//! Media Pool configuration (Tape backup) //! //! This configuration module is based on [`SectionConfig`], and //! provides a type safe interface to store [`MediaPoolConfig`], //! //! [MediaPoolConfig]: crate::api2::types::MediaPoolConfig //! [SectionConfig]: proxmox::api::section_config::SectionConfig use std::collections::HashMap; use anyhow::Error; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use proxmox::{ api::{ schema::*, section_config::{ SectionConfig, SectionConfigData, SectionConfigPlugin, } }, }; use pbs_config::{open_backup_lockfile, BackupLockGuard}; use crate::{ api2::types::{ MEDIA_POOL_NAME_SCHEMA, MediaPoolConfig, }, }; lazy_static! { /// Static [`SectionConfig`] to access parser/writer functions. pub static ref CONFIG: SectionConfig = init(); } fn init() -> SectionConfig { let mut config = SectionConfig::new(&MEDIA_POOL_NAME_SCHEMA); let obj_schema = match MediaPoolConfig::API_SCHEMA { Schema::Object(ref obj_schema) => obj_schema, _ => unreachable!(), }; let plugin = SectionConfigPlugin::new("pool".to_string(), Some("name".to_string()), obj_schema); config.register_plugin(plugin); config } /// Configuration file name pub const MEDIA_POOL_CFG_FILENAME: &str = "/etc/proxmox-backup/media-pool.cfg"; /// Lock file name (used to prevent concurrent access) pub const MEDIA_POOL_CFG_LOCKFILE: &str = "/etc/proxmox-backup/.media-pool.lck"; /// Get exclusive lock pub fn lock() -> Result { open_backup_lockfile(MEDIA_POOL_CFG_LOCKFILE, None, true) } /// Read and parse the configuration file pub fn config() -> Result<(SectionConfigData, [u8;32]), Error> { let content = proxmox::tools::fs::file_read_optional_string(MEDIA_POOL_CFG_FILENAME)? .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()); let digest = openssl::sha::sha256(content.as_bytes()); let data = CONFIG.parse(MEDIA_POOL_CFG_FILENAME, &content)?; Ok((data, digest)) } /// Save the configuration file pub fn save_config(config: &SectionConfigData) -> Result<(), Error> { let raw = CONFIG.write(MEDIA_POOL_CFG_FILENAME, &config)?; pbs_config::replace_backup_config(MEDIA_POOL_CFG_FILENAME, raw.as_bytes()) } // shell completion helper /// List existing pool names pub fn complete_pool_name(_arg: &str, _param: &HashMap) -> Vec { match config() { Ok((data, _digest)) => data.sections.iter().map(|(id, _)| id.to_string()).collect(), Err(_) => return vec![], } }