Ext.define('PBS.TapeManagement.LabelMediaWindow', { extend: 'Proxmox.window.Edit', alias: 'widget.pbsLabelMediaWindow', mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'], isCreate: true, isAdd: true, title: gettext('Label Media'), submitText: gettext('OK'), url: '/api2/extjs/tape/drive/', cbindData: function(config) { let me = this; return { driveid: config.driveid, label: config.label, }; }, method: 'POST', showProgress: true, submitUrl: function(url, values) { let driveid = encodeURIComponent(values.drive); delete values.drive; return `${url}/${driveid}/label-media`; }, items: [ { xtype: 'displayfield', cls: 'pmx-hint', value: gettext('Make sure that the correct tape is inserted the selected drive and type in the label written on the tape.'), }, { xtype: 'pmxDisplayEditField', fieldLabel: gettext('Drive'), submitValue: true, name: 'drive', editConfig: { xtype: 'pbsDriveSelector', }, cbind: { value: '{driveid}', editable: '{!driveid}', }, }, { fieldLabel: gettext('Label'), name: 'label-text', xtype: 'proxmoxtextfield', allowBlank: false, cbind: { value: '{label}', }, }, { xtype: 'pbsMediaPoolSelector', fieldLabel: gettext('Media Pool'), name: 'pool', allowBlank: true, skipEmptyText: true, }, ], });