extern crate proxmox_backup; use failure::*; use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd; use proxmox_backup::tools; use proxmox_backup::cli::command::*; use proxmox_backup::api::schema::*; use proxmox_backup::api::router::*; //use proxmox_backup::backup::chunk_store::*; //use proxmox_backup::backup::image_index::*; //use proxmox_backup::config::datastore; use proxmox_backup::backup::datastore::*; use serde_json::{Value}; fn required_string_param<'a>(param: &'a Value, name: &str) -> &'a str { param[name].as_str().expect(&format!("missing parameter '{}'", name)) } fn backup_dir(datastore: &DataStore, file: &std::fs::File, target: &str, chunk_size: usize) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut target = std::path::PathBuf::from(target); if let Some(ext) = target.extension() { if ext != "aidx" { bail!("got wrong file extension - expected '.aidx'"); } } else { target.set_extension("aidx"); } bail!("not implemented"); Ok(()) } fn backup_image(datastore: &DataStore, file: &std::fs::File, size: usize, target: &str, chunk_size: usize) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut target = std::path::PathBuf::from(target); if let Some(ext) = target.extension() { if ext != "iidx" { bail!("got wrong file extension - expected '.iidx'"); } } else { target.set_extension("iidx"); } let mut index = datastore.create_image_writer(&target, size, chunk_size)?; tools::file_chunker(file, chunk_size, |pos, chunk| { index.add_chunk(pos, chunk)?; Ok(true) })?; index.close()?; // commit changes Ok(()) } fn create_backup(param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod) -> Result { let filename = required_string_param(¶m, "filename"); let store = required_string_param(¶m, "store"); let target = required_string_param(¶m, "target"); let mut chunk_size = 4*1024*1024; if let Some(size) = param["chunk-size"].as_u64() { static SIZES: [u64; 7] = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096]; if SIZES.contains(&size) { chunk_size = (size as usize) * 1024; } else { bail!("Got unsupported chunk size '{}'", size); } } let datastore = DataStore::open(store)?; let file = std::fs::File::open(filename)?; let stat = nix::sys::stat::fstat(file.as_raw_fd())?; if (stat.st_mode & libc::S_IFDIR) != 0 { println!("Backup directory '{}' to '{}'", filename, store); backup_dir(&datastore, &file, &target, chunk_size)?; } else if (stat.st_mode & (libc::S_IFREG|libc::S_IFBLK)) != 0 { println!("Backup file '{}' to '{}'", filename, store); if stat.st_size <= 0 { bail!("got strange file size '{}'", stat.st_size); } let size = stat.st_size as usize; backup_image(&datastore, &file, size, &target, chunk_size)?; let idx = datastore.open_image_reader(target)?; idx.print_info(); } else { bail!("unsupported file type (expected a directory, file or block device)"); } //datastore.garbage_collection()?; Ok(Value::Null) } fn main() { let cmd_def = CliCommand::new( ApiMethod::new( create_backup, ObjectSchema::new("Create backup.") .required("filename", StringSchema::new("Source name (file or directory name)")) .required("store", StringSchema::new("Datastore name.")) .required("target", StringSchema::new("Target name.")) .optional( "chunk-size", IntegerSchema::new("Chunk size in KB. Must be a power of 2.") .minimum(64) .maximum(4096) .default(4096) ) )) .arg_param(vec!["filename", "target"]) .completion_cb("store", proxmox_backup::config::datastore::complete_datastore_name); if let Err(err) = run_cli_command(&cmd_def.into()) { eprintln!("Error: {}", err); print_cli_usage(); std::process::exit(-1); } }