//! RRD toolkit - create/manage/update proxmox RRD (v2) file use std::path::PathBuf; use anyhow::{bail, Error}; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use serde_json::json; use proxmox_router::RpcEnvironment; use proxmox_router::cli::{run_cli_command, CliCommand, CliCommandMap, CliEnvironment}; use proxmox_schema::{api, parse_property_string}; use proxmox_schema::{ApiStringFormat, ApiType, IntegerSchema, Schema, StringSchema}; use proxmox::tools::fs::CreateOptions; use proxmox_rrd::rrd::{CF, DST, RRA, RRD}; pub const RRA_INDEX_SCHEMA: Schema = IntegerSchema::new( "Index of the RRA.") .minimum(0) .schema(); pub const RRA_CONFIG_STRING_SCHEMA: Schema = StringSchema::new( "RRA configuration") .format(&ApiStringFormat::PropertyString(&RRAConfig::API_SCHEMA)) .schema(); #[api( properties: {}, default_key: "cf", )] #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] /// RRA configuration pub struct RRAConfig { /// Time resolution pub r: u64, pub cf: CF, /// Number of data points pub n: u64, } #[api( input: { properties: { path: { description: "The filename." }, }, }, )] /// Dump the RRD file in JSON format pub fn dump_rrd(path: String) -> Result<(), Error> { let rrd = RRD::load(&PathBuf::from(path))?; serde_json::to_writer_pretty(std::io::stdout(), &rrd)?; println!(""); Ok(()) } #[api( input: { properties: { path: { description: "The filename." }, }, }, )] /// RRD file information pub fn rrd_info(path: String) -> Result<(), Error> { let rrd = RRD::load(&PathBuf::from(path))?; println!("DST: {:?}", rrd.source.dst); for (i, rra) in rrd.rra_list.iter().enumerate() { // use RRAConfig property string format println!("RRA[{}]: {:?},r={},n={}", i, rra.cf, rra.resolution, rra.data.len()); } Ok(()) } #[api( input: { properties: { path: { description: "The filename." }, time: { description: "Update time.", optional: true, }, value: { description: "Update value.", }, }, }, )] /// Update the RRD database pub fn update_rrd( path: String, time: Option, value: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let path = PathBuf::from(path); let time = time.map(|v| v as f64) .unwrap_or_else(proxmox_time::epoch_f64); let mut rrd = RRD::load(&path)?; rrd.update(time, value); rrd.save(&path, CreateOptions::new())?; Ok(()) } #[api( input: { properties: { path: { description: "The filename." }, cf: { type: CF, }, resolution: { description: "Time resulution", }, start: { description: "Start time. If not sepecified, we simply extract 10 data points.", optional: true, }, end: { description: "End time (Unix Epoch). Default is the last update time.", optional: true, }, }, }, )] /// Fetch data from the RRD file pub fn fetch_rrd( path: String, cf: CF, resolution: u64, start: Option, end: Option, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let rrd = RRD::load(&PathBuf::from(path))?; let data = rrd.extract_data(cf, resolution, start, end)?; println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&data)?); Ok(()) } #[api( input: { properties: { path: { description: "The filename." }, "rra-index": { schema: RRA_INDEX_SCHEMA, }, }, }, )] /// Return the Unix timestamp of the first time slot inside the /// specified RRA (slot start time) pub fn first_update_time( path: String, rra_index: usize, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let rrd = RRD::load(&PathBuf::from(path))?; if rra_index >= rrd.rra_list.len() { bail!("rra-index is out of range"); } let rra = &rrd.rra_list[rra_index]; let duration = (rra.data.len() as u64)*rra.resolution; let first = rra.slot_start_time((rrd.source.last_update as u64).saturating_sub(duration)); println!("{}", first); Ok(()) } #[api( input: { properties: { path: { description: "The filename." }, }, }, )] /// Return the Unix timestamp of the last update pub fn last_update_time(path: String) -> Result<(), Error> { let rrd = RRD::load(&PathBuf::from(path))?; println!("{}", rrd.source.last_update); Ok(()) } #[api( input: { properties: { path: { description: "The filename." }, }, }, )] /// Return the time and value from the last update pub fn last_update(path: String) -> Result<(), Error> { let rrd = RRD::load(&PathBuf::from(path))?; let result = json!({ "time": rrd.source.last_update, "value": rrd.source.last_value, }); println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&result)?); Ok(()) } #[api( input: { properties: { dst: { type: DST, }, path: { description: "The filename to create." }, rra: { description: "Configuration of contained RRAs.", type: Array, items: { schema: RRA_CONFIG_STRING_SCHEMA, } }, }, }, )] /// Create a new RRD file pub fn create_rrd( dst: DST, path: String, rra: Vec, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut rra_list = Vec::new(); for item in rra.iter() { let rra: RRAConfig = serde_json::from_value( parse_property_string(item, &RRAConfig::API_SCHEMA)? )?; println!("GOT {:?}", rra); rra_list.push(RRA::new(rra.cf, rra.r, rra.n as usize)); } let path = PathBuf::from(path); let rrd = RRD::new(dst, rra_list); rrd.save(&path, CreateOptions::new())?; Ok(()) } #[api( input: { properties: { path: { description: "The filename." }, "rra-index": { schema: RRA_INDEX_SCHEMA, }, slots: { description: "The number of slots you want to add or remove.", type: i64, }, }, }, )] /// Resize. Change the number of data slots for the specified RRA. pub fn resize_rrd( path: String, rra_index: usize, slots: i64, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let path = PathBuf::from(&path); let mut rrd = RRD::load(&path)?; if rra_index >= rrd.rra_list.len() { bail!("rra-index is out of range"); } let rra = &rrd.rra_list[rra_index]; let new_slots = (rra.data.len() as i64) + slots; if new_slots < 1 { bail!("numer of new slots is too small ('{}' < 1)", new_slots); } if new_slots > 1024*1024 { bail!("numer of new slots is too big ('{}' > 1M)", new_slots); } let rra_end = rra.slot_end_time(rrd.source.last_update as u64); let rra_start = rra_end - rra.resolution*(rra.data.len() as u64); let (start, reso, data) = rra.extract_data(rra_start, rra_end, rrd.source.last_update); let mut new_rra = RRA::new(rra.cf, rra.resolution, new_slots as usize); new_rra.last_count = rra.last_count; new_rra.insert_data(start, reso, data)?; rrd.rra_list[rra_index] = new_rra; rrd.save(&path, CreateOptions::new())?; Ok(()) } fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { let uid = nix::unistd::Uid::current(); let username = match nix::unistd::User::from_uid(uid)? { Some(user) => user.name, None => bail!("unable to get user name"), }; let cmd_def = CliCommandMap::new() .insert( "create", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_CREATE_RRD) .arg_param(&["path"]) //.completion_cb("path", pbs_tools::fs::complete_file_name) ) .insert( "dump", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_DUMP_RRD) .arg_param(&["path"]) //.completion_cb("path", pbs_tools::fs::complete_file_name) ) .insert( "fetch", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_FETCH_RRD) .arg_param(&["path"]) //.completion_cb("path", pbs_tools::fs::complete_file_name) ) .insert( "first", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_FIRST_UPDATE_TIME) .arg_param(&["path"]) //.completion_cb("path", pbs_tools::fs::complete_file_name) ) .insert( "info", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_RRD_INFO) .arg_param(&["path"]) //.completion_cb("path", pbs_tools::fs::complete_file_name) ) .insert( "last", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_LAST_UPDATE_TIME) .arg_param(&["path"]) //.completion_cb("path", pbs_tools::fs::complete_file_name) ) .insert( "lastupdate", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_LAST_UPDATE) .arg_param(&["path"]) //.completion_cb("path", pbs_tools::fs::complete_file_name) ) .insert( "resize", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_RESIZE_RRD) .arg_param(&["path"]) //.completion_cb("path", pbs_tools::fs::complete_file_name) ) .insert( "update", CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_UPDATE_RRD) .arg_param(&["path"]) //.completion_cb("path", pbs_tools::fs::complete_file_name) ) ; let mut rpcenv = CliEnvironment::new(); rpcenv.set_auth_id(Some(format!("{}@pam", username))); run_cli_command(cmd_def, rpcenv, None); Ok(()) }