use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use failure::*; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use super::backup_info::BackupDir; use super::chunk_store::{ChunkStore, GarbageCollectionStatus}; use super::dynamic_index::{DynamicIndexReader, DynamicIndexWriter}; use super::fixed_index::{FixedIndexReader, FixedIndexWriter}; use super::index::*; use super::DataBlob; use crate::config::datastore; use crate::server::WorkerTask; use crate::tools; lazy_static! { static ref DATASTORE_MAP: Mutex>> = Mutex::new(HashMap::new()); } /// Datastore Management /// /// A Datastore can store severals backups, and provides the /// management interface for backup. pub struct DataStore { chunk_store: Arc, gc_mutex: Mutex, last_gc_status: Mutex, } impl DataStore { pub fn lookup_datastore(name: &str) -> Result, Error> { let config = datastore::config()?; let (_, store_config) = config.sections.get(name) .ok_or(format_err!("no such datastore '{}'", name))?; let path = store_config["path"].as_str().unwrap(); let mut map = DATASTORE_MAP.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(datastore) = map.get(name) { // Compare Config - if changed, create new Datastore object! if datastore.chunk_store.base == PathBuf::from(path) { return Ok(datastore.clone()); } } let datastore = DataStore::open(name)?; let datastore = Arc::new(datastore); map.insert(name.to_string(), datastore.clone()); Ok(datastore) } pub fn open(store_name: &str) -> Result { let config = datastore::config()?; let (_, store_config) = config.sections.get(store_name) .ok_or(format_err!("no such datastore '{}'", store_name))?; let path = store_config["path"].as_str().unwrap(); let chunk_store = ChunkStore::open(store_name, path)?; let gc_status = GarbageCollectionStatus::default(); Ok(Self { chunk_store: Arc::new(chunk_store), gc_mutex: Mutex::new(false), last_gc_status: Mutex::new(gc_status), }) } pub fn get_chunk_iterator( &self, ) -> Result< impl Iterator, usize)>, Error > { self.chunk_store.get_chunk_iterator() } pub fn create_fixed_writer>(&self, filename: P, size: usize, chunk_size: usize) -> Result { let index = FixedIndexWriter::create(self.chunk_store.clone(), filename.as_ref(), size, chunk_size)?; Ok(index) } pub fn open_fixed_reader>(&self, filename: P) -> Result { let full_path = self.chunk_store.relative_path(filename.as_ref()); let index = FixedIndexReader::open(&full_path)?; Ok(index) } pub fn create_dynamic_writer>( &self, filename: P, ) -> Result { let index = DynamicIndexWriter::create( self.chunk_store.clone(), filename.as_ref())?; Ok(index) } pub fn open_dynamic_reader>(&self, filename: P) -> Result { let full_path = self.chunk_store.relative_path(filename.as_ref()); let index = DynamicIndexReader::open(&full_path)?; Ok(index) } pub fn open_index

(&self, filename: P) -> Result, Error> where P: AsRef, { let filename = filename.as_ref(); let out: Box = match filename.extension().and_then(|ext| ext.to_str()) { Some("didx") => Box::new(self.open_dynamic_reader(filename)?), Some("fidx") => Box::new(self.open_fixed_reader(filename)?), _ => bail!("cannot open index file of unknown type: {:?}", filename), }; Ok(out) } pub fn base_path(&self) -> PathBuf { self.chunk_store.base_path() } /// Remove a backup directory including all content pub fn remove_backup_dir(&self, backup_dir: &BackupDir, ) -> Result<(), io::Error> { let relative_path = backup_dir.relative_path(); let mut full_path = self.base_path(); full_path.push(&relative_path); log::info!("removing backup {:?}", full_path); std::fs::remove_dir_all(full_path)?; Ok(()) } pub fn create_backup_dir(&self, backup_dir: &BackupDir) -> Result<(PathBuf, bool), io::Error> { // create intermediate path first: let mut full_path = self.base_path(); full_path.push(; std::fs::create_dir_all(&full_path)?; let relative_path = backup_dir.relative_path(); let mut full_path = self.base_path(); full_path.push(&relative_path); // create the last component now match std::fs::create_dir(&full_path) { Ok(_) => Ok((relative_path, true)), Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => Ok((relative_path, false)), Err(e) => Err(e) } } pub fn list_images(&self) -> Result, Error> { let base = self.base_path(); let mut list = vec![]; use walkdir::WalkDir; let walker = WalkDir::new(&base).same_file_system(true).into_iter(); // make sure we skip .chunks (and other hidden files to keep it simple) fn is_hidden(entry: &walkdir::DirEntry) -> bool { entry.file_name() .to_str() .map(|s| s.starts_with(".")) .unwrap_or(false) } for entry in walker.filter_entry(|e| !is_hidden(e)) { let path = entry?.into_path(); if let Some(ext) = path.extension() { if ext == "fidx" || ext == "didx"{ list.push(path); } } } Ok(list) } // mark chunks used by ``index`` as used fn index_mark_used_chunks( &self, index: I, file_name: &Path, // only used for error reporting status: &mut GarbageCollectionStatus, ) -> Result<(), Error> { status.index_file_count += 1; status.index_data_bytes += index.index_bytes(); for pos in 0..index.index_count() { tools::fail_on_shutdown()?; let digest = index.index_digest(pos).unwrap(); if let Err(err) = self.chunk_store.touch_chunk(digest) { bail!("unable to access chunk {}, required by {:?} - {}", proxmox::tools::digest_to_hex(digest), file_name, err); } } Ok(()) } fn mark_used_chunks(&self, status: &mut GarbageCollectionStatus) -> Result<(), Error> { let image_list = self.list_images()?; for path in image_list { tools::fail_on_shutdown()?; if let Some(ext) = path.extension() { if ext == "fidx" { let index = self.open_fixed_reader(&path)?; self.index_mark_used_chunks(index, &path, status)?; } else if ext == "didx" { let index = self.open_dynamic_reader(&path)?; self.index_mark_used_chunks(index, &path, status)?; } } } Ok(()) } pub fn last_gc_status(&self) -> GarbageCollectionStatus { self.last_gc_status.lock().unwrap().clone() } pub fn garbage_collection(&self, worker: Arc) -> Result<(), Error> { if let Ok(ref mut _mutex) = self.gc_mutex.try_lock() { let _exclusive_lock = self.chunk_store.try_exclusive_lock()?; let oldest_writer = self.chunk_store.oldest_writer(); let mut gc_status = GarbageCollectionStatus::default(); gc_status.upid = Some(worker.to_string()); worker.log("Start GC phase1 (mark chunks)"); self.mark_used_chunks(&mut gc_status)?; worker.log("Start GC phase2 (sweep unused chunks)"); self.chunk_store.sweep_unused_chunks(oldest_writer, &mut gc_status, worker.clone())?; worker.log(&format!("Removed bytes: {}", gc_status.removed_bytes)); worker.log(&format!("Removed chunks: {}", gc_status.removed_chunks)); worker.log(&format!("Original data bytes: {}", gc_status.index_data_bytes)); let comp_per = (gc_status.disk_bytes*100)/gc_status.index_data_bytes; worker.log(&format!("Disk bytes: {} ({} %)", gc_status.disk_bytes, comp_per)); worker.log(&format!("Disk chunks: {}", gc_status.disk_chunks)); let avg_chunk = gc_status.index_data_bytes/(gc_status.disk_chunks as u64); worker.log(&format!("Average chunk size: {}", avg_chunk)); *self.last_gc_status.lock().unwrap() = gc_status; } else { bail!("Start GC failed - (already running/locked)"); } Ok(()) } pub fn chunk_path(&self, digest:&[u8; 32]) -> (PathBuf, String) { self.chunk_store.chunk_path(digest) } pub fn insert_chunk( &self, chunk: &DataBlob, digest: &[u8; 32], ) -> Result<(bool, u64), Error> { self.chunk_store.insert_chunk(chunk, digest) } }