extern crate proxmox_backup; use failure::*; //use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd; use chrono::{Local, TimeZone}; use proxmox_backup::tools; use proxmox_backup::cli::*; use proxmox_backup::api_schema::*; use proxmox_backup::api_schema::router::*; use proxmox_backup::client::*; use proxmox_backup::backup::*; //use proxmox_backup::backup::image_index::*; //use proxmox_backup::config::datastore; //use proxmox_backup::catar::encoder::*; //use proxmox_backup::backup::datastore::*; use serde_json::{Value}; use hyper::Body; use std::sync::Arc; use regex::Regex; use lazy_static::lazy_static; lazy_static! { static ref BACKUPSPEC_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+):(.+)$").unwrap(); } fn backup_directory( client: &mut HttpClient, repo: &BackupRepository, body: Body, archive_name: &str, backup_time: u64, chunk_size: Option, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut query = url::form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()); query .append_pair("archive_name", archive_name) .append_pair("type", "host") .append_pair("id", &tools::nodename()) .append_pair("time", &backup_time.to_string()); if let Some(size) = chunk_size { query.append_pair("chunk-size", &size.to_string()); } let query = query.finish(); let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/catar?{}", repo.store, query); client.upload("application/x-proxmox-backup-catar", body, &path)?; Ok(()) } /**** fn backup_image(datastore: &DataStore, file: &std::fs::File, size: usize, target: &str, chunk_size: usize) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut target = PathBuf::from(target); if let Some(ext) = target.extension() { if ext != "fidx" { bail!("got wrong file extension - expected '.fidx'"); } } else { target.set_extension("fidx"); } let mut index = datastore.create_image_writer(&target, size, chunk_size)?; tools::file_chunker(file, chunk_size, |pos, chunk| { index.add_chunk(pos, chunk)?; Ok(true) })?; index.close()?; // commit changes Ok(()) } */ fn list_backups( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let repo_url = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "repository")?; let repo = BackupRepository::parse(repo_url)?; let mut client = HttpClient::new(&repo.host, &repo.user); let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/backups", repo.store); let result = client.get(&path)?; // fixme: implement and use output formatter instead .. let list = result["data"].as_array().unwrap(); for item in list { let id = item["backup_id"].as_str(). unwrap(); let btype = item["backup_type"].as_str(). unwrap(); let epoch = item["backup_time"].as_i64(). unwrap(); let time_str = Local.timestamp(epoch, 0).format("%c"); let files = item["files"].as_array().unwrap(); for file in files { let filename = file.as_str().unwrap(); println!("| {} | {} | {} | {}", btype, id, time_str, filename); } } //Ok(result) Ok(Value::Null) } fn start_garbage_collection( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let repo_url = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "repository")?; let repo = BackupRepository::parse(repo_url)?; let mut client = HttpClient::new(&repo.host, &repo.user); let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/gc", repo.store); let result = client.post(&path)?; Ok(result) } fn parse_backupspec(value: &str) -> Result<(&str, &str), Error> { if let Some(caps) = BACKUPSPEC_REGEX.captures(value) { return Ok((caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str())); } bail!("unable to parse directory specification '{}'", value); } fn create_backup( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let repo_url = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "repository")?; let backupspec_list = tools::required_array_param(¶m, "backupspec")?; let repo = BackupRepository::parse(repo_url)?; let chunk_size_opt = param["chunk-size"].as_u64().map(|v| v*1024); if let Some(size) = chunk_size_opt { verify_chunk_size(size)?; } let mut upload_list = vec![]; for backupspec in backupspec_list { let (target, filename) = parse_backupspec(backupspec.as_str().unwrap())?; let stat = match nix::sys::stat::stat(filename) { Ok(s) => s, Err(err) => bail!("unable to access '{}' - {}", filename, err), }; if (stat.st_mode & libc::S_IFDIR) != 0 { let stream = CaTarBackupStream::open(filename)?; let body = Body::wrap_stream(stream); let target = format!("{}.catar", target); upload_list.push((body, filename.to_owned(), target)); } else if (stat.st_mode & (libc::S_IFREG|libc::S_IFBLK)) != 0 { if stat.st_size <= 0 { bail!("got strange file size '{}'", stat.st_size); } let _size = stat.st_size as usize; panic!("implement me"); //backup_image(&datastore, &file, size, &target, chunk_size)?; // let idx = datastore.open_image_reader(target)?; // idx.print_info(); } else { bail!("unsupported file type (expected a directory, file or block device)"); } } let backup_time = std::time::SystemTime::now().duration_since( std::time::SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH)?.as_secs(); let mut client = HttpClient::new(&repo.host, &repo.user); for (body, filename, target) in upload_list { println!("Upload '{}' to '{:?}'", filename, repo); backup_directory(&mut client, &repo, body, &target, backup_time, chunk_size_opt)?; } //datastore.garbage_collection()?; Ok(Value::Null) } fn main() { let repo_url_schema: Arc = Arc::new( StringSchema::new("Repository URL.") .format(BACKUP_REPO_URL.clone()) .max_length(256) .into() ); let create_cmd_def = CliCommand::new( ApiMethod::new( create_backup, ObjectSchema::new("Create backup.") .required("repository", repo_url_schema.clone()) .required( "backupspec", ArraySchema::new( "List of backup source specifications ([