When using *blocking* I/O wait_for_* functions need to be able to not read past their awaited packet. Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Bumiller <w.bumiller@proxmox.com>
467 lines
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467 lines
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use std::collections::hash_map::{self, HashMap};
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::{mem, ptr};
use failure::*;
use endian_trait::Endian;
use crate::common;
use crate::protocol::*;
use crate::ChunkEntry;
use crate::FixedChunk;
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
pub trait ChunkList: Send {
fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Option<&[u8; 32]>>;
/// This provides callbacks used by a `Connection` when it receives a packet.
pub trait HandleClient {
/// The protocol handler will call this when the client produces an irrecoverable error.
fn error(&self);
/// The client wants the list of hashes, the provider should provide an iterator over chunk
/// entries.
fn get_chunk_list(&self, backup_name: &str) -> Result<Box<dyn ChunkList>>;
/// The client has uploaded a chunk, we should add it to the chunk store. Return whether the
/// chunk was new.
fn upload_chunk(&self, chunk: &ChunkEntry, data: &[u8]) -> Result<bool>;
/// The client wants to create a backup. Since multiple backup streams can happen in parallel,
/// this should return a handler used to create the individual streams.
/// The handler will be informed about success via the ``finish()`` method.
fn create_backup(
backup_type: &str,
id: &str,
timestamp: i64,
new: bool,
) -> Result<Box<dyn HandleBackup + Send>>;
/// A single backup may contain multiple files. Currently we represent this via a hierarchy where
/// the `HandleBackup` trait is instantiated for each backup, which is responsible for
/// instantiating the `BackupFile` trait objects.
pub trait HandleBackup {
/// All individual streams for this backup have been successfully finished.
fn finish(&mut self) -> Result<()>;
/// Create a specific file in this backup.
fn create_file(
name: &str,
fixed_size: Option<u64>,
chunk_size: usize,
) -> Result<Box<dyn BackupFile + Send>>;
/// This handles backup files created by calling `create_file` on a `Backup`.
pub trait BackupFile {
/// Backup use the server-local timestamp formatting, so we want to be able to tell the client
/// the real remote path:
fn relative_path(&self) -> &str;
/// The client wants to add a chunk to a fixed index file at a certain position.
fn add_fixed_data(&mut self, index: u64, chunk: &FixedChunk) -> Result<()>;
/// The client wants to add a chunks to a dynamic index file.
fn add_dynamic_data(&mut self, chunk: &DynamicChunk) -> Result<()>;
/// This notifies the handler that the backup has finished successfully. This should commit the
/// data to the store for good. After this the client will receive an "ok".
/// If the Drop handler gets called before this method, the backup was aborted due to an error
/// or the client disconnected unexpectedly, in which case cleanup of temporary files should be
/// performed.
fn finish(&mut self) -> Result<()>;
#[derive(Clone, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
struct BackupId(backup_type::Type, String, i64);
/// Associates a socket with the server side of the backup protocol.
/// The communcation channel should be `Read + Write` and may be non-blocking (provided it
/// correctly returns `io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock`).
/// The handler has to implement the `HandleClient` trait to provide callbacks used while
/// communicating with the client.
pub struct Connection<S, H>
S: Read + Write,
H: HandleClient,
handler: H,
common: common::Connection<S>,
// states:
// If this is set we are currently transferring our hash list to the client:
hash_list: Option<(
u8, // data stream ID
Box<dyn ChunkList>,
// currently active 'backups' (handlers for a specific BackupDir)
backups: HashMap<BackupId, Box<dyn HandleBackup + Send>>,
// currently active backup *file* streams
backup_files: HashMap<u8, Box<dyn BackupFile + Send>>,
impl<S, H> Connection<S, H>
S: Read + Write,
H: HandleClient,
pub fn new(socket: S, handler: H) -> Result<Self> {
let mut me = Self {
common: common::Connection::new(socket),
hash_list: None,
backups: HashMap::new(),
backup_files: HashMap::new(),
fn send_hello(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let mut packet = Packet::builder(0, PacketType::Hello);
packet.write_data(server::Hello {
magic: server::HELLO_MAGIC,
version: server::PROTOCOL_VERSION,
pub fn eof(&self) -> bool {
/// It is safe to clear the error after an `io::ErrorKind::Interrupted`.
pub fn clear_err(&mut self) {
pub fn main(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
// If this returns an error it is considered fatal and the connection should be dropped!
fn poll_read(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
if self.common.eof {
// polls after EOF are errors:
bail!("client disconnected");
if !self.common.poll_read()? {
// No data available
if self.common.eof {
bail!("client disconnected");
return Ok(());
// we received a packet, handle it:
loop {
use PacketType::*;
match self.common.current_packet_type {
GetHashList => self.hash_list_requested()?,
UploadChunk => self.receive_chunk()?,
CreateBackup => self.create_backup()?,
BackupDataDynamic => self.backup_data_dynamic()?,
BackupDataFixed => self.backup_data_fixed()?,
BackupFinished => self.backup_finished()?,
_ => bail!(
"client sent an unexpected packet of type {}",
self.common.current_packet_type as u32,
if !self.common.poll_read()? {
fn poll_send(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
if self.common.error {
eprintln!("refusing to send datato client in error state");
bail!("client is in error state");
if let Some(false) = self.common.poll_send()? {
// send queue is not finished, don't add anything else...
return Ok(());
// Queue has either finished or was empty, see if we should enqueue more data:
if self.hash_list.is_some() {
return self.send_hash_list();
fn hash_list_requested(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
// Verify protocol: GetHashList is an empty packet.
let request = self.common.read_unaligned_data::<client::GetHashList>(0)?;
.assert_size(mem::size_of_val(&request) + request.name_length as usize)?;
let name_bytes = &self.common.packet_data()[mem::size_of_val(&request)..];
let name = std::str::from_utf8(name_bytes)?;
// We support only one active hash list stream:
if self.hash_list.is_some() {
return self.respond_error(ErrorId::Busy);
self.hash_list = Some((
fn send_hash_list(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
loop {
let (stream_id, hash_iter) = self.hash_list.as_mut().unwrap();
let max_chunks_per_packet = (MAX_PACKET_SIZE as usize - mem::size_of::<Packet>())
/ mem::size_of::<FixedChunk>();
let mut packet = Packet::builder(*stream_id, PacketType::HashListPart);
packet.reserve(mem::size_of::<FixedChunk>() * max_chunks_per_packet);
let mut count = 0;
for _ in 0..max_chunks_per_packet {
let entry: &[u8; 32] = match hash_iter.next() {
Ok(Some(entry)) => entry,
Ok(None) => break,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("error sending chunk list to client: {}", e);
count += 1;
let can_send_more = self.common.queue_data(packet.finish())?;
if count == 0 {
// We just sent the EOF packet, clear our iterator state!
self.hash_list = None;
if !can_send_more {
fn respond_error(&mut self, kind: ErrorId) -> Result<()> {
self.respond_value(PacketType::Error, kind)?;
fn respond_value<T: Endian>(&mut self, pkttype: PacketType, data: T) -> Result<()> {
let mut packet = Packet::builder(self.common.current_packet.id, pkttype);
fn respond_empty(&mut self, pkttype: PacketType) -> Result<()> {
.queue_data(Packet::simple(self.common.current_packet.id, pkttype))?;
fn respond_ok(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
fn receive_chunk(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let data = self.common.packet_data();
let (hash, data) = data.split_at(mem::size_of::<FixedChunk>());
if data.len() == 0 {
bail!("received an empty chunk");
let entry = ChunkEntry::from_data(data);
if entry.hash != hash {
let cli_hash = crate::tools::digest_to_hex(hash);
let data_hash = entry.digest_to_hex();
"client claimed data with digest {} has digest {}",
let _new = self.handler.upload_chunk(&entry, data)?;
fn create_backup(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
if self
bail!("stream id already in use...");
let create_msg = self.common.read_unaligned_data::<client::CreateBackup>(0)?;
// simple data:
let flags = create_msg.flags;
let backup_type = create_msg.backup_type;
let time = create_msg.timestamp as i64;
// text comes from the payload data after the CreateBackup struct:
let data = self.common.packet_data();
let payload = &data[mem::size_of_val(&create_msg)..];
// there must be exactly the ID and the file name in the payload:
let id_len = create_msg.id_length as usize;
let name_len = create_msg.name_length as usize;
let expected_len = id_len + name_len;
if payload.len() < expected_len {
bail!("client sent incomplete CreateBackup request");
} else if payload.len() > expected_len {
bail!("client sent excess data in CreateBackup request");
// id and file name must be utf8:
let id = std::str::from_utf8(&payload[0..id_len])
.map_err(|e| format_err!("client-requested backup id is invalid: {}", e))?;
let file_name = std::str::from_utf8(&payload[id_len..])
.map_err(|e| format_err!("client-requested backup file name invalid: {}", e))?;
// Sanity check dynamic vs fixed:
let is_dynamic = (flags & backup_flags::DYNAMIC_CHUNKS) != 0;
let file_size = match (is_dynamic, create_msg.file_size) {
(false, size) => Some(size),
(true, 0) => None,
(true, _) => bail!("file size of dynamic streams must be zero"),
// search or create the handler:
let hashmap_id = BackupId(backup_type, id.to_string(), time);
let handle = match self.backups.entry(hashmap_id) {
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => entry.insert(self.handler.create_backup(
(flags & backup_flags::EXCL) != 0,
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry.into_mut(),
let file = handle.create_file(file_name, file_size, create_msg.chunk_size as usize)?;
let mut response =
Packet::builder(self.common.current_packet.id, PacketType::BackupCreated);
let path = file.relative_path();
if path.len() > 0xffff {
bail!("path too long");
.write_data(server::BackupCreated {
path_length: path.len() as _,
.insert(self.common.current_packet.id, file);
fn backup_data_dynamic(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let stream_id = self.common.current_packet.id;
let file = self
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("BackupDataDynamic for invalid stream id {}", stream_id))?;
let mut data = self.common.packet_data();
// Data consists of (offset: u64, hash: [u8; 32])
let entry_len = mem::size_of::<DynamicChunk>();
while data.len() >= entry_len {
let mut entry = unsafe { ptr::read_unaligned(data.as_ptr() as *const DynamicChunk) };
data = &data[entry_len..];
entry.offset = entry.offset.from_le();
if data.len() != 0 {
"client sent excess data ({} bytes) after dynamic chunk indices!",
fn backup_data_fixed(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let stream_id = self.common.current_packet.id;
let file = self
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("BackupDataFixed for invalid stream id {}", stream_id))?;
let mut data = self.common.packet_data();
// Data consists of (index: u64, hash: [u8; 32])
#[repr(C, packed)]
struct IndexedChunk {
index: u64,
digest: FixedChunk,
let entry_len = mem::size_of::<IndexedChunk>();
while data.len() >= entry_len {
let mut entry = unsafe { ptr::read_unaligned(data.as_ptr() as *const IndexedChunk) };
data = &data[entry_len..];
entry.index = entry.index.from_le();
file.add_fixed_data(entry.index, &entry.digest)?;
if data.len() != 0 {
"client sent excess data ({} bytes) after dynamic chunk indices!",
fn backup_finished(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let stream_id = self.common.current_packet.id;
let mut file = self
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("BackupDataDynamic for invalid stream id {}", stream_id))?;