use anyhow::Error; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::Arc; use std::task::{Context, Poll}; use futures::*; use hyper::{Body, Request, Response, StatusCode}; use proxmox_router::http_err; use proxmox_router::{ApiResponseFuture, HttpError, Router, RpcEnvironment}; use crate::formatter::*; use crate::{normalize_uri_path, WorkerTask}; /// Hyper Service implementation to handle stateful H2 connections. /// /// We use this kind of service to handle backup protocol /// connections. State is stored inside the generic ``rpcenv``. Logs /// goes into the ``WorkerTask`` log. pub struct H2Service { router: &'static Router, rpcenv: E, worker: Arc, debug: bool, } impl H2Service { pub fn new(rpcenv: E, worker: Arc, router: &'static Router, debug: bool) -> Self { Self { rpcenv, worker, router, debug, } } pub fn debug>(&self, msg: S) { if self.debug { self.worker.log_message(msg); } } fn handle_request(&self, req: Request) -> ApiResponseFuture { let (parts, body) = req.into_parts(); let method = parts.method.clone(); let (path, components) = match normalize_uri_path(parts.uri.path()) { Ok((p, c)) => (p, c), Err(err) => return future::err(http_err!(BAD_REQUEST, "{}", err)).boxed(), }; self.debug(format!("{} {}", method, path)); let mut uri_param = HashMap::new(); let formatter = JSON_FORMATTER; match self.router.find_method(&components, method, &mut uri_param) { None => { let err = http_err!(NOT_FOUND, "Path '{}' not found.", path); future::ok(formatter.format_error(err)).boxed() } Some(api_method) => crate::rest::handle_api_request( self.rpcenv.clone(), api_method, formatter, parts, body, uri_param, ) .boxed(), } } fn log_response( worker: Arc, method: hyper::Method, path: &str, resp: &Response, ) { let status = resp.status(); if !status.is_success() { let reason = status.canonical_reason().unwrap_or("unknown reason"); let mut message = "request failed"; if let Some(data) = resp.extensions().get::() { message = &data.0; } worker.log_message(format!( "{} {}: {} {}: {}", method.as_str(), path, status.as_str(), reason, message )); } } } impl tower_service::Service> for H2Service { type Response = Response; type Error = Error; #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] type Future = Pin> + Send>>; fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context) -> Poll> { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } fn call(&mut self, req: Request) -> Self::Future { let path = req.uri().path().to_owned(); let method = req.method().clone(); let worker = self.worker.clone(); self.handle_request(req) .map(move |result| match result { Ok(res) => { Self::log_response(worker, method, &path, &res); Ok::<_, Error>(res) } Err(err) => { if let Some(apierr) = err.downcast_ref::() { let mut resp = Response::new(Body::from(apierr.message.clone())); resp.extensions_mut() .insert(ErrorMessageExtension(apierr.message.clone())); *resp.status_mut() = apierr.code; Self::log_response(worker, method, &path, &resp); Ok(resp) } else { let mut resp = Response::new(Body::from(err.to_string())); resp.extensions_mut() .insert(ErrorMessageExtension(err.to_string())); *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST; Self::log_response(worker, method, &path, &resp); Ok(resp) } } }) .boxed() } }