use anyhow::{format_err, Error}; use serde_json::Value; use proxmox::api::{api, ApiMethod, Router, RpcEnvironment}; use proxmox::api::router::SubdirMap; use proxmox::{list_subdirs_api_method, sortable}; use crate::api2::types::*; use crate::api2::pull::{get_pull_parameters}; use crate::config::sync::{self, SyncJobStatus, SyncJobConfig}; use crate::server::UPID; use crate::config::jobstate::JobState; use crate::tools::systemd::time::{ parse_calendar_event, compute_next_event}; #[api( input: { properties: {}, }, returns: { description: "List configured jobs and their status.", type: Array, items: { type: sync::SyncJobStatus }, }, )] /// List all sync jobs pub fn list_sync_jobs( _param: Value, mut rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result, Error> { let (config, digest) = sync::config()?; let mut list: Vec = config.convert_to_typed_array("sync")?; for job in &mut list { let last_state = JobState::load("syncjob", & .map_err(|err| format_err!("could not open statefile for {}: {}", &, err))?; let (upid, endtime, state, starttime) = match last_state { JobState::Created { time } => (None, None, None, time), JobState::Started { upid } => { let parsed_upid: UPID = upid.parse()?; (Some(upid), None, None, parsed_upid.starttime) }, JobState::Finished { upid, endtime, state } => { let parsed_upid: UPID = upid.parse()?; (Some(upid), Some(endtime), Some(state.to_string()), parsed_upid.starttime) }, }; job.last_run_upid = upid; job.last_run_state = state; job.last_run_endtime = endtime; let last = job.last_run_endtime.unwrap_or_else(|| starttime); job.next_run = (|| -> Option { let schedule = job.schedule.as_ref()?; let event = parse_calendar_event(&schedule).ok()?; compute_next_event(&event, last, false).ok() })(); } rpcenv["digest"] = proxmox::tools::digest_to_hex(&digest).into(); Ok(list) } #[api( input: { properties: { id: { schema: JOB_ID_SCHEMA, } } } )] /// Runs the sync jobs manually. async fn run_sync_job( id: String, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let (config, _digest) = sync::config()?; let sync_job: SyncJobConfig = config.lookup("sync", &id)?; let userid: Userid = rpcenv.get_user().unwrap().parse()?; let delete = sync_job.remove_vanished.unwrap_or(true); let (client, src_repo, tgt_store) = get_pull_parameters(&, &sync_job.remote, &sync_job.remote_store).await?; let upid_str = WorkerTask::spawn("syncjob", Some(id.clone()), userid, false, move |worker| async move { worker.log(format!("sync job '{}' start", &id)); crate::client::pull::pull_store( &worker, &client, &src_repo, tgt_store.clone(), delete, Userid::backup_userid().clone(), ).await?; worker.log(format!("sync job '{}' end", &id)); Ok(()) })?; Ok(upid_str) } #[sortable] const SYNC_INFO_SUBDIRS: SubdirMap = &[ ( "run", &Router::new() .post(&API_METHOD_RUN_SYNC_JOB) ), ]; const SYNC_INFO_ROUTER: Router = Router::new() .get(&list_subdirs_api_method!(SYNC_INFO_SUBDIRS)) .subdirs(SYNC_INFO_SUBDIRS); pub const ROUTER: Router = Router::new() .get(&API_METHOD_LIST_SYNC_JOBS) .match_all("id", &SYNC_INFO_ROUTER);