use anyhow::{Error, format_err, bail}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use serde_json::json; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use regex::Regex; use proxmox::api::api; use crate::tools::{self, SimpleHttp}; use proxmox::tools::fs::{replace_file, CreateOptions}; /// How long the local key is valid for in between remote checks pub const MAX_LOCAL_KEY_AGE: i64 = 15 * 24 * 3600; const MAX_KEY_CHECK_FAILURE_AGE: i64 = 5 * 24 * 3600; const SHARED_KEY_DATA: &str = "kjfdlskfhiuewhfk947368"; const SUBSCRIPTION_FN: &str = "/etc/proxmox-backup/subscription"; const APT_AUTH_FN: &str = "/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/pbs.conf"; #[api()] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] /// Subscription status pub enum SubscriptionStatus { // FIXME: remove? /// newly set subscription, not yet checked NEW, /// no subscription set NOTFOUND, /// subscription set and active ACTIVE, /// subscription set but invalid for this server INVALID, } impl Default for SubscriptionStatus { fn default() -> Self { SubscriptionStatus::NOTFOUND } } impl std::fmt::Display for SubscriptionStatus { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { SubscriptionStatus::NEW => write!(f, "New"), SubscriptionStatus::NOTFOUND => write!(f, "NotFound"), SubscriptionStatus::ACTIVE => write!(f, "Active"), SubscriptionStatus::INVALID => write!(f, "Invalid"), } } } #[api( properties: { status: { type: SubscriptionStatus, }, }, )] #[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all="kebab-case")] /// Proxmox subscription information pub struct SubscriptionInfo { /// Subscription status from the last check pub status: SubscriptionStatus, /// the server ID, if permitted to access #[serde(skip_serializing_if="Option::is_none")] pub serverid: Option, /// timestamp of the last check done #[serde(skip_serializing_if="Option::is_none")] pub checktime: Option, /// the subscription key, if set and permitted to access #[serde(skip_serializing_if="Option::is_none")] pub key: Option, /// a more human readable status message #[serde(skip_serializing_if="Option::is_none")] pub message: Option, /// human readable productname of the set subscription #[serde(skip_serializing_if="Option::is_none")] pub productname: Option, /// register date of the set subscription #[serde(skip_serializing_if="Option::is_none")] pub regdate: Option, /// next due date of the set subscription #[serde(skip_serializing_if="Option::is_none")] pub nextduedate: Option, /// URL to the web shop #[serde(skip_serializing_if="Option::is_none")] pub url: Option, } async fn register_subscription( key: &str, server_id: &str, checktime: i64 ) -> Result<(String, String), Error> { // WHCMS sample code feeds the key into this, but it's just a challenge, so keep it simple let rand = proxmox::tools::bin_to_hex(&proxmox::sys::linux::random_data(16)?); let challenge = format!("{}{}", checktime, rand); let params = json!({ "licensekey": key, "dir": server_id, "domain": "", "ip": "localhost", "check_token": challenge, }); let mut client = SimpleHttp::new(None); // TODO: pass proxy_config let uri = ""; let query = tools::json_object_to_query(params)?; let response =, Some(query), Some("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")).await?; let body = SimpleHttp::response_body_string(response).await?; Ok((body, challenge)) } fn parse_status(value: &str) -> SubscriptionStatus { match value.to_lowercase().as_str() { "active" => SubscriptionStatus::ACTIVE, "new" => SubscriptionStatus::NEW, "notfound" => SubscriptionStatus::NOTFOUND, "invalid" => SubscriptionStatus::INVALID, _ => SubscriptionStatus::INVALID, } } fn parse_register_response( body: &str, key: String, server_id: String, checktime: i64, challenge: &str, ) -> Result { lazy_static! { static ref ATTR_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"<([^>]+)>([^<]+)]+>").unwrap(); } let mut info = SubscriptionInfo { key: Some(key), status: SubscriptionStatus::NOTFOUND, checktime: Some(checktime), url: Some("".into()), ..Default::default() }; let mut md5hash = String::new(); let is_server_id = |id: &&str| *id == server_id; for caps in ATTR_RE.captures_iter(body) { let (key, value) = (&caps[1], &caps[2]); match key { "status" => info.status = parse_status(value), "productname" => info.productname = Some(value.into()), "regdate" => info.regdate = Some(value.into()), "nextduedate" => info.nextduedate = Some(value.into()), "message" if value == "Directory Invalid" => info.message = Some("Invalid Server ID".into()), "message" => info.message = Some(value.into()), "validdirectory" => { if value.split(',').find(is_server_id) == None { bail!("Server ID does not match"); } info.serverid = Some(server_id.to_owned()); }, "md5hash" => md5hash = value.to_owned(), _ => (), } } if let SubscriptionStatus::ACTIVE = info.status { let response_raw = format!("{}{}", SHARED_KEY_DATA, challenge); let expected = proxmox::tools::bin_to_hex(&tools::md5sum(response_raw.as_bytes())?); if expected != md5hash { bail!("Subscription API challenge failed, expected {} != got {}", expected, md5hash); } } Ok(info) } #[test] fn test_parse_register_response() -> Result<(), Error> { let response = r#" Active Proxmox 41108 71 Proxmox Backup Server Test Subscription -1 year 2020-09-19 00:00:00 2021-09-19 Annually, 830000000123456789ABCDEF00000042 Notes=Test Key! 969f4df84fe157ee4f5a2f71950ad154 "#; let key = "pbst-123456789a".to_string(); let server_id = "830000000123456789ABCDEF00000042".to_string(); let checktime = 1600000000; let salt = "cf44486bddb6ad0145732642c45b2957"; let info = parse_register_response(response, key.to_owned(), server_id.to_owned(), checktime, salt)?; assert_eq!(info, SubscriptionInfo { key: Some(key), serverid: Some(server_id), status: SubscriptionStatus::ACTIVE, checktime: Some(checktime), url: Some("".into()), message: None, nextduedate: Some("2021-09-19".into()), regdate: Some("2020-09-19 00:00:00".into()), productname: Some("Proxmox Backup Server Test Subscription -1 year".into()), }); Ok(()) } /// queries the up to date subscription status and parses the response pub fn check_subscription(key: String, server_id: String) -> Result { let now = proxmox::tools::time::epoch_i64(); let (response, challenge) = tools::runtime::block_on(register_subscription(&key, &server_id, now)) .map_err(|err| format_err!("Error checking subscription: {}", err))?; parse_register_response(&response, key, server_id, now, &challenge) .map_err(|err| format_err!("Error parsing subscription check response: {}", err)) } /// reads in subscription information and does a basic integrity verification pub fn read_subscription() -> Result, Error> { let cfg = proxmox::tools::fs::file_read_optional_string(&SUBSCRIPTION_FN)?; let cfg = if let Some(cfg) = cfg { cfg } else { return Ok(None); }; let mut cfg = cfg.lines(); // first line is key in plain let _key = if let Some(key) = { key } else { return Ok(None) }; // second line is checksum of encoded data let checksum = if let Some(csum) = { csum } else { return Ok(None) }; let encoded: String = cfg.collect::(); let decoded = base64::decode(encoded.to_owned())?; let decoded = std::str::from_utf8(&decoded)?; let info: SubscriptionInfo = serde_json::from_str(decoded)?; let new_checksum = format!("{}{}{}", info.checktime.unwrap_or(0), encoded, SHARED_KEY_DATA); let new_checksum = base64::encode(tools::md5sum(new_checksum.as_bytes())?); if checksum != new_checksum { bail!("stored checksum doesn't matches computed one '{}' != '{}'", checksum, new_checksum); } let age = proxmox::tools::time::epoch_i64() - info.checktime.unwrap_or(0); if age < -5400 { // allow some delta for DST changes or time syncs, 1.5h bail!("Last check time to far in the future."); } else if age > MAX_LOCAL_KEY_AGE + MAX_KEY_CHECK_FAILURE_AGE { if let SubscriptionStatus::ACTIVE = info.status { bail!("subscription information too old"); } } Ok(Some(info)) } /// writes out subscription status pub fn write_subscription(info: SubscriptionInfo) -> Result<(), Error> { let key = info.key.to_owned(); let server_id = info.serverid.to_owned(); let raw = if info.key == None || info.checktime == None { String::new() } else if let SubscriptionStatus::NEW = info.status { format!("{}\n", info.key.unwrap()) } else { let encoded = base64::encode(serde_json::to_string(&info)?); let csum = format!("{}{}{}", info.checktime.unwrap_or(0), encoded, SHARED_KEY_DATA); let csum = base64::encode(tools::md5sum(csum.as_bytes())?); format!("{}\n{}\n{}\n", info.key.unwrap(), csum, encoded) }; let backup_user = crate::backup::backup_user()?; let mode = nix::sys::stat::Mode::from_bits_truncate(0o0640); let file_opts = CreateOptions::new() .perm(mode) .owner(nix::unistd::ROOT) .group(backup_user.gid); let subscription_file = std::path::Path::new(SUBSCRIPTION_FN); replace_file(subscription_file, raw.as_bytes(), file_opts)?; update_apt_auth(key, server_id)?; Ok(()) } /// deletes subscription from server pub fn delete_subscription() -> Result<(), Error> { let subscription_file = std::path::Path::new(SUBSCRIPTION_FN); nix::unistd::unlink(subscription_file)?; update_apt_auth(None, None)?; Ok(()) } /// updates apt authentication for repo access pub fn update_apt_auth(key: Option, password: Option) -> Result<(), Error> { let auth_conf = std::path::Path::new(APT_AUTH_FN); match (key, password) { (Some(key), Some(password)) => { let conf = format!( "machine\n login {}\n password {}\n", key, password, ); let mode = nix::sys::stat::Mode::from_bits_truncate(0o0640); let file_opts = CreateOptions::new() .perm(mode) .owner(nix::unistd::ROOT); // we use a namespaced .conf file, so just overwrite.. replace_file(auth_conf, conf.as_bytes(), file_opts) .map_err(|e| format_err!("Error saving apt auth config - {}", e))?; } _ => match nix::unistd::unlink(auth_conf) { Ok(()) => Ok(()), Err(nix::Error::Sys(nix::errno::Errno::ENOENT)) => Ok(()), // ignore not existing Err(err) => Err(err), }.map_err(|e| format_err!("Error clearing apt auth config - {}", e))?, } Ok(()) }