use std::sync::Arc; use anyhow::Error; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use proxmox_router::cli::*; use proxmox_schema::api; use proxmox_sys::fs::file_get_contents; use pbs_api_types::{BackupGroup, BackupNamespace, CryptMode, SnapshotListItem}; use pbs_client::tools::key_source::get_encryption_key_password; use pbs_config::key_config::decrypt_key; use pbs_datastore::DataBlob; use pbs_tools::crypt_config::CryptConfig; use pbs_tools::json::required_string_param; use crate::{ api_datastore_list_snapshots, complete_backup_group, complete_backup_snapshot, complete_repository, connect, crypto_parameters, extract_repository_from_value, optional_ns_param, record_repository, BackupDir, KEYFD_SCHEMA, KEYFILE_SCHEMA, REPO_URL_SCHEMA, }; fn snapshot_args(ns: &BackupNamespace, snapshot: &BackupDir) -> Result { let mut args = serde_json::to_value(snapshot)?; if !ns.is_root() { args["backup-ns"] = serde_json::to_value(ns)?; } Ok(args) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, ns: { type: BackupNamespace, optional: true, }, group: { type: String, description: "Backup group.", optional: true, }, "output-format": { schema: OUTPUT_FORMAT, optional: true, }, } } )] /// List backup snapshots. async fn list_snapshots(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let output_format = get_output_format(¶m); let client = connect(&repo)?; let group: Option = param["group"] .as_str() .map(|group| group.parse()) .transpose()?; let backup_ns = optional_ns_param(¶m)?; let mut data = api_datastore_list_snapshots(&client,, &backup_ns, group.as_ref()).await?; record_repository(&repo); let render_snapshot_path = |_v: &Value, record: &Value| -> Result { let item: SnapshotListItem = serde_json::from_value(record.to_owned())?; Ok(item.backup.to_string()) }; let render_files = |_v: &Value, record: &Value| -> Result { let item: SnapshotListItem = serde_json::from_value(record.to_owned())?; let mut filenames = Vec::new(); for file in &item.files { filenames.push(file.filename.to_string()); } Ok(pbs_tools::format::render_backup_file_list(&filenames[..])) }; let options = default_table_format_options() .sortby("backup-type", false) .sortby("backup-id", false) .sortby("backup-time", false) .column( ColumnConfig::new("backup-id") .renderer(render_snapshot_path) .header("snapshot"), ) .column(ColumnConfig::new("size").renderer(pbs_tools::format::render_bytes_human_readable)) .column(ColumnConfig::new("files").renderer(render_files)); let return_type = &pbs_api_types::ADMIN_DATASTORE_LIST_SNAPSHOTS_RETURN_TYPE; format_and_print_result_full(&mut data, return_type, &output_format, &options); Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, ns: { type: BackupNamespace, optional: true, }, snapshot: { type: String, description: "Snapshot path.", }, "output-format": { schema: OUTPUT_FORMAT, optional: true, }, } } )] /// List snapshot files. async fn list_snapshot_files(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let backup_ns = optional_ns_param(¶m)?; let path = required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let snapshot: BackupDir = path.parse()?; let output_format = get_output_format(¶m); let client = connect(&repo)?; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/files",; let mut result = client .get(&path, Some(snapshot_args(&backup_ns, &snapshot)?)) .await?; record_repository(&repo); let return_type = &pbs_api_types::ADMIN_DATASTORE_LIST_SNAPSHOT_FILES_RETURN_TYPE; let mut data: Value = result["data"].take(); let options = default_table_format_options(); format_and_print_result_full(&mut data, return_type, &output_format, &options); Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, ns: { type: BackupNamespace, optional: true, }, snapshot: { type: String, description: "Snapshot path.", }, } } )] /// Forget (remove) backup snapshots. async fn forget_snapshots(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let backup_ns = optional_ns_param(¶m)?; let path = required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let snapshot: BackupDir = path.parse()?; let client = connect(&repo)?; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/snapshots",; let result = client .delete(&path, Some(snapshot_args(&backup_ns, &snapshot)?)) .await?; record_repository(&repo); Ok(result) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, ns: { type: BackupNamespace, optional: true, }, snapshot: { type: String, description: "Group/Snapshot path.", }, logfile: { type: String, description: "The path to the log file you want to upload.", }, keyfile: { schema: KEYFILE_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "keyfd": { schema: KEYFD_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "crypt-mode": { type: CryptMode, optional: true, }, } } )] /// Upload backup log file. async fn upload_log(param: Value) -> Result { let logfile = required_string_param(¶m, "logfile")?; let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let backup_ns = optional_ns_param(¶m)?; let snapshot = required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let snapshot: BackupDir = snapshot.parse()?; let client = connect(&repo)?; let crypto = crypto_parameters(¶m)?; let crypt_config = match crypto.enc_key { None => None, Some(key) => { let (key, _created, _) = decrypt_key(&key.key, &get_encryption_key_password)?; let crypt_config = CryptConfig::new(key)?; Some(Arc::new(crypt_config)) } }; let data = file_get_contents(logfile)?; // fixme: howto sign log? let blob = match crypto.mode { CryptMode::None | CryptMode::SignOnly => DataBlob::encode(&data, None, true)?, CryptMode::Encrypt => { DataBlob::encode(&data, crypt_config.as_ref().map(Arc::as_ref), true)? } }; let raw_data = blob.into_inner(); let path = format!( "api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/upload-backup-log", ); let args = snapshot_args(&backup_ns, &snapshot)?; let body = hyper::Body::from(raw_data); client .upload("application/octet-stream", body, &path, Some(args)) .await } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, ns: { type: BackupNamespace, optional: true, }, snapshot: { type: String, description: "Snapshot path.", }, "output-format": { schema: OUTPUT_FORMAT, optional: true, }, } } )] /// Show notes async fn show_notes(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let path = required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let backup_ns = optional_ns_param(¶m)?; let snapshot: BackupDir = path.parse()?; let client = connect(&repo)?; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/notes",; let args = snapshot_args(&backup_ns, &snapshot)?; let output_format = get_output_format(¶m); let mut result = client.get(&path, Some(args)).await?; let notes = result["data"].take(); if output_format == "text" { if let Some(notes) = notes.as_str() { println!("{}", notes); } } else { format_and_print_result( &json!({ "notes": notes, }), &output_format, ); } Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, ns: { type: BackupNamespace, optional: true, }, snapshot: { type: String, description: "Snapshot path.", }, notes: { type: String, description: "The Notes.", }, } } )] /// Update Notes async fn update_notes(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let path = required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let notes = required_string_param(¶m, "notes")?; let backup_ns = optional_ns_param(¶m)?; let snapshot: BackupDir = path.parse()?; let client = connect(&repo)?; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/notes",; let mut args = snapshot_args(&backup_ns, &snapshot)?; args["notes"] = Value::from(notes); client.put(&path, Some(args)).await?; Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, ns: { type: BackupNamespace, optional: true, }, snapshot: { type: String, description: "Snapshot path.", }, "output-format": { schema: OUTPUT_FORMAT, optional: true, }, } } )] /// Show protection status of the specified snapshot async fn show_protection(param: Value) -> Result<(), Error> { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let path = required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let backup_ns = optional_ns_param(¶m)?; let snapshot: BackupDir = path.parse()?; let client = connect(&repo)?; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/protected",; let args = snapshot_args(&backup_ns, &snapshot)?; let output_format = get_output_format(¶m); let mut result = client.get(&path, Some(args)).await?; let protected = result["data"].take(); if output_format == "text" { if let Some(protected) = protected.as_bool() { println!("{}", protected); } } else { format_and_print_result( &json!({ "protected": protected, }), &output_format, ); } Ok(()) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, ns: { type: BackupNamespace, optional: true, }, snapshot: { type: String, description: "Snapshot path.", }, protected: { type: bool, description: "The protection status.", }, } } )] /// Update Protection Status of a snapshot async fn update_protection(protected: bool, param: Value) -> Result<(), Error> { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let path = required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let backup_ns = optional_ns_param(¶m)?; let snapshot: BackupDir = path.parse()?; let client = connect(&repo)?; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/protected",; let mut args = snapshot_args(&backup_ns, &snapshot)?; args["protected"] = Value::from(protected); client.put(&path, Some(args)).await?; Ok(()) } fn protected_cli() -> CliCommandMap { CliCommandMap::new() .insert( "show", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_SHOW_PROTECTION) .arg_param(&["snapshot"]) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_backup_snapshot), ) .insert( "update", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_UPDATE_PROTECTION) .arg_param(&["snapshot", "protected"]) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_backup_snapshot), ) } fn notes_cli() -> CliCommandMap { CliCommandMap::new() .insert( "show", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_SHOW_NOTES) .arg_param(&["snapshot"]) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_backup_snapshot), ) .insert( "update", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_UPDATE_NOTES) .arg_param(&["snapshot", "notes"]) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_backup_snapshot), ) } pub fn snapshot_mgtm_cli() -> CliCommandMap { CliCommandMap::new() .insert("notes", notes_cli()) .insert("protected", protected_cli()) .insert( "list", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_LIST_SNAPSHOTS) .arg_param(&["group"]) .completion_cb("group", complete_backup_group) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository), ) .insert( "files", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_LIST_SNAPSHOT_FILES) .arg_param(&["snapshot"]) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_backup_snapshot), ) .insert( "forget", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_FORGET_SNAPSHOTS) .arg_param(&["snapshot"]) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_backup_snapshot), ) .insert( "upload-log", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_UPLOAD_LOG) .arg_param(&["snapshot", "logfile"]) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_backup_snapshot) .completion_cb("logfile", complete_file_name) .completion_cb("keyfile", complete_file_name) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository), ) }