Ext.define('pbs-datastore-list', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', fields: ['name', 'comment', 'maintenance'], proxy: { type: 'proxmox', url: "/api2/json/admin/datastore", }, idProperty: 'store', }); Ext.define('pbs-tape-drive-list', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', fields: ['name', 'changer'], proxy: { type: 'proxmox', url: "/api2/json/tape/drive", }, idProperty: 'name', }); Ext.define('PBS.store.NavigationStore', { extend: 'Ext.data.TreeStore', storeId: 'NavigationStore', root: { expanded: true, children: [ { text: gettext('Dashboard'), iconCls: 'fa fa-tachometer', path: 'pbsDashboard', leaf: true, }, { text: gettext('Notes'), iconCls: 'fa fa-sticky-note-o', path: 'pbsNodeNotes', leaf: true, }, { text: gettext('Configuration'), iconCls: 'fa fa-gears', path: 'pbsSystemConfiguration', expanded: true, children: [ { text: gettext('Access Control'), iconCls: 'fa fa-key', path: 'pbsAccessControlPanel', leaf: true, }, { text: gettext('Remotes'), iconCls: 'fa fa-server', path: 'pbsRemoteView', leaf: true, }, { text: gettext('Traffic Control'), iconCls: 'fa fa-signal fa-rotate-90', path: 'pbsTrafficControlView', leaf: true, }, { text: gettext('Certificates'), iconCls: 'fa fa-certificate', path: 'pbsCertificateConfiguration', leaf: true, }, { text: gettext('Subscription'), iconCls: 'fa fa-support', path: 'pbsSubscription', leaf: true, }, ], }, { text: gettext('Administration'), iconCls: 'fa fa-wrench', path: 'pbsServerAdministration', expanded: true, leaf: false, children: [ { text: gettext('Shell'), iconCls: 'fa fa-terminal', path: 'pbsXtermJsConsole', leaf: true, }, { text: gettext('Storage / Disks'), iconCls: 'fa fa-hdd-o', path: 'pbsStorageAndDiskPanel', leaf: true, }, ], }, { text: "Tape Backup", iconCls: 'pbs-icon-tape', id: 'tape_management', path: 'pbsTapeManagement', expanded: true, children: [], }, { text: gettext('Datastore'), iconCls: 'fa fa-archive', id: 'datastores', path: 'pbsDataStores', expanded: true, expandable: false, leaf: false, children: [ { text: gettext('Add Datastore'), iconCls: 'fa fa-plus-circle', leaf: true, id: 'addbutton', virtualEntry: true, }, ], }, ], }, }); Ext.define('CustomTreeListItem', { extend: 'Ext.list.TreeItem', xtype: 'qtiptreelistitem', nodeUpdate: function(node, modifiedFieldNames) { this.callParent(arguments); const qtip = node ? node.get('qtip') : null; if (qtip) { this.element.dom.setAttribute('data-qtip', qtip); } else { this.element.dom.removeAttribute('data-qtip'); } }, }); Ext.define('PBS.view.main.NavigationTree', { extend: 'Ext.list.Tree', xtype: 'navigationtree', defaults: { xtype: 'qtiptreelistitem', }, controller: { xclass: 'Ext.app.ViewController', init: function(view) { view.rstore = Ext.create('Proxmox.data.UpdateStore', { autoStart: true, interval: 5 * 1000, storeId: 'pbs-datastore-list', // NOTE: this is queried by selectors, avoid change! model: 'pbs-datastore-list', }); view.rstore.on('load', this.onLoad, this); view.on('destroy', view.rstore.stopUpdate); if (view.tapeStore === undefined) { view.tapeStore = Ext.create('Proxmox.data.UpdateStore', { autoStart: true, interval: 60 * 1000, storeid: 'pbs-tape-drive-list', model: 'pbs-tape-drive-list', }); view.tapeStore.on('load', this.onTapeDriveLoad, this); view.on('destroy', view.tapeStore.stopUpdate); } }, onTapeDriveLoad: function(store, records, success) { if (!success) return; let view = this.getView(); let root = view.getStore().getRoot(); records.sort((a, b) => a.data.name.localeCompare(b.data.name)); let list = root.findChild('id', 'tape_management', false); let existingChildren = {}; for (const drive of records) { let path, text, iconCls; if (drive.data.changer !== undefined) { text = drive.data.changer; path = `Changer-${text}`; iconCls = 'fa fa-exchange'; } else { text = drive.data.name; path = `Drive-${text}`; iconCls = 'pbs-icon-tape-drive'; } existingChildren[path] = { text, path, iconCls, leaf: true, }; } let paths = Object.keys(existingChildren).sort(); let oldIdx = 0; for (let newIdx = 0; newIdx < paths.length; newIdx++) { let newPath = paths[newIdx]; // find index to insert while (oldIdx < list.childNodes.length && newPath > list.getChildAt(oldIdx).data.path) { oldIdx++; } if (oldIdx >= list.childNodes.length || list.getChildAt(oldIdx).data.path !== newPath) { list.insertChild(oldIdx, existingChildren[newPath]); } } let toRemove = []; list.eachChild((child) => { if (!existingChildren[child.data.path]) { toRemove.push(child); } }); toRemove.forEach((child) => list.removeChild(child, true)); if (view.pathToSelect !== undefined) { let path = view.pathToSelect; delete view.pathToSelect; view.select(path, true); } }, onLoad: function(store, records, success) { if (!success) { return; } let view = this.getView(); let root = view.getStore().getRoot(); records.sort((a, b) => a.id.localeCompare(b.id)); let list = root.findChild('id', 'datastores', false); let getChildTextAt = i => list.getChildAt(i).data.text; let existingChildren = {}; for (let i = 0, j = 0, length = records.length; i < length; i++) { let name = records[i].id; existingChildren[name] = true; while (name.localeCompare(getChildTextAt(j)) > 0 && (j+1) < list.childNodes.length) { j++; } let [qtip, iconCls] = ['', 'fa fa-database']; const maintenance = records[i].data.maintenance; if (maintenance) { const [type, message] = PBS.Utils.parseMaintenanceMode(maintenance); qtip = `${type}${message ? ': ' + message : ''}`; iconCls = 'fa fa-database pmx-tree-icon-custom maintenance'; } if (getChildTextAt(j).localeCompare(name) !== 0) { list.insertChild(j, { text: name, qtip, path: `DataStore-${name}`, iconCls, leaf: true, }); } else { let oldChild = list.getChildAt(j); oldChild.set('qtip', qtip); oldChild.set('iconCls', iconCls); } } // remove entries which are not existing anymore let toRemove = []; list.eachChild(child => { if (!existingChildren[child.data.text] && !child.data.virtualEntry) { toRemove.push(child); } }); toRemove.forEach(child => list.removeChild(child, true)); if (view.pathToSelect !== undefined) { let path = view.pathToSelect; delete view.pathToSelect; view.select(path, true); } }, }, listeners: { itemclick: function(tl, info) { if (info.node.data.id === 'addbutton') { let me = this; Ext.create('PBS.DataStoreEdit', { listeners: { destroy: () => me.rstore.reload(), }, }).show(); return false; } return true; }, }, reloadTapeStore: function() { let me = this; me.tapeStore.load(); }, select: function(path, silent) { var me = this; if (me.rstore.isLoaded() && me.tapeStore.isLoaded()) { if (silent) { me.suspendEvents(false); } var item = me.getStore().findRecord('path', path, 0, false, true, true); me.setSelection(item); if (silent) { me.resumeEvents(true); } } else { me.pathToSelect = path; } }, animation: false, expanderOnly: true, expanderFirst: false, store: 'NavigationStore', ui: 'nav', });