use anyhow::Error; use serde_json::json; use handlebars::{Handlebars, Helper, Context, RenderError, RenderContext, Output, HelperResult}; use proxmox::tools::email::sendmail; use proxmox::api::schema::parse_property_string; use crate::{ config::datastore::DataStoreConfig, config::verify::VerificationJobConfig, config::sync::SyncJobConfig, api2::types::{ APTUpdateInfo, GarbageCollectionStatus, Userid, Notify, DatastoreNotify, }, tools::format::HumanByte, }; const GC_OK_TEMPLATE: &str = r###" Datastore: {{datastore}} Task ID: {{status.upid}} Index file count: {{status.index-file-count}} Removed garbage: {{human-bytes status.removed-bytes}} Removed chunks: {{status.removed-chunks}} Removed bad chunks: {{status.removed-bad}} Leftover bad chunks: {{status.still-bad}} Pending removals: {{human-bytes status.pending-bytes}} (in {{status.pending-chunks}} chunks) Original Data usage: {{human-bytes status.index-data-bytes}} On-Disk usage: {{human-bytes status.disk-bytes}} ({{relative-percentage status.disk-bytes status.index-data-bytes}}) On-Disk chunks: {{status.disk-chunks}} Deduplication Factor: {{deduplication-factor}} Garbage collection successful. Please visit the web interface for futher details: "###; const GC_ERR_TEMPLATE: &str = r###" Datastore: {{datastore}} Garbage collection failed: {{error}} Please visit the web interface for futher details: "###; const VERIFY_OK_TEMPLATE: &str = r###" Job ID: {{}} Datastore: {{}} Verification successful. Please visit the web interface for futher details: "###; const VERIFY_ERR_TEMPLATE: &str = r###" Job ID: {{}} Datastore: {{}} Verification failed on these snapshots: {{#each errors}} {{this~}} {{/each}} Please visit the web interface for futher details: "###; const SYNC_OK_TEMPLATE: &str = r###" Job ID: {{}} Datastore: {{}} Remote: {{job.remote}} Remote Store: {{job.remote-store}} Synchronization successful. Please visit the web interface for futher details: "###; const SYNC_ERR_TEMPLATE: &str = r###" Job ID: {{}} Datastore: {{}} Remote: {{job.remote}} Remote Store: {{job.remote-store}} Synchronization failed: {{error}} Please visit the web interface for futher details: "###; const PACKAGE_UPDATES_TEMPLATE: &str = r###" Proxmox Backup Server has the following updates available: {{#each updates }} {{Package}}: {{OldVersion}} -> {{Version~}} {{/each }} To upgrade visit the web interface: "###; lazy_static::lazy_static!{ static ref HANDLEBARS: Handlebars<'static> = { let mut hb = Handlebars::new(); hb.set_strict_mode(true); hb.register_helper("human-bytes", Box::new(handlebars_humam_bytes_helper)); hb.register_helper("relative-percentage", Box::new(handlebars_relative_percentage_helper)); hb.register_template_string("gc_ok_template", GC_OK_TEMPLATE).unwrap(); hb.register_template_string("gc_err_template", GC_ERR_TEMPLATE).unwrap(); hb.register_template_string("verify_ok_template", VERIFY_OK_TEMPLATE).unwrap(); hb.register_template_string("verify_err_template", VERIFY_ERR_TEMPLATE).unwrap(); hb.register_template_string("sync_ok_template", SYNC_OK_TEMPLATE).unwrap(); hb.register_template_string("sync_err_template", SYNC_ERR_TEMPLATE).unwrap(); hb.register_template_string("package_update_template", PACKAGE_UPDATES_TEMPLATE).unwrap(); hb }; } fn send_job_status_mail( email: &str, subject: &str, text: &str, ) -> Result<(), Error> { // Note: OX has serious problems displaying text mails, // so we include html as well let html = format!("
", handlebars::html_escape(text));

    let nodename = proxmox::tools::nodename();

    let author = format!("Proxmox Backup Server - {}", nodename);



pub fn send_gc_status(
    email: &str,
    notify: DatastoreNotify,
    datastore: &str,
    status: &GarbageCollectionStatus,
    result: &Result<(), Error>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {

    match notify.gc {
        None => { /* send notifications by default */ },
        Some(notify) => {
            if notify == Notify::Never || (result.is_ok() && notify == Notify::Error) {
                return Ok(());

    let (fqdn, port) = get_server_url();
    let mut data = json!({
        "datastore": datastore,
        "fqdn": fqdn,
        "port": port,

    let text = match result {
        Ok(()) => {
            let deduplication_factor = if status.disk_bytes > 0 {
                (status.index_data_bytes as f64)/(status.disk_bytes as f64)
            } else {

            data["status"] = json!(status);
            data["deduplication-factor"] = format!("{:.2}", deduplication_factor).into();

            HANDLEBARS.render("gc_ok_template", &data)?
        Err(err) => {
            data["error"] = err.to_string().into();
            HANDLEBARS.render("gc_err_template", &data)?

    let subject = match result {
        Ok(()) => format!(
            "Garbage Collect Datastore '{}' successful",
        Err(_) => format!(
            "Garbage Collect Datastore '{}' failed",

    send_job_status_mail(email, &subject, &text)?;


pub fn send_verify_status(
    email: &str,
    notify: DatastoreNotify,
    job: VerificationJobConfig,
    result: &Result, Error>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {

    let (fqdn, port) = get_server_url();
    let mut data = json!({
        "job": job,
        "fqdn": fqdn,
        "port": port,

    let mut result_is_ok = false;

    let text = match result {
        Ok(errors) if errors.is_empty() => {
            result_is_ok = true;
            HANDLEBARS.render("verify_ok_template", &data)?
        Ok(errors) => {
            data["errors"] = json!(errors);
            HANDLEBARS.render("verify_err_template", &data)?
        Err(_) => {
            // aborted job - do not send any email
            return Ok(());

    match notify.verify {
        None => { /* send notifications by default */ },
        Some(notify) => {
            if notify == Notify::Never || (result_is_ok && notify == Notify::Error) {
                return Ok(());

    let subject = match result {
        Ok(errors) if errors.is_empty() => format!(
            "Verify Datastore '{}' successful",
        _ => format!(
            "Verify Datastore '{}' failed",

    send_job_status_mail(email, &subject, &text)?;


pub fn send_sync_status(
    email: &str,
    notify: DatastoreNotify,
    job: &SyncJobConfig,
    result: &Result<(), Error>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {

    match notify.sync {
        None => { /* send notifications by default */ },
        Some(notify) => {
            if notify == Notify::Never || (result.is_ok() && notify == Notify::Error) {
                return Ok(());

    let (fqdn, port) = get_server_url();
    let mut data = json!({
        "job": job,
        "fqdn": fqdn,
        "port": port,

    let text = match result {
        Ok(()) => {
            HANDLEBARS.render("sync_ok_template", &data)?
        Err(err) => {
            data["error"] = err.to_string().into();
            HANDLEBARS.render("sync_err_template", &data)?

    let subject = match result {
        Ok(()) => format!(
            "Sync remote '{}' datastore '{}' successful",
        Err(_) => format!(
            "Sync remote '{}' datastore '{}' failed",

    send_job_status_mail(email, &subject, &text)?;


fn get_server_url() -> (String, usize) {

    // user will surely request that they can change this

    let nodename = proxmox::tools::nodename();
    let mut fqdn = nodename.to_owned();

    if let Ok(resolv_conf) = crate::api2::node::dns::read_etc_resolv_conf() {
        if let Some(search) = resolv_conf["search"].as_str() {

    let port = 8007;

    (fqdn, port)

pub fn send_updates_available(
    updates: &Vec<&APTUpdateInfo>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
    // update mails always go to the root@pam configured email..
    if let Some(email) = lookup_user_email(Userid::root_userid()) {
        let nodename = proxmox::tools::nodename();
        let subject = format!("New software packages available ({})", nodename);

        let (fqdn, port) = get_server_url();

        let text = HANDLEBARS.render("package_update_template", &json!({
            "fqdn": fqdn,
            "port": port,
            "updates": updates,

        send_job_status_mail(&email, &subject, &text)?;

/// Lookup users email address
/// For "backup@pam", this returns the address from "root@pam".
fn lookup_user_email(userid: &Userid) -> Option {

    use crate::config::user::{self, User};

    if userid == Userid::backup_userid() {
        return lookup_user_email(Userid::root_userid());

    if let Ok(user_config) = user::cached_config() {
        if let Ok(user) = user_config.lookup::("user", userid.as_str()) {


/// Lookup Datastore notify settings
pub fn lookup_datastore_notify_settings(
    store: &str,
) -> (Option, DatastoreNotify) {

    let mut email = None;

    let notify = DatastoreNotify { gc: None, verify: None, sync: None };

    let (config, _digest) = match crate::config::datastore::config() {
        Ok(result) => result,
        Err(_) => return (email, notify),

    let config: DataStoreConfig = match config.lookup("datastore", store) {
        Ok(result) => result,
        Err(_) => return (email, notify),

    email = match config.notify_user {
        Some(ref userid) => lookup_user_email(userid),
        None => lookup_user_email(Userid::backup_userid()),

    let notify_str = config.notify.unwrap_or(String::new());

    if let Ok(value) = parse_property_string(¬ify_str, &DatastoreNotify::API_SCHEMA) {
        if let Ok(notify) = serde_json::from_value(value) {
            return (email, notify);

    (email, notify)

// Handlerbar helper functions

fn handlebars_humam_bytes_helper(
    h: &Helper,
    _: &Handlebars,
    _: &Context,
    _rc: &mut RenderContext,
    out: &mut dyn Output
) -> HelperResult {
    let param = h.param(0).map(|v| v.value().as_u64())
        .ok_or(RenderError::new("human-bytes: param not found"))?;



fn handlebars_relative_percentage_helper(
    h: &Helper,
    _: &Handlebars,
    _: &Context,
    _rc: &mut RenderContext,
    out: &mut dyn Output
) -> HelperResult {
    let param0 = h.param(0).map(|v| v.value().as_f64())
        .ok_or(RenderError::new("relative-percentage: param0 not found"))?;
    let param1 = h.param(1).map(|v| v.value().as_f64())
        .ok_or(RenderError::new("relative-percentage: param1 not found"))?;

    if param1 == 0.0 {
    } else {
        out.write(&format!("{:.2}%", (param0*100.0)/param1))?;