we have information here not available in the access log, especially if the /api2/extjs formatter is used, which encapsulates errors in a 200 response. So keep the auth log for now, but extend it use from create ticket calls to all authentication failures for API calls, this ensures one can also fail2ban tokens. Do that logging in a central place, which makes it simple but means that we do not have the user ID information available to include in the log. Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <t.lamprecht@proxmox.com>
777 lines
25 KiB
777 lines
25 KiB
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::future::Future;
use std::hash::BuildHasher;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
use futures::future::{self, FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
use futures::stream::TryStreamExt;
use hyper::header::{self, HeaderMap};
use hyper::body::HttpBody;
use hyper::http::request::Parts;
use hyper::{Body, Request, Response, StatusCode};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use tokio::fs::File;
use tokio::time::Instant;
use percent_encoding::percent_decode_str;
use url::form_urlencoded;
use regex::Regex;
use proxmox::http_err;
use proxmox::api::{
use proxmox::api::schema::{
use super::environment::RestEnvironment;
use super::formatter::*;
use super::ApiConfig;
use crate::auth_helpers::*;
use crate::api2::types::{Authid, Userid};
use crate::tools;
use crate::tools::FileLogger;
use crate::tools::ticket::Ticket;
use crate::config::cached_user_info::CachedUserInfo;
extern "C" { fn tzset(); }
pub struct RestServer {
pub api_config: Arc<ApiConfig>,
const MAX_URI_QUERY_LENGTH: usize = 3072;
impl RestServer {
pub fn new(api_config: ApiConfig) -> Self {
Self { api_config: Arc::new(api_config) }
impl tower_service::Service<&tokio_openssl::SslStream<tokio::net::TcpStream>> for RestServer {
type Response = ApiService;
type Error = Error;
type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<ApiService, Error>> + Send>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, ctx: &tokio_openssl::SslStream<tokio::net::TcpStream>) -> Self::Future {
match ctx.get_ref().peer_addr() {
Err(err) => {
future::err(format_err!("unable to get peer address - {}", err)).boxed()
Ok(peer) => {
future::ok(ApiService { peer, api_config: self.api_config.clone() }).boxed()
impl tower_service::Service<&tokio::net::TcpStream> for RestServer {
type Response = ApiService;
type Error = Error;
type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<ApiService, Error>> + Send>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, ctx: &tokio::net::TcpStream) -> Self::Future {
match ctx.peer_addr() {
Err(err) => {
future::err(format_err!("unable to get peer address - {}", err)).boxed()
Ok(peer) => {
future::ok(ApiService { peer, api_config: self.api_config.clone() }).boxed()
pub struct ApiService {
pub peer: std::net::SocketAddr,
pub api_config: Arc<ApiConfig>,
fn log_response(
logfile: Option<&Arc<Mutex<FileLogger>>>,
peer: &std::net::SocketAddr,
method: hyper::Method,
path_query: &str,
resp: &Response<Body>,
user_agent: Option<String>,
) {
if resp.extensions().get::<NoLogExtension>().is_some() { return; };
// we also log URL-to-long requests, so avoid message bigger than PIPE_BUF (4k on Linux)
// to profit from atomicty guarantees for O_APPEND opened logfiles
let path = &path_query[..MAX_URI_QUERY_LENGTH.min(path_query.len())];
let status = resp.status();
if !(status.is_success() || status.is_informational()) {
let reason = status.canonical_reason().unwrap_or("unknown reason");
let mut message = "request failed";
if let Some(data) = resp.extensions().get::<ErrorMessageExtension>() {
message = &data.0;
log::error!("{} {}: {} {}: [client {}] {}", method.as_str(), path, status.as_str(), reason, peer, message);
if let Some(logfile) = logfile {
let auth_id = match resp.extensions().get::<Authid>() {
Some(auth_id) => auth_id.to_string(),
None => "-".to_string(),
let now = proxmox::tools::time::epoch_i64();
// time format which apache/nginx use (by default), copied from pve-http-server
let datetime = proxmox::tools::time::strftime_local("%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z", now)
"{} - {} [{}] \"{} {}\" {} {} {}",
pub fn auth_logger() -> Result<FileLogger, Error> {
let logger_options = tools::FileLogOptions {
append: true,
prefix_time: true,
owned_by_backup: true,
FileLogger::new(crate::buildcfg::API_AUTH_LOG_FN, logger_options)
fn get_proxied_peer(headers: &HeaderMap) -> Option<std::net::SocketAddr> {
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"for="([^"]+)""#).unwrap();
let forwarded = headers.get(header::FORWARDED)?.to_str().ok()?;
let capture = RE.captures(&forwarded)?;
let rhost = capture.get(1)?.as_str();
fn get_user_agent(headers: &HeaderMap) -> Option<String> {
let agent = headers.get(header::USER_AGENT)?.to_str();
agent.map(|s| {
let mut s = s.to_owned();
impl tower_service::Service<Request<Body>> for ApiService {
type Response = Response<Body>;
type Error = Error;
type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<Body>, Self::Error>> + Send>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, req: Request<Body>) -> Self::Future {
let path = req.uri().path_and_query().unwrap().as_str().to_owned();
let method = req.method().clone();
let user_agent = get_user_agent(req.headers());
let config = Arc::clone(&self.api_config);
let peer = match get_proxied_peer(req.headers()) {
Some(proxied_peer) => proxied_peer,
None => self.peer,
async move {
let response = match handle_request(Arc::clone(&config), req, &peer).await {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(err) => {
let (err, code) = match err.downcast_ref::<HttpError>() {
Some(apierr) => (apierr.message.clone(), apierr.code),
_ => (err.to_string(), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST),
let logger = config.get_file_log();
log_response(logger, &peer, method, &path, &response, user_agent);
fn parse_query_parameters<S: 'static + BuildHasher + Send>(
param_schema: &ObjectSchema,
form: &str, // x-www-form-urlencoded body data
parts: &Parts,
uri_param: &HashMap<String, String, S>,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let mut param_list: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![];
if !form.is_empty() {
for (k, v) in form_urlencoded::parse(form.as_bytes()).into_owned() {
param_list.push((k, v));
if let Some(query_str) = parts.uri.query() {
for (k, v) in form_urlencoded::parse(query_str.as_bytes()).into_owned() {
if k == "_dc" { continue; } // skip extjs "disable cache" parameter
param_list.push((k, v));
for (k, v) in uri_param {
param_list.push((k.clone(), v.clone()));
let params = parse_parameter_strings(¶m_list, param_schema, true)?;
async fn get_request_parameters<S: 'static + BuildHasher + Send>(
param_schema: &ObjectSchema,
parts: Parts,
req_body: Body,
uri_param: HashMap<String, String, S>,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let mut is_json = false;
if let Some(value) = parts.headers.get(header::CONTENT_TYPE) {
match value.to_str().map(|v| v.split(';').next()) {
Ok(Some("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) => {
is_json = false;
Ok(Some("application/json")) => {
is_json = true;
_ => bail!("unsupported content type {:?}", value.to_str()),
let body = req_body
.map_err(|err| http_err!(BAD_REQUEST, "Promlems reading request body: {}", err))
.try_fold(Vec::new(), |mut acc, chunk| async move {
if acc.len() + chunk.len() < 64*1024 { //fimxe: max request body size?
} else {
Err(http_err!(BAD_REQUEST, "Request body too large"))
let utf8_data = std::str::from_utf8(&body)
.map_err(|err| format_err!("Request body not uft8: {}", err))?;
if is_json {
let mut params: Value = serde_json::from_str(utf8_data)?;
for (k, v) in uri_param {
if let Some((_optional, prop_schema)) = param_schema.lookup(&k) {
params[&k] = parse_simple_value(&v, prop_schema)?;
verify_json_object(¶ms, param_schema)?;
return Ok(params);
} else {
parse_query_parameters(param_schema, utf8_data, &parts, &uri_param)
struct NoLogExtension();
async fn proxy_protected_request(
info: &'static ApiMethod,
mut parts: Parts,
req_body: Body,
peer: &std::net::SocketAddr,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
let mut uri_parts = parts.uri.clone().into_parts();
uri_parts.scheme = Some(http::uri::Scheme::HTTP);
uri_parts.authority = Some(http::uri::Authority::from_static(""));
let new_uri = http::Uri::from_parts(uri_parts).unwrap();
parts.uri = new_uri;
let mut request = Request::from_parts(parts, req_body);
.insert(header::FORWARDED, format!("for=\"{}\";", peer).parse().unwrap());
let reload_timezone = info.reload_timezone;
let resp = hyper::client::Client::new()
.map_ok(|mut resp| {
if reload_timezone { unsafe { tzset(); } }
pub async fn handle_api_request<Env: RpcEnvironment, S: 'static + BuildHasher + Send>(
mut rpcenv: Env,
info: &'static ApiMethod,
formatter: &'static OutputFormatter,
parts: Parts,
req_body: Body,
uri_param: HashMap<String, String, S>,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
let delay_unauth_time = std::time::Instant::now() + std::time::Duration::from_millis(3000);
let result = match info.handler {
ApiHandler::AsyncHttp(handler) => {
let params = parse_query_parameters(info.parameters, "", &parts, &uri_param)?;
(handler)(parts, req_body, params, info, Box::new(rpcenv)).await
ApiHandler::Sync(handler) => {
let params = get_request_parameters(info.parameters, parts, req_body, uri_param).await?;
(handler)(params, info, &mut rpcenv)
.map(|data| (formatter.format_data)(data, &rpcenv))
ApiHandler::Async(handler) => {
let params = get_request_parameters(info.parameters, parts, req_body, uri_param).await?;
(handler)(params, info, &mut rpcenv)
.map(|data| (formatter.format_data)(data, &rpcenv))
let resp = match result {
Ok(resp) => resp,
Err(err) => {
if let Some(httperr) = err.downcast_ref::<HttpError>() {
if httperr.code == StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED {
if info.reload_timezone { unsafe { tzset(); } }
fn get_index(
userid: Option<Userid>,
csrf_token: Option<String>,
language: Option<String>,
api: &Arc<ApiConfig>,
parts: Parts,
) -> Response<Body> {
let nodename = proxmox::tools::nodename();
let user = userid.as_ref().map(|u| u.as_str()).unwrap_or("");
let csrf_token = csrf_token.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from(""));
let mut debug = false;
let mut template_file = "index";
if let Some(query_str) = parts.uri.query() {
for (k, v) in form_urlencoded::parse(query_str.as_bytes()).into_owned() {
if k == "debug" && v != "0" && v != "false" {
debug = true;
} else if k == "console" {
template_file = "console";
let mut lang = String::from("");
if let Some(language) = language {
if Path::new(&format!("/usr/share/pbs-i18n/pbs-lang-{}.js", language)).exists() {
lang = language;
let data = json!({
"NodeName": nodename,
"UserName": user,
"CSRFPreventionToken": csrf_token,
"language": lang,
"debug": debug,
let (ct, index) = match api.render_template(template_file, &data) {
Ok(index) => ("text/html", index),
Err(err) => {
("text/plain", format!("Error rendering template: {}", err))
let mut resp = Response::builder()
.header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, ct)
if let Some(userid) = userid {
resp.extensions_mut().insert(Authid::from((userid, None)));
fn extension_to_content_type(filename: &Path) -> (&'static str, bool) {
if let Some(ext) = filename.extension().and_then(|osstr| osstr.to_str()) {
return match ext {
"css" => ("text/css", false),
"html" => ("text/html", false),
"js" => ("application/javascript", false),
"json" => ("application/json", false),
"map" => ("application/json", false),
"png" => ("image/png", true),
"ico" => ("image/x-icon", true),
"gif" => ("image/gif", true),
"svg" => ("image/svg+xml", false),
"jar" => ("application/java-archive", true),
"woff" => ("application/font-woff", true),
"woff2" => ("application/font-woff2", true),
"ttf" => ("application/font-snft", true),
"pdf" => ("application/pdf", true),
"epub" => ("application/epub+zip", true),
"mp3" => ("audio/mpeg", true),
"oga" => ("audio/ogg", true),
"tgz" => ("application/x-compressed-tar", true),
_ => ("application/octet-stream", false),
("application/octet-stream", false)
async fn simple_static_file_download(filename: PathBuf) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
let (content_type, _nocomp) = extension_to_content_type(&filename);
use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
let mut file = File::open(filename)
.map_err(|err| http_err!(BAD_REQUEST, "File open failed: {}", err))?;
let mut data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
file.read_to_end(&mut data)
.map_err(|err| http_err!(BAD_REQUEST, "File read failed: {}", err))?;
let mut response = Response::new(data.into());
async fn chuncked_static_file_download(filename: PathBuf) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
let (content_type, _nocomp) = extension_to_content_type(&filename);
let file = File::open(filename)
.map_err(|err| http_err!(BAD_REQUEST, "File open failed: {}", err))?;
let payload = tokio_util::codec::FramedRead::new(file, tokio_util::codec::BytesCodec::new())
.map_ok(|bytes| hyper::body::Bytes::from(bytes.freeze()));
let body = Body::wrap_stream(payload);
// fixme: set other headers ?
.header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, content_type)
async fn handle_static_file_download(filename: PathBuf) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
let metadata = tokio::fs::metadata(filename.clone())
.map_err(|err| http_err!(BAD_REQUEST, "File access problems: {}", err))
if metadata.len() < 1024*32 {
} else {
fn extract_lang_header(headers: &http::HeaderMap) -> Option<String> {
if let Some(raw_cookie) = headers.get("COOKIE") {
if let Ok(cookie) = raw_cookie.to_str() {
return tools::extract_cookie(cookie, "PBSLangCookie");
struct UserAuthData{
ticket: String,
csrf_token: Option<String>,
enum AuthData {
fn extract_auth_data(headers: &http::HeaderMap) -> Option<AuthData> {
if let Some(raw_cookie) = headers.get(header::COOKIE) {
if let Ok(cookie) = raw_cookie.to_str() {
if let Some(ticket) = tools::extract_cookie(cookie, "PBSAuthCookie") {
let csrf_token = match headers.get("CSRFPreventionToken").map(|v| v.to_str()) {
Some(Ok(v)) => Some(v.to_owned()),
_ => None,
return Some(AuthData::User(UserAuthData {
match headers.get(header::AUTHORIZATION).map(|v| v.to_str()) {
Some(Ok(v)) => {
if v.starts_with("PBSAPIToken ") || v.starts_with("PBSAPIToken=") {
Some(AuthData::ApiToken(v["PBSAPIToken ".len()..].to_owned()))
} else {
_ => None,
fn check_auth(
method: &hyper::Method,
auth_data: &AuthData,
user_info: &CachedUserInfo,
) -> Result<Authid, Error> {
match auth_data {
AuthData::User(user_auth_data) => {
let ticket = user_auth_data.ticket.clone();
let ticket_lifetime = tools::ticket::TICKET_LIFETIME;
let userid: Userid = Ticket::parse(&ticket)?
.verify_with_time_frame(public_auth_key(), "PBS", None, -300..ticket_lifetime)?;
let auth_id = Authid::from(userid.clone());
if !user_info.is_active_auth_id(&auth_id) {
bail!("user account disabled or expired.");
if method != hyper::Method::GET {
if let Some(csrf_token) = &user_auth_data.csrf_token {
verify_csrf_prevention_token(csrf_secret(), &userid, &csrf_token, -300, ticket_lifetime)?;
} else {
bail!("missing CSRF prevention token");
AuthData::ApiToken(api_token) => {
let mut parts = api_token.splitn(2, ':');
let tokenid = parts.next()
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("failed to split API token header"))?;
let tokenid: Authid = tokenid.parse()?;
let tokensecret = parts.next()
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("failed to split API token header"))?;
let tokensecret = percent_decode_str(tokensecret)
.map_err(|_| format_err!("failed to decode API token header"))?;
crate::config::token_shadow::verify_secret(&tokenid, &tokensecret)?;
async fn handle_request(
api: Arc<ApiConfig>,
req: Request<Body>,
peer: &std::net::SocketAddr,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
let (parts, body) = req.into_parts();
let method = parts.method.clone();
let (path, components) = tools::normalize_uri_path(parts.uri.path())?;
let comp_len = components.len();
let query = parts.uri.query().unwrap_or_default();
if path.len() + query.len() > MAX_URI_QUERY_LENGTH {
return Ok(Response::builder()
let env_type = api.env_type();
let mut rpcenv = RestEnvironment::new(env_type);
let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?;
let delay_unauth_time = std::time::Instant::now() + std::time::Duration::from_millis(3000);
let access_forbidden_time = std::time::Instant::now() + std::time::Duration::from_millis(500);
if comp_len >= 1 && components[0] == "api2" {
if comp_len >= 2 {
let format = components[1];
let formatter = match format {
"json" => &JSON_FORMATTER,
"extjs" => &EXTJS_FORMATTER,
_ => bail!("Unsupported output format '{}'.", format),
let mut uri_param = HashMap::new();
let api_method = api.find_method(&components[2..], method.clone(), &mut uri_param);
let mut auth_required = true;
if let Some(api_method) = api_method {
if let Permission::World = *api_method.access.permission {
auth_required = false; // no auth for endpoints with World permission
if auth_required {
let auth_result = match extract_auth_data(&parts.headers) {
Some(auth_data) => check_auth(&method, &auth_data, &user_info),
None => Err(format_err!("no authentication credentials provided.")),
match auth_result {
Ok(authid) => rpcenv.set_auth_id(Some(authid.to_string())),
Err(err) => {
let peer = peer.ip();
.log(format!("authentication failure; rhost={} msg={}", peer, err));
// always delay unauthorized calls by 3 seconds (from start of request)
let err = http_err!(UNAUTHORIZED, "authentication failed - {}", err);
return Ok((formatter.format_error)(err));
match api_method {
None => {
let err = http_err!(NOT_FOUND, "Path '{}' not found.", path);
return Ok((formatter.format_error)(err));
Some(api_method) => {
let auth_id = rpcenv.get_auth_id();
if !check_api_permission(api_method.access.permission, auth_id.as_deref(), &uri_param, user_info.as_ref()) {
let err = http_err!(FORBIDDEN, "permission check failed");
return Ok((formatter.format_error)(err));
let result = if api_method.protected && env_type == RpcEnvironmentType::PUBLIC {
proxy_protected_request(api_method, parts, body, peer).await
} else {
handle_api_request(rpcenv, api_method, formatter, parts, body, uri_param).await
let mut response = match result {
Ok(resp) => resp,
Err(err) => (formatter.format_error)(err),
if let Some(auth_id) = auth_id {
let auth_id: Authid = auth_id.parse()?;
return Ok(response);
} else {
// not Auth required for accessing files!
if method != hyper::Method::GET {
bail!("Unsupported HTTP method {}", method);
if comp_len == 0 {
let language = extract_lang_header(&parts.headers);
if let Some(auth_data) = extract_auth_data(&parts.headers) {
match check_auth(&method, &auth_data, &user_info) {
Ok(auth_id) if !auth_id.is_token() => {
let userid = auth_id.user();
let new_csrf_token = assemble_csrf_prevention_token(csrf_secret(), userid);
return Ok(get_index(Some(userid.clone()), Some(new_csrf_token), language, &api, parts));
_ => {
return Ok(get_index(None, None, language, &api, parts));
} else {
return Ok(get_index(None, None, language, &api, parts));
} else {
let filename = api.find_alias(&components);
return handle_static_file_download(filename).await;
Err(http_err!(NOT_FOUND, "Path '{}' not found.", path))