There is a race upon reload, where it can happen that: 1. systemd forks off /bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID 2. Current instance forks off new one and notifies systemd with the new MAINPID. 3. systemd sets new MAINPID. 4. systemd receives SIGCHLD for the kill process (which is the current control process for the service) and reads the PID of the old instance from the PID file, resetting MAINPID to the PID of the old instance. 5. Old instance exits. 6. systemd receives SIGCHLD for the old instance, reads the PID of the old instance from the PID file once more. systemd sees that the MAINPID matches the child PID and considers the service exited. 7. systemd receivese notification from the new PID and is confused. The service won't get active, because the notification wasn't handled. To fix it, update the PID file before sending the MAINPID notification, similar to what a comment in systemd's src/core/service.c suggests: > /* Forking services may occasionally move to a new PID. > * As long as they update the PID file before exiting the old > * PID, they're fine. */ but for our Type=notify "before sending the notification" rather than "before exiting", because otherwise, the mix-up in 4. could still happen (although it might not actually be problematic without the mix-up in 6., it still seems better to avoid). Signed-off-by: Fabian Ebner <>
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380 lines
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//! Helpers to implement restartable daemons/services.
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::future::Future;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_uchar};
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd, RawFd};
use std::panic::UnwindSafe;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
use futures::future::{self, Either};
use nix::unistd::{fork, ForkResult};
use proxmox_io::{ReadExt, WriteExt};
use proxmox_sys::fd::{fd_change_cloexec, Fd};
use proxmox_sys::fs::CreateOptions;
// Unfortunately FnBox is nightly-only and Box<FnOnce> is unusable, so just use Box<Fn>...
type BoxedStoreFunc = Box<dyn FnMut() -> Result<String, Error> + UnwindSafe + Send>;
// Helper trait to "store" something in the environment to be re-used after re-executing the
// service on a reload.
trait Reloadable: Sized {
fn restore(var: &str) -> Result<Self, Error>;
fn get_store_func(&self) -> Result<BoxedStoreFunc, Error>;
// Manages things to be stored and reloaded upon reexec.
// Anything which should be restorable should be instantiated via this struct's `restore` method,
struct Reloader {
pre_exec: Vec<PreExecEntry>,
self_exe: PathBuf,
// Currently we only need environment variables for storage, but in theory we could also add
// variants which need temporary files or pipes...
struct PreExecEntry {
name: &'static str, // Feel free to change to String if necessary...
store_fn: BoxedStoreFunc,
impl Reloader {
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, Error> {
Ok(Self {
pre_exec: Vec::new(),
// Get the path to our executable as PathBuf
self_exe: std::fs::read_link("/proc/self/exe")?,
/// Restore an object from an environment variable of the given name, or, if none exists, uses
/// the function provided in the `or_create` parameter to instantiate the new "first" instance.
/// Values created via this method will be remembered for later re-execution.
pub async fn restore<T, F, U>(&mut self, name: &'static str, or_create: F) -> Result<T, Error>
T: Reloadable,
F: FnOnce() -> U,
U: Future<Output = Result<T, Error>>,
let res = match std::env::var(name) {
Ok(varstr) => T::restore(&varstr)?,
Err(std::env::VarError::NotPresent) => or_create().await?,
Err(_) => bail!("variable {} has invalid value", name),
self.pre_exec.push(PreExecEntry {
store_fn: res.get_store_func()?,
fn pre_exec(self) -> Result<(), Error> {
for mut item in self.pre_exec {
std::env::set_var(, (item.store_fn)()?);
pub fn fork_restart(self, pid_fn: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Get our parameters as Vec<CString>
let args = std::env::args_os();
let mut new_args = Vec::with_capacity(args.len());
for arg in args {
// Synchronisation pipe:
let (pold, pnew) = super::socketpair()?;
// Start ourselves in the background:
match unsafe { fork() } {
Ok(ForkResult::Child) => {
// Double fork so systemd can supervise us without nagging...
match unsafe { fork() } {
Ok(ForkResult::Child) => {
// At this point we call pre-exec helpers. We must be certain that if they fail for
// whatever reason we can still call `_exit()`, so use catch_unwind.
match std::panic::catch_unwind(move || {
let mut pnew =
unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(pnew.into_raw_fd()) };
let pid = nix::unistd::Pid::this();
if let Err(e) = unsafe { pnew.write_host_value(pid.as_raw()) } {
log::error!("failed to send new server PID to parent: {}", e);
unsafe {
let mut ok = [0u8];
if let Err(e) = pnew.read_exact(&mut ok) {
log::error!("parent vanished before notifying systemd: {}", e);
unsafe {
assert_eq!(ok[0], 1, "reload handshake should have sent a 1 byte");
// Try to reopen STDOUT/STDERR journald streams to get correct PID in logs
let ident = CString::new(self.self_exe.file_name().unwrap().as_bytes())
let ident = ident.as_bytes();
let fd =
unsafe { sd_journal_stream_fd(ident.as_ptr(), libc::LOG_INFO, 1) };
if fd >= 0 && fd != 1 {
let fd = proxmox_sys::fd::Fd(fd); // add drop handler
nix::unistd::dup2(fd.as_raw_fd(), 1)?;
} else {
log::error!("failed to update STDOUT journal redirection ({})", fd);
let fd =
unsafe { sd_journal_stream_fd(ident.as_ptr(), libc::LOG_ERR, 1) };
if fd >= 0 && fd != 2 {
let fd = proxmox_sys::fd::Fd(fd); // add drop handler
nix::unistd::dup2(fd.as_raw_fd(), 2)?;
} else {
log::error!("failed to update STDERR journal redirection ({})", fd);
}) {
Ok(Ok(())) => log::error!("do_reexec returned!"),
Ok(Err(err)) => log::error!("do_reexec failed: {}", err),
Err(_) => log::error!("panic in re-exec"),
Ok(ForkResult::Parent { child }) => {
std::mem::drop((pold, pnew));
log::debug!("forked off a new server (second pid: {})", child);
Err(e) => log::error!("fork() failed, restart delayed: {}", e),
// No matter how we managed to get here, this is the time where we bail out quickly:
unsafe { libc::_exit(-1) }
Ok(ForkResult::Parent { child }) => {
"forked off a new server (first pid: {}), waiting for 2nd pid",
let mut pold = unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(pold.into_raw_fd()) };
let child = nix::unistd::Pid::from_raw(match unsafe { pold.read_le_value() } {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
"failed to receive pid of double-forked child process: {}",
// systemd will complain but won't kill the service...
return Ok(());
if let Some(pid_fn) = pid_fn {
let pid_str = format!("{}\n", child);
if let Err(e) = systemd_notify(SystemdNotify::MainPid(child)) {
log::error!("failed to notify systemd about the new main pid: {}", e);
// ensure systemd got the message about the new main PID before continuing, else it
// will get confused if the new main process sends its READY signal before that
if let Err(e) = systemd_notify_barrier(u64::MAX) {
log::error!("failed to wait on systemd-processing: {}", e);
// notify child that it is now the new main process:
if let Err(e) = pold.write_all(&[1u8]) {
log::error!("child vanished during reload: {}", e);
Err(e) => {
log::error!("fork() failed, restart delayed: {}", e);
fn do_reexec(self, args: Vec<CString>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let exe = CString::new(self.self_exe.as_os_str().as_bytes())?;
let args: Vec<&std::ffi::CStr> = args.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref()).collect();
nix::unistd::execvp(&exe, &args)?;
panic!("exec misbehaved");
// For now all we need to do is store and reuse a tcp listening socket:
impl Reloadable for tokio::net::TcpListener {
// NOTE: The socket must not be closed when the store-function is called:
// FIXME: We could become "independent" of the TcpListener and its reference to the file
// descriptor by `dup()`ing it (and check if the listener still exists via kcmp()?)
fn get_store_func(&self) -> Result<BoxedStoreFunc, Error> {
let mut fd_opt = Some(Fd(nix::fcntl::fcntl(
Ok(Box::new(move || {
let fd = fd_opt.take().unwrap();
fd_change_cloexec(fd.as_raw_fd(), false)?;
fn restore(var: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let fd = var
.map_err(|e| format_err!("invalid file descriptor: {}", e))? as RawFd;
fd_change_cloexec(fd, true)?;
Ok(Self::from_std(unsafe {
/// This creates a future representing a daemon which reloads itself when receiving a SIGHUP.
/// If this is started regularly, a listening socket is created. In this case, the file descriptor
/// number will be remembered in `PROXMOX_BACKUP_LISTEN_FD`.
/// If the variable already exists, its contents will instead be used to restore the listening
/// socket. The finished listening socket is then passed to the `create_service` function which
/// can be used to setup the TLS and the HTTP daemon. The returned future has to call
/// [systemd_notify] with [SystemdNotify::Ready] when the service is ready.
pub async fn create_daemon<F, S>(
address: std::net::SocketAddr,
create_service: F,
pidfn: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
F: FnOnce(tokio::net::TcpListener) -> Result<S, Error>,
S: Future<Output = Result<(), Error>>,
let mut reloader = Reloader::new()?;
let listener: tokio::net::TcpListener = reloader
.restore("PROXMOX_BACKUP_LISTEN_FD", move || async move {
let service = create_service(listener)?;
let service = async move {
if let Err(err) = service.await {
log::error!("server error: {}", err);
let server_future = Box::pin(service);
let shutdown_future = crate::shutdown_future();
let finish_future = match future::select(server_future, shutdown_future).await {
Either::Left((_, _)) => {
if !crate::shutdown_requested() {
crate::request_shutdown(); // make sure we are in shutdown mode
Either::Right((_, server_future)) => Some(server_future),
let mut reloader = Some(reloader);
if crate::is_reload_request() {
log::info!("daemon reload...");
if let Err(e) = systemd_notify(SystemdNotify::Reloading) {
log::error!("failed to notify systemd about the state change: {}", e);
if let Err(e) = systemd_notify_barrier(u64::MAX) {
log::error!("failed to wait on systemd-processing: {}", e);
if let Err(e) = reloader.take().unwrap().fork_restart(pidfn) {
log::error!("error during reload: {}", e);
let _ = systemd_notify(SystemdNotify::Status("error during reload".to_string()));
} else {
log::info!("daemon shutting down...");
if let Some(future) = finish_future {
log::info!("daemon shut down.");
#[link(name = "systemd")]
extern "C" {
fn sd_journal_stream_fd(
identifier: *const c_uchar,
priority: c_int,
level_prefix: c_int,
) -> c_int;
fn sd_notify(unset_environment: c_int, state: *const c_char) -> c_int;
fn sd_notify_barrier(unset_environment: c_int, timeout: u64) -> c_int;
/// Systemd sercice startup states (see: ``man sd_notify``)
pub enum SystemdNotify {
/// Tells systemd the startup state of the service (see: ``man sd_notify``)
pub fn systemd_notify(state: SystemdNotify) -> Result<(), Error> {
let message = match state {
SystemdNotify::Ready => {
log::info!("service is ready");
SystemdNotify::Reloading => CString::new("RELOADING=1"),
SystemdNotify::Stopping => CString::new("STOPPING=1"),
SystemdNotify::Status(msg) => CString::new(format!("STATUS={}", msg)),
SystemdNotify::MainPid(pid) => CString::new(format!("MAINPID={}", pid)),
let rc = unsafe { sd_notify(0, message.as_ptr()) };
if rc < 0 {
"systemd_notify failed: {}",
/// Waits until all previously sent messages with sd_notify are processed
pub fn systemd_notify_barrier(timeout: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
let rc = unsafe { sd_notify_barrier(0, timeout) };
if rc < 0 {
"systemd_notify_barrier failed: {}",