Dietmar Maurer 1ce8e905ea move drive config to pbs_config workspace
Also moved the tape type definitions to pbs_api_types.
2021-09-03 09:10:18 +02:00

572 lines
17 KiB

//! Media changer implementation (SCSI media changer)
pub mod sg_pt_changer;
pub mod mtx;
mod online_status_map;
pub use online_status_map::*;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use anyhow::{bail, Error};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use serde_json::Value;
use proxmox::{
use crate::api2::types::{
/// Changer element status.
/// Drive and slots may be `Empty`, or contain some media, either
/// with known volume tag `VolumeTag(String)`, or without (`Full`).
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub enum ElementStatus {
/// Changer drive status.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DriveStatus {
/// The slot the element was loaded from (if known).
pub loaded_slot: Option<u64>,
/// The status.
pub status: ElementStatus,
/// Drive Identifier (Serial number)
pub drive_serial_number: Option<String>,
/// Drive Vendor
pub vendor: Option<String>,
/// Drive Model
pub model: Option<String>,
/// Element Address
pub element_address: u16,
/// Storage element status.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct StorageElementStatus {
/// Flag for Import/Export slots
pub import_export: bool,
/// The status.
pub status: ElementStatus,
/// Element Address
pub element_address: u16,
/// Transport element status.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TransportElementStatus {
/// The status.
pub status: ElementStatus,
/// Element Address
pub element_address: u16,
/// Changer status - show drive/slot usage
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct MtxStatus {
/// List of known drives
pub drives: Vec<DriveStatus>,
/// List of known storage slots
pub slots: Vec<StorageElementStatus>,
/// Transport elements
/// Note: Some libraries do not report transport elements.
pub transports: Vec<TransportElementStatus>,
impl MtxStatus {
pub fn slot_address(&self, slot: u64) -> Result<u16, Error> {
if slot == 0 {
bail!("invalid slot number '{}' (slots numbers starts at 1)", slot);
if slot > (self.slots.len() as u64) {
bail!("invalid slot number '{}' (max {} slots)", slot, self.slots.len());
Ok(self.slots[(slot -1) as usize].element_address)
pub fn drive_address(&self, drivenum: u64) -> Result<u16, Error> {
if drivenum >= (self.drives.len() as u64) {
bail!("invalid drive number '{}'", drivenum);
Ok(self.drives[drivenum as usize].element_address)
pub fn transport_address(&self) -> u16 {
// simply use first transport
// (are there changers exposing more than one?)
// defaults to 0 for changer that do not report transports
.map(|t| t.element_address)
pub fn find_free_slot(&self, import_export: bool) -> Option<u64> {
let mut free_slot = None;
for (i, slot_info) in self.slots.iter().enumerate() {
if slot_info.import_export != import_export {
continue; // skip slots of wrong type
if let ElementStatus::Empty = slot_info.status {
free_slot = Some((i+1) as u64);
pub fn mark_import_export_slots(&mut self, config: &ScsiTapeChanger) -> Result<(), Error>{
let mut export_slots: HashSet<u64> = HashSet::new();
if let Some(slots) = &config.export_slots {
let slots: Value = parse_property_string(&slots, &SLOT_ARRAY_SCHEMA)?;
export_slots = slots
.filter_map(|v| v.as_u64())
for (i, entry) in self.slots.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let slot = i as u64 + 1;
if export_slots.contains(&slot) {
entry.import_export = true; // mark as IMPORT/EXPORT
/// Interface to SCSI changer devices
pub trait ScsiMediaChange {
fn status(&mut self, use_cache: bool) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error>;
fn load_slot(&mut self, from_slot: u64, drivenum: u64) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error>;
fn unload(&mut self, to_slot: u64, drivenum: u64) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error>;
fn transfer(&mut self, from_slot: u64, to_slot: u64) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error>;
/// Interface to the media changer device for a single drive
pub trait MediaChange {
/// Drive number inside changer
fn drive_number(&self) -> u64;
/// Drive name (used for debug messages)
fn drive_name(&self) -> &str;
/// Returns the changer status
fn status(&mut self) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error>;
/// Transfer media from on slot to another (storage or import export slots)
/// Target slot needs to be empty
fn transfer_media(&mut self, from: u64, to: u64) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error>;
/// Load media from storage slot into drive
fn load_media_from_slot(&mut self, slot: u64) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error>;
/// Load media by label-text into drive
/// This unloads first if the drive is already loaded with another media.
/// Note: This refuses to load media inside import/export
/// slots. Also, you cannot load cleaning units with this
/// interface.
fn load_media(&mut self, label_text: &str) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error> {
if label_text.starts_with("CLN") {
bail!("unable to load media '{}' (seems to be a cleaning unit)", label_text);
let mut status = self.status()?;
let mut unload_drive = false;
// already loaded?
for (i, drive_status) in status.drives.iter().enumerate() {
if let ElementStatus::VolumeTag(ref tag) = drive_status.status {
if *tag == label_text {
if i as u64 != self.drive_number() {
bail!("unable to load media '{}' - media in wrong drive ({} != {})",
label_text, i, self.drive_number());
return Ok(status) // already loaded
if i as u64 == self.drive_number() {
match drive_status.status {
ElementStatus::Empty => { /* OK */ },
_ => unload_drive = true,
if unload_drive {
status = self.unload_to_free_slot(status)?;
let mut slot = None;
for (i, slot_info) in status.slots.iter().enumerate() {
if let ElementStatus::VolumeTag(ref tag) = slot_info.status {
if tag == label_text {
if slot_info.import_export {
bail!("unable to load media '{}' - inside import/export slot", label_text);
slot = Some(i+1);
let slot = match slot {
None => bail!("unable to find media '{}' (offline?)", label_text),
Some(slot) => slot,
self.load_media_from_slot(slot as u64)
/// Unload media from drive (eject media if necessary)
fn unload_media(&mut self, target_slot: Option<u64>) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error>;
/// List online media labels (label_text/barcodes)
/// List accessible (online) label texts. This does not include
/// media inside import-export slots or cleaning media.
fn online_media_label_texts(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<String>, Error> {
let status = self.status()?;
let mut list = Vec::new();
for drive_status in status.drives.iter() {
if let ElementStatus::VolumeTag(ref tag) = drive_status.status {
for slot_info in status.slots.iter() {
if slot_info.import_export { continue; }
if let ElementStatus::VolumeTag(ref tag) = slot_info.status {
if tag.starts_with("CLN") { continue; }
/// Load/Unload cleaning cartridge
/// This fail if there is no cleaning cartridge online. Any media
/// inside the drive is automatically unloaded.
fn clean_drive(&mut self) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error> {
let mut status = self.status()?;
// Unload drive first. Note: This also unloads a loaded cleaning tape
if let Some(drive_status) = status.drives.get(self.drive_number() as usize) {
match drive_status.status {
ElementStatus::Empty => { /* OK */ },
_ => { status = self.unload_to_free_slot(status)?; }
let mut cleaning_cartridge_slot = None;
for (i, slot_info) in status.slots.iter().enumerate() {
if slot_info.import_export { continue; }
if let ElementStatus::VolumeTag(ref tag) = slot_info.status {
if tag.starts_with("CLN") {
cleaning_cartridge_slot = Some(i + 1);
let cleaning_cartridge_slot = match cleaning_cartridge_slot {
None => bail!("clean failed - unable to find cleaning cartridge"),
Some(cleaning_cartridge_slot) => cleaning_cartridge_slot as u64,
/// Export media
/// By moving the media to an empty import-export slot. Returns
/// Some(slot) if the media was exported. Returns None if the media is
/// not online (already exported).
fn export_media(&mut self, label_text: &str) -> Result<Option<u64>, Error> {
let status = self.status()?;
let mut unload_from_drive = false;
if let Some(drive_status) = status.drives.get(self.drive_number() as usize) {
if let ElementStatus::VolumeTag(ref tag) = drive_status.status {
if tag == label_text {
unload_from_drive = true;
let mut from = None;
let mut to = None;
for (i, slot_info) in status.slots.iter().enumerate() {
if slot_info.import_export {
if to.is_some() { continue; }
if let ElementStatus::Empty = slot_info.status {
to = Some(i as u64 + 1);
} else if let ElementStatus::VolumeTag(ref tag) = slot_info.status {
if tag == label_text {
from = Some(i as u64 + 1);
if unload_from_drive {
match to {
Some(to) => {
None => bail!("unable to find free export slot"),
} else {
match (from, to) {
(Some(from), Some(to)) => {
self.transfer_media(from, to)?;
(Some(_from), None) => bail!("unable to find free export slot"),
(None, _) => Ok(None), // not online
/// Unload media to a free storage slot
/// If possible to the slot it was previously loaded from.
/// Note: This method consumes status - so please use returned status afterward.
fn unload_to_free_slot(&mut self, status: MtxStatus) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error> {
let drive_status = &status.drives[self.drive_number() as usize];
if let Some(slot) = drive_status.loaded_slot {
// check if original slot is empty/usable
if let Some(info) = status.slots.get(slot as usize - 1) {
if let ElementStatus::Empty = info.status {
return self.unload_media(Some(slot));
if let Some(slot) = status.find_free_slot(false) {
} else {
bail!("drive '{}' unload failure - no free slot", self.drive_name());
const USE_MTX: bool = false;
impl ScsiMediaChange for ScsiTapeChanger {
fn status(&mut self, use_cache: bool) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error> {
if use_cache {
if let Some(state) = load_changer_state_cache(& {
return Ok(state);
let status = if USE_MTX {
} else {
match &status {
Ok(status) => {
save_changer_state_cache(&, status)?;
Err(_) => {
fn load_slot(&mut self, from_slot: u64, drivenum: u64) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error> {
let result = if USE_MTX {
mtx::mtx_load(&self.path, from_slot, drivenum)
} else {
let mut file = sg_pt_changer::open(&self.path)?;
sg_pt_changer::load_slot(&mut file, from_slot, drivenum)
let status = self.status(false)?; // always update status
result?; // check load result
fn unload(&mut self, to_slot: u64, drivenum: u64) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error> {
let result = if USE_MTX {
mtx::mtx_unload(&self.path, to_slot, drivenum)
} else {
let mut file = sg_pt_changer::open(&self.path)?;
sg_pt_changer::unload(&mut file, to_slot, drivenum)
let status = self.status(false)?; // always update status
result?; // check unload result
fn transfer(&mut self, from_slot: u64, to_slot: u64) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error> {
let result = if USE_MTX {
mtx::mtx_transfer(&self.path, from_slot, to_slot)
} else {
let mut file = sg_pt_changer::open(&self.path)?;
sg_pt_changer::transfer_medium(&mut file, from_slot, to_slot)
let status = self.status(false)?; // always update status
result?; // check unload result
fn save_changer_state_cache(
changer: &str,
state: &MtxStatus,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut path = PathBuf::from(crate::tape::CHANGER_STATE_DIR);
let state = serde_json::to_string_pretty(state)?;
let backup_user = pbs_config::backup_user()?;
let mode = nix::sys::stat::Mode::from_bits_truncate(0o0644);
let options = CreateOptions::new()
replace_file(path, state.as_bytes(), options)
fn delete_changer_state_cache(changer: &str) {
let mut path = PathBuf::from("/run/proxmox-backup/changer-state");
let _ = std::fs::remove_file(&path); // ignore errors
fn load_changer_state_cache(changer: &str) -> Result<Option<MtxStatus>, Error> {
let mut path = PathBuf::from("/run/proxmox-backup/changer-state");
let data = match file_read_optional_string(&path)? {
None => return Ok(None),
Some(data) => data,
let state = serde_json::from_str(&data)?;
/// Implements MediaChange using 'mtx' linux cli tool
pub struct MtxMediaChanger {
drive_name: String, // used for error messages
drive_number: u64,
config: ScsiTapeChanger,
impl MtxMediaChanger {
pub fn with_drive_config(drive_config: &LtoTapeDrive) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let (config, _digest) = pbs_config::drive::config()?;
let changer_config: ScsiTapeChanger = match drive_config.changer {
Some(ref changer) => config.lookup("changer", changer)?,
None => bail!("drive '{}' has no associated changer",,
Ok(Self {
drive_number: drive_config.changer_drivenum.unwrap_or(0),
config: changer_config,
impl MediaChange for MtxMediaChanger {
fn drive_number(&self) -> u64 {
fn drive_name(&self) -> &str {
fn status(&mut self) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error> {
fn transfer_media(&mut self, from: u64, to: u64) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error> {
self.config.transfer(from, to)
fn load_media_from_slot(&mut self, slot: u64) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error> {
self.config.load_slot(slot, self.drive_number)
fn unload_media(&mut self, target_slot: Option<u64>) -> Result<MtxStatus, Error> {
if let Some(target_slot) = target_slot {
self.config.unload(target_slot, self.drive_number)
} else {
let status = self.status()?;