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228 lines
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//! # Proxmox REST server
//! This module provides convenient building blocks to implement a
//! REST server.
//! ## Features
//! * highly threaded code, uses Rust async
//! * static API definitions using schemas
//! * restartable systemd daemons using `systemd_notify`
//! * support for long running worker tasks (threads or async tokio tasks)
//! * supports separate access and authentication log files
//! * extra control socket to trigger management operations
//! - logfile rotation
//! - worker task management
//! * generic interface to authenticate user
use std::sync::atomic::{Ordering, AtomicBool};
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
use nix::unistd::Pid;
use hyper::{Body, Response, Method};
use http::request::Parts;
use http::HeaderMap;
use proxmox::tools::fd::Fd;
use proxmox::sys::linux::procfs::PidStat;
use proxmox::tools::fs::CreateOptions;
use proxmox_router::UserInformation;
mod compression;
pub use compression::*;
pub mod daemon;
pub mod formatter;
mod environment;
pub use environment::*;
mod state;
pub use state::*;
mod command_socket;
pub use command_socket::*;
mod file_logger;
pub use file_logger::{FileLogger, FileLogOptions};
mod api_config;
pub use api_config::ApiConfig;
mod rest;
pub use rest::RestServer;
mod worker_task;
pub use worker_task::*;
mod h2service;
pub use h2service::*;
/// Authentication Error
pub enum AuthError {
impl From<Error> for AuthError {
fn from(err: Error) -> Self {
/// User Authentication and index/root page generation methods
pub trait ServerAdapter: Send + Sync {
/// Returns the index/root page
fn get_index(
rest_env: RestEnvironment,
parts: Parts,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Response<Body>> + Send>>;
/// Extract user credentials from headers and check them.
/// If credenthials are valid, returns the username and a
/// [UserInformation] object to query additional user data.
fn check_auth<'a>(
&'a self,
headers: &'a HeaderMap,
method: &'a Method,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(String, Box<dyn UserInformation + Sync + Send>), AuthError>> + Send + 'a>>;
static ref PID: i32 = unsafe { libc::getpid() };
static ref PSTART: u64 = PidStat::read_from_pid(Pid::from_raw(*PID)).unwrap().starttime;
/// Retruns the current process ID (see [libc::getpid])
/// The value is cached at startup (so it is invalid after a fork)
pub(crate) fn pid() -> i32 {
/// Returns the starttime of the process (see [PidStat])
/// The value is cached at startup (so it is invalid after a fork)
pub(crate) fn pstart() -> u64 {
/// Helper to write the PID into a file
pub fn write_pid(pid_fn: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let pid_str = format!("{}\n", *PID);
proxmox::tools::fs::replace_file(pid_fn, pid_str.as_bytes(), CreateOptions::new())
/// Helper to read the PID from a file
pub fn read_pid(pid_fn: &str) -> Result<i32, Error> {
let pid = proxmox::tools::fs::file_get_contents(pid_fn)?;
let pid = std::str::from_utf8(&pid)?.trim();
pid.parse().map_err(|err| format_err!("could not parse pid - {}", err))
/// Returns the control socket path for a specific process ID.
/// Note: The control socket always uses @/run/proxmox-backup/ as
/// prefix for historic reason. This does not matter because the
/// generated path is unique for each ``pid`` anyways.
pub fn ctrl_sock_from_pid(pid: i32) -> String {
// Note: The control socket always uses @/run/proxmox-backup/ as prefix
// for historc reason.
format!("\0{}/control-{}.sock", "/run/proxmox-backup", pid)
/// Returns the control socket path for this server.
pub fn our_ctrl_sock() -> String {
static SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
/// Request a server shutdown (usually called from [catch_shutdown_signal])
pub fn request_shutdown() {
SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Returns true if there was a shutdown request.
pub fn shutdown_requested() -> bool {
/// Raise an error if there was a shutdown request.
pub fn fail_on_shutdown() -> Result<(), Error> {
if shutdown_requested() {
bail!("Server shutdown requested - aborting task");
/// safe wrapper for `nix::sys::socket::socketpair` defaulting to `O_CLOEXEC` and guarding the file
/// descriptors.
pub fn socketpair() -> Result<(Fd, Fd), Error> {
use nix::sys::socket;
let (pa, pb) = socket::socketpair(
Ok((Fd(pa), Fd(pb)))
/// Extract a specific cookie from cookie header.
/// We assume cookie_name is already url encoded.
pub fn extract_cookie(cookie: &str, cookie_name: &str) -> Option<String> {
for pair in cookie.split(';') {
let (name, value) = match pair.find('=') {
Some(i) => (pair[..i].trim(), pair[(i + 1)..].trim()),
None => return None, // Cookie format error
if name == cookie_name {
use percent_encoding::percent_decode;
if let Ok(value) = percent_decode(value.as_bytes()).decode_utf8() {
return Some(value.into());
} else {
return None; // Cookie format error
/// normalize uri path
/// Do not allow ".", "..", or hidden files ".XXXX"
/// Also remove empty path components
pub fn normalize_uri_path(path: &str) -> Result<(String, Vec<&str>), Error> {
let items = path.split('/');
let mut path = String::new();
let mut components = vec![];
for name in items {
if name.is_empty() {
if name.starts_with('.') {
bail!("Path contains illegal components.");
Ok((path, components))