use failure::*; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use crate::api_schema::*; use crate::api_schema::router::*; use crate::api_schema::format::*; //use crate::api_schema::config::*; use super::environment::CliEnvironment; use super::getopts; fn generate_usage_str( prefix: &str, cli_cmd: &CliCommand, format: DocumentationFormat, indent: &str) -> String { let arg_param = &cli_cmd.arg_param; let fixed_param = &cli_cmd.fixed_param; let properties = &; let description = &; let mut done_hash = HashSet::<&str>::new(); let mut args = String::new(); for positional_arg in arg_param { match properties.get(positional_arg) { Some((optional, schema)) => { args.push(' '); let is_array = if let Schema::Array(_) = schema.as_ref() { true } else { false }; if *optional { args.push('['); } if is_array { args.push('{'); } args.push('<'); args.push_str(positional_arg); args.push('>'); if is_array { args.push('}'); } if *optional { args.push(']'); } done_hash.insert(positional_arg); } None => panic!("no such property '{}' in schema", positional_arg), } } let mut arg_descr = String::new(); for positional_arg in arg_param { let (_optional, schema) = properties.get(positional_arg).unwrap(); let param_descr = get_property_description( positional_arg, &schema, ParameterDisplayStyle::Fixed, format); arg_descr.push_str(¶m_descr); } let mut options = String::new(); let mut prop_names: Vec<&str> = properties.keys().map(|v| *v).collect(); prop_names.sort(); for prop in prop_names { let (optional, schema) = properties.get(prop).unwrap(); if done_hash.contains(prop) { continue; } if fixed_param.contains_key(&prop) { continue; } let type_text = get_schema_type_text(&schema, ParameterDisplayStyle::Arg); if *optional { if options.len() > 0 { options.push('\n'); } options.push_str(&get_property_description(prop, &schema, ParameterDisplayStyle::Arg, format)); } else { args.push_str(" --"); args.push_str(prop); args.push(' '); args.push_str(&type_text); } done_hash.insert(prop); } let option_indicator = if options.len() > 0 { " [OPTIONS]" } else { "" }; let mut text = match format { DocumentationFormat::Short => { return format!("{}{}{}{}\n\n", indent, prefix, args, option_indicator); } DocumentationFormat::Long => { format!("{}{}{}{}\n\n", indent, prefix, args, option_indicator) } DocumentationFormat::Full => { format!("{}{}{}{}\n\n{}\n\n", indent, prefix, args, option_indicator, description) } DocumentationFormat::ReST => { format!("``{}{}{}``\n\n{}\n\n", prefix, args, option_indicator, description) } }; if arg_descr.len() > 0 { text.push_str(&arg_descr); text.push('\n'); } if options.len() > 0 { text.push_str(&options); text.push('\n'); } text } fn print_simple_usage_error(prefix: &str, cli_cmd: &CliCommand, err: Error) { let usage = generate_usage_str(prefix, cli_cmd, DocumentationFormat::Long, ""); eprint!("Error: {}\nUsage: {}", err, usage); } fn print_help( top_def: &CommandLineInterface, mut prefix: String, args: &Vec, verbose: Option, ) { let mut iface = top_def; for cmd in args { if let CommandLineInterface::Nested(map) = iface { if let Some(subcmd) = find_command(map, cmd) { iface = subcmd; prefix.push(' '); prefix.push_str(cmd); continue; } } eprintln!("no such command '{}'", cmd); std::process::exit(-1); } let format = match verbose.unwrap_or(false) { true => DocumentationFormat::Full, false => DocumentationFormat::Short, }; match iface { CommandLineInterface::Nested(map) => { println!("Usage:\n\n{}", generate_nested_usage(&prefix, map, format)); } CommandLineInterface::Simple(cli_cmd) => { println!("Usage: {}", generate_usage_str(&prefix, cli_cmd, format, "")); } } } fn handle_simple_command( top_def: &CommandLineInterface, prefix: &str, cli_cmd: &CliCommand, args: Vec, ) { let (params, rest) = match getopts::parse_arguments( &args, &cli_cmd.arg_param, & { Ok((p, r)) => (p, r), Err(err) => { print_simple_usage_error(prefix, cli_cmd, err.into()); std::process::exit(-1); } }; if { let prefix = prefix.split(' ').next().unwrap().to_string(); print_help(top_def, prefix, &rest, params["verbose"].as_bool()); return; } if !rest.is_empty() { let err = format_err!("got additional arguments: {:?}", rest); print_simple_usage_error(prefix, cli_cmd, err); std::process::exit(-1); } let mut rpcenv = CliEnvironment::new(); match (, &, &mut rpcenv) { Ok(value) => { println!("Result: {}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&value).unwrap()); } Err(err) => { eprintln!("Error: {}", err); } } } fn find_command<'a>(def: &'a CliCommandMap, name: &str) -> Option<&'a CommandLineInterface> { if let Some(sub_cmd) = def.commands.get(name) { return Some(sub_cmd); }; let mut matches: Vec<&str> = vec![]; for cmd in def.commands.keys() { if cmd.starts_with(name) { matches.push(cmd); } } if matches.len() != 1 { return None; } if let Some(sub_cmd) = def.commands.get(matches[0]) { return Some(sub_cmd); }; None } fn print_nested_usage_error(prefix: &str, def: &CliCommandMap, err: Error) { let usage = generate_nested_usage(prefix, def, DocumentationFormat::Short); eprintln!("Error: {}\n\nUsage:\n\n{}", err, usage); } fn generate_nested_usage(prefix: &str, def: &CliCommandMap, format: DocumentationFormat) -> String { let mut cmds: Vec<&String> = def.commands.keys().collect(); cmds.sort(); let mut usage = String::new(); for cmd in cmds { let new_prefix = format!("{} {}", prefix, cmd); match def.commands.get(cmd).unwrap() { CommandLineInterface::Simple(cli_cmd) => { if usage.len() > 0 && format == DocumentationFormat::ReST { usage.push_str("----\n\n"); } usage.push_str(&generate_usage_str(&new_prefix, cli_cmd, format, "")); } CommandLineInterface::Nested(map) => { usage.push_str(&generate_nested_usage(&new_prefix, map, format)); } } } usage } fn handle_nested_command( top_def: &CommandLineInterface, prefix: &str, def: &CliCommandMap, mut args: Vec, ) { if args.len() < 1 { let mut cmds: Vec<&String> = def.commands.keys().collect(); cmds.sort(); let list = cmds.iter().fold(String::new(),|mut s,item| { if !s.is_empty() { s+= ", "; } s += item; s }); let err = format_err!("no command specified.\nPossible commands: {}", list); print_nested_usage_error(prefix, def, err); std::process::exit(-1); } let command = args.remove(0); let sub_cmd = match find_command(def, &command) { Some(cmd) => cmd, None => { let err = format_err!("no such command '{}'", command); print_nested_usage_error(prefix, def, err); std::process::exit(-1); } }; let new_prefix = format!("{} {}", prefix, command); match sub_cmd { CommandLineInterface::Simple(cli_cmd) => { handle_simple_command(top_def, &new_prefix, cli_cmd, args); } CommandLineInterface::Nested(map) => { handle_nested_command(top_def, &new_prefix, map, args); } } } fn print_property_completion( schema: &Schema, name: &str, completion_functions: &HashMap, arg: &str, param: &HashMap, ) { if let Some(callback) = completion_functions.get(name) { let list = (callback)(arg, param); for value in list { if value.starts_with(arg) { println!("{}", value); } } return; } if let Schema::String(StringSchema { format: Some(format), ..} ) = schema { if let ApiStringFormat::Enum(list) = *format.as_ref() { for value in list { if value.starts_with(arg) { println!("{}", value); } } return; } } println!(""); } fn record_done_argument(done: &mut HashMap, parameters: &ObjectSchema, key: &str, value: &str) { if let Some((_, schema)) = { match schema.as_ref() { Schema::Array(_) => { /* do nothing ?? */ } _ => { done.insert(key.to_owned(), value.to_owned()); } } } } fn print_simple_completion( cli_cmd: &CliCommand, done: &mut HashMap, all_arg_param: &[&str], // this is always the full list arg_param: &[&str], // we remove done arguments args: &[String], ) { // fixme: arg_param, fixed_param //eprintln!("COMPL: {:?} {:?} {}", arg_param, args, args.len()); if !arg_param.is_empty() { let prop_name = arg_param[0]; if args.len() > 1 { record_done_argument(done, &, prop_name, &args[0]); print_simple_completion(cli_cmd, done, arg_param, &arg_param[1..], &args[1..]); return; } else if args.len() == 1 { record_done_argument(done, &, prop_name, &args[0]); if let Some((_, schema)) = { print_property_completion(schema, prop_name, &cli_cmd.completion_functions, &args[0], done); } } return; } if args.is_empty() { return; } // Try to parse all argumnets but last, record args already done if args.len() > 1 { let mut errors = ParameterError::new(); // we simply ignore any parsing errors here let (data, _rest) = getopts::parse_argument_list(&args[0..args.len()-1], &, &mut errors); for (key, value) in &data { record_done_argument(done, &, key, value); } } let prefix = &args[args.len()-1]; // match on last arg // complete option-name or option-value ? if !prefix.starts_with("-") && args.len() > 1 { let last = &args[args.len()-2]; if last.starts_with("--") && last.len() > 2 { let prop_name = &last[2..]; if let Some((_, schema)) = { print_property_completion(schema, prop_name, &cli_cmd.completion_functions, &prefix, done); } return; } } for (name, (_optional, _schema)) in & { if done.contains_key(*name) { continue; } if all_arg_param.contains(name) { continue; } let option = String::from("--") + name; if option.starts_with(prefix) { println!("{}", option); } } } fn print_help_completion(def: &CommandLineInterface, help_cmd: &CliCommand, args: &[String]) { let mut done = HashMap::new(); match def { CommandLineInterface::Simple(_) => { print_simple_completion(help_cmd, &mut done, &help_cmd.arg_param, &help_cmd.arg_param, args); return; } CommandLineInterface::Nested(map) => { if args.is_empty() { for cmd in map.commands.keys() { println!("{}", cmd); } return; } let first = &args[0]; if first.starts_with("-") { print_simple_completion(help_cmd, &mut done, &help_cmd.arg_param, &help_cmd.arg_param, args); return; } if let Some(sub_cmd) = map.commands.get(first) { print_help_completion(sub_cmd, help_cmd, &args[1..]); return; } for cmd in map.commands.keys() { if cmd.starts_with(first) { println!("{}", cmd); } } } } } fn print_nested_completion(def: &CommandLineInterface, args: &[String]) { match def { CommandLineInterface::Simple(cli_cmd) => { let mut done: HashMap = HashMap::new(); cli_cmd.fixed_param.iter().for_each(|(key, value)| { record_done_argument(&mut done, &, &key, &value); }); print_simple_completion(cli_cmd, &mut done, &cli_cmd.arg_param, &cli_cmd.arg_param, args); return; } CommandLineInterface::Nested(map) => { if args.is_empty() { for cmd in map.commands.keys() { println!("{}", cmd); } return; } let first = &args[0]; if args.len() > 1 { if let Some(sub_cmd) = map.commands.get(first) { print_nested_completion(sub_cmd, &args[1..]); return; } } for cmd in map.commands.keys() { if cmd.starts_with(first) { println!("{}", cmd); } } } } } pub fn print_bash_completion(def: &CommandLineInterface) { let comp_point: usize = match std::env::var("COMP_POINT") { Ok(val) => { match usize::from_str_radix(&val, 10) { Ok(i) => i, Err(_) => return, } } Err(_) => return, }; let cmdline = match std::env::var("COMP_LINE") { Ok(val) => val[0..comp_point].to_owned(), Err(_) => return, }; let mut args = match shellwords::split(&cmdline) { Ok(v) => v, Err(_) => return, }; if args.len() == 0 { return; } args.remove(0); //no need for program name if cmdline.ends_with(char::is_whitespace) { //eprintln!("CMDLINE {:?}", cmdline); args.push("".into()); } if !args.is_empty() && args[0] == "help" { print_help_completion(def, &help_command_def(), &args[1..]); } else { print_nested_completion(def, &args); } } fn help_command_def() -> CliCommand { CliCommand::new( ApiMethod::new_dummy( ObjectSchema::new("Get help about specified command.") .optional("verbose", BooleanSchema::new("Verbose help.")) ) ) } pub fn run_cli_command(def: CommandLineInterface) { let def = match def { CommandLineInterface::Simple(cli_cmd) => CommandLineInterface::Simple(cli_cmd), CommandLineInterface::Nested(map) => CommandLineInterface::Nested(map.insert("help", help_command_def().into())), }; let top_def = &def; // we pass this to the help function ... let mut args = std::env::args(); let prefix =; let prefix = prefix.rsplit('/').next().unwrap(); // without path let args: Vec = args.collect(); if !args.is_empty() { if args[0] == "bashcomplete" { print_bash_completion(&def); return; } if args[0] == "printdoc" { let usage = match def { CommandLineInterface::Simple(cli_cmd) => { generate_usage_str(&prefix, &cli_cmd, DocumentationFormat::ReST, "") } CommandLineInterface::Nested(map) => { generate_nested_usage(&prefix, &map, DocumentationFormat::ReST) } }; println!("{}", usage); return; } } match def { CommandLineInterface::Simple(ref cli_cmd) => handle_simple_command(top_def, &prefix, &cli_cmd, args), CommandLineInterface::Nested(ref map) => handle_nested_command(top_def, &prefix, &map, args), }; } pub type CompletionFunction = fn(&str, &HashMap) -> Vec; pub struct CliCommand { pub info: ApiMethod, pub arg_param: Vec<&'static str>, pub fixed_param: HashMap<&'static str, String>, pub completion_functions: HashMap, } impl CliCommand { pub fn new(info: ApiMethod) -> Self { Self { info, arg_param: vec![], fixed_param: HashMap::new(), completion_functions: HashMap::new(), } } pub fn arg_param(mut self, names: Vec<&'static str>) -> Self { self.arg_param = names; self } pub fn fixed_param(mut self, key: &'static str, value: String) -> Self { self.fixed_param.insert(key, value); self } pub fn completion_cb(mut self, param_name: &str, cb: CompletionFunction) -> Self { self.completion_functions.insert(param_name.into(), cb); self } } pub struct CliCommandMap { pub commands: HashMap, } impl CliCommandMap { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { commands: HashMap:: new() } } pub fn insert>(mut self, name: S, cli: CommandLineInterface) -> Self { self.commands.insert(name.into(), cli); self } } pub enum CommandLineInterface { Simple(CliCommand), Nested(CliCommandMap), } impl From for CommandLineInterface { fn from(cli_cmd: CliCommand) -> Self { CommandLineInterface::Simple(cli_cmd) } } impl From for CommandLineInterface { fn from(list: CliCommandMap) -> Self { CommandLineInterface::Nested(list) } }