use std::path::PathBuf; use anyhow::{bail, Error}; use nom::{ error::VerboseError, bytes::complete::{take_while, take_while1, take_till, take_till1}, combinator::{map_res, all_consuming, recognize}, sequence::{preceded, tuple}, character::complete::{space1, digit1, char, line_ending}, multi::{many0, many1}, }; use super::*; type IResult> = Result<(I, O), nom::Err>; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ZFSPoolUsage { total: u64, used: u64, free: u64, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ZFSPoolStatus { name: String, usage: Option, devices: Vec, } /// Returns kernel IO-stats for zfs pools pub fn zfs_pool_stats(pool: &OsStr) -> Result, Error> { let mut path = PathBuf::from("/proc/spl/kstat/zfs"); path.push(pool); path.push("io"); let text = match proxmox::tools::fs::file_read_optional_string(&path)? { Some(text) => text, None => { return Ok(None); } }; let lines: Vec<&str> = text.lines().collect(); if lines.len() < 3 { bail!("unable to parse {:?} - got less than 3 lines", path); } // // nread nwritten reads writes wtime wlentime wupdate rtime rlentime rupdate wcnt rcnt // Note: w -> wait (wtime -> wait time) // Note: r -> run (rtime -> run time) // All times are nanoseconds let stat: Vec = lines[2].split_ascii_whitespace().map(|s| { u64::from_str_radix(s, 10).unwrap_or(0) }).collect(); let ticks = (stat[4] + stat[7])/1_000_000; // convert to milisec let stat = BlockDevStat { read_sectors: stat[0]>>9, write_sectors: stat[1]>>9, read_ios: stat[2], write_ios: stat[3], io_ticks: ticks, }; Ok(Some(stat)) } /// Recognizes zero or more spaces and tabs (but not carage returns or line feeds) fn multispace0(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { take_while(|c| c == ' ' || c == '\t')(i) } /// Recognizes one or more spaces and tabs (but not carage returns or line feeds) fn multispace1(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { take_while1(|c| c == ' ' || c == '\t')(i) } fn parse_optional_u64(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Option> { if i.starts_with('-') { Ok((&i[1..], None)) } else { let (i, value) = map_res(recognize(digit1), str::parse)(i)?; Ok((i, Some(value))) } } fn parse_pool_device(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, String> { let (i, (device, _, _rest)) = tuple(( preceded(multispace1, take_till1(|c| c == ' ' || c == '\t')), multispace1, preceded(take_till(|c| c == '\n'), char('\n')), ))(i)?; Ok((i, device.to_string())) } fn parse_pool_header(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, ZFSPoolStatus> { let (i, (text, total, used, free, _, _eol)) = tuple(( take_while1(|c| char::is_alphanumeric(c)), preceded(multispace1, parse_optional_u64), preceded(multispace1, parse_optional_u64), preceded(multispace1, parse_optional_u64), preceded(space1, take_till(|c| c == '\n')), line_ending, ))(i)?; let status = if let (Some(total), Some(used), Some(free)) = (total, used, free) { ZFSPoolStatus { name: text.into(), usage: Some(ZFSPoolUsage { total, used, free }), devices: Vec::new(), } } else { ZFSPoolStatus { name: text.into(), usage: None, devices: Vec::new(), } }; Ok((i, status)) } fn parse_pool_status(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, ZFSPoolStatus> { let (i, mut stat) = parse_pool_header(i)?; let (i, devices) = many1(parse_pool_device)(i)?; for device_path in devices.into_iter().filter(|n| n.starts_with("/dev/")) { stat.devices.push(device_path); } let (i, _) = many0(tuple((multispace0, char('\n'))))(i)?; // skip empty lines Ok((i, stat)) } /// Parse zpool list outout /// /// Note: This does not reveal any details on how the pool uses the devices, because /// the zpool list output format is not really defined... pub fn parse_zfs_list(i: &str) -> Result, Error> { match all_consuming(many1(parse_pool_status))(i) { Err(nom::Err::Error(err)) | Err(nom::Err::Failure(err)) => { bail!("unable to parse zfs list output - {}", nom::error::convert_error(i, err)); } Err(err) => { bail!("unable to parse calendar event: {}", err); } Ok((_, ce)) => Ok(ce), } } /// List devices used by zfs (or a specific zfs pool) pub fn zfs_devices(pool: Option<&OsStr>) -> Result, Error> { // Note: zpools list output can include entries for 'special', 'cache' and 'logs' // and maybe other things. let mut command = std::process::Command::new("/sbin/zpool"); command.args(&["list", "-H", "-v", "-p", "-P"]); if let Some(pool) = pool { command.arg(pool); } let output = command.output() .map_err(|err| format_err!("failed to execute '/sbin/zpool' - {}", err))?; let output = crate::tools::command_output(output, None) .map_err(|err| format_err!("zpool list command failed: {}", err))?; let list = parse_zfs_list(&output)?; let mut done = std::collections::HashSet::new(); let mut device_list = Vec::new(); for entry in list { for device in entry.devices { if !done.contains(&device) { device_list.push(device.clone()); done.insert(device); } } } Ok(device_list) }