use std::collections::HashSet; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::os::unix::fs::OpenOptionsExt; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use anyhow::{format_err, Error}; use futures::future::FutureExt; use futures::select; use tokio::signal::unix::{signal, SignalKind}; use pathpatterns::{MatchEntry, MatchType, PatternFlag}; use proxmox::api::cli::*; use proxmox::api::api; use proxmox_backup::tools; use proxmox_backup::pxar::{fuse, format_single_line_entry, ENCODER_MAX_ENTRIES, Flags}; fn extract_archive_from_reader( reader: &mut R, target: &str, feature_flags: Flags, allow_existing_dirs: bool, verbose: bool, match_list: &[MatchEntry], ) -> Result<(), Error> { proxmox_backup::pxar::extract_archive( pxar::decoder::Decoder::from_std(reader)?, Path::new(target), &match_list, feature_flags, allow_existing_dirs, |path| { if verbose { println!("{:?}", path); } }, ) } #[api( input: { properties: { archive: { description: "Archive name.", }, pattern: { description: "List of paths or pattern matching files to restore", type: Array, items: { type: String, description: "Path or pattern matching files to restore.", }, optional: true, }, target: { description: "Target directory", optional: true, }, verbose: { description: "Verbose output.", optional: true, default: false, }, "no-xattrs": { description: "Ignore extended file attributes.", optional: true, default: false, }, "no-fcaps": { description: "Ignore file capabilities.", optional: true, default: false, }, "no-acls": { description: "Ignore access control list entries.", optional: true, default: false, }, "allow-existing-dirs": { description: "Allows directories to already exist on restore.", optional: true, default: false, }, "files-from": { description: "File containing match pattern for files to restore.", optional: true, }, "no-device-nodes": { description: "Ignore device nodes.", optional: true, default: false, }, "no-fifos": { description: "Ignore fifos.", optional: true, default: false, }, "no-sockets": { description: "Ignore sockets.", optional: true, default: false, }, }, }, )] /// Extract an archive. fn extract_archive( archive: String, pattern: Option>, target: Option, verbose: bool, no_xattrs: bool, no_fcaps: bool, no_acls: bool, allow_existing_dirs: bool, files_from: Option, no_device_nodes: bool, no_fifos: bool, no_sockets: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut feature_flags = Flags::DEFAULT; if no_xattrs { feature_flags ^= Flags::WITH_XATTRS; } if no_fcaps { feature_flags ^= Flags::WITH_FCAPS; } if no_acls { feature_flags ^= Flags::WITH_ACL; } if no_device_nodes { feature_flags ^= Flags::WITH_DEVICE_NODES; } if no_fifos { feature_flags ^= Flags::WITH_FIFOS; } if no_sockets { feature_flags ^= Flags::WITH_SOCKETS; } let pattern = pattern.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new); let target = target.as_ref().map_or_else(|| ".", String::as_str); let mut match_list = Vec::new(); if let Some(filename) = &files_from { for line in proxmox_backup::tools::file_get_non_comment_lines(filename)? { let line = line .map_err(|err| format_err!("error reading {}: {}", filename, err))?; match_list.push( MatchEntry::parse_pattern(line, PatternFlag::PATH_NAME, MatchType::Include) .map_err(|err| format_err!("bad pattern in file '{}': {}", filename, err))?, ); } } for entry in pattern { match_list.push( MatchEntry::parse_pattern(entry, PatternFlag::PATH_NAME, MatchType::Include) .map_err(|err| format_err!("error in pattern: {}", err))?, ); } if archive == "-" { let stdin = std::io::stdin(); let mut reader = stdin.lock(); extract_archive_from_reader( &mut reader, &target, feature_flags, allow_existing_dirs, verbose, &match_list, )?; } else { if verbose { println!("PXAR extract: {}", archive); } let file = std::fs::File::open(archive)?; let mut reader = std::io::BufReader::new(file); extract_archive_from_reader( &mut reader, &target, feature_flags, allow_existing_dirs, verbose, &match_list, )?; } Ok(()) } #[api( input: { properties: { archive: { description: "Archive name.", }, source: { description: "Source directory.", }, verbose: { description: "Verbose output.", optional: true, default: false, }, "no-xattrs": { description: "Ignore extended file attributes.", optional: true, default: false, }, "no-fcaps": { description: "Ignore file capabilities.", optional: true, default: false, }, "no-acls": { description: "Ignore access control list entries.", optional: true, default: false, }, "all-file-systems": { description: "Include mounted sudirs.", optional: true, default: false, }, "no-device-nodes": { description: "Ignore device nodes.", optional: true, default: false, }, "no-fifos": { description: "Ignore fifos.", optional: true, default: false, }, "no-sockets": { description: "Ignore sockets.", optional: true, default: false, }, exclude: { description: "List of paths or pattern matching files to exclude.", optional: true, type: Array, items: { description: "Path or pattern matching files to restore", type: String, }, }, "entries-max": { description: "Max number of entries loaded at once into memory", optional: true, default: ENCODER_MAX_ENTRIES as isize, minimum: 0, maximum: std::isize::MAX, }, }, }, )] /// Create a new .pxar archive. fn create_archive( archive: String, source: String, verbose: bool, no_xattrs: bool, no_fcaps: bool, no_acls: bool, all_file_systems: bool, no_device_nodes: bool, no_fifos: bool, no_sockets: bool, exclude: Option>, entries_max: isize, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let pattern_list = { let input = exclude.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new); let mut pattern_list = Vec::with_capacity(input.len()); for entry in input { pattern_list.push( MatchEntry::parse_pattern(entry, PatternFlag::PATH_NAME, MatchType::Exclude) .map_err(|err| format_err!("error in exclude pattern: {}", err))?, ); } pattern_list }; let device_set = if all_file_systems { None } else { Some(HashSet::new()) }; let source = PathBuf::from(source); let dir = nix::dir::Dir::open( &source, nix::fcntl::OFlag::O_NOFOLLOW, nix::sys::stat::Mode::empty(), )?; let file = OpenOptions::new() .create_new(true) .write(true) .mode(0o640) .open(archive)?; let writer = std::io::BufWriter::with_capacity(1024 * 1024, file); let mut feature_flags = Flags::DEFAULT; if no_xattrs { feature_flags ^= Flags::WITH_XATTRS; } if no_fcaps { feature_flags ^= Flags::WITH_FCAPS; } if no_acls { feature_flags ^= Flags::WITH_ACL; } if no_device_nodes { feature_flags ^= Flags::WITH_DEVICE_NODES; } if no_fifos { feature_flags ^= Flags::WITH_FIFOS; } if no_sockets { feature_flags ^= Flags::WITH_SOCKETS; } let writer = pxar::encoder::sync::StandardWriter::new(writer); proxmox_backup::pxar::create_archive( dir, writer, pattern_list, feature_flags, device_set, false, |path| { if verbose { println!("{:?}", path); } Ok(()) }, entries_max as usize, None, )?; Ok(()) } #[api( input: { properties: { archive: { description: "Archive name." }, mountpoint: { description: "Mountpoint for the file system." }, verbose: { description: "Verbose output, running in the foreground (for debugging).", optional: true, default: false, }, }, }, )] /// Mount the archive to the provided mountpoint via FUSE. async fn mount_archive( archive: String, mountpoint: String, verbose: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let archive = Path::new(&archive); let mountpoint = Path::new(&mountpoint); let options = OsStr::new("ro,default_permissions"); let session = fuse::Session::mount_path(&archive, &options, verbose, mountpoint) .await .map_err(|err| format_err!("pxar mount failed: {}", err))?; let mut interrupt = signal(SignalKind::interrupt())?; select! { res = session.fuse() => res?, _ = interrupt.recv().fuse() => { if verbose { eprintln!("interrupted"); } } } Ok(()) } #[api( input: { properties: { archive: { description: "Archive name.", }, verbose: { description: "Verbose output.", optional: true, default: false, }, }, }, )] /// List the contents of an archive. fn dump_archive(archive: String, verbose: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { for entry in pxar::decoder::Decoder::open(archive)? { let entry = entry?; if verbose { println!("{}", format_single_line_entry(&entry)); } else { println!("{:?}", entry.path()); } } Ok(()) } fn main() { let cmd_def = CliCommandMap::new() .insert( "create", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_CREATE_ARCHIVE) .arg_param(&["archive", "source"]) .completion_cb("archive", tools::complete_file_name) .completion_cb("source", tools::complete_file_name), ) .insert( "extract", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_EXTRACT_ARCHIVE) .arg_param(&["archive", "target"]) .completion_cb("archive", tools::complete_file_name) .completion_cb("target", tools::complete_file_name) .completion_cb("files-from", tools::complete_file_name), ) .insert( "mount", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_MOUNT_ARCHIVE) .arg_param(&["archive", "mountpoint"]) .completion_cb("archive", tools::complete_file_name) .completion_cb("mountpoint", tools::complete_file_name), ) .insert( "list", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_DUMP_ARCHIVE) .arg_param(&["archive"]) .completion_cb("archive", tools::complete_file_name), ); let rpcenv = CliEnvironment::new(); run_cli_command(cmd_def, rpcenv, Some(|future| { proxmox_backup::tools::runtime::main(future) })); }