Have a single common function to get the BaseDirectories instance and a wrapper for `find()` and `place()` which wrap the error with some context. Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Bumiller <w.bumiller@proxmox.com>
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use std::path::PathBuf;
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
use chrono::{Local, TimeZone};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use proxmox::api::api;
use proxmox::api::cli::{CliCommand, CliCommandMap};
use proxmox::sys::linux::tty;
use proxmox::tools::fs::{file_get_contents, replace_file, CreateOptions};
use proxmox_backup::backup::{
encrypt_key_with_passphrase, load_and_decrypt_key, store_key_config, KeyConfig,
use proxmox_backup::tools;
pub const DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILE_NAME: &str = "encryption-key.json";
pub const MASTER_PUBKEY_FILE_NAME: &str = "master-public.pem";
pub fn find_master_pubkey() -> Result<Option<PathBuf>, Error> {
super::find_xdg_file(MASTER_PUBKEY_FILE_NAME, "main public key file")
pub fn place_master_pubkey() -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
super::place_xdg_file(MASTER_PUBKEY_FILE_NAME, "main public key file")
pub fn find_default_encryption_key() -> Result<Option<PathBuf>, Error> {
super::find_xdg_file(DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILE_NAME, "default encryption key file")
pub fn place_default_encryption_key() -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
super::place_xdg_file(DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILE_NAME, "default encryption key file")
pub fn get_encryption_key_password() -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
// fixme: implement other input methods
use std::env::VarError::*;
match std::env::var("PBS_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD") {
Ok(p) => return Ok(p.as_bytes().to_vec()),
Err(NotUnicode(_)) => bail!("PBS_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD contains bad characters"),
Err(NotPresent) => {
// Try another method
// If we're on a TTY, query the user for a password
if tty::stdin_isatty() {
return Ok(tty::read_password("Encryption Key Password: ")?);
bail!("no password input mechanism available");
default: "scrypt",
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
/// Key derivation function for password protected encryption keys.
pub enum Kdf {
/// Do not encrypt the key.
/// Encrypt they key with a password using SCrypt.
impl Default for Kdf {
fn default() -> Self {
input: {
properties: {
kdf: {
type: Kdf,
optional: true,
path: {
"Output file. Without this the key will become the new default encryption key.",
optional: true,
/// Create a new encryption key.
fn create(kdf: Option<Kdf>, path: Option<String>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path = match path {
Some(path) => PathBuf::from(path),
None => place_default_encryption_key()?,
let kdf = kdf.unwrap_or_default();
let key = proxmox::sys::linux::random_data(32)?;
match kdf {
Kdf::None => {
let created = Local.timestamp(Local::now().timestamp(), 0);
KeyConfig {
kdf: None,
modified: created,
data: key,
Kdf::Scrypt => {
// always read passphrase from tty
if !tty::stdin_isatty() {
bail!("unable to read passphrase - no tty");
let password = tty::read_and_verify_password("Encryption Key Password: ")?;
let key_config = encrypt_key_with_passphrase(&key, &password)?;
store_key_config(&path, false, key_config)?;
input: {
properties: {
kdf: {
type: Kdf,
optional: true,
path: {
description: "Key file. Without this the default key's password will be changed.",
optional: true,
/// Change the encryption key's password.
fn change_passphrase(kdf: Option<Kdf>, path: Option<String>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path = match path {
Some(path) => PathBuf::from(path),
None => find_default_encryption_key()?
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no encryption file provided and no default file found"))?,
let kdf = kdf.unwrap_or_default();
if !tty::stdin_isatty() {
bail!("unable to change passphrase - no tty");
let (key, created) = load_and_decrypt_key(&path, &get_encryption_key_password)?;
match kdf {
Kdf::None => {
let modified = Local.timestamp(Local::now().timestamp(), 0);
KeyConfig {
kdf: None,
created, // keep original value
data: key.to_vec(),
Kdf::Scrypt => {
let password = tty::read_and_verify_password("New Password: ")?;
let mut new_key_config = encrypt_key_with_passphrase(&key, &password)?;
new_key_config.created = created; // keep original value
store_key_config(&path, true, new_key_config)?;
input: {
properties: {
path: {
description: "Path to the PEM formatted RSA public key.",
/// Import an RSA public key used to put an encrypted version of the symmetric backup encryption
/// key onto the backup server along with each backup.
fn import_master_pubkey(path: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
let pem_data = file_get_contents(&path)?;
if let Err(err) = openssl::pkey::PKey::public_key_from_pem(&pem_data) {
bail!("Unable to decode PEM data - {}", err);
let target_path = place_master_pubkey()?;
replace_file(&target_path, &pem_data, CreateOptions::new())?;
println!("Imported public master key to {:?}", target_path);
/// Create an RSA public/private key pair used to put an encrypted version of the symmetric backup
/// encryption key onto the backup server along with each backup.
fn create_master_key() -> Result<(), Error> {
// we need a TTY to query the new password
if !tty::stdin_isatty() {
bail!("unable to create master key - no tty");
let rsa = openssl::rsa::Rsa::generate(4096)?;
let pkey = openssl::pkey::PKey::from_rsa(rsa)?;
let password = String::from_utf8(tty::read_and_verify_password("Master Key Password: ")?)?;
let pub_key: Vec<u8> = pkey.public_key_to_pem()?;
let filename_pub = "master-public.pem";
println!("Writing public master key to {}", filename_pub);
replace_file(filename_pub, pub_key.as_slice(), CreateOptions::new())?;
let cipher = openssl::symm::Cipher::aes_256_cbc();
let priv_key: Vec<u8> = pkey.private_key_to_pem_pkcs8_passphrase(cipher, password.as_bytes())?;
let filename_priv = "master-private.pem";
println!("Writing private master key to {}", filename_priv);
replace_file(filename_priv, priv_key.as_slice(), CreateOptions::new())?;
pub fn cli() -> CliCommandMap {
let key_create_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_CREATE)
.completion_cb("path", tools::complete_file_name);
let key_change_passphrase_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_CHANGE_PASSPHRASE)
.completion_cb("path", tools::complete_file_name);
let key_create_master_key_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_CREATE_MASTER_KEY);
let key_import_master_pubkey_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_IMPORT_MASTER_PUBKEY)
.completion_cb("path", tools::complete_file_name);
.insert("create", key_create_cmd_def)
.insert("create-master-key", key_create_master_key_cmd_def)
.insert("import-master-pubkey", key_import_master_pubkey_cmd_def)
.insert("change-passphrase", key_change_passphrase_cmd_def)