2019-10-26 11:42:05 +02:00

682 lines
21 KiB

use std::io::Write;
use chrono::Utc;
use failure::*;
use futures::*;
use http::Uri;
use http::header::HeaderValue;
use http::{Request, Response};
use hyper::Body;
use hyper::client::{Client, HttpConnector};
use openssl::ssl::{SslConnector, SslMethod};
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use url::percent_encoding::{percent_encode, DEFAULT_ENCODE_SET};
use xdg::BaseDirectories;
use proxmox::tools::{
fs::{file_get_json, file_set_contents},
use super::pipe_to_stream::PipeToSendStream;
use crate::tools::async_io::EitherStream;
use crate::tools::futures::{cancellable, Canceller};
use crate::tools::{self, tty, BroadcastFuture};
pub struct AuthInfo {
username: String,
ticket: String,
token: String,
/// HTTP(S) API client
pub struct HttpClient {
client: Client<HttpsConnector>,
server: String,
auth: BroadcastFuture<AuthInfo>,
/// Delete stored ticket data (logout)
pub fn delete_ticket_info(server: &str, username: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let base = BaseDirectories::with_prefix("proxmox-backup")?;
// usually /run/user/<uid>/...
let path = base.place_runtime_file("tickets")?;
let mode = nix::sys::stat::Mode::from_bits_truncate(0o0600);
let mut data = file_get_json(&path, Some(json!({})))?;
if let Some(map) = data[server].as_object_mut() {
file_set_contents(path, data.to_string().as_bytes(), Some(mode))?;
fn store_ticket_info(server: &str, username: &str, ticket: &str, token: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let base = BaseDirectories::with_prefix("proxmox-backup")?;
// usually /run/user/<uid>/...
let path = base.place_runtime_file("tickets")?;
let mode = nix::sys::stat::Mode::from_bits_truncate(0o0600);
let mut data = file_get_json(&path, Some(json!({})))?;
let now = Utc::now().timestamp();
data[server][username] = json!({ "timestamp": now, "ticket": ticket, "token": token});
let mut new_data = json!({});
let ticket_lifetime = tools::ticket::TICKET_LIFETIME - 60;
let empty = serde_json::map::Map::new();
for (server, info) in data.as_object().unwrap_or(&empty) {
for (_user, uinfo) in info.as_object().unwrap_or(&empty) {
if let Some(timestamp) = uinfo["timestamp"].as_i64() {
let age = now - timestamp;
if age < ticket_lifetime {
new_data[server][username] = uinfo.clone();
file_set_contents(path, new_data.to_string().as_bytes(), Some(mode))?;
fn load_ticket_info(server: &str, username: &str) -> Option<(String, String)> {
let base = BaseDirectories::with_prefix("proxmox-backup").ok()?;
// usually /run/user/<uid>/...
let path = base.place_runtime_file("tickets").ok()?;
let data = file_get_json(&path, None).ok()?;
let now = Utc::now().timestamp();
let ticket_lifetime = tools::ticket::TICKET_LIFETIME - 60;
let uinfo = data[server][username].as_object()?;
let timestamp = uinfo["timestamp"].as_i64()?;
let age = now - timestamp;
if age < ticket_lifetime {
let ticket = uinfo["ticket"].as_str()?;
let token = uinfo["token"].as_str()?;
Some((ticket.to_owned(), token.to_owned()))
} else {
impl HttpClient {
pub fn new(server: &str, username: &str, password: Option<String>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let client = Self::build_client();
let password = if let Some(password) = password {
} else if let Some((ticket, _token)) = load_ticket_info(server, username) {
} else {
let login_future = Self::credentials(client.clone(), server.to_owned(), username.to_owned(), password);
Ok(Self {
server: String::from(server),
auth: BroadcastFuture::new(Box::new(login_future)),
/// Login
/// Login is done on demand, so this is onyl required if you need
/// access to authentication data in 'AuthInfo'.
pub async fn login(&self) -> Result<AuthInfo, Error> {
fn get_password(_username: &str) -> Result<String, Error> {
use std::env::VarError::*;
match std::env::var("PBS_PASSWORD") {
Ok(p) => return Ok(p),
Err(NotUnicode(_)) => bail!("PBS_PASSWORD contains bad characters"),
Err(NotPresent) => {
// Try another method
// If we're on a TTY, query the user for a password
if tty::stdin_isatty() {
return Ok(String::from_utf8(tty::read_password("Password: ")?)?);
bail!("no password input mechanism available");
fn build_client() -> Client<HttpsConnector> {
let mut ssl_connector_builder = SslConnector::builder(SslMethod::tls()).unwrap();
ssl_connector_builder.set_verify(openssl::ssl::SslVerifyMode::NONE); // fixme!
let mut httpc = hyper::client::HttpConnector::new();
httpc.set_nodelay(true); // important for h2 download performance!
httpc.set_recv_buffer_size(Some(1024*1024)); //important for h2 download performance!
httpc.enforce_http(false); // we want https...
let https = HttpsConnector::with_connector(httpc,;
//.http2_initial_stream_window_size( (1 << 31) - 2)
//.http2_initial_connection_window_size( (1 << 31) - 2)
.build::<_, Body>(https)
pub async fn request(&self, mut req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let client = self.client.clone();
let auth = self.login().await?;
let enc_ticket = format!("PBSAuthCookie={}", percent_encode(auth.ticket.as_bytes(), DEFAULT_ENCODE_SET));
req.headers_mut().insert("Cookie", HeaderValue::from_str(&enc_ticket).unwrap());
req.headers_mut().insert("CSRFPreventionToken", HeaderValue::from_str(&auth.token).unwrap());
Self::api_request(client, req).await
pub async fn get(
path: &str,
data: Option<Value>,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let req = Self::request_builder(&self.server, "GET", path, data).unwrap();
pub async fn delete(
&mut self,
path: &str,
data: Option<Value>,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let req = Self::request_builder(&self.server, "DELETE", path, data).unwrap();
pub async fn post(
&mut self,
path: &str,
data: Option<Value>,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let req = Self::request_builder(&self.server, "POST", path, data).unwrap();
pub async fn download(
&mut self,
path: &str,
output: &mut (dyn Write + Send),
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut req = Self::request_builder(&self.server, "GET", path, None).unwrap();
let client = self.client.clone();
let auth = self.login().await?;
let enc_ticket = format!("PBSAuthCookie={}", percent_encode(auth.ticket.as_bytes(), DEFAULT_ENCODE_SET));
req.headers_mut().insert("Cookie", HeaderValue::from_str(&enc_ticket).unwrap());
let resp = client.request(req).await?;
let status = resp.status();
if !status.is_success() {
.map(|_| Err(format_err!("unknown error")))
} else {
.try_fold(output, move |acc, chunk| async move {
Ok::<_, Error>(acc)
pub async fn upload(
&mut self,
content_type: &str,
body: Body,
path: &str,
data: Option<Value>,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let path = path.trim_matches('/');
let mut url = format!("https://{}:8007/{}", &self.server, path);
if let Some(data) = data {
let query = tools::json_object_to_query(data).unwrap();
let url: Uri = url.parse().unwrap();
let req = Request::builder()
.header("User-Agent", "proxmox-backup-client/1.0")
.header("Content-Type", content_type)
pub async fn start_h2_connection(
mut req: Request<Body>,
protocol_name: String,
) -> Result<(H2Client, Canceller), Error> {
let auth = self.login().await?;
let client = self.client.clone();
let enc_ticket = format!("PBSAuthCookie={}", percent_encode(auth.ticket.as_bytes(), DEFAULT_ENCODE_SET));
req.headers_mut().insert("Cookie", HeaderValue::from_str(&enc_ticket).unwrap());
req.headers_mut().insert("UPGRADE", HeaderValue::from_str(&protocol_name).unwrap());
let resp = client.request(req).await?;
let status = resp.status();
if status != http::StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS {
.map(|_| Err(format_err!("unknown error")))
let upgraded = resp
let max_window_size = (1 << 31) - 2;
let (h2, connection) = h2::client::Builder::new()
let connection = connection
.map_err(|_| panic!("HTTP/2.0 connection failed"));
let (connection, canceller) = cancellable(connection)?;
// A cancellable future returns an Option which is None when cancelled and
// Some when it finished instead, since we don't care about the return type we
// need to map it away:
let connection =|_| ());
// Spawn a new task to drive the connection state
// Wait until the `SendRequest` handle has available capacity.
let c = h2.ready().await?;
Ok((H2Client::new(c), canceller))
async fn credentials(
client: Client<HttpsConnector>,
server: String,
username: String,
password: String,
) -> Result<AuthInfo, Error> {
let data = json!({ "username": username, "password": password });
let req = Self::request_builder(&server, "POST", "/api2/json/access/ticket", Some(data)).unwrap();
let cred = Self::api_request(client, req).await?;
let auth = AuthInfo {
username: cred["data"]["username"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
ticket: cred["data"]["ticket"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
token: cred["data"]["CSRFPreventionToken"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
let _ = store_ticket_info(&server, &auth.username, &auth.ticket, &auth.token);
async fn api_response(response: Response<Body>) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let status = response.status();
let data = response
let text = String::from_utf8(data.to_vec()).unwrap();
if status.is_success() {
if text.is_empty() {
} else {
let value: Value = serde_json::from_str(&text)?;
} else {
bail!("HTTP Error {}: {}", status, text);
async fn api_request(
client: Client<HttpsConnector>,
req: Request<Body>
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
// Read-only access to server property
pub fn server(&self) -> &str {
pub fn request_builder(server: &str, method: &str, path: &str, data: Option<Value>) -> Result<Request<Body>, Error> {
let path = path.trim_matches('/');
let url: Uri = format!("https://{}:8007/{}", server, path).parse()?;
if let Some(data) = data {
if method == "POST" {
let request = Request::builder()
.header("User-Agent", "proxmox-backup-client/1.0")
.header(hyper::header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")
return Ok(request);
} else {
let query = tools::json_object_to_query(data)?;
let url: Uri = format!("https://{}:8007/{}?{}", server, path, query).parse()?;
let request = Request::builder()
.header("User-Agent", "proxmox-backup-client/1.0")
.header(hyper::header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
return Ok(request);
let request = Request::builder()
.header("User-Agent", "proxmox-backup-client/1.0")
.header(hyper::header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
pub struct H2Client {
h2: h2::client::SendRequest<bytes::Bytes>,
impl H2Client {
pub fn new(h2: h2::client::SendRequest<bytes::Bytes>) -> Self {
Self { h2 }
pub async fn get(
path: &str,
param: Option<Value>
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let req = Self::request_builder("localhost", "GET", path, param, None).unwrap();
pub async fn put(
path: &str,
param: Option<Value>
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let req = Self::request_builder("localhost", "PUT", path, param, None).unwrap();
pub async fn post(
path: &str,
param: Option<Value>
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let req = Self::request_builder("localhost", "POST", path, param, None).unwrap();
pub async fn download<W: Write + Send>(
path: &str,
param: Option<Value>,
mut output: W,
) -> Result<W, Error> {
let request = Self::request_builder("localhost", "GET", path, param, None).unwrap();
let response_future = self.send_request(request, None).await?;
let resp = response_future.await?;
let status = resp.status();
if !status.is_success() {
H2Client::h2api_response(resp).await?; // raise error
let mut body = resp.into_body();
let mut release_capacity = body.release_capacity().clone();
while let Some(chunk) = body.try_next().await? {
let _ = release_capacity.release_capacity(chunk.len());
pub async fn upload(
method: &str, // POST or PUT
path: &str,
param: Option<Value>,
content_type: &str,
data: Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let request = Self::request_builder("localhost", method, path, param, Some(content_type)).unwrap();
let mut send_request = self.h2.clone().ready().await?;
let (response, stream) = send_request.send_request(request, false).unwrap();
PipeToSendStream::new(bytes::Bytes::from(data), stream).await?;
async fn request(
request: Request<()>,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
self.send_request(request, None)
.and_then(move |response| {
pub fn send_request(
request: Request<()>,
data: Option<bytes::Bytes>,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<h2::client::ResponseFuture, Error>> {
.and_then(move |mut send_request| async move {
if let Some(data) = data {
let (response, stream) = send_request.send_request(request, false).unwrap();
PipeToSendStream::new(data, stream).await?;
} else {
let (response, _stream) = send_request.send_request(request, true).unwrap();
pub async fn h2api_response(
response: Response<h2::RecvStream>,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let status = response.status();
let (_head, mut body) = response.into_parts();
// The `release_capacity` handle allows the caller to manage
// flow control.
// Whenever data is received, the caller is responsible for
// releasing capacity back to the server once it has freed
// the data from memory.
let mut release_capacity = body.release_capacity().clone();
let mut data = Vec::new();
while let Some(chunk) = body.try_next().await? {
// Let the server send more data.
let _ = release_capacity.release_capacity(chunk.len());
let text = String::from_utf8(data.to_vec()).unwrap();
if status.is_success() {
if text.is_empty() {
} else {
let mut value: Value = serde_json::from_str(&text)?;
if let Some(map) = value.as_object_mut() {
if let Some(data) = map.remove("data") {
return Ok(data);
bail!("got result without data property");
} else {
bail!("HTTP Error {}: {}", status, text);
// Note: We always encode parameters with the url
pub fn request_builder(
server: &str,
method: &str,
path: &str,
param: Option<Value>,
content_type: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<Request<()>, Error> {
let path = path.trim_matches('/');
let content_type = content_type.unwrap_or("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
if let Some(param) = param {
let query = tools::json_object_to_query(param)?;
// We detected problem with hyper around 6000 characters - seo we try to keep on the safe side
if query.len() > 4096 { bail!("h2 query data too large ({} bytes) - please encode data inside body", query.len()); }
let url: Uri = format!("https://{}:8007/{}?{}", server, path, query).parse()?;
let request = Request::builder()
.header("User-Agent", "proxmox-backup-client/1.0")
.header(hyper::header::CONTENT_TYPE, content_type)
} else {
let url: Uri = format!("https://{}:8007/{}", server, path).parse()?;
let request = Request::builder()
.header("User-Agent", "proxmox-backup-client/1.0")
.header(hyper::header::CONTENT_TYPE, content_type)
pub struct HttpsConnector {
http: HttpConnector,
ssl_connector: SslConnector,
impl HttpsConnector {
pub fn with_connector(mut http: HttpConnector, ssl_connector: SslConnector) -> Self {
Self {
type MaybeTlsStream = EitherStream<
impl hyper::client::connect::Connect for HttpsConnector {
type Transport = MaybeTlsStream;
type Error = Error;
type Future = Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(
), Error>> + Send + Unpin + 'static>;
fn connect(&self, dst: hyper::client::connect::Destination) -> Self::Future {
let is_https = dst.scheme() == "https";
let host =;
let config = self.ssl_connector.configure();
let conn = self.http.connect(dst);
Box::new(Box::pin(async move {
let (conn, connected) = conn.await?;
if is_https {
let conn = tokio_openssl::connect(config?, &host, conn).await?;
Ok((MaybeTlsStream::Right(conn), connected))
} else {
Ok((MaybeTlsStream::Left(conn), connected))