Async callbacks are a PITA, so we now pass a single trait object which implements check_auth and get_index.
229 lines
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229 lines
5.6 KiB
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use hyper::{Body, Response, Method};
use http::request::Parts;
use http::HeaderMap;
use proxmox::api::{api, router::SubdirMap, Router, RpcEnvironmentType, UserInformation};
use proxmox::list_subdirs_api_method;
use proxmox_rest_server::{ServerAdapter, ApiConfig, AuthError, RestServer, RestEnvironment};
// Create a Dummy User information system
struct DummyUserInfo;
impl UserInformation for DummyUserInfo {
fn is_superuser(&self, _userid: &str) -> bool {
// Always return true here, so we have access to everthing
fn is_group_member(&self, _userid: &str, group: &str) -> bool {
group == "Group"
fn lookup_privs(&self, _userid: &str, _path: &[&str]) -> u64 {
struct MinimalServer;
// implement the server adapter
impl ServerAdapter for MinimalServer {
// normally this would check and authenticate the user
fn check_auth(
_headers: &HeaderMap,
_method: &Method,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(String, Box<dyn UserInformation + Sync + Send>), AuthError>> + Send>> {
Box::pin(async move {
// get some global/cached userinfo
let userinfo: Box<dyn UserInformation + Sync + Send> = Box::new(DummyUserInfo);
// Do some user checks, e.g. cookie/csrf
Ok(("User".to_string(), userinfo))
// this should return the index page of the webserver
// iow. what the user browses to
fn get_index(
_env: RestEnvironment,
_parts: Parts,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Response<Body>> + Send>> {
Box::pin(async move {
// build an index page
.body("hello world".into())
// a few examples on how to do api calls with the Router
/// A simple ping method. returns "pong"
fn ping() -> Result<String, Error> {
lazy_static! {
static ref ITEM_MAP: Mutex<HashMap<String, String>> = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
/// Lists all current items
fn list_items() -> Result<Vec<String>, Error> {
Ok(ITEM_MAP.lock().unwrap().keys().map(|k| k.clone()).collect())
input: {
properties: {
name: {
type: String,
description: "The name",
value: {
type: String,
description: "The value",
/// creates a new item
fn create_item(name: String, value: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut map = ITEM_MAP.lock().unwrap();
if map.contains_key(&name) {
bail!("{} already exists", name);
map.insert(name, value);
input: {
properties: {
name: {
type: String,
description: "The name",
/// returns the value of an item
fn get_item(name: String) -> Result<String, Error> {
ITEM_MAP.lock().unwrap().get(&name).map(|s| s.to_string()).ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no such item '{}'", name))
input: {
properties: {
name: {
type: String,
description: "The name",
value: {
type: String,
description: "The value",
/// updates an item
fn update_item(name: String, value: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(val) = ITEM_MAP.lock().unwrap().get_mut(&name) {
*val = value;
} else {
bail!("no such item '{}'", name);
input: {
properties: {
name: {
type: String,
description: "The name",
/// deletes an item
fn delete_item(name: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
if ITEM_MAP.lock().unwrap().remove(&name).is_none() {
bail!("no such item '{}'", name);
const ITEM_ROUTER: Router = Router::new()
const SUBDIRS: SubdirMap = &[
.match_all("name", &ITEM_ROUTER)
const ROUTER: Router = Router::new()
async fn run() -> Result<(), Error> {
// we first have to configure the api environment (basedir etc.)
let config = ApiConfig::new(
let rest_server = RestServer::new(config);
// then we have to create a daemon that listens, accepts and serves
// the api to clients
([127, 0, 0, 1], 65000).into(),
move |listener| {
let incoming = hyper::server::conn::AddrIncoming::from_listener(listener)?;
Ok(async move {
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new()?;
rt.block_on(async { run().await })