use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap}; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error}; use futures::*; use hyper::http::request::Parts; use hyper::{header, Body, Response, StatusCode}; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use proxmox::api::{ api, ApiResponseFuture, ApiHandler, ApiMethod, Router, RpcEnvironment, RpcEnvironmentType, Permission }; use proxmox::api::router::SubdirMap; use proxmox::api::schema::*; use proxmox::tools::fs::{replace_file, CreateOptions}; use proxmox::try_block; use proxmox::{http_err, identity, list_subdirs_api_method, sortable}; use pxar::accessor::aio::Accessor; use pxar::EntryKind; use crate::api2::types::*; use crate::api2::node::rrd::create_value_from_rrd; use crate::backup::*; use crate::config::datastore; use crate::config::cached_user_info::CachedUserInfo; use crate::server::WorkerTask; use crate::tools::{self, AsyncReaderStream, WrappedReaderStream}; use crate::config::acl::{ PRIV_DATASTORE_AUDIT, PRIV_DATASTORE_MODIFY, PRIV_DATASTORE_READ, PRIV_DATASTORE_PRUNE, PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, }; fn check_backup_owner( store: &DataStore, group: &BackupGroup, userid: &Userid, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let owner = store.get_owner(group)?; if &owner != userid { bail!("backup owner check failed ({} != {})", userid, owner); } Ok(()) } fn read_backup_index( store: &DataStore, backup_dir: &BackupDir, ) -> Result<(BackupManifest, Vec), Error> { let (manifest, index_size) = store.load_manifest(backup_dir)?; let mut result = Vec::new(); for item in manifest.files() { result.push(BackupContent { filename: item.filename.clone(), crypt_mode: Some(item.crypt_mode), size: Some(item.size), }); } result.push(BackupContent { filename: MANIFEST_BLOB_NAME.to_string(), crypt_mode: Some(CryptMode::None), size: Some(index_size), }); Ok((manifest, result)) } fn get_all_snapshot_files( store: &DataStore, info: &BackupInfo, ) -> Result<(BackupManifest, Vec), Error> { let (manifest, mut files) = read_backup_index(&store, &info.backup_dir)?; let file_set = files.iter().fold(HashSet::new(), |mut acc, item| { acc.insert(item.filename.clone()); acc }); for file in &info.files { if file_set.contains(file) { continue; } files.push(BackupContent { filename: file.to_string(), size: None, crypt_mode: None, }); } Ok((manifest, files)) } fn group_backups(backup_list: Vec) -> HashMap> { let mut group_hash = HashMap::new(); for info in backup_list { let group_id =; let time_list = group_hash.entry(group_id).or_insert(vec![]); time_list.push(info); } group_hash } #[api( input: { properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, }, }, returns: { type: Array, description: "Returns the list of backup groups.", items: { type: GroupListItem, } }, access: { permission: &Permission::Privilege( &["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_AUDIT | PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, true), }, )] /// List backup groups. fn list_groups( store: String, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result, Error> { let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?; let user_privs = user_info.lookup_privs(&userid, &["datastore", &store]); let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; let backup_list = BackupInfo::list_backups(&datastore.base_path())?; let group_hash = group_backups(backup_list); let mut groups = Vec::new(); for (_group_id, mut list) in group_hash { BackupInfo::sort_list(&mut list, false); let info = &list[0]; let group =; let list_all = (user_privs & PRIV_DATASTORE_AUDIT) != 0; let owner = datastore.get_owner(group)?; if !list_all { if owner != userid { continue; } } let result_item = GroupListItem { backup_type: group.backup_type().to_string(), backup_id: group.backup_id().to_string(), last_backup: info.backup_dir.backup_time().timestamp(), backup_count: list.len() as u64, files: info.files.clone(), owner: Some(owner), }; groups.push(result_item); } Ok(groups) } #[api( input: { properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-type": { schema: BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-id": { schema: BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA, }, "backup-time": { schema: BACKUP_TIME_SCHEMA, }, }, }, returns: { type: Array, description: "Returns the list of archive files inside a backup snapshots.", items: { type: BackupContent, } }, access: { permission: &Permission::Privilege( &["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_AUDIT | PRIV_DATASTORE_READ | PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, true), }, )] /// List snapshot files. pub fn list_snapshot_files( store: String, backup_type: String, backup_id: String, backup_time: i64, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result, Error> { let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?; let user_privs = user_info.lookup_privs(&userid, &["datastore", &store]); let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; let snapshot = BackupDir::new(backup_type, backup_id, backup_time); let allowed = (user_privs & (PRIV_DATASTORE_AUDIT | PRIV_DATASTORE_READ)) != 0; if !allowed { check_backup_owner(&datastore,, &userid)?; } let info = BackupInfo::new(&datastore.base_path(), snapshot)?; let (_manifest, files) = get_all_snapshot_files(&datastore, &info)?; Ok(files) } #[api( input: { properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-type": { schema: BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-id": { schema: BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA, }, "backup-time": { schema: BACKUP_TIME_SCHEMA, }, }, }, access: { permission: &Permission::Privilege( &["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_MODIFY| PRIV_DATASTORE_PRUNE, true), }, )] /// Delete backup snapshot. fn delete_snapshot( store: String, backup_type: String, backup_id: String, backup_time: i64, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?; let user_privs = user_info.lookup_privs(&userid, &["datastore", &store]); let snapshot = BackupDir::new(backup_type, backup_id, backup_time); let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; let allowed = (user_privs & PRIV_DATASTORE_MODIFY) != 0; if !allowed { check_backup_owner(&datastore,, &userid)?; } datastore.remove_backup_dir(&snapshot, false)?; Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-type": { optional: true, schema: BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-id": { optional: true, schema: BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA, }, }, }, returns: { type: Array, description: "Returns the list of snapshots.", items: { type: SnapshotListItem, } }, access: { permission: &Permission::Privilege( &["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_AUDIT | PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, true), }, )] /// List backup snapshots. pub fn list_snapshots ( store: String, backup_type: Option, backup_id: Option, _param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result, Error> { let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?; let user_privs = user_info.lookup_privs(&userid, &["datastore", &store]); let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; let base_path = datastore.base_path(); let backup_list = BackupInfo::list_backups(&base_path)?; let mut snapshots = vec![]; for info in backup_list { let group =; if let Some(ref backup_type) = backup_type { if backup_type != group.backup_type() { continue; } } if let Some(ref backup_id) = backup_id { if backup_id != group.backup_id() { continue; } } let list_all = (user_privs & PRIV_DATASTORE_AUDIT) != 0; let owner = datastore.get_owner(group)?; if !list_all { if owner != userid { continue; } } let mut size = None; let (comment, files) = match get_all_snapshot_files(&datastore, &info) { Ok((manifest, files)) => { size = Some(files.iter().map(|x| x.size.unwrap_or(0)).sum()); // extract the first line from notes let comment: Option = manifest.unprotected["notes"] .as_str() .and_then(|notes| notes.lines().next()) .map(String::from); (comment, files) }, Err(err) => { eprintln!("error during snapshot file listing: '{}'", err); ( None, info .files .iter() .map(|x| BackupContent { filename: x.to_string(), size: None, crypt_mode: None, }) .collect() ) }, }; let result_item = SnapshotListItem { backup_type: group.backup_type().to_string(), backup_id: group.backup_id().to_string(), backup_time: info.backup_dir.backup_time().timestamp(), comment, files, size, owner: Some(owner), }; snapshots.push(result_item); } Ok(snapshots) } #[api( input: { properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, }, }, returns: { type: StorageStatus, }, access: { permission: &Permission::Privilege(&["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_AUDIT | PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, true), }, )] /// Get datastore status. pub fn status( store: String, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; crate::tools::disks::disk_usage(&datastore.base_path()) } #[api( input: { properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-type": { schema: BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "backup-id": { schema: BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "backup-time": { schema: BACKUP_TIME_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, }, }, returns: { schema: UPID_SCHEMA, }, access: { permission: &Permission::Privilege(&["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_READ | PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, true), // fixme }, )] /// Verify backups. /// /// This function can verify a single backup snapshot, all backup from a backup group, /// or all backups in the datastore. pub fn verify( store: String, backup_type: Option, backup_id: Option, backup_time: Option, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; let worker_id; let mut backup_dir = None; let mut backup_group = None; match (backup_type, backup_id, backup_time) { (Some(backup_type), Some(backup_id), Some(backup_time)) => { worker_id = format!("{}_{}_{}_{:08X}", store, backup_type, backup_id, backup_time); let dir = BackupDir::new(backup_type, backup_id, backup_time); backup_dir = Some(dir); } (Some(backup_type), Some(backup_id), None) => { worker_id = format!("{}_{}_{}", store, backup_type, backup_id); let group = BackupGroup::new(backup_type, backup_id); backup_group = Some(group); } (None, None, None) => { worker_id = store.clone(); } _ => bail!("parameters do not spefify a backup group or snapshot"), } let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let to_stdout = if rpcenv.env_type() == RpcEnvironmentType::CLI { true } else { false }; let upid_str = WorkerTask::new_thread( "verify", Some(worker_id.clone()), userid, to_stdout, move |worker| { let failed_dirs = if let Some(backup_dir) = backup_dir { let mut verified_chunks = HashSet::with_capacity(1024*16); let mut corrupt_chunks = HashSet::with_capacity(64); let mut res = Vec::new(); if !verify_backup_dir(&datastore, &backup_dir, &mut verified_chunks, &mut corrupt_chunks, &worker)? { res.push(backup_dir.to_string()); } res } else if let Some(backup_group) = backup_group { verify_backup_group(&datastore, &backup_group, &worker)? } else { verify_all_backups(&datastore, &worker)? }; if failed_dirs.len() > 0 { worker.log("Failed to verify following snapshots:"); for dir in failed_dirs { worker.log(format!("\t{}", dir)); } bail!("verfication failed - please check the log for details"); } Ok(()) }, )?; Ok(json!(upid_str)) } #[macro_export] macro_rules! add_common_prune_prameters { ( [ $( $list1:tt )* ] ) => { add_common_prune_prameters!([$( $list1 )* ] , []) }; ( [ $( $list1:tt )* ] , [ $( $list2:tt )* ] ) => { [ $( $list1 )* ( "keep-daily", true, &PRUNE_SCHEMA_KEEP_DAILY, ), ( "keep-hourly", true, &PRUNE_SCHEMA_KEEP_HOURLY, ), ( "keep-last", true, &PRUNE_SCHEMA_KEEP_LAST, ), ( "keep-monthly", true, &PRUNE_SCHEMA_KEEP_MONTHLY, ), ( "keep-weekly", true, &PRUNE_SCHEMA_KEEP_WEEKLY, ), ( "keep-yearly", true, &PRUNE_SCHEMA_KEEP_YEARLY, ), $( $list2 )* ] } } pub const API_RETURN_SCHEMA_PRUNE: Schema = ArraySchema::new( "Returns the list of snapshots and a flag indicating if there are kept or removed.", &PruneListItem::API_SCHEMA ).schema(); const API_METHOD_PRUNE: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::Sync(&prune), &ObjectSchema::new( "Prune the datastore.", &add_common_prune_prameters!([ ("backup-id", false, &BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA), ("backup-type", false, &BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA), ("dry-run", true, &BooleanSchema::new( "Just show what prune would do, but do not delete anything.") .schema() ), ],[ ("store", false, &DATASTORE_SCHEMA), ]) )) .returns(&API_RETURN_SCHEMA_PRUNE) .access(None, &Permission::Privilege( &["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_MODIFY | PRIV_DATASTORE_PRUNE, true) ); fn prune( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let store = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "store")?; let backup_type = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "backup-type")?; let backup_id = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "backup-id")?; let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?; let user_privs = user_info.lookup_privs(&userid, &["datastore", &store]); let dry_run = param["dry-run"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false); let group = BackupGroup::new(backup_type, backup_id); let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; let allowed = (user_privs & PRIV_DATASTORE_MODIFY) != 0; if !allowed { check_backup_owner(&datastore, &group, &userid)?; } let prune_options = PruneOptions { keep_last: param["keep-last"].as_u64(), keep_hourly: param["keep-hourly"].as_u64(), keep_daily: param["keep-daily"].as_u64(), keep_weekly: param["keep-weekly"].as_u64(), keep_monthly: param["keep-monthly"].as_u64(), keep_yearly: param["keep-yearly"].as_u64(), }; let worker_id = format!("{}_{}_{}", store, backup_type, backup_id); let mut prune_result = Vec::new(); let list = group.list_backups(&datastore.base_path())?; let mut prune_info = compute_prune_info(list, &prune_options)?; prune_info.reverse(); // delete older snapshots first let keep_all = !prune_options.keeps_something(); if dry_run { for (info, mut keep) in prune_info { if keep_all { keep = true; } let backup_time = info.backup_dir.backup_time(); let group =; prune_result.push(json!({ "backup-type": group.backup_type(), "backup-id": group.backup_id(), "backup-time": backup_time.timestamp(), "keep": keep, })); } return Ok(json!(prune_result)); } // We use a WorkerTask just to have a task log, but run synchrounously let worker = WorkerTask::new("prune", Some(worker_id), Userid::root_userid().clone(), true)?; let result = try_block! { if keep_all { worker.log("No prune selection - keeping all files."); } else { worker.log(format!("retention options: {}", prune_options.cli_options_string())); worker.log(format!("Starting prune on store \"{}\" group \"{}/{}\"", store, backup_type, backup_id)); } for (info, mut keep) in prune_info { if keep_all { keep = true; } let backup_time = info.backup_dir.backup_time(); let timestamp = BackupDir::backup_time_to_string(backup_time); let group =; let msg = format!( "{}/{}/{} {}", group.backup_type(), group.backup_id(), timestamp, if keep { "keep" } else { "remove" }, ); worker.log(msg); prune_result.push(json!({ "backup-type": group.backup_type(), "backup-id": group.backup_id(), "backup-time": backup_time.timestamp(), "keep": keep, })); if !(dry_run || keep) { datastore.remove_backup_dir(&info.backup_dir, true)?; } } Ok(()) }; worker.log_result(&result); if let Err(err) = result { bail!("prune failed - {}", err); }; Ok(json!(prune_result)) } #[api( input: { properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, }, }, returns: { schema: UPID_SCHEMA, }, access: { permission: &Permission::Privilege(&["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_MODIFY, false), }, )] /// Start garbage collection. fn start_garbage_collection( store: String, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; println!("Starting garbage collection on store {}", store); let to_stdout = if rpcenv.env_type() == RpcEnvironmentType::CLI { true } else { false }; let upid_str = WorkerTask::new_thread( "garbage_collection", Some(store.clone()), Userid::root_userid().clone(), to_stdout, move |worker| { worker.log(format!("starting garbage collection on store {}", store)); datastore.garbage_collection(&worker) }, )?; Ok(json!(upid_str)) } #[api( input: { properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, }, }, returns: { type: GarbageCollectionStatus, }, access: { permission: &Permission::Privilege(&["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_AUDIT, false), }, )] /// Garbage collection status. pub fn garbage_collection_status( store: String, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; let status = datastore.last_gc_status(); Ok(status) } #[api( returns: { description: "List the accessible datastores.", type: Array, items: { description: "Datastore name and description.", properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, comment: { optional: true, schema: SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT_SCHEMA, }, }, }, }, access: { permission: &Permission::Anybody, }, )] /// Datastore list fn get_datastore_list( _param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let (config, _digest) = datastore::config()?; let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?; let mut list = Vec::new(); for (store, (_, data)) in &config.sections { let user_privs = user_info.lookup_privs(&userid, &["datastore", &store]); let allowed = (user_privs & (PRIV_DATASTORE_AUDIT| PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP)) != 0; if allowed { let mut entry = json!({ "store": store }); if let Some(comment) = data["comment"].as_str() { entry["comment"] = comment.into(); } list.push(entry); } } Ok(list.into()) } #[sortable] pub const API_METHOD_DOWNLOAD_FILE: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::AsyncHttp(&download_file), &ObjectSchema::new( "Download single raw file from backup snapshot.", &sorted!([ ("store", false, &DATASTORE_SCHEMA), ("backup-type", false, &BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA), ("backup-id", false, &BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA), ("backup-time", false, &BACKUP_TIME_SCHEMA), ("file-name", false, &BACKUP_ARCHIVE_NAME_SCHEMA), ]), ) ).access(None, &Permission::Privilege( &["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_READ | PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, true) ); fn download_file( _parts: Parts, _req_body: Body, param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: Box, ) -> ApiResponseFuture { async move { let store = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "store")?; let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(store)?; let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?; let user_privs = user_info.lookup_privs(&userid, &["datastore", &store]); let file_name = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "file-name")?.to_owned(); let backup_type = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "backup-type")?; let backup_id = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "backup-id")?; let backup_time = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "backup-time")?; let backup_dir = BackupDir::new(backup_type, backup_id, backup_time); let allowed = (user_privs & PRIV_DATASTORE_READ) != 0; if !allowed { check_backup_owner(&datastore,, &userid)?; } println!("Download {} from {} ({}/{})", file_name, store, backup_dir, file_name); let mut path = datastore.base_path(); path.push(backup_dir.relative_path()); path.push(&file_name); let file = tokio::fs::File::open(&path) .await .map_err(|err| http_err!(BAD_REQUEST, "File open failed: {}", err))?; let payload = tokio_util::codec::FramedRead::new(file, tokio_util::codec::BytesCodec::new()) .map_ok(|bytes| hyper::body::Bytes::from(bytes.freeze())) .map_err(move |err| { eprintln!("error during streaming of '{:?}' - {}", &path, err); err }); let body = Body::wrap_stream(payload); // fixme: set other headers ? Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::OK) .header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream") .body(body) .unwrap()) }.boxed() } #[sortable] pub const API_METHOD_DOWNLOAD_FILE_DECODED: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::AsyncHttp(&download_file_decoded), &ObjectSchema::new( "Download single decoded file from backup snapshot. Only works if it's not encrypted.", &sorted!([ ("store", false, &DATASTORE_SCHEMA), ("backup-type", false, &BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA), ("backup-id", false, &BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA), ("backup-time", false, &BACKUP_TIME_SCHEMA), ("file-name", false, &BACKUP_ARCHIVE_NAME_SCHEMA), ]), ) ).access(None, &Permission::Privilege( &["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_READ | PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, true) ); fn download_file_decoded( _parts: Parts, _req_body: Body, param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: Box, ) -> ApiResponseFuture { async move { let store = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "store")?; let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(store)?; let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?; let user_privs = user_info.lookup_privs(&userid, &["datastore", &store]); let file_name = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "file-name")?.to_owned(); let backup_type = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "backup-type")?; let backup_id = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "backup-id")?; let backup_time = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "backup-time")?; let backup_dir = BackupDir::new(backup_type, backup_id, backup_time); let allowed = (user_privs & PRIV_DATASTORE_READ) != 0; if !allowed { check_backup_owner(&datastore,, &userid)?; } let (manifest, files) = read_backup_index(&datastore, &backup_dir)?; for file in files { if file.filename == file_name && file.crypt_mode == Some(CryptMode::Encrypt) { bail!("cannot decode '{}' - is encrypted", file_name); } } println!("Download {} from {} ({}/{})", file_name, store, backup_dir, file_name); let mut path = datastore.base_path(); path.push(backup_dir.relative_path()); path.push(&file_name); let extension = file_name.rsplitn(2, '.').next().unwrap(); let body = match extension { "didx" => { let index = DynamicIndexReader::open(&path) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to read dynamic index '{:?}' - {}", &path, err))?; let (csum, size) = index.compute_csum(); manifest.verify_file(&file_name, &csum, size)?; let chunk_reader = LocalChunkReader::new(datastore, None, CryptMode::None); let reader = AsyncIndexReader::new(index, chunk_reader); Body::wrap_stream(AsyncReaderStream::new(reader) .map_err(move |err| { eprintln!("error during streaming of '{:?}' - {}", path, err); err })) }, "fidx" => { let index = FixedIndexReader::open(&path) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to read fixed index '{:?}' - {}", &path, err))?; let (csum, size) = index.compute_csum(); manifest.verify_file(&file_name, &csum, size)?; let chunk_reader = LocalChunkReader::new(datastore, None, CryptMode::None); let reader = AsyncIndexReader::new(index, chunk_reader); Body::wrap_stream(AsyncReaderStream::with_buffer_size(reader, 4*1024*1024) .map_err(move |err| { eprintln!("error during streaming of '{:?}' - {}", path, err); err })) }, "blob" => { let file = std::fs::File::open(&path) .map_err(|err| http_err!(BAD_REQUEST, "File open failed: {}", err))?; // FIXME: load full blob to verify index checksum? Body::wrap_stream( WrappedReaderStream::new(DataBlobReader::new(file, None)?) .map_err(move |err| { eprintln!("error during streaming of '{:?}' - {}", path, err); err }) ) }, extension => { bail!("cannot download '{}' files", extension); }, }; // fixme: set other headers ? Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::OK) .header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream") .body(body) .unwrap()) }.boxed() } #[sortable] pub const API_METHOD_UPLOAD_BACKUP_LOG: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::AsyncHttp(&upload_backup_log), &ObjectSchema::new( "Upload the client backup log file into a backup snapshot ('client.log.blob').", &sorted!([ ("store", false, &DATASTORE_SCHEMA), ("backup-type", false, &BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA), ("backup-id", false, &BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA), ("backup-time", false, &BACKUP_TIME_SCHEMA), ]), ) ).access( Some("Only the backup creator/owner is allowed to do this."), &Permission::Privilege(&["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, false) ); fn upload_backup_log( _parts: Parts, req_body: Body, param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: Box, ) -> ApiResponseFuture { async move { let store = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "store")?; let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(store)?; let file_name = CLIENT_LOG_BLOB_NAME; let backup_type = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "backup-type")?; let backup_id = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "backup-id")?; let backup_time = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "backup-time")?; let backup_dir = BackupDir::new(backup_type, backup_id, backup_time); let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; check_backup_owner(&datastore,, &userid)?; let mut path = datastore.base_path(); path.push(backup_dir.relative_path()); path.push(&file_name); if path.exists() { bail!("backup already contains a log."); } println!("Upload backup log to {}/{}/{}/{}/{}", store, backup_type, backup_id, BackupDir::backup_time_to_string(backup_dir.backup_time()), file_name); let data = req_body .map_err(Error::from) .try_fold(Vec::new(), |mut acc, chunk| { acc.extend_from_slice(&*chunk); future::ok::<_, Error>(acc) }) .await?; // always verify blob/CRC at server side let blob = DataBlob::load_from_reader(&mut &data[..])?; replace_file(&path, blob.raw_data(), CreateOptions::new())?; // fixme: use correct formatter Ok(crate::server::formatter::json_response(Ok(Value::Null))) }.boxed() } #[api( input: { properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-type": { schema: BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-id": { schema: BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA, }, "backup-time": { schema: BACKUP_TIME_SCHEMA, }, "filepath": { description: "Base64 encoded path.", type: String, } }, }, access: { permission: &Permission::Privilege(&["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_READ | PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, true), }, )] /// Get the entries of the given path of the catalog fn catalog( store: String, backup_type: String, backup_id: String, backup_time: i64, filepath: String, _param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?; let user_privs = user_info.lookup_privs(&userid, &["datastore", &store]); let backup_dir = BackupDir::new(backup_type, backup_id, backup_time); let allowed = (user_privs & PRIV_DATASTORE_READ) != 0; if !allowed { check_backup_owner(&datastore,, &userid)?; } let file_name = CATALOG_NAME; let (manifest, files) = read_backup_index(&datastore, &backup_dir)?; for file in files { if file.filename == file_name && file.crypt_mode == Some(CryptMode::Encrypt) { bail!("cannot decode '{}' - is encrypted", file_name); } } let mut path = datastore.base_path(); path.push(backup_dir.relative_path()); path.push(file_name); let index = DynamicIndexReader::open(&path) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to read dynamic index '{:?}' - {}", &path, err))?; let (csum, size) = index.compute_csum(); manifest.verify_file(&file_name, &csum, size)?; let chunk_reader = LocalChunkReader::new(datastore, None, CryptMode::None); let reader = BufferedDynamicReader::new(index, chunk_reader); let mut catalog_reader = CatalogReader::new(reader); let mut current = catalog_reader.root()?; let mut components = vec![]; if filepath != "root" { components = base64::decode(filepath)?; if components.len() > 0 && components[0] == '/' as u8 { components.remove(0); } for component in components.split(|c| *c == '/' as u8) { if let Some(entry) = catalog_reader.lookup(¤t, component)? { current = entry; } else { bail!("path {:?} not found in catalog", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&components)); } } } let mut res = Vec::new(); for direntry in catalog_reader.read_dir(¤t)? { let mut components = components.clone(); components.push('/' as u8); components.extend(&; let path = base64::encode(components); let text = String::from_utf8_lossy(&; let mut entry = json!({ "filepath": path, "text": text, "type": CatalogEntryType::from(&direntry.attr).to_string(), "leaf": true, }); match direntry.attr { DirEntryAttribute::Directory { start: _ } => { entry["leaf"] = false.into(); }, DirEntryAttribute::File { size, mtime } => { entry["size"] = size.into(); entry["mtime"] = mtime.into(); }, _ => {}, } res.push(entry); } Ok(res.into()) } #[sortable] pub const API_METHOD_PXAR_FILE_DOWNLOAD: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::AsyncHttp(&pxar_file_download), &ObjectSchema::new( "Download single file from pxar file of a bacup snapshot. Only works if it's not encrypted.", &sorted!([ ("store", false, &DATASTORE_SCHEMA), ("backup-type", false, &BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA), ("backup-id", false, &BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA), ("backup-time", false, &BACKUP_TIME_SCHEMA), ("filepath", false, &StringSchema::new("Base64 encoded path").schema()), ]), ) ).access(None, &Permission::Privilege( &["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_READ | PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, true) ); fn pxar_file_download( _parts: Parts, _req_body: Body, param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: Box, ) -> ApiResponseFuture { async move { let store = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "store")?; let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?; let user_privs = user_info.lookup_privs(&userid, &["datastore", &store]); let filepath = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "filepath")?.to_owned(); let backup_type = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "backup-type")?; let backup_id = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "backup-id")?; let backup_time = tools::required_integer_param(¶m, "backup-time")?; let backup_dir = BackupDir::new(backup_type, backup_id, backup_time); let allowed = (user_privs & PRIV_DATASTORE_READ) != 0; if !allowed { check_backup_owner(&datastore,, &userid)?; } let mut components = base64::decode(&filepath)?; if components.len() > 0 && components[0] == '/' as u8 { components.remove(0); } let mut split = components.splitn(2, |c| *c == '/' as u8); let pxar_name = std::str::from_utf8(; let file_path =!("filepath looks strange '{}'", filepath))?; let (manifest, files) = read_backup_index(&datastore, &backup_dir)?; for file in files { if file.filename == pxar_name && file.crypt_mode == Some(CryptMode::Encrypt) { bail!("cannot decode '{}' - is encrypted", pxar_name); } } let mut path = datastore.base_path(); path.push(backup_dir.relative_path()); path.push(pxar_name); let index = DynamicIndexReader::open(&path) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to read dynamic index '{:?}' - {}", &path, err))?; let (csum, size) = index.compute_csum(); manifest.verify_file(&pxar_name, &csum, size)?; let chunk_reader = LocalChunkReader::new(datastore, None, CryptMode::None); let reader = BufferedDynamicReader::new(index, chunk_reader); let archive_size = reader.archive_size(); let reader = LocalDynamicReadAt::new(reader); let decoder = Accessor::new(reader, archive_size).await?; let root = decoder.open_root().await?; let file = root .lookup(OsStr::from_bytes(file_path)).await? .ok_or(format_err!("error opening '{:?}'", file_path))?; let file = match file.kind() { EntryKind::File { .. } => file, EntryKind::Hardlink(_) => { decoder.follow_hardlink(&file).await? }, // TODO symlink other => bail!("cannot download file of type {:?}", other), }; let body = Body::wrap_stream( AsyncReaderStream::new(file.contents().await?) .map_err(move |err| { eprintln!("error during streaming of '{:?}' - {}", filepath, err); err }) ); // fixme: set other headers ? Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::OK) .header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream") .body(body) .unwrap()) }.boxed() } #[api( input: { properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, timeframe: { type: RRDTimeFrameResolution, }, cf: { type: RRDMode, }, }, }, access: { permission: &Permission::Privilege(&["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_AUDIT | PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, true), }, )] /// Read datastore stats fn get_rrd_stats( store: String, timeframe: RRDTimeFrameResolution, cf: RRDMode, _param: Value, ) -> Result { create_value_from_rrd( &format!("datastore/{}", store), &[ "total", "used", "read_ios", "read_bytes", "write_ios", "write_bytes", "io_ticks", ], timeframe, cf, ) } #[api( input: { properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-type": { schema: BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-id": { schema: BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA, }, "backup-time": { schema: BACKUP_TIME_SCHEMA, }, }, }, access: { permission: &Permission::Privilege(&["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_READ | PRIV_DATASTORE_BACKUP, true), }, )] /// Get "notes" for a specific backup fn get_notes( store: String, backup_type: String, backup_id: String, backup_time: i64, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?; let user_privs = user_info.lookup_privs(&userid, &["datastore", &store]); let backup_dir = BackupDir::new(backup_type, backup_id, backup_time); let allowed = (user_privs & PRIV_DATASTORE_READ) != 0; if !allowed { check_backup_owner(&datastore,, &userid)?; } let manifest = datastore.load_manifest_json(&backup_dir)?; let notes = manifest["unprotected"]["notes"] .as_str() .unwrap_or(""); Ok(String::from(notes)) } #[api( input: { properties: { store: { schema: DATASTORE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-type": { schema: BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA, }, "backup-id": { schema: BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA, }, "backup-time": { schema: BACKUP_TIME_SCHEMA, }, notes: { description: "A multiline text.", }, }, }, access: { permission: &Permission::Privilege(&["datastore", "{store}"], PRIV_DATASTORE_MODIFY, true), }, )] /// Set "notes" for a specific backup fn set_notes( store: String, backup_type: String, backup_id: String, backup_time: i64, notes: String, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let datastore = DataStore::lookup_datastore(&store)?; let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let user_info = CachedUserInfo::new()?; let user_privs = user_info.lookup_privs(&userid, &["datastore", &store]); let backup_dir = BackupDir::new(backup_type, backup_id, backup_time); let allowed = (user_privs & PRIV_DATASTORE_READ) != 0; if !allowed { check_backup_owner(&datastore,, &userid)?; } let mut manifest = datastore.load_manifest_json(&backup_dir)?; manifest["unprotected"]["notes"] = notes.into(); datastore.store_manifest(&backup_dir, manifest)?; Ok(()) } #[sortable] const DATASTORE_INFO_SUBDIRS: SubdirMap = &[ ( "catalog", &Router::new() .get(&API_METHOD_CATALOG) ), ( "download", &Router::new() .download(&API_METHOD_DOWNLOAD_FILE) ), ( "download-decoded", &Router::new() .download(&API_METHOD_DOWNLOAD_FILE_DECODED) ), ( "files", &Router::new() .get(&API_METHOD_LIST_SNAPSHOT_FILES) ), ( "gc", &Router::new() .get(&API_METHOD_GARBAGE_COLLECTION_STATUS) .post(&API_METHOD_START_GARBAGE_COLLECTION) ), ( "groups", &Router::new() .get(&API_METHOD_LIST_GROUPS) ), ( "notes", &Router::new() .get(&API_METHOD_GET_NOTES) .put(&API_METHOD_SET_NOTES) ), ( "prune", &Router::new() .post(&API_METHOD_PRUNE) ), ( "pxar-file-download", &Router::new() .download(&API_METHOD_PXAR_FILE_DOWNLOAD) ), ( "rrd", &Router::new() .get(&API_METHOD_GET_RRD_STATS) ), ( "snapshots", &Router::new() .get(&API_METHOD_LIST_SNAPSHOTS) .delete(&API_METHOD_DELETE_SNAPSHOT) ), ( "status", &Router::new() .get(&API_METHOD_STATUS) ), ( "upload-backup-log", &Router::new() .upload(&API_METHOD_UPLOAD_BACKUP_LOG) ), ( "verify", &Router::new() .post(&API_METHOD_VERIFY) ), ]; const DATASTORE_INFO_ROUTER: Router = Router::new() .get(&list_subdirs_api_method!(DATASTORE_INFO_SUBDIRS)) .subdirs(DATASTORE_INFO_SUBDIRS); pub const ROUTER: Router = Router::new() .get(&API_METHOD_GET_DATASTORE_LIST) .match_all("store", &DATASTORE_INFO_ROUTER);