2021-03-17 13:35:23 +01:00

312 lines
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//! File format definitions and implementations for data written to
//! tapes
mod blocked_reader;
pub use blocked_reader::*;
mod blocked_writer;
pub use blocked_writer::*;
mod chunk_archive;
pub use chunk_archive::*;
mod snapshot_archive;
pub use snapshot_archive::*;
mod multi_volume_writer;
pub use multi_volume_writer::*;
mod multi_volume_reader;
pub use multi_volume_reader::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use anyhow::{bail, Error};
use ::serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use endian_trait::Endian;
use bitflags::bitflags;
use proxmox::tools::Uuid;
use crate::backup::Fingerprint;
/// We use 256KB blocksize (always)
pub const PROXMOX_TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 256*1024;
// openssl::sha::sha256(b"Proxmox Tape Block Header v1.0")[0..8]
pub const PROXMOX_TAPE_BLOCK_HEADER_MAGIC_1_0: [u8; 8] = [220, 189, 175, 202, 235, 160, 165, 40];
// openssl::sha::sha256(b"Proxmox Backup Content Header v1.0")[0..8];
pub const PROXMOX_BACKUP_CONTENT_HEADER_MAGIC_1_0: [u8; 8] = [99, 238, 20, 159, 205, 242, 155, 12];
// openssl::sha::sha256(b"Proxmox Backup Tape Label v1.0")[0..8];
pub const PROXMOX_BACKUP_MEDIA_LABEL_MAGIC_1_0: [u8; 8] = [42, 5, 191, 60, 176, 48, 170, 57];
// openssl::sha::sha256(b"Proxmox Backup MediaSet Label v1.0")
pub const PROXMOX_BACKUP_MEDIA_SET_LABEL_MAGIC_1_0: [u8; 8] = [8, 96, 99, 249, 47, 151, 83, 216];
// openssl::sha::sha256(b"Proxmox Backup Chunk Archive v1.0")[0..8]
// only used in unreleased version - no longer supported
pub const PROXMOX_BACKUP_CHUNK_ARCHIVE_MAGIC_1_0: [u8; 8] = [62, 173, 167, 95, 49, 76, 6, 110];
// openssl::sha::sha256(b"Proxmox Backup Chunk Archive v1.1")[0..8]
pub const PROXMOX_BACKUP_CHUNK_ARCHIVE_MAGIC_1_1: [u8; 8] = [109, 49, 99, 109, 215, 2, 131, 191];
// openssl::sha::sha256(b"Proxmox Backup Chunk Archive Entry v1.0")[0..8]
pub const PROXMOX_BACKUP_CHUNK_ARCHIVE_ENTRY_MAGIC_1_0: [u8; 8] = [72, 87, 109, 242, 222, 66, 143, 220];
// openssl::sha::sha256(b"Proxmox Backup Snapshot Archive v1.0")[0..8];
// only used in unreleased version - no longer supported
pub const PROXMOX_BACKUP_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_MAGIC_1_0: [u8; 8] = [9, 182, 2, 31, 125, 232, 114, 133];
// openssl::sha::sha256(b"Proxmox Backup Snapshot Archive v1.1")[0..8];
pub const PROXMOX_BACKUP_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_MAGIC_1_1: [u8; 8] = [218, 22, 21, 208, 17, 226, 154, 98];
// openssl::sha::sha256(b"Proxmox Backup Catalog Archive v1.0")[0..8];
pub const PROXMOX_BACKUP_CATALOG_ARCHIVE_MAGIC_1_0: [u8; 8] = [183, 207, 199, 37, 158, 153, 30, 115];
// Map content magic numbers to human readable names.
static ref PROXMOX_TAPE_CONTENT_NAME: HashMap<&'static [u8;8], &'static str> = {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert(&PROXMOX_BACKUP_MEDIA_LABEL_MAGIC_1_0, "Proxmox Backup Tape Label v1.0");
map.insert(&PROXMOX_BACKUP_MEDIA_SET_LABEL_MAGIC_1_0, "Proxmox Backup MediaSet Label v1.0");
map.insert(&PROXMOX_BACKUP_CHUNK_ARCHIVE_MAGIC_1_0, "Proxmox Backup Chunk Archive v1.0");
map.insert(&PROXMOX_BACKUP_CHUNK_ARCHIVE_MAGIC_1_1, "Proxmox Backup Chunk Archive v1.1");
map.insert(&PROXMOX_BACKUP_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_MAGIC_1_0, "Proxmox Backup Snapshot Archive v1.0");
map.insert(&PROXMOX_BACKUP_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_MAGIC_1_1, "Proxmox Backup Snapshot Archive v1.1");
map.insert(&PROXMOX_BACKUP_CATALOG_ARCHIVE_MAGIC_1_0, "Proxmox Backup Catalog Archive v1.0");
/// Map content magic numbers to human readable names.
pub fn proxmox_tape_magic_to_text(magic: &[u8; 8]) -> Option<String> {
PROXMOX_TAPE_CONTENT_NAME.get(magic).map(|s| String::from(*s))
/// Tape Block Header with data payload
/// All tape files are written as sequence of blocks.
/// Note: this struct is large, never put this on the stack!
/// so we use an unsized type to avoid that.
/// Tape data block are always read/written with a fixed size
/// (`PROXMOX_TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE`). But they may contain less data, so the
/// header has an additional size field. For streams of blocks, there
/// is a sequence number (`seq_nr`) which may be use for additional
/// error checking.
pub struct BlockHeader {
pub magic: [u8; 8],
pub flags: BlockHeaderFlags,
/// size as 3 bytes unsigned, little endian
pub size: [u8; 3],
/// block sequence number
pub seq_nr: u32,
pub payload: [u8],
bitflags! {
/// Header flags (e.g. `END_OF_STREAM` or `INCOMPLETE`)
pub struct BlockHeaderFlags: u8 {
/// Marks the last block in a stream.
const END_OF_STREAM = 0b00000001;
/// Mark multivolume streams (when set in the last block)
const INCOMPLETE = 0b00000010;
#[derive(Endian, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
/// Media Content Header
/// All tape files start with this header. The header may contain some
/// informational data indicated by `size`.
/// `| MediaContentHeader | header data (size) | stream data |`
/// Note: The stream data following may be of any size.
pub struct MediaContentHeader {
pub magic: [u8; 8],
/// magic number for the content following
pub content_magic: [u8; 8],
/// unique ID to identify this data stream
pub uuid: [u8; 16],
/// stream creation time
pub ctime: i64,
/// Size of header data
pub size: u32,
/// Part number for multipart archives.
pub part_number: u8,
/// Reserved for future use
pub reserved_0: u8,
/// Reserved for future use
pub reserved_1: u8,
/// Reserved for future use
pub reserved_2: u8,
impl MediaContentHeader {
/// Create a new instance with autogenerated Uuid
pub fn new(content_magic: [u8; 8], size: u32) -> Self {
let uuid = *proxmox::tools::uuid::Uuid::generate()
Self {
ctime: proxmox::tools::time::epoch_i64(),
part_number: 0,
reserved_0: 0,
reserved_1: 0,
reserved_2: 0,
/// Helper to check magic numbers and size constraints
pub fn check(&self, content_magic: [u8; 8], min_size: u32, max_size: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
bail!("MediaContentHeader: wrong magic");
if self.content_magic != content_magic {
bail!("MediaContentHeader: wrong content magic");
if self.size < min_size || self.size > max_size {
bail!("MediaContentHeader: got unexpected size");
/// Returns the content Uuid
pub fn content_uuid(&self) -> Uuid {
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
/// Header for chunk archives
pub struct ChunkArchiveHeader {
// Datastore name
pub store: String,
/// Header for data blobs inside a chunk archive
pub struct ChunkArchiveEntryHeader {
pub magic: [u8; 8],
/// Chunk digest
pub digest: [u8; 32],
/// Chunk size
pub size: u64,
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
/// Header for snapshot archives
pub struct SnapshotArchiveHeader {
/// Snapshot name
pub snapshot: String,
/// Datastore name
pub store: String,
/// Media Label
/// Media labels are used to uniquely identify a media. They are
/// stored as first file on the tape.
pub struct MediaLabel {
/// Unique ID
pub uuid: Uuid,
/// Media label text (or Barcode)
pub label_text: String,
/// Creation time stamp
pub ctime: i64,
/// `MediaSet` Label
/// Used to uniquely identify a `MediaSet`. They are stored as second
/// file on the tape.
pub struct MediaSetLabel {
/// The associated `MediaPool`
pub pool: String,
/// Uuid. We use the all-zero Uuid to reseve an empty media for a specific pool
pub uuid: Uuid,
/// Media sequence number
pub seq_nr: u64,
/// Creation time stamp
pub ctime: i64,
/// Encryption key finkerprint (if encryped)
pub encryption_key_fingerprint: Option<Fingerprint>,
impl MediaSetLabel {
pub fn with_data(
pool: &str,
uuid: Uuid,
seq_nr: u64,
ctime: i64,
encryption_key_fingerprint: Option<Fingerprint>,
) -> Self {
Self {
pool: pool.to_string(),
impl BlockHeader {
pub const SIZE: usize = PROXMOX_TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE;
/// Allocates a new instance on the heap
pub fn new() -> Box<Self> {
use std::alloc::{alloc_zeroed, Layout};
let mut buffer = unsafe {
let ptr = alloc_zeroed(
Layout::from_size_align(Self::SIZE, std::mem::align_of::<u64>())
std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, Self::SIZE - 16)
as *mut [u8] as *mut Self
/// Set the `size` field
pub fn set_size(&mut self, size: usize) {
let size = size.to_le_bytes();
/// Returns the `size` field
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
(self.size[0] as usize) + ((self.size[1] as usize)<<8) + ((self.size[2] as usize)<<16)
/// Set the `seq_nr` field
pub fn set_seq_nr(&mut self, seq_nr: u32) {
self.seq_nr = seq_nr.to_le();
/// Returns the `seq_nr` field
pub fn seq_nr(&self) -> u32 {