
} else {
(false, data, ENCRYPTED_BLOB_MAGIC_1_0)
} else {
(false, data, ENCRYPTED_BLOB_MAGIC_1_0)
let header_len = std::mem::size_of::<EncryptedDataBlobHeader>();
let mut raw_data = Vec::with_capacity(data.len() + header_len);
let dummy_head = EncryptedDataBlobHeader {
head: DataBlobHeader { magic: [0u8; 8], crc: [0; 4] },
iv: [0u8; 16],
tag: [0u8; 16],
let (iv, tag) = config.encrypt_to(data, &mut raw_data)?;
let head = EncryptedDataBlobHeader {
head: DataBlobHeader { magic, crc: [0; 4] }, iv, tag,
(&mut raw_data[0..header_len]).write_value(&head)?;
return Ok(DataBlob { raw_data });
} else {
let max_data_len = data.len() + std::mem::size_of::<DataBlobHeader>();
if compress {
let mut comp_data = Vec::with_capacity(max_data_len);
let head = DataBlobHeader {
crc: [0; 4],
zstd::stream::copy_encode(data, &mut comp_data, 1)?;
if comp_data.len() < max_data_len {
return Ok(DataBlob { raw_data: comp_data });
let mut raw_data = Vec::with_capacity(max_data_len);
let head = DataBlobHeader {
crc: [0; 4],
return Ok(DataBlob { raw_data });
/// Decode blob data
pub fn decode(self, config: Option<&CryptConfig>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let magic = self.magic();
if magic == &UNCOMPRESSED_BLOB_MAGIC_1_0 {
let data_start = std::mem::size_of::<DataBlobHeader>();
return Ok(self.raw_data[data_start..].to_vec());
} else if magic == &COMPRESSED_BLOB_MAGIC_1_0 {
let data_start = std::mem::size_of::<DataBlobHeader>();
let data = zstd::block::decompress(&self.raw_data[data_start..], 16*1024*1024)?;
return Ok(data);
} else if magic == &ENCR_COMPR_BLOB_MAGIC_1_0 || magic == &ENCRYPTED_BLOB_MAGIC_1_0 {
let header_len = std::mem::size_of::<EncryptedDataBlobHeader>();
let head = (&self.raw_data[..header_len]).read_value::<EncryptedDataBlobHeader>()?;
if let Some(config) = config {
let data = if magic == &ENCR_COMPR_BLOB_MAGIC_1_0 {
config.decode_compressed_chunk(&self.raw_data[header_len..], &head.iv, &head.tag)?
} else {
config.decode_uncompressed_chunk(&self.raw_data[header_len..], &head.iv, &head.tag)?
return Ok(data);
} else {
bail!("unable to decrypt blob - missing CryptConfig");
} else {
bail!("Invalid blob magic number.");