Ext.define('PBS.Datastore.Options', { extend: 'Proxmox.grid.ObjectGrid', xtype: 'pbsDatastoreOptionView', mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'], cbindData: function(initial) { let me = this; me.datastore = encodeURIComponent(me.datastore); me.url = `/api2/json/config/datastore/${me.datastore}`; me.editorConfig = { url: `/api2/extjs/config/datastore/${me.datastore}`, datastore: me.datastore, }; return {}; }, controller: { xclass: 'Ext.app.ViewController', edit: function() { this.getView().run_editor(); }, removeDatastore: function() { let me = this; let datastore = me.getView().datastore; Ext.create('Proxmox.window.SafeDestroy', { url: `/config/datastore/${datastore}`, item: { id: datastore, }, note: gettext('Configuration change only, no data will be deleted.'), autoShow: true, taskName: 'delete-datastore', listeners: { destroy: () => { let navtree = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('navigationtree')[0]; navtree.rstore.load(); let mainview = me.getView().up('mainview'); mainview.getController().redirectTo('pbsDataStores'); }, }, }); }, }, tbar: [ { xtype: 'proxmoxButton', text: gettext('Edit'), disabled: true, handler: 'edit', }, '->', { xtype: 'proxmoxButton', selModel: null, iconCls: 'fa fa-trash-o', text: gettext('Remove Datastore'), handler: 'removeDatastore', }, ], listeners: { activate: function() { this.rstore.startUpdate(); }, destroy: function() { this.rstore.stopUpdate(); }, deactivate: function() { this.rstore.stopUpdate(); }, itemdblclick: 'edit', }, rows: { "notify": { required: true, header: gettext('Notify'), renderer: (value) => { let notify = PBS.Utils.parsePropertyString(value); let res = []; for (const k of ['Verify', 'Sync', 'GC']) { let v = Ext.String.capitalize(notify[k.toLowerCase()]) || 'Always'; res.push(`${k}=${v}`); } return res.join(', '); }, editor: { xtype: 'pbsNotifyOptionEdit', }, }, "notify-user": { required: true, defaultValue: 'root@pam', header: gettext('Notify User'), editor: { xtype: 'pbsNotifyOptionEdit', }, }, "verify-new": { required: true, header: gettext('Verify New Snapshots'), defaultValue: false, renderer: Proxmox.Utils.format_boolean, editor: { xtype: 'proxmoxWindowEdit', title: gettext('Verify New'), width: 350, items: { xtype: 'proxmoxcheckbox', name: 'verify-new', boxLabel: gettext("Verify new backups immediately after completion"), defaultValue: false, deleteDefaultValue: true, deleteEmpty: true, }, }, }, }, });