Thomas Lamprecht 9ce2f903fb ui: rework prune job view/edit
Fix missing load on initial view, re-use the prune input panel for
editing and avoid using a tab panel for a single tab, rework also
some columns widths and various other small parts-

Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <>
2022-05-30 13:58:43 +02:00

151 lines
3.0 KiB

Ext.define('PBS.window.PruneJobEdit', {
extend: 'Proxmox.window.Edit',
alias: 'widget.pbsPruneJobEdit',
mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
userid: undefined,
onlineHelp: 'prunejobs',
isAdd: true,
subject: gettext('Prune Job'),
defaultFocus: 'proxmoxtextfield[name=comment]',
cbindData: function(initialConfig) {
let me = this;
let baseurl = '/api2/extjs/config/prune';
let id =;
me.isCreate = !id;
me.url = id ? `${baseurl}/${id}` : baseurl;
me.method = id ? 'PUT' : 'POST';
me.autoLoad = !!id;
me.scheduleValue = id ? null : 'hourly';
me.editDatastore = me.datastore === undefined && me.isCreate;
return { };
controller: {
xclass: '',
control: {
'pbsDataStoreSelector[name=store]': {
change: 'storeChange',
storeChange: function(field, value) {
let view = this.getView();
let nsSelector = view.down('pbsNamespaceSelector[name=ns]');
items: {
xtype: 'inputpanel',
onGetValues: function(values) {
let me = this;
if (! && me.up('pbsPruneJobEdit').isCreate) { = 's-' +, 13);
if (!me.isCreate) {
if (typeof values.delete === 'string') {
values.delete = values.delete.split(',');
return values;
column1: [
xtype: 'pmxDisplayEditField',
fieldLabel: gettext('Datastore'),
name: 'store',
submitValue: true,
cbind: {
editable: '{editDatastore}',
value: '{datastore}',
editConfig: {
xtype: 'pbsDataStoreSelector',
allowBlank: false,
xtype: 'pbsNamespaceSelector',
fieldLabel: gettext('Namespace'),
name: 'ns',
cbind: {
datastore: '{datastore}',
listeners: {
change: function(field, localNs) {
let me = this;
let view = me.up('pbsPruneJobEdit');
let maxDepthField = view.down('field[name=max-depth]');
xtype: 'pbsNamespaceMaxDepthReduced',
name: 'max-depth',
fieldLabel: gettext('Max. Depth'),
deleteEmpty: true,
column2: [
fieldLabel: gettext('Prune Schedule'),
xtype: 'pbsCalendarEvent',
name: 'schedule',
emptyText: gettext('none (disabled)'),
cbind: {
deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
value: '{scheduleValue}',
xtype: 'proxmoxcheckbox',
fieldLabel: gettext('Enabled'),
name: 'enable',
uncheckedValue: 0,
defaultValue: 1,
checked: true,
columnB: [
xtype: 'pbsPruneInputPanel',
fieldLabel: gettext('Comment'),
xtype: 'proxmoxtextfield',
name: 'comment',
cbind: {
deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
advancedColumn1: [
xtype: 'pmxDisplayEditField',
fieldLabel: gettext('Job ID'),
emptyText: gettext('Autogenerate'),
name: 'id',
allowBlank: true,
regex: PBS.Utils.SAFE_ID_RE,
cbind: {
editable: '{isCreate}',