use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; use failure::*; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use proxmox::{sortable, identity}; use proxmox::api::list_subdirs_api_method; use proxmox::api::{ApiHandler, ApiMethod, Router, RpcEnvironment}; use proxmox::api::router::SubdirMap; use proxmox::api::schema::*; use crate::tools; use crate::api2::types::*; use crate::server::{self, UPID}; fn get_task_status( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let upid = extract_upid(¶m)?; let mut result = json!({ "upid": param["upid"], "node": upid.node, "pid":, "pstart": upid.pstart, "starttime": upid.starttime, "type": upid.worker_type, "id": upid.worker_id, "user": upid.username, }); if crate::server::worker_is_active(&upid) { result["status"] = Value::from("running"); } else { let exitstatus = crate::server::upid_read_status(&upid).unwrap_or(String::from("unknown")); result["status"] = Value::from("stopped"); result["exitstatus"] = Value::from(exitstatus); }; Ok(result) } fn extract_upid(param: &Value) -> Result { let upid_str = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "upid")?; upid_str.parse::() } fn read_task_log( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let upid = extract_upid(¶m)?; let test_status = param["test-status"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false); let start = param["start"].as_u64().unwrap_or(0); let mut limit = param["limit"].as_u64().unwrap_or(50); let mut count: u64 = 0; let path = upid.log_path(); let file = File::open(path)?; let mut lines: Vec = vec![]; for line in BufReader::new(file).lines() { match line { Ok(line) => { count += 1; if count < start { continue }; if limit == 0 { continue }; lines.push(json!({ "n": count, "t": line })); limit -= 1; } Err(err) => { log::error!("reading task log failed: {}", err); break; } } } rpcenv.set_result_attrib("total", Value::from(count)); if test_status { let active = crate::server::worker_is_active(&upid); rpcenv.set_result_attrib("active", Value::from(active)); } Ok(json!(lines)) } fn stop_task( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let upid = extract_upid(¶m)?; if crate::server::worker_is_active(&upid) { server::abort_worker_async(upid); } Ok(Value::Null) } fn list_tasks( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let start = param["start"].as_u64().unwrap_or(0); let limit = param["limit"].as_u64().unwrap_or(50); let errors = param["errors"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false); let running = param["running"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false); let store = param["store"].as_str(); let userfilter = param["userfilter"].as_str(); let list = server::read_task_list()?; let mut result = vec![]; let mut count = 0; for info in list.iter() { let mut entry = json!({ "upid": info.upid_str, "node": "localhost", "pid":, "pstart": info.upid.pstart, "starttime": info.upid.starttime, "type": info.upid.worker_type, "id": info.upid.worker_id, "user": info.upid.username, }); if let Some(username) = userfilter { if !info.upid.username.contains(username) { continue; } } if let Some(store) = store { // Note: useful to select all tasks spawned by proxmox-backup-client let worker_id = match &info.upid.worker_id { Some(w) => w, None => continue, // skip }; if info.upid.worker_type == "backup" || info.upid.worker_type == "restore" { let prefix = format!("{}_", store); if !worker_id.starts_with(&prefix) { continue; } } else if info.upid.worker_type == "prune" || info.upid.worker_type == "garbage_collection" { if worker_id != store { continue; } } else { continue; // skip } } if let Some(ref state) = info.state { if running { continue; } if errors && state.1 == "OK" { continue; } entry["endtime"] = Value::from(state.0); entry["status"] = Value::from(state.1.clone()); } if (count as u64) < start { count += 1; continue; } else { count += 1; } if (result.len() as u64) < limit { result.push(entry); }; } rpcenv.set_result_attrib("total", Value::from(count)); Ok(json!(result)) } #[sortable] const UPID_API_SUBDIRS: SubdirMap = &[ ( "log", &Router::new() .get( &ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::Sync(&read_task_log), &ObjectSchema::new( "Read task log.", &sorted!([ ("node", false, &NODE_SCHEMA), ( "test-status", true, &BooleanSchema::new( "Test task status, and set result attribute \"active\" accordingly." ).schema() ), ("upid", false, &UPID_SCHEMA), ("start", true, &IntegerSchema::new("Start at this line.") .minimum(0) .default(0) .schema() ), ("limit", true, &IntegerSchema::new("Only list this amount of lines.") .minimum(0) .default(50) .schema() ), ]), ) ) ) ), ( "status", &Router::new() .get( &ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::Sync(&get_task_status), &ObjectSchema::new( "Get task status.", &sorted!([ ("node", false, &NODE_SCHEMA), ("upid", false, &UPID_SCHEMA), ]), ) ) ) ) ]; #[sortable] pub const UPID_API_ROUTER: Router = Router::new() .get(&list_subdirs_api_method!(UPID_API_SUBDIRS)) .delete( &ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::Sync(&stop_task), &ObjectSchema::new( "Try to stop a task.", &sorted!([ ("node", false, &NODE_SCHEMA), ("upid", false, &UPID_SCHEMA), ]), ) ).protected(true) ) .subdirs(&UPID_API_SUBDIRS); #[sortable] pub const ROUTER: Router = Router::new() .get( &ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::Sync(&list_tasks), &ObjectSchema::new( "List tasks.", &sorted!([ ("node", false, &NODE_SCHEMA), ("start", true, &IntegerSchema::new("List tasks beginning from this offset.") .minimum(0) .default(0) .schema() ), ("limit", true, &IntegerSchema::new("Only list this amount of tasks.") .minimum(0) .default(50) .schema() ), ("store", true, &StringSchema::new("Only lists tasks for datastore name.").schema()), ("running", true, &BooleanSchema::new("Only list running tasks.").schema()), ("errors", true, &BooleanSchema::new("Only list erroneous tasks.").schema()), ("userfilter", true, &StringSchema::new("Only list tasks from this user.").schema()), ]), ) ) ) .match_all("upid", &UPID_API_ROUTER);