//! Tools and utilities //! //! This is a collection of small and useful tools. use std::any::Any; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::hash::BuildHasher; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{self, BufRead, Read, Seek, SeekFrom}; use std::os::unix::io::RawFd; use std::path::Path; use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error}; use serde_json::Value; use openssl::hash::{hash, DigestBytes, MessageDigest}; use percent_encoding::{utf8_percent_encode, AsciiSet}; pub use proxmox::tools::fd::Fd; use proxmox::tools::fs::{create_path, CreateOptions}; use proxmox_http::{ client::SimpleHttp, client::SimpleHttpOptions, ProxyConfig, }; pub use pbs_tools::nom; pub use pbs_tools::{run_command, command_output, command_output_as_string}; pub mod acl; pub mod apt; pub mod async_io; pub mod cert; pub mod compression; pub mod config; pub mod cpio; pub mod daemon; pub mod disks; pub mod fuse_loop; mod memcom; pub use memcom::Memcom; pub mod json; pub mod logrotate; pub mod loopdev; pub mod lru_cache; pub mod async_lru_cache; pub mod serde_filter; pub mod statistics; pub mod subscription; pub mod systemd; pub mod ticket; pub mod xattr; pub mod zip; pub mod sgutils2; pub mod paperkey; pub mod parallel_handler; pub use parallel_handler::ParallelHandler; mod wrapped_reader_stream; pub use wrapped_reader_stream::{AsyncReaderStream, StdChannelStream, WrappedReaderStream}; mod async_channel_writer; pub use async_channel_writer::AsyncChannelWriter; mod std_channel_writer; pub use std_channel_writer::StdChannelWriter; mod tokio_writer_adapter; pub use tokio_writer_adapter::TokioWriterAdapter; mod process_locker; pub use process_locker::{ProcessLocker, ProcessLockExclusiveGuard, ProcessLockSharedGuard}; mod file_logger; pub use file_logger::{FileLogger, FileLogOptions}; mod broadcast_future; pub use broadcast_future::{BroadcastData, BroadcastFuture}; /// The `BufferedRead` trait provides a single function /// `buffered_read`. It returns a reference to an internal buffer. The /// purpose of this traid is to avoid unnecessary data copies. pub trait BufferedRead { /// This functions tries to fill the internal buffers, then /// returns a reference to the available data. It returns an empty /// buffer if `offset` points to the end of the file. fn buffered_read(&mut self, offset: u64) -> Result<&[u8], Error>; } pub fn json_object_to_query(data: Value) -> Result { let mut query = url::form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()); let object = data.as_object().ok_or_else(|| { format_err!("json_object_to_query: got wrong data type (expected object).") })?; for (key, value) in object { match value { Value::Bool(b) => { query.append_pair(key, &b.to_string()); } Value::Number(n) => { query.append_pair(key, &n.to_string()); } Value::String(s) => { query.append_pair(key, &s); } Value::Array(arr) => { for element in arr { match element { Value::Bool(b) => { query.append_pair(key, &b.to_string()); } Value::Number(n) => { query.append_pair(key, &n.to_string()); } Value::String(s) => { query.append_pair(key, &s); } _ => bail!( "json_object_to_query: unable to handle complex array data types." ), } } } _ => bail!("json_object_to_query: unable to handle complex data types."), } } Ok(query.finish()) } pub fn required_string_param<'a>(param: &'a Value, name: &str) -> Result<&'a str, Error> { match param[name].as_str() { Some(s) => Ok(s), None => bail!("missing parameter '{}'", name), } } pub fn required_string_property<'a>(param: &'a Value, name: &str) -> Result<&'a str, Error> { match param[name].as_str() { Some(s) => Ok(s), None => bail!("missing property '{}'", name), } } pub fn required_integer_param(param: &Value, name: &str) -> Result { match param[name].as_i64() { Some(s) => Ok(s), None => bail!("missing parameter '{}'", name), } } pub fn required_integer_property(param: &Value, name: &str) -> Result { match param[name].as_i64() { Some(s) => Ok(s), None => bail!("missing property '{}'", name), } } pub fn required_array_param<'a>(param: &'a Value, name: &str) -> Result<&'a [Value], Error> { match param[name].as_array() { Some(s) => Ok(&s), None => bail!("missing parameter '{}'", name), } } pub fn required_array_property<'a>(param: &'a Value, name: &str) -> Result<&'a [Value], Error> { match param[name].as_array() { Some(s) => Ok(&s), None => bail!("missing property '{}'", name), } } pub fn complete_file_name(arg: &str, _param: &HashMap) -> Vec where S: BuildHasher, { let mut result = vec![]; use nix::fcntl::AtFlags; use nix::fcntl::OFlag; use nix::sys::stat::Mode; let mut dirname = std::path::PathBuf::from(if arg.is_empty() { "./" } else { arg }); let is_dir = match nix::sys::stat::fstatat(libc::AT_FDCWD, &dirname, AtFlags::empty()) { Ok(stat) => (stat.st_mode & libc::S_IFMT) == libc::S_IFDIR, Err(_) => false, }; if !is_dir { if let Some(parent) = dirname.parent() { dirname = parent.to_owned(); } } let mut dir = match nix::dir::Dir::openat(libc::AT_FDCWD, &dirname, OFlag::O_DIRECTORY, Mode::empty()) { Ok(d) => d, Err(_) => return result, }; for item in dir.iter() { if let Ok(entry) = item { if let Ok(name) = entry.file_name().to_str() { if name == "." || name == ".." { continue; } let mut newpath = dirname.clone(); newpath.push(name); if let Ok(stat) = nix::sys::stat::fstatat(libc::AT_FDCWD, &newpath, AtFlags::empty()) { if (stat.st_mode & libc::S_IFMT) == libc::S_IFDIR { newpath.push(""); if let Some(newpath) = newpath.to_str() { result.push(newpath.to_owned()); } continue; } } if let Some(newpath) = newpath.to_str() { result.push(newpath.to_owned()); } } } } result } /// Shortcut for md5 sums. pub fn md5sum(data: &[u8]) -> Result { hash(MessageDigest::md5(), data).map_err(Error::from) } pub fn get_hardware_address() -> Result { static FILENAME: &str = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub"; let contents = proxmox::tools::fs::file_get_contents(FILENAME) .map_err(|e| format_err!("Error getting host key - {}", e))?; let digest = md5sum(&contents) .map_err(|e| format_err!("Error digesting host key - {}", e))?; Ok(proxmox::tools::bin_to_hex(&digest).to_uppercase()) } pub fn assert_if_modified(digest1: &str, digest2: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { if digest1 != digest2 { bail!("detected modified configuration - file changed by other user? Try again."); } Ok(()) } /// Extract a specific cookie from cookie header. /// We assume cookie_name is already url encoded. pub fn extract_cookie(cookie: &str, cookie_name: &str) -> Option { for pair in cookie.split(';') { let (name, value) = match pair.find('=') { Some(i) => (pair[..i].trim(), pair[(i + 1)..].trim()), None => return None, // Cookie format error }; if name == cookie_name { use percent_encoding::percent_decode; if let Ok(value) = percent_decode(value.as_bytes()).decode_utf8() { return Some(value.into()); } else { return None; // Cookie format error } } } None } /// percent encode a url component pub fn percent_encode_component(comp: &str) -> String { utf8_percent_encode(comp, percent_encoding::NON_ALPHANUMERIC).to_string() } /// Detect modified configuration files /// /// This function fails with a reasonable error message if checksums do not match. pub fn detect_modified_configuration_file(digest1: &[u8;32], digest2: &[u8;32]) -> Result<(), Error> { if digest1 != digest2 { bail!("detected modified configuration - file changed by other user? Try again."); } Ok(()) } /// normalize uri path /// /// Do not allow ".", "..", or hidden files ".XXXX" /// Also remove empty path components pub fn normalize_uri_path(path: &str) -> Result<(String, Vec<&str>), Error> { let items = path.split('/'); let mut path = String::new(); let mut components = vec![]; for name in items { if name.is_empty() { continue; } if name.starts_with('.') { bail!("Path contains illegal components."); } path.push('/'); path.push_str(name); components.push(name); } Ok((path, components)) } pub fn fd_change_cloexec(fd: RawFd, on: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { use nix::fcntl::{fcntl, FdFlag, F_GETFD, F_SETFD}; let mut flags = FdFlag::from_bits(fcntl(fd, F_GETFD)?) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("unhandled file flags"))?; // nix crate is stupid this way... flags.set(FdFlag::FD_CLOEXEC, on); fcntl(fd, F_SETFD(flags))?; Ok(()) } static mut SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED: bool = false; pub fn request_shutdown() { unsafe { SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED = true; } crate::server::server_shutdown(); } #[inline(always)] pub fn shutdown_requested() -> bool { unsafe { SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED } } pub fn fail_on_shutdown() -> Result<(), Error> { if shutdown_requested() { bail!("Server shutdown requested - aborting task"); } Ok(()) } /// safe wrapper for `nix::unistd::pipe2` defaulting to `O_CLOEXEC` and guarding the file /// descriptors. pub fn pipe() -> Result<(Fd, Fd), Error> { let (pin, pout) = nix::unistd::pipe2(nix::fcntl::OFlag::O_CLOEXEC)?; Ok((Fd(pin), Fd(pout))) } /// safe wrapper for `nix::sys::socket::socketpair` defaulting to `O_CLOEXEC` and guarding the file /// descriptors. pub fn socketpair() -> Result<(Fd, Fd), Error> { use nix::sys::socket; let (pa, pb) = socket::socketpair( socket::AddressFamily::Unix, socket::SockType::Stream, None, socket::SockFlag::SOCK_CLOEXEC, )?; Ok((Fd(pa), Fd(pb))) } /// An easy way to convert types to Any /// /// Mostly useful to downcast trait objects (see RpcEnvironment). pub trait AsAny { fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any; } impl AsAny for T { fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any { self } } /// The default 2 hours are far too long for PBS pub const PROXMOX_BACKUP_TCP_KEEPALIVE_TIME: u32 = 120; pub const DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_STRING: &'static str = "proxmox-backup-client/1.0"; /// Returns a new instance of `SimpleHttp` configured for PBS usage. pub fn pbs_simple_http(proxy_config: Option) -> SimpleHttp { let options = SimpleHttpOptions { proxy_config, user_agent: Some(DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_STRING.to_string()), tcp_keepalive: Some(PROXMOX_BACKUP_TCP_KEEPALIVE_TIME), ..Default::default() }; SimpleHttp::with_options(options) } /// This used to be: `SIMPLE_ENCODE_SET` plus space, `"`, `#`, `<`, `>`, backtick, `?`, `{`, `}` pub const DEFAULT_ENCODE_SET: &AsciiSet = &percent_encoding::CONTROLS // 0..1f and 7e // The SIMPLE_ENCODE_SET adds space and anything >= 0x7e (7e itself is already included above) .add(0x20) .add(0x7f) // the DEFAULT_ENCODE_SET added: .add(b' ') .add(b'"') .add(b'#') .add(b'<') .add(b'>') .add(b'`') .add(b'?') .add(b'{') .add(b'}'); /// Get an iterator over lines of a file, skipping empty lines and comments (lines starting with a /// `#`). pub fn file_get_non_comment_lines>( path: P, ) -> Result>, Error> { let path = path.as_ref(); Ok(io::BufReader::new( File::open(path).map_err(|err| format_err!("error opening {:?}: {}", path, err))?, ) .lines() .filter_map(|line| match line { Ok(line) => { let line = line.trim(); if line.is_empty() || line.starts_with('#') { None } else { Some(Ok(line.to_string())) } } Err(err) => Some(Err(err)), })) } pub fn setup_safe_path_env() { std::env::set_var("PATH", "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"); // Make %ENV safer - as suggested by https://perldoc.perl.org/perlsec.html for name in &["IFS", "CDPATH", "ENV", "BASH_ENV"] { std::env::remove_var(name); } } pub fn strip_ascii_whitespace(line: &[u8]) -> &[u8] { let line = match line.iter().position(|&b| !b.is_ascii_whitespace()) { Some(n) => &line[n..], None => return &[], }; match line.iter().rev().position(|&b| !b.is_ascii_whitespace()) { Some(n) => &line[..(line.len() - n)], None => &[], } } /// Seeks to start of file and computes the SHA256 hash pub fn compute_file_csum(file: &mut File) -> Result<([u8; 32], u64), Error> { file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0))?; let mut hasher = openssl::sha::Sha256::new(); let mut buffer = proxmox::tools::vec::undefined(256*1024); let mut size: u64 = 0; loop { let count = match file.read(&mut buffer) { Ok(0) => break, Ok(count) => count, Err(ref err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => { continue; } Err(err) => return Err(err.into()), }; size += count as u64; hasher.update(&buffer[..count]); } let csum = hasher.finish(); Ok((csum, size)) } /// Create the base run-directory. /// /// This exists to fixate the permissions for the run *base* directory while allowing intermediate /// directories after it to have different permissions. pub fn create_run_dir() -> Result<(), Error> { let backup_user = crate::backup::backup_user()?; let opts = CreateOptions::new() .owner(backup_user.uid) .group(backup_user.gid); let _: bool = create_path(pbs_buildcfg::PROXMOX_BACKUP_RUN_DIR_M!(), None, Some(opts))?; Ok(()) } /// Modeled after the nightly `std::ops::ControlFlow`. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum ControlFlow { Continue(C), Break(B), } impl ControlFlow { pub const CONTINUE: ControlFlow = ControlFlow::Continue(()); }