allow to list any namespace with privileges on it and allow to create and delete namespaces if the user has modify permissions on the parent namespace. Creation is only allowed if the parent NS already exists. Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <>
853 lines
27 KiB
853 lines
27 KiB
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap};
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use anyhow::{bail, Error};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use proxmox_schema::{ApiStringFormat, ApiType, Schema, StringSchema};
use pbs_api_types::{Authid, Role, Userid, ROLE_NAME_NO_ACCESS};
use crate::{open_backup_lockfile, replace_backup_config, BackupLockGuard};
lazy_static! {
/// Map of pre-defined [Roles](Role) to their associated [privileges](PRIVILEGES) combination and
/// description.
pub static ref ROLE_NAMES: HashMap<&'static str, (u64, &'static str)> = {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
let list = match Role::API_SCHEMA {
Schema::String(StringSchema { format: Some(ApiStringFormat::Enum(list)), .. }) => list,
_ => unreachable!(),
for entry in list.iter() {
let privs: u64 = Role::from_str(entry.value).unwrap() as u64;
map.insert(entry.value, (privs, entry.description));
pub fn split_acl_path(path: &str) -> Vec<&str> {
let items = path.split('/');
let mut components = vec![];
for name in items {
if name.is_empty() {
/// Check whether a given ACL `path` conforms to the expected schema.
/// Currently this just checks for the number of components for various sub-trees.
pub fn check_acl_path(path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let components = split_acl_path(path);
let components_len = components.len();
if components_len == 0 {
return Ok(());
match components[0] {
"access" => {
if components_len == 1 {
return Ok(());
match components[1] {
"acl" | "users" | "domains" => {
if components_len == 2 {
return Ok(());
// /access/openid/{endpoint}
"openid" => {
if components_len <= 3 {
return Ok(());
_ => {}
"datastore" => {
// /datastore/{store}
if components_len <= 2 {
return Ok(());
if components_len > 2 && components_len <= 2 + pbs_api_types::MAX_NAMESPACE_DEPTH {
return Ok(());
"remote" => {
// /remote/{remote}/{store}
if components_len <= 3 {
return Ok(());
"system" => {
if components_len == 1 {
return Ok(());
match components[1] {
"certificates" | "disks" | "log" | "status" | "tasks" | "time" => {
if components_len == 2 {
return Ok(());
"services" => {
// /system/services/{service}
if components_len <= 3 {
return Ok(());
"network" => {
if components_len == 2 {
return Ok(());
match components[2] {
"dns" => {
if components_len == 3 {
return Ok(());
"interfaces" => {
// /system/network/interfaces/{iface}
if components_len <= 4 {
return Ok(());
_ => {}
_ => {}
"tape" => {
if components_len == 1 {
return Ok(());
match components[1] {
"device" => {
// /tape/device/{name}
if components_len <= 3 {
return Ok(());
"pool" => {
// /tape/pool/{name}
if components_len <= 3 {
return Ok(());
"job" => {
// /tape/job/{id}
if components_len <= 3 {
return Ok(());
_ => {}
_ => {}
bail!("invalid acl path '{}'.", path);
/// Tree representing a parsed acl.cfg
pub struct AclTree {
/// Root node of the tree.
/// The rest of the tree is available via [find_node()](AclTree::find_node()) or an
/// [AclTreeNode]'s [children](AclTreeNode::children) member.
pub root: AclTreeNode,
/// Node representing ACLs for a certain ACL path.
pub struct AclTreeNode {
/// [User](pbs_api_types::User) or
/// [Token](pbs_api_types::ApiToken) ACLs for this node.
pub users: HashMap<Authid, HashMap<String, bool>>,
/// `Group` ACLs for this node (not yet implemented)
pub groups: HashMap<String, HashMap<String, bool>>,
/// `AclTreeNodes` representing ACL paths directly below the current one.
pub children: BTreeMap<String, AclTreeNode>,
impl AclTreeNode {
/// Creates a new, empty AclTreeNode.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
users: HashMap::new(),
groups: HashMap::new(),
children: BTreeMap::new(),
/// Returns applicable [Role] and their propagation status for a given
/// [Authid](pbs_api_types::Authid).
/// If the `Authid` is a [User](pbs_api_types::User) that has no specific `Roles` configured on this node,
/// applicable `Group` roles will be returned instead.
/// If `leaf` is `false`, only those roles where the propagate flag in the ACL is set to `true`
/// are returned. Otherwise, all roles will be returned.
pub fn extract_roles(&self, auth_id: &Authid, leaf: bool) -> HashMap<String, bool> {
let user_roles = self.extract_user_roles(auth_id, leaf);
if !user_roles.is_empty() || auth_id.is_token() {
// user privs always override group privs
return user_roles;
self.extract_group_roles(auth_id.user(), leaf)
fn extract_user_roles(&self, auth_id: &Authid, leaf: bool) -> HashMap<String, bool> {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
let roles = match self.users.get(auth_id) {
Some(m) => m,
None => return map,
for (role, propagate) in roles {
if *propagate || leaf {
if role == ROLE_NAME_NO_ACCESS {
// return a map with a single role 'NoAccess'
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert(role.to_string(), false);
return map;
map.insert(role.to_string(), *propagate);
fn extract_group_roles(&self, _user: &Userid, leaf: bool) -> HashMap<String, bool> {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
for (_group, roles) in &self.groups {
let is_member = false; // fixme: check if user is member of the group
if !is_member {
for (role, propagate) in roles {
if *propagate || leaf {
if role == ROLE_NAME_NO_ACCESS {
// return a map with a single role 'NoAccess'
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert(role.to_string(), false);
return map;
map.insert(role.to_string(), *propagate);
fn delete_group_role(&mut self, group: &str, role: &str) {
let roles = match self.groups.get_mut(group) {
Some(r) => r,
None => return,
fn delete_user_role(&mut self, auth_id: &Authid, role: &str) {
let roles = match self.users.get_mut(auth_id) {
Some(r) => r,
None => return,
fn insert_group_role(&mut self, group: String, role: String, propagate: bool) {
let map = self.groups.entry(group).or_default();
if role == ROLE_NAME_NO_ACCESS {
map.insert(role, propagate);
} else {
map.insert(role, propagate);
fn insert_user_role(&mut self, auth_id: Authid, role: String, propagate: bool) {
let map = self.users.entry(auth_id).or_default();
if role == ROLE_NAME_NO_ACCESS {
map.insert(role, propagate);
} else {
map.insert(role, propagate);
impl AclTree {
/// Create a new, empty ACL tree with a single, empty root [node](AclTreeNode)
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
root: AclTreeNode::new(),
/// Iterates over the tree looking for a node matching `path`.
pub fn find_node(&mut self, path: &str) -> Option<&mut AclTreeNode> {
let path = split_acl_path(path);
fn get_node(&mut self, path: &[&str]) -> Option<&mut AclTreeNode> {
let mut node = &mut self.root;
for comp in path {
node = match node.children.get_mut(*comp) {
Some(n) => n,
None => return None,
fn get_or_insert_node(&mut self, path: &[&str]) -> &mut AclTreeNode {
let mut node = &mut self.root;
for comp in path {
node = node.children.entry(String::from(*comp)).or_default();
/// Deletes the specified `role` from the `group`'s ACL on `path`.
/// Never fails, even if the `path` has no ACLs configured, or the `group`/`role` combination
/// does not exist on `path`.
pub fn delete_group_role(&mut self, path: &str, group: &str, role: &str) {
let path = split_acl_path(path);
let node = match self.get_node(&path) {
Some(n) => n,
None => return,
node.delete_group_role(group, role);
/// Deletes the specified `role` from the `user`'s ACL on `path`.
/// Never fails, even if the `path` has no ACLs configured, or the `user`/`role` combination
/// does not exist on `path`.
pub fn delete_user_role(&mut self, path: &str, auth_id: &Authid, role: &str) {
let path = split_acl_path(path);
let node = match self.get_node(&path) {
Some(n) => n,
None => return,
node.delete_user_role(auth_id, role);
/// Inserts the specified `role` into the `group` ACL on `path`.
/// The [AclTreeNode] representing `path` will be created and inserted into the tree if
/// necessary.
pub fn insert_group_role(&mut self, path: &str, group: &str, role: &str, propagate: bool) {
let path = split_acl_path(path);
let node = self.get_or_insert_node(&path);
node.insert_group_role(group.to_string(), role.to_string(), propagate);
/// Inserts the specified `role` into the `user` ACL on `path`.
/// The [AclTreeNode] representing `path` will be created and inserted into the tree if
/// necessary.
pub fn insert_user_role(&mut self, path: &str, auth_id: &Authid, role: &str, propagate: bool) {
let path = split_acl_path(path);
let node = self.get_or_insert_node(&path);
node.insert_user_role(auth_id.to_owned(), role.to_string(), propagate);
fn write_node_config(node: &AclTreeNode, path: &str, w: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut role_ug_map0 = HashMap::new();
let mut role_ug_map1 = HashMap::new();
for (auth_id, roles) in &node.users {
// no need to save, because root is always 'Administrator'
if !auth_id.is_token() && auth_id.user() == "root@pam" {
for (role, propagate) in roles {
let role = role.as_str();
let auth_id = auth_id.to_string();
if *propagate {
} else {
for (group, roles) in &node.groups {
for (role, propagate) in roles {
let group = format!("@{}", group);
if *propagate {
} else {
fn group_by_property_list(
item_property_map: &HashMap<&str, BTreeSet<String>>,
) -> BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<String>> {
let mut result_map = BTreeMap::new();
for (item, property_map) in item_property_map {
let item_list = property_map.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, v| {
if !acc.is_empty() {
let uglist_role_map0 = group_by_property_list(&role_ug_map0);
let uglist_role_map1 = group_by_property_list(&role_ug_map1);
fn role_list(roles: &BTreeSet<String>) -> String {
if roles.contains(ROLE_NAME_NO_ACCESS) {
return String::from(ROLE_NAME_NO_ACCESS);
roles.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, v| {
if !acc.is_empty() {
for (uglist, roles) in &uglist_role_map0 {
let role_list = role_list(roles);
if path.is_empty() { "/" } else { path },
for (uglist, roles) in &uglist_role_map1 {
let role_list = role_list(roles);
if path.is_empty() { "/" } else { path },
for (name, child) in node.children.iter() {
let child_path = format!("{}/{}", path, name);
Self::write_node_config(child, &child_path, w)?;
fn write_config(&self, w: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<(), Error> {
Self::write_node_config(&self.root, "", w)
fn parse_acl_line(&mut self, line: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let items: Vec<&str> = line.split(':').collect();
if items.len() != 5 {
bail!("wrong number of items.");
if items[0] != "acl" {
bail!("line does not start with 'acl'.");
let propagate = if items[1] == "0" {
} else if items[1] == "1" {
} else {
bail!("expected '0' or '1' for propagate flag.");
let path_str = items[2];
let path = split_acl_path(path_str);
let node = self.get_or_insert_node(&path);
let uglist: Vec<&str> = items[3].split(',').map(|v| v.trim()).collect();
let rolelist: Vec<&str> = items[4].split(',').map(|v| v.trim()).collect();
for user_or_group in &uglist {
for role in &rolelist {
if !ROLE_NAMES.contains_key(role) {
bail!("unknown role '{}'", role);
if let Some(group) = user_or_group.strip_prefix('@') {
node.insert_group_role(group.to_string(), role.to_string(), propagate);
} else {
node.insert_user_role(user_or_group.parse()?, role.to_string(), propagate);
fn load(filename: &Path) -> Result<(Self, [u8; 32]), Error> {
let mut tree = Self::new();
let raw = match std::fs::read_to_string(filename) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(err) => {
if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
} else {
bail!("unable to read acl config {:?} - {}", filename, err);
let digest = openssl::sha::sha256(raw.as_bytes());
for (linenr, line) in raw.lines().enumerate() {
let line = line.trim();
if line.is_empty() {
if let Err(err) = tree.parse_acl_line(line) {
"unable to parse acl config {:?}, line {} - {}",
linenr + 1,
Ok((tree, digest))
/// This is used for testing
pub fn from_raw(raw: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut tree = Self::new();
for (linenr, line) in raw.lines().enumerate() {
let line = line.trim();
if line.is_empty() {
if let Err(err) = tree.parse_acl_line(line) {
"unable to parse acl config data, line {} - {}",
linenr + 1,
/// Returns a map of role name and propagation status for a given `auth_id` and `path`.
/// This will collect role mappings according to the following algorithm:
/// - iterate over all intermediate nodes along `path` and collect roles with `propagate` set
/// - get all (propagating and non-propagating) roles for last component of path
/// - more specific role maps replace less specific role maps
/// -- user/token is more specific than group at each level
/// -- roles lower in the tree are more specific than those higher up along the path
pub fn roles(&self, auth_id: &Authid, path: &[&str]) -> HashMap<String, bool> {
let mut node = &self.root;
let mut role_map = node.extract_roles(auth_id, path.is_empty());
for (pos, comp) in path.iter().enumerate() {
let last_comp = (pos + 1) == path.len();
for scomp in comp.split('/') {
node = match node.children.get(scomp) {
Some(n) => n,
None => return role_map, // path not found
let new_map = node.extract_roles(auth_id, last_comp);
if !new_map.is_empty() {
// overwrite previous mappings
role_map = new_map;
/// Filename where [AclTree] is stored.
pub const ACL_CFG_FILENAME: &str = "/etc/proxmox-backup/acl.cfg";
/// Path used to lock the [AclTree] when modifying.
pub const ACL_CFG_LOCKFILE: &str = "/etc/proxmox-backup/.acl.lck";
/// Get exclusive lock
pub fn lock_config() -> Result<BackupLockGuard, Error> {
open_backup_lockfile(ACL_CFG_LOCKFILE, None, true)
/// Reads the [AclTree] from the [default path](ACL_CFG_FILENAME).
pub fn config() -> Result<(AclTree, [u8; 32]), Error> {
let path = PathBuf::from(ACL_CFG_FILENAME);
/// Returns a cached [AclTree] or fresh copy read directly from the [default path](ACL_CFG_FILENAME)
/// Since the AclTree is used for every API request's permission check, this caching mechanism
/// allows to skip reading and parsing the file again if it is unchanged.
pub fn cached_config() -> Result<Arc<AclTree>, Error> {
struct ConfigCache {
data: Option<Arc<AclTree>>,
last_mtime: i64,
last_mtime_nsec: i64,
lazy_static! {
static ref CACHED_CONFIG: RwLock<ConfigCache> = RwLock::new(ConfigCache {
data: None,
last_mtime: 0,
last_mtime_nsec: 0
let stat = match nix::sys::stat::stat(ACL_CFG_FILENAME) {
Ok(stat) => Some(stat),
Err(nix::Error::Sys(nix::errno::Errno::ENOENT)) => None,
Err(err) => bail!("unable to stat '{}' - {}", ACL_CFG_FILENAME, err),
// limit scope
let cache =;
if let Some(ref config) = {
if let Some(stat) = stat {
if stat.st_mtime == cache.last_mtime && stat.st_mtime_nsec == cache.last_mtime_nsec
return Ok(config.clone());
} else if cache.last_mtime == 0 && cache.last_mtime_nsec == 0 {
return Ok(config.clone());
let (config, _digest) = config()?;
let config = Arc::new(config);
let mut cache = CACHED_CONFIG.write().unwrap();
if let Some(stat) = stat {
cache.last_mtime = stat.st_mtime;
cache.last_mtime_nsec = stat.st_mtime_nsec;
| = Some(config.clone());
/// Saves an [AclTree] to the [default path](ACL_CFG_FILENAME), ensuring proper ownership and
/// file permissions.
pub fn save_config(acl: &AclTree) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut raw: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
acl.write_config(&mut raw)?;
replace_backup_config(ACL_CFG_FILENAME, &raw)
mod test {
use super::AclTree;
use anyhow::Error;
use pbs_api_types::Authid;
fn check_roles(tree: &AclTree, auth_id: &Authid, path: &str, expected_roles: &str) {
let path_vec = super::split_acl_path(path);
let mut roles = tree
.roles(auth_id, &path_vec)
.map(|(v, _)| v.clone())
let roles = roles.join(",");
roles, expected_roles,
"\nat check_roles for '{}' on '{}'",
auth_id, path
fn test_acl_line_compression() {
let tree = AclTree::from_raw(
.expect("failed to parse acl tree");
let mut raw: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
tree.write_config(&mut raw)
.expect("failed to write acl tree");
let raw = std::str::from_utf8(&raw).expect("acl tree is not valid utf8");
fn test_roles_1() -> Result<(), Error> {
let tree = AclTree::from_raw(
let user1: Authid = "user1@pbs".parse()?;
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/", "");
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/storage", "Admin");
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/storage/store1", "DatastoreBackup");
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/storage/store2", "Admin");
let user2: Authid = "user2@pbs".parse()?;
check_roles(&tree, &user2, "/", "");
check_roles(&tree, &user2, "/storage", "");
check_roles(&tree, &user2, "/storage/store1", "");
check_roles(&tree, &user2, "/storage/store2", "DatastoreBackup");
fn test_role_no_access() -> Result<(), Error> {
let tree = AclTree::from_raw(
let user1: Authid = "user1@pbs".parse()?;
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/", "Admin");
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/storage", "NoAccess");
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/storage/store1", "DatastoreBackup");
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/storage/store2", "NoAccess");
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/system", "Admin");
let tree = AclTree::from_raw(
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/", "Admin");
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/storage", "NoAccess");
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/storage/store1", "DatastoreBackup");
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/storage/store2", "Admin");
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/system", "Admin");
fn test_role_add_delete() -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut tree = AclTree::new();
let user1: Authid = "user1@pbs".parse()?;
tree.insert_user_role("/", &user1, "Admin", true);
tree.insert_user_role("/", &user1, "Audit", true);
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/", "Admin,Audit");
tree.insert_user_role("/", &user1, "NoAccess", true);
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/", "NoAccess");
let mut raw: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
tree.write_config(&mut raw)?;
let raw = std::str::from_utf8(&raw)?;
assert_eq!(raw, "acl:1:/:user1@pbs:NoAccess\n");
fn test_no_access_overwrite() -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut tree = AclTree::new();
let user1: Authid = "user1@pbs".parse()?;
tree.insert_user_role("/storage", &user1, "NoAccess", true);
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/storage", "NoAccess");
tree.insert_user_role("/storage", &user1, "Admin", true);
tree.insert_user_role("/storage", &user1, "Audit", true);
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/storage", "Admin,Audit");
tree.insert_user_role("/storage", &user1, "NoAccess", true);
check_roles(&tree, &user1, "/storage", "NoAccess");