Ext.define('PBS.TapeManagement.AllocationStore', { extend: 'Ext.data.Store', alias: 'store.allocationCalendarEventStore', field: ['value', 'text'], data: [ { value: 'continue', text: gettext('Continue') }, { value: 'always', text: gettext('Always') }, { value: '*:0/30', text: Ext.String.format(gettext("Every {0} minutes"), 30) }, { value: 'hourly', text: gettext("Every hour") }, { value: '0/2:00', text: gettext("Every two hours") }, { value: '2,22:30', text: gettext("Every day") + " 02:30, 22:30" }, { value: 'daily', text: gettext("Every day") + " 00:00" }, { value: 'mon..fri', text: gettext("Monday to Friday") + " 00:00" }, { value: 'mon..fri *:00', text: gettext("Monday to Friday") + ', ' + gettext("hourly") }, { value: 'sat 18:15', text: gettext("Every Saturday") + " 18:15" }, { value: 'monthly', text: gettext("Every first day of the Month") + " 00:00" }, { value: 'sat *-1..7 02:00', text: gettext("Every first Saturday of the month") + " 02:00" }, { value: 'yearly', text: gettext("First day of the year") + " 00:00" }, ], }); Ext.define('PBS.TapeManagement.AllocationSelector', { extend: 'PBS.form.CalendarEvent', alias: 'widget.pbsAllocationSelector', store: { type: 'allocationCalendarEventStore', }, });