//! Helpers for common statistics tasks use num_traits::NumAssignRef; use num_traits::cast::ToPrimitive; /// Calculates the sum of a list of numbers /// ``` /// # use proxmox_backup::tools::statistics::sum; /// # use num_traits::cast::ToPrimitive; /// /// assert_eq!(sum(&[0,1,2,3,4,5]), 15); /// assert_eq!(sum(&[-1,1,-2,2]), 0); /// assert!((sum(&[0.0, 0.1,0.2]).to_f64().unwrap() - 0.3).abs() < 0.001); /// assert!((sum(&[0.0, -0.1,0.2]).to_f64().unwrap() - 0.1).abs() < 0.001); /// ``` pub fn sum(list: &[T]) -> T where T: NumAssignRef + ToPrimitive { let mut sum = T::zero(); for num in list { sum += num; } sum } /// Calculates the mean of a variable x /// ``` /// # use proxmox_backup::tools::statistics::mean; /// /// assert!((mean(&[0,1,2,3,4,5]).unwrap() - 2.5).abs() < 0.001); /// assert_eq!(mean::(&[]), None) /// ``` pub fn mean(list: &[T]) -> Option where T: NumAssignRef + ToPrimitive { let len = list.len(); if len == 0 { return None } Some(sum(list).to_f64()?/(list.len() as f64)) } /// Calculates the variance of a variable x /// ``` /// # use proxmox_backup::tools::statistics::variance; /// /// assert!((variance(&[1,2,3,4]).unwrap() - 1.25).abs() < 0.001); /// assert_eq!(variance::(&[]), None) /// ``` pub fn variance(list: &[T]) -> Option where T: NumAssignRef + ToPrimitive { covariance(list, list) } /// Calculates the (non-corrected) covariance of two variables x,y pub fn covariance (x: &[X], y: &[Y]) -> Option where X: NumAssignRef + ToPrimitive, Y: NumAssignRef + ToPrimitive, { let len_x = x.len(); let len_y = y.len(); if len_x == 0 || len_y == 0 || len_x != len_y { return None } let mean_x = mean(x)?; let mean_y = mean(y)?; let covariance: f64 = (0..len_x).map(|i| { let x = x[i].to_f64().unwrap_or(0.0); let y = y[i].to_f64().unwrap_or(0.0); (x - mean_x)*(y - mean_y) }).sum(); Some(covariance/(len_x as f64)) } /// Returns the factors `(a,b)` of a linear regression `y = a + bx` /// for the variables `[x,y]` or `None` if the lists are not the same length /// ``` /// # use proxmox_backup::tools::statistics::linear_regression; /// /// let x = &[0,1,2,3,4]; /// let y = &[-4,-2,0,2,4]; /// let (a,b) = linear_regression(x,y).unwrap(); /// assert!((a - -4.0).abs() < 0.001); /// assert!((b - 2.0).abs() < 0.001); /// ``` pub fn linear_regression (x: &[X], y: &[Y]) -> Option<(f64, f64)> where X: NumAssignRef + ToPrimitive, Y: NumAssignRef + ToPrimitive { let len_x = x.len(); let len_y = y.len(); if len_x == 0 || len_y == 0 || len_x != len_y { return None } let mean_x = mean(x)?; let mean_y = mean(y)?; let mut covariance = 0.0; let mut variance = 0.0; for i in 0..len_x { let x = x[i].to_f64()?; let y = y[i].to_f64()?; let x_mean_x = x - mean_x; covariance += x_mean_x*(y - mean_y); variance += x_mean_x * x_mean_x; } let beta = covariance/variance; let alpha = mean_y - beta*mean_x; Some((alpha,beta)) }