783 lines
27 KiB
783 lines
27 KiB
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString, OsStr};
use std::io::Write;
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
use std::path::Path;
use failure::*;
use libc;
use crate::pxar::*;
use super::catalog::{CatalogReader, DirEntry};
use super::readline::{Context, Readline};
const PROMPT_PREFIX: &str = "pxar:";
const PROMPT_POST: &str = " > ";
/// Interactive shell for interacton with the catalog.
pub struct Shell {
/// Actual shell instance with context.
sh: ShellInstance,
/// Map containing all the defined commands.
cmds: ShellCmdMap,
impl Shell {
/// Create a new shell for the given catalog and pxar archive.
pub fn new(
catalog: CatalogReader<std::fs::File>,
archive_name: &str,
decoder: Decoder,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
const OPTIONAL: bool = true;
const REQUIRED: bool = false;
Ok(Self {
sh: ShellInstance::new(catalog, archive_name, decoder)?,
// This list defines all the commands for the shell including their
// parameters, options and help description.
cmds: ShellCmdMap::new()
"List the current working directory.",
"List contents of directory.",
).parameter("path", OPTIONAL))
"Change current working directory.",
).parameter("path", OPTIONAL))
"Show the status of a file or directory.",
).parameter("path", REQUIRED))
"Restore archive to target (restores only matching entries if match-pattern is provided)",
).option("match", Some("match-pattern")).parameter("target", REQUIRED))
"Add a file/directory to the list of entries selected for restore.",
).parameter("path", REQUIRED))
"Show the list of entries currently selected for restore.",
"Remove a file/directory from the list of entries selected for restore.",
).parameter("path", REQUIRED))
"Restore the file/directory on the list of entries selected for restore.",
).parameter("target", REQUIRED))
"Show all commands or the help for the provided command",
).parameter("command", OPTIONAL))
/// Start the interactive shell loop
pub fn shell(mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
while let Some(line) = self.sh.rl.readline() {
let (cmd, args) = match self.cmds.parse(&line) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(err) => {
println!("error: {}", err);
// Help is treated a bit separate as we need the full command list,
// which would not be accessible in the callback.
if cmd.command == "help" {
match args.get_param("command") {
Some(name) => match self.cmds.cmds.get(name) {
Some(cmd) => println!("{}", cmd.help()),
None => println!("no help for command"),
None => self.cmds.list_commands(),
match (cmd.callback)(&mut self.sh, args) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(err) => {
println!("error: {}", err);
/// Stores the command definitions for the known commands.
struct ShellCmdMap {
cmds: HashMap<&'static [u8], ShellCmd>,
impl ShellCmdMap {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
cmds: HashMap::new(),
/// Insert a new `ShellCmd` into the `ShellCmdMap`
fn insert(mut self, cmd: ShellCmd) -> Self {
self.cmds.insert(cmd.command.as_bytes(), cmd);
/// List all known commands with their help text.
fn list_commands(&self) {
for cmd in &self.cmds {
println!("{}\n", cmd.1.help());
/// Parse the given line and interprete it based on the known commands in
/// this `ShellCmdMap` instance.
fn parse<'a>(&'a self, line: &'a [u8]) -> Result<(&'a ShellCmd, Args), Error> {
// readline already handles tabs, so here we only split on spaces
let args: Vec<&[u8]> = line
.split(|b| *b == b' ')
.filter(|word| !word.is_empty())
let mut args = args.iter();
let arg0 = args
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no command provided"))?;
let cmd = self
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("invalid command"))?;
let mut given = Args {
options: HashMap::new(),
parameters: HashMap::new(),
let mut required = cmd.required_parameters.iter();
let mut optional = cmd.optional_parameters.iter();
while let Some(arg) = args.next() {
if arg.starts_with(b"--") {
let opt = cmd
.find(|opt| opt.0.as_bytes() == &arg[2..arg.len()]);
if let Some(opt) = opt {
if opt.1.is_some() {
// Expect a parameter for the given option
let opt_param = args.next().ok_or_else(|| {
format_err!("expected parameter for option {}", opt.0)
given.options.insert(opt.0, Some(opt_param));
} else {
given.options.insert(opt.0, None);
} else {
bail!("invalid option");
} else if let Some(name) = required.next() {
// First fill all required parameters
given.parameters.insert(name, arg);
} else if let Some(name) = optional.next() {
// Now fill all optional parameters
given.parameters.insert(name, arg);
} else {
bail!("to many arguments");
// Check that we have got all required parameters
if required.next().is_some() {
bail!("not all required parameters provided");
Ok((cmd, given))
/// Interpreted CLI arguments, stores parameters and options.
struct Args<'a> {
parameters: HashMap<&'static str, &'a [u8]>,
options: HashMap<&'static str, Option<&'a [u8]>>,
impl<'a> Args<'a> {
/// Get a reference to the parameter give by name if present
fn get_param(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&&'a [u8]> {
/// Get a reference to the option give by name if present
fn get_opt(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Option<&'a [u8]>> {
/// Definition of a shell command with its name, callback, description and
/// argument definition.
struct ShellCmd {
command: &'static str,
callback: fn(&mut ShellInstance, Args) -> Result<(), Error>,
description: &'static str,
options: Vec<(&'static str, Option<&'static str>)>,
required_parameters: Vec<&'static str>,
optional_parameters: Vec<&'static str>,
impl ShellCmd {
/// Define a new `ShellCmd` with given command name, description and callback function.
fn new(
command: &'static str,
description: &'static str,
callback: fn(&mut ShellInstance, Args) -> Result<(), Error>,
) -> Self {
Self {
options: Vec::new(),
required_parameters: Vec::new(),
optional_parameters: Vec::new(),
/// Add additional named parameter `parameter` to command definition.
/// The optional flag indicates if this parameter is required or optional.
fn parameter(mut self, parameter: &'static str, optional: bool) -> Self {
if optional {
} else {
/// Add additional named option `option` to command definition.
/// The Option `parameter` indicates if this option has an additional parameter or not.
fn option(mut self, option: &'static str, parameter: Option<&'static str>) -> Self {
self.options.push((option, parameter));
/// Create the help String for this command
fn help(&self) -> String {
let mut help = String::new();
help.push_str("\n Usage:\t");
for opt in &self.options {
help.push_str(" [--");
if let Some(opt_param) = opt.1 {
help.push(' ');
for par in &self.required_parameters {
help.push(' ');
for par in &self.optional_parameters {
help.push_str(" [");
help.push_str("\n Description:\t");
/// State of the shell instance
struct ShellInstance {
/// Readline context
rl: Readline,
/// List of paths selected for a restore
selected: HashSet<Vec<u8>>,
/// Decoder instance for the current pxar archive
decoder: Decoder,
/// Root directory for the give archive as stored in the catalog
root: Vec<DirEntry>,
impl ShellInstance {
/// Create a new `ShellInstance` for the given catalog and archive.
pub fn new(
mut catalog: CatalogReader<std::fs::File>,
archive_name: &str,
decoder: Decoder,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let catalog_root = catalog.root()?;
// The root for the given archive as stored in the catalog
let archive_root = catalog.lookup(&catalog_root, archive_name.as_bytes())?;
let root = vec![archive_root];
Ok(Self {
rl: Readline::new(
selected: HashSet::new(),
/// Generate the CString to display by readline based on the
/// PROMPT_PREFIX, PROMPT_POST and the given byte slice.
fn generate_prompt(path: &[u8]) -> CString {
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
unsafe { CString::from_vec_unchecked(buffer) }
/// Get a mut ref to the context in order to be able to access the
/// catalog and the directory stack for the current working directory.
fn context(&mut self) -> &mut Context {
/// Change the current working directory to the new directory
fn change_dir(&mut self, args: Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path = match args.get_param("path") {
Some(path) => *path,
None => &[],
let mut path = self.canonical_path(path)?;
if !path
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("invalid path component"))?
// Change to the parent dir of the file instead
eprintln!("not a directory, fallback to parent directory");
self.context().current = path;
// Update the directory displayed in the prompt
let prompt =
/// List the content of a directory.
/// Executed on files it returns the DirEntry of the file as single element
/// in the list.
fn list(&mut self, args: Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
let parent = if let Some(path) = args.get_param("path") {
// !path.is_empty() {
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("invalid path component"))?
} else {
let list = if parent.is_directory() {
} else {
Self::print_list(&list).map_err(|err| format_err!("{}", err))
/// Print the current working directory
fn pwd(&mut self, _args: Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
let pwd = Self::path(&self.context().current.clone())?;
Self::print_slice(&pwd).map_err(|err| format_err!("{}", err))
/// Generate an absolute path from a directory stack.
fn path(dir_stack: &[DirEntry]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let mut path = vec![b'/'];
// Skip the archive root, '/' is displayed for it
for item in dir_stack.iter().skip(1) {
if item.is_directory() {
/// Resolve the indirect path components and return an absolute path.
/// This will actually navigate the filesystem tree to check that the
/// path is vaild and exists.
/// This does not include following symbolic links.
/// If None is given as path, only the root directory is returned.
fn canonical_path(&mut self, path: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<DirEntry>, Error> {
if path == b"/" {
return Ok(self.root.clone());
let mut path_slice = if path.is_empty() {
// Fallback to root if no path was provided
return Ok(self.root.clone());
} else {
let mut dir_stack = if path_slice.starts_with(&[b'/']) {
// Absolute path, reduce view of slice and start from root
path_slice = &path_slice[1..];
} else {
// Relative path, start from current working directory
let should_end_dir = if path_slice.ends_with(&[b'/']) {
path_slice = &path_slice[0..path_slice.len() - 1];
} else {
for name in path_slice.split(|b| *b == b'/') {
match name {
b"." => continue,
b".." => {
// Never pop archive root from stack
if dir_stack.len() > 1 {
_ => {
let entry = self
.lookup(dir_stack.last().unwrap(), name)?;
if should_end_dir
&& !dir_stack
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("invalid path component"))?
bail!("entry is not a directory");
/// Read the metadata for a given directory entry.
/// This is expensive because the data has to be read from the pxar `Decoder`,
/// which means reading over the network.
fn stat(&mut self, args: Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path = args
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no path provided"))?;
// First check if the file exists in the catalog, therefore avoiding
// expensive calls to the decoder just to find out that there could be no
// such entry. This is done by calling canonical_path(), which returns
// the full path if it exists, error otherwise.
let path = self.canonical_path(path)?;
let (entry, attr, size) = self.lookup(&path)?;
Self::print_stat(&entry, &attr, size).map_err(|err| format_err!("{}", err))
/// Look up the entry given by a canonical absolute `path` in the archive.
/// This will actively navigate the archive by calling the corresponding decoder
/// functionalities and is therefore very expensive.
fn lookup(
&mut self,
absolute_path: &[DirEntry],
) -> Result<(DirectoryEntry, PxarAttributes, u64), Error> {
let mut current = self.decoder.root()?;
let (_, _, mut attr, mut size) = self.decoder.attributes(0)?;
// Ignore the archive root, don't need it.
for item in absolute_path.iter().skip(1) {
match self
.lookup(¤t, &OsStr::from_bytes(&item.name))?
Some((item, item_attr, item_size)) => {
current = item;
attr = item_attr;
size = item_size;
// This should not happen if catalog an archive are consistent.
None => bail!("no such file or directory in archive"),
Ok((current, attr, size))
/// Select an entry for restore.
/// This will return an error if the entry is already present in the list or
/// if an invalid path was provided.
fn select(&mut self, args: Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path = args
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no path provided"))?;
// Calling canonical_path() makes sure the provided path is valid and
// actually contained within the catalog and therefore also the archive.
let path = self.canonical_path(path)?;
if self.selected.insert(Self::path(&path)?) {
} else {
bail!("entry already selected for restore")
/// Deselect an entry for restore.
/// This will return an error if the entry was not found in the list of entries
/// selected for restore.
fn deselect(&mut self, args: Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path = args
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no path provided"))?;
if self.selected.remove(*path) {
} else {
bail!("entry not selected for restore")
/// Restore the selected entries to the given target path.
/// Target must not exist on the clients filesystem.
fn restore_selected(&mut self, args: Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
let target = args
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no target provided"))?;
let mut list = Vec::new();
for path in &self.selected {
let pattern = MatchPattern::from_line(path)?
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("encountered invalid match pattern"))?;
if list.is_empty() {
bail!("no entries selected for restore");
// Entry point for the restore is always root here as the provided match
// patterns are relative to root as well.
let start_dir = self.decoder.root()?;
let target: &OsStr = OsStrExt::from_bytes(target);
.restore(&start_dir, &Path::new(target), &list)?;
/// List entries currently selected for restore.
fn list_selected(&mut self, _args: Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut out = std::io::stdout();
for entry in &self.selected {
out.write_all(entry).map_err(|err| format_err!("{}", err))?;
.map_err(|err| format_err!("{}", err))?;
out.flush().map_err(|err| format_err!("{}", err))?;
/// Restore the sub-archive given by the current working directory to target.
/// By further providing a pattern, the restore can be limited to a narrower
/// subset of this sub-archive.
/// If pattern is an empty slice, the full dir is restored.
fn restore(&mut self, args: Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
let target = args.get_param("target").unwrap();
let pattern = args.get_opt("pattern").unwrap().unwrap_or(&[]);
let match_pattern = match pattern {
b"" | b"/" | b"." => Vec::new(),
_ => vec![MatchPattern::from_line(pattern)?.unwrap()],
// Entry point for the restore.
let start_dir = if pattern.starts_with(&[b'/']) {
} else {
// Get the directory corresponding to the working directory from the
// archive.
let cwd = self.context().current.clone();
let (dir, _, _) = self.lookup(&cwd)?;
let target: &OsStr = OsStrExt::from_bytes(target);
.restore(&start_dir, &Path::new(target), &match_pattern)?;
/// Dummy callback for the help command.
fn help(&mut self, _args: Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
// this is a dummy, the actual help is handled before calling the callback
// as the full set of available commands is needed.
/// Print the list of `DirEntry`s to stdout.
fn print_list(list: &[DirEntry]) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
if list.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let max = list.iter().max_by(|x, y| x.name.len().cmp(&y.name.len()));
let max = match max {
Some(dir_entry) => dir_entry.name.len() + 1,
None => 0,
let (_rows, mut cols) = Self::get_terminal_size();
cols /= max;
let mut out = std::io::stdout();
for (index, item) in list.iter().enumerate() {
// Fill with whitespaces
out.write_all(&vec![b' '; max - item.name.len()])?;
if index % cols == (cols - 1) {
// If the last line is not complete, add the newline
if list.len() % cols != cols - 1 {
/// Print the given byte slice to stdout.
fn print_slice(slice: &[u8]) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let mut out = std::io::stdout();
/// Print the stats of `DirEntry` item to stdout.
fn print_stat(
item: &DirectoryEntry,
_attr: &PxarAttributes,
size: u64,
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let mut out = std::io::stdout();
out.write_all(b"File: ")?;
out.write_all(format!("Size: {}\n", size).as_bytes())?;
out.write_all(b"Type: ")?;
match item.entry.mode as u32 & libc::S_IFMT {
libc::S_IFDIR => out.write_all(b"directory\n")?,
libc::S_IFREG => out.write_all(b"regular file\n")?,
libc::S_IFLNK => out.write_all(b"symbolic link\n")?,
libc::S_IFBLK => out.write_all(b"block special file\n")?,
libc::S_IFCHR => out.write_all(b"character special file\n")?,
_ => out.write_all(b"unknown\n")?,
out.write_all(format!("Uid: {}\n", item.entry.uid).as_bytes())?;
out.write_all(format!("Gid: {}\n", item.entry.gid).as_bytes())?;
/// Get the current size of the terminal
/// # Safety
/// uses unsafe call to tty_ioctl, see man tty_ioctl(2)
fn get_terminal_size() -> (usize, usize) {
const TIOCGWINSZ: libc::c_ulong = 0x5413;
struct WinSize {
ws_row: libc::c_ushort,
ws_col: libc::c_ushort,
_ws_xpixel: libc::c_ushort, // unused
_ws_ypixel: libc::c_ushort, // unused
let mut winsize = WinSize {
ws_row: 0,
ws_col: 0,
_ws_xpixel: 0,
_ws_ypixel: 0,
unsafe { libc::ioctl(libc::STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &mut winsize) };
(winsize.ws_row as usize, winsize.ws_col as usize)
/// Filename completion callback for the shell
// TODO: impl command completion. For now only filename completion.
fn complete(ctx: &mut Context, text: &CStr, _start: usize, _end: usize) -> Vec<CString> {
let slices: Vec<_> = text.to_bytes().split(|b| *b == b'/').collect();
let to_complete = match slices.last() {
Some(last) => last,
None => return Vec::new(),
let mut current = ctx.current.clone();
let (prefix, entries) = {
let mut prefix = Vec::new();
if slices.len() > 1 {
for component in &slices[..slices.len() - 1] {
if component == b"." {
} else if component == b".." {
// Never leave the current archive in the catalog
if current.len() > 1 {
} else {
match ctx.catalog.lookup(current.last().unwrap(), component) {
Err(_) => return Vec::new(),
Ok(dir) => current.push(dir),
let entries = match ctx.catalog.read_dir(¤t.last().unwrap()) {
Ok(entries) => entries,
Err(_) => return Vec::new(),
(prefix, entries)
// Create a list of completion strings which outlives this function
let mut list = Vec::new();
for entry in &entries {
if entry.name.starts_with(to_complete) {
let mut name_buf = prefix.clone();
if entry.is_directory() {
let name = unsafe { CString::from_vec_unchecked(name_buf) };