.. _sysadmin_host_administration: Host System Administration ========================== `Proxmox Backup`_ is based on the famous Debian_ Linux distribution. This means that you have access to the entire range of Debian packages, and that the base system is well documented. The `Debian Administrator's Handbook`_ is available online, and provides a comprehensive introduction to the Debian operating system. A standard `Proxmox Backup`_ installation uses the default repositories from Debian, so you get bug fixes and security updates through that channel. In addition, we provide our own package repository to roll out all Proxmox related packages. This includes updates to some Debian packages when necessary. We also deliver a specially optimized Linux kernel, based on the Ubuntu kernel. That kernel includes drivers for ZFS_. The following sections will concentrate on backup related topics. They will explain things which are different on `Proxmox Backup`_, or tasks which are commonly used on `Proxmox Backup`_. For other topics, please refer to the standard Debian documentation. .. include:: local-zfs.rst .. include:: services.rst