use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap}; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::io::{self, Write, Seek, SeekFrom}; use std::os::unix::fs::OpenOptionsExt; use std::os::unix::io::RawFd; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::task::{Context, Poll}; use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error}; use chrono::{Local, DateTime, Utc, TimeZone}; use futures::future::FutureExt; use futures::select; use futures::stream::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt}; use nix::unistd::{fork, ForkResult, pipe}; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use tokio::signal::unix::{signal, SignalKind}; use tokio::sync::mpsc; use xdg::BaseDirectories; use pathpatterns::{MatchEntry, MatchType, PatternFlag}; use proxmox::{sortable, identity}; use proxmox::tools::fs::{file_get_contents, file_get_json, replace_file, CreateOptions, image_size}; use proxmox::sys::linux::tty; use proxmox::api::{ApiHandler, ApiMethod, RpcEnvironment}; use proxmox::api::schema::*; use proxmox::api::cli::*; use proxmox::api::api; use proxmox_backup::tools; use proxmox_backup::api2::types::*; use proxmox_backup::client::*; use proxmox_backup::backup::*; use proxmox_backup::pxar::catalog::*; const ENV_VAR_PBS_FINGERPRINT: &str = "PBS_FINGERPRINT"; const ENV_VAR_PBS_PASSWORD: &str = "PBS_PASSWORD"; const REPO_URL_SCHEMA: Schema = StringSchema::new("Repository URL.") .format(&BACKUP_REPO_URL) .max_length(256) .schema(); const KEYFILE_SCHEMA: Schema = StringSchema::new( "Path to encryption key. All data will be encrypted using this key.") .schema(); const CHUNK_SIZE_SCHEMA: Schema = IntegerSchema::new( "Chunk size in KB. Must be a power of 2.") .minimum(64) .maximum(4096) .default(4096) .schema(); fn get_default_repository() -> Option { std::env::var("PBS_REPOSITORY").ok() } fn extract_repository_from_value( param: &Value, ) -> Result { let repo_url = param["repository"] .as_str() .map(String::from) .or_else(get_default_repository) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("unable to get (default) repository"))?; let repo: BackupRepository = repo_url.parse()?; Ok(repo) } fn extract_repository_from_map( param: &HashMap, ) -> Option { param.get("repository") .map(String::from) .or_else(get_default_repository) .and_then(|repo_url| repo_url.parse::().ok()) } fn record_repository(repo: &BackupRepository) { let base = match BaseDirectories::with_prefix("proxmox-backup") { Ok(v) => v, _ => return, }; // usually $HOME/.cache/proxmox-backup/repo-list let path = match base.place_cache_file("repo-list") { Ok(v) => v, _ => return, }; let mut data = file_get_json(&path, None).unwrap_or_else(|_| json!({})); let repo = repo.to_string(); data[&repo] = json!{ data[&repo].as_i64().unwrap_or(0) + 1 }; let mut map = serde_json::map::Map::new(); loop { let mut max_used = 0; let mut max_repo = None; for (repo, count) in data.as_object().unwrap() { if map.contains_key(repo) { continue; } if let Some(count) = count.as_i64() { if count > max_used { max_used = count; max_repo = Some(repo); } } } if let Some(repo) = max_repo { map.insert(repo.to_owned(), json!(max_used)); } else { break; } if map.len() > 10 { // store max. 10 repos break; } } let new_data = json!(map); let _ = replace_file(path, new_data.to_string().as_bytes(), CreateOptions::new()); } fn complete_repository(_arg: &str, _param: &HashMap) -> Vec { let mut result = vec![]; let base = match BaseDirectories::with_prefix("proxmox-backup") { Ok(v) => v, _ => return result, }; // usually $HOME/.cache/proxmox-backup/repo-list let path = match base.place_cache_file("repo-list") { Ok(v) => v, _ => return result, }; let data = file_get_json(&path, None).unwrap_or_else(|_| json!({})); if let Some(map) = data.as_object() { for (repo, _count) in map { result.push(repo.to_owned()); } } result } fn connect(server: &str, userid: &str) -> Result { let fingerprint = std::env::var(ENV_VAR_PBS_FINGERPRINT).ok(); use std::env::VarError::*; let password = match std::env::var(ENV_VAR_PBS_PASSWORD) { Ok(p) => Some(p), Err(NotUnicode(_)) => bail!(format!("{} contains bad characters", ENV_VAR_PBS_PASSWORD)), Err(NotPresent) => None, }; let options = HttpClientOptions::new() .prefix(Some("proxmox-backup".to_string())) .password(password) .interactive(true) .fingerprint(fingerprint) .fingerprint_cache(true) .ticket_cache(true); HttpClient::new(server, userid, options) } async fn view_task_result( client: HttpClient, result: Value, output_format: &str, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let data = &result["data"]; if output_format == "text" { if let Some(upid) = data.as_str() { display_task_log(client, upid, true).await?; } } else { format_and_print_result(&data, &output_format); } Ok(()) } async fn api_datastore_list_snapshots( client: &HttpClient, store: &str, group: Option, ) -> Result { let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/snapshots", store); let mut args = json!({}); if let Some(group) = group { args["backup-type"] = group.backup_type().into(); args["backup-id"] = group.backup_id().into(); } let mut result = client.get(&path, Some(args)).await?; Ok(result["data"].take()) } async fn api_datastore_latest_snapshot( client: &HttpClient, store: &str, group: BackupGroup, ) -> Result<(String, String, DateTime), Error> { let list = api_datastore_list_snapshots(client, store, Some(group.clone())).await?; let mut list: Vec = serde_json::from_value(list)?; if list.is_empty() { bail!("backup group {:?} does not contain any snapshots.", group.group_path()); } list.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.backup_time.cmp(&a.backup_time)); let backup_time = Utc.timestamp(list[0].backup_time, 0); Ok((group.backup_type().to_owned(), group.backup_id().to_owned(), backup_time)) } async fn backup_directory>( client: &BackupWriter, dir_path: P, archive_name: &str, chunk_size: Option, device_set: Option>, verbose: bool, skip_lost_and_found: bool, crypt_config: Option>, catalog: Arc>>, exclude_pattern: Vec, entries_max: usize, ) -> Result { let pxar_stream = PxarBackupStream::open( dir_path.as_ref(), device_set, verbose, skip_lost_and_found, catalog, exclude_pattern, entries_max, )?; let mut chunk_stream = ChunkStream::new(pxar_stream, chunk_size); let (mut tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(10); // allow to buffer 10 chunks let stream = rx .map_err(Error::from); // spawn chunker inside a separate task so that it can run parallel tokio::spawn(async move { while let Some(v) = { let _ = tx.send(v).await; } }); let stats = client .upload_stream(archive_name, stream, "dynamic", None, crypt_config) .await?; Ok(stats) } async fn backup_image>( client: &BackupWriter, image_path: P, archive_name: &str, image_size: u64, chunk_size: Option, _verbose: bool, crypt_config: Option>, ) -> Result { let path = image_path.as_ref().to_owned(); let file = tokio::fs::File::open(path).await?; let stream = tokio_util::codec::FramedRead::new(file, tokio_util::codec::BytesCodec::new()) .map_err(Error::from); let stream = FixedChunkStream::new(stream, chunk_size.unwrap_or(4*1024*1024)); let stats = client .upload_stream(archive_name, stream, "fixed", Some(image_size), crypt_config) .await?; Ok(stats) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "output-format": { schema: OUTPUT_FORMAT, optional: true, }, } } )] /// List backup groups. async fn list_backup_groups(param: Value) -> Result { let output_format = get_output_format(¶m); let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let client = connect(, repo.user())?; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/groups",; let mut result = client.get(&path, None).await?; record_repository(&repo); let render_group_path = |_v: &Value, record: &Value| -> Result { let item: GroupListItem = serde_json::from_value(record.to_owned())?; let group = BackupGroup::new(item.backup_type, item.backup_id); Ok(group.group_path().to_str().unwrap().to_owned()) }; let render_last_backup = |_v: &Value, record: &Value| -> Result { let item: GroupListItem = serde_json::from_value(record.to_owned())?; let snapshot = BackupDir::new(item.backup_type, item.backup_id, item.last_backup); Ok(snapshot.relative_path().to_str().unwrap().to_owned()) }; let render_files = |_v: &Value, record: &Value| -> Result { let item: GroupListItem = serde_json::from_value(record.to_owned())?; Ok(tools::format::render_backup_file_list(&item.files)) }; let options = default_table_format_options() .sortby("backup-type", false) .sortby("backup-id", false) .column(ColumnConfig::new("backup-id").renderer(render_group_path).header("group")) .column( ColumnConfig::new("last-backup") .renderer(render_last_backup) .header("last snapshot") .right_align(false) ) .column(ColumnConfig::new("backup-count")) .column(ColumnConfig::new("files").renderer(render_files)); let mut data: Value = result["data"].take(); let info = &proxmox_backup::api2::admin::datastore::API_RETURN_SCHEMA_LIST_GROUPS; format_and_print_result_full(&mut data, info, &output_format, &options); Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, group: { type: String, description: "Backup group.", optional: true, }, "output-format": { schema: OUTPUT_FORMAT, optional: true, }, } } )] /// List backup snapshots. async fn list_snapshots(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let output_format = get_output_format(¶m); let client = connect(, repo.user())?; let group = if let Some(path) = param["group"].as_str() { Some(BackupGroup::parse(path)?) } else { None }; let mut data = api_datastore_list_snapshots(&client,, group).await?; record_repository(&repo); let render_snapshot_path = |_v: &Value, record: &Value| -> Result { let item: SnapshotListItem = serde_json::from_value(record.to_owned())?; let snapshot = BackupDir::new(item.backup_type, item.backup_id, item.backup_time); Ok(snapshot.relative_path().to_str().unwrap().to_owned()) }; let render_files = |_v: &Value, record: &Value| -> Result { let item: SnapshotListItem = serde_json::from_value(record.to_owned())?; Ok(tools::format::render_backup_file_list(&item.files)) }; let options = default_table_format_options() .sortby("backup-type", false) .sortby("backup-id", false) .sortby("backup-time", false) .column(ColumnConfig::new("backup-id").renderer(render_snapshot_path).header("snapshot")) .column(ColumnConfig::new("size")) .column(ColumnConfig::new("files").renderer(render_files)) ; let info = &proxmox_backup::api2::admin::datastore::API_RETURN_SCHEMA_LIST_SNAPSHOTS; format_and_print_result_full(&mut data, info, &output_format, &options); Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, snapshot: { type: String, description: "Snapshot path.", }, } } )] /// Forget (remove) backup snapshots. async fn forget_snapshots(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let path = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let snapshot = BackupDir::parse(path)?; let mut client = connect(, repo.user())?; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/snapshots",; let result = client.delete(&path, Some(json!({ "backup-type":, "backup-id":, "backup-time": snapshot.backup_time().timestamp(), }))).await?; record_repository(&repo); Ok(result) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, } } )] /// Try to login. If successful, store ticket. async fn api_login(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let client = connect(, repo.user())?; client.login().await?; record_repository(&repo); Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, } } )] /// Logout (delete stored ticket). fn api_logout(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; delete_ticket_info("proxmox-backup",, repo.user())?; Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, snapshot: { type: String, description: "Snapshot path.", }, } } )] /// Dump catalog. async fn dump_catalog(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let path = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let snapshot = BackupDir::parse(path)?; let keyfile = param["keyfile"].as_str().map(PathBuf::from); let crypt_config = match keyfile { None => None, Some(path) => { let (key, _) = load_and_decrypt_key(&path, &get_encryption_key_password)?; Some(Arc::new(CryptConfig::new(key)?)) } }; let client = connect(, repo.user())?; let client = BackupReader::start( client, crypt_config.clone(),, &, &, snapshot.backup_time(), true, ).await?; let manifest = client.download_manifest().await?; let index = client.download_dynamic_index(&manifest, CATALOG_NAME).await?; let most_used = index.find_most_used_chunks(8); let chunk_reader = RemoteChunkReader::new(client.clone(), crypt_config, most_used); let mut reader = BufferedDynamicReader::new(index, chunk_reader); let mut catalogfile = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .read(true) .custom_flags(libc::O_TMPFILE) .open("/tmp")?; std::io::copy(&mut reader, &mut catalogfile) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to download catalog - {}", err))?;; let mut catalog_reader = CatalogReader::new(catalogfile); catalog_reader.dump()?; record_repository(&repo); Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, snapshot: { type: String, description: "Snapshot path.", }, "output-format": { schema: OUTPUT_FORMAT, optional: true, }, } } )] /// List snapshot files. async fn list_snapshot_files(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let path = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let snapshot = BackupDir::parse(path)?; let output_format = get_output_format(¶m); let client = connect(, repo.user())?; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/files",; let mut result = client.get(&path, Some(json!({ "backup-type":, "backup-id":, "backup-time": snapshot.backup_time().timestamp(), }))).await?; record_repository(&repo); let info = &proxmox_backup::api2::admin::datastore::API_RETURN_SCHEMA_LIST_SNAPSHOT_FILES; let mut data: Value = result["data"].take(); let options = default_table_format_options(); format_and_print_result_full(&mut data, info, &output_format, &options); Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "output-format": { schema: OUTPUT_FORMAT, optional: true, }, }, }, )] /// Start garbage collection for a specific repository. async fn start_garbage_collection(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let output_format = get_output_format(¶m); let mut client = connect(, repo.user())?; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/gc",; let result =, None).await?; record_repository(&repo); view_task_result(client, result, &output_format).await?; Ok(Value::Null) } fn spawn_catalog_upload( client: Arc, crypt_config: Option>, ) -> Result< ( Arc>>, tokio::sync::oneshot::Receiver> ), Error> { let (catalog_tx, catalog_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel(10); // allow to buffer 10 writes let catalog_stream = crate::tools::StdChannelStream(catalog_rx); let catalog_chunk_size = 512*1024; let catalog_chunk_stream = ChunkStream::new(catalog_stream, Some(catalog_chunk_size)); let catalog = Arc::new(Mutex::new(CatalogWriter::new(crate::tools::StdChannelWriter::new(catalog_tx))?)); let (catalog_result_tx, catalog_result_rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel(); tokio::spawn(async move { let catalog_upload_result = client .upload_stream(CATALOG_NAME, catalog_chunk_stream, "dynamic", None, crypt_config) .await; if let Err(ref err) = catalog_upload_result { eprintln!("catalog upload error - {}", err); client.cancel(); } let _ = catalog_result_tx.send(catalog_upload_result); }); Ok((catalog, catalog_result_rx)) } #[api( input: { properties: { backupspec: { type: Array, description: "List of backup source specifications ([:] ...)", items: { schema: BACKUP_SOURCE_SCHEMA, } }, repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "include-dev": { description: "Include mountpoints with same st_dev number (see ``man fstat``) as specified files.", optional: true, items: { type: String, description: "Path to file.", } }, keyfile: { schema: KEYFILE_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "skip-lost-and-found": { type: Boolean, description: "Skip lost+found directory.", optional: true, }, "backup-type": { schema: BACKUP_TYPE_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "backup-id": { schema: BACKUP_ID_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "backup-time": { schema: BACKUP_TIME_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "chunk-size": { schema: CHUNK_SIZE_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "exclude": { type: Array, description: "List of paths or patterns for matching files to exclude.", optional: true, items: { type: String, description: "Path or match pattern.", } }, "entries-max": { type: Integer, description: "Max number of entries to hold in memory.", optional: true, default: proxmox_backup::pxar::ENCODER_MAX_ENTRIES as isize, }, "verbose": { type: Boolean, description: "Verbose output.", optional: true, }, } } )] /// Create (host) backup. async fn create_backup( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let backupspec_list = tools::required_array_param(¶m, "backupspec")?; let all_file_systems = param["all-file-systems"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false); let skip_lost_and_found = param["skip-lost-and-found"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false); let verbose = param["verbose"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false); let backup_time_opt = param["backup-time"].as_i64(); let chunk_size_opt = param["chunk-size"].as_u64().map(|v| (v*1024) as usize); if let Some(size) = chunk_size_opt { verify_chunk_size(size)?; } let keyfile = param["keyfile"].as_str().map(PathBuf::from); let backup_id = param["backup-id"].as_str().unwrap_or(&proxmox::tools::nodename()); let backup_type = param["backup-type"].as_str().unwrap_or("host"); let include_dev = param["include-dev"].as_array(); let entries_max = param["entries-max"].as_u64() .unwrap_or(proxmox_backup::pxar::ENCODER_MAX_ENTRIES as u64); let empty = Vec::new(); let exclude_args = param["exclude"].as_array().unwrap_or(&empty); let mut pattern_list = Vec::with_capacity(exclude_args.len()); for entry in exclude_args { let entry = entry.as_str().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Invalid pattern string slice"))?; pattern_list.push( MatchEntry::parse_pattern(entry, PatternFlag::PATH_NAME, MatchType::Exclude) .map_err(|err| format_err!("invalid exclude pattern entry: {}", err))? ); } let mut devices = if all_file_systems { None } else { Some(HashSet::new()) }; if let Some(include_dev) = include_dev { if all_file_systems { bail!("option 'all-file-systems' conflicts with option 'include-dev'"); } let mut set = HashSet::new(); for path in include_dev { let path = path.as_str().unwrap(); let stat = nix::sys::stat::stat(path) .map_err(|err| format_err!("fstat {:?} failed - {}", path, err))?; set.insert(stat.st_dev); } devices = Some(set); } let mut upload_list = vec![]; let mut upload_catalog = false; for backupspec in backupspec_list { let spec = parse_backup_specification(backupspec.as_str().unwrap())?; let filename = &spec.config_string; let target = &spec.archive_name; use std::os::unix::fs::FileTypeExt; let metadata = std::fs::metadata(filename) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to access '{}' - {}", filename, err))?; let file_type = metadata.file_type(); match spec.spec_type { BackupSpecificationType::PXAR => { if !file_type.is_dir() { bail!("got unexpected file type (expected directory)"); } upload_list.push((BackupSpecificationType::PXAR, filename.to_owned(), format!("{}.didx", target), 0)); upload_catalog = true; } BackupSpecificationType::IMAGE => { if !(file_type.is_file() || file_type.is_block_device()) { bail!("got unexpected file type (expected file or block device)"); } let size = image_size(&PathBuf::from(filename))?; if size == 0 { bail!("got zero-sized file '{}'", filename); } upload_list.push((BackupSpecificationType::IMAGE, filename.to_owned(), format!("{}.fidx", target), size)); } BackupSpecificationType::CONFIG => { if !file_type.is_file() { bail!("got unexpected file type (expected regular file)"); } upload_list.push((BackupSpecificationType::CONFIG, filename.to_owned(), format!("{}.blob", target), metadata.len())); } BackupSpecificationType::LOGFILE => { if !file_type.is_file() { bail!("got unexpected file type (expected regular file)"); } upload_list.push((BackupSpecificationType::LOGFILE, filename.to_owned(), format!("{}.blob", target), metadata.len())); } } } let backup_time = Utc.timestamp(backup_time_opt.unwrap_or_else(|| Utc::now().timestamp()), 0); let client = connect(, repo.user())?; record_repository(&repo); println!("Starting backup: {}/{}/{}", backup_type, backup_id, BackupDir::backup_time_to_string(backup_time)); println!("Client name: {}", proxmox::tools::nodename()); let start_time = Local::now(); println!("Starting protocol: {}", start_time.to_rfc3339_opts(chrono::SecondsFormat::Secs, false)); let (crypt_config, rsa_encrypted_key) = match keyfile { None => (None, None), Some(path) => { let (key, created) = load_and_decrypt_key(&path, &get_encryption_key_password)?; let crypt_config = CryptConfig::new(key)?; let path = master_pubkey_path()?; if path.exists() { let pem_data = file_get_contents(&path)?; let rsa = openssl::rsa::Rsa::public_key_from_pem(&pem_data)?; let enc_key = crypt_config.generate_rsa_encoded_key(rsa, created)?; (Some(Arc::new(crypt_config)), Some(enc_key)) } else { (Some(Arc::new(crypt_config)), None) } } }; let client = BackupWriter::start( client,, backup_type, &backup_id, backup_time, verbose, ).await?; let snapshot = BackupDir::new(backup_type, backup_id, backup_time.timestamp()); let mut manifest = BackupManifest::new(snapshot); let (catalog, catalog_result_rx) = spawn_catalog_upload(client.clone(), crypt_config.clone())?; for (backup_type, filename, target, size) in upload_list { match backup_type { BackupSpecificationType::CONFIG => { println!("Upload config file '{}' to '{:?}' as {}", filename, repo, target); let stats = client .upload_blob_from_file(&filename, &target, crypt_config.clone(), true) .await?; manifest.add_file(target, stats.size, stats.csum)?; } BackupSpecificationType::LOGFILE => { // fixme: remove - not needed anymore ? println!("Upload log file '{}' to '{:?}' as {}", filename, repo, target); let stats = client .upload_blob_from_file(&filename, &target, crypt_config.clone(), true) .await?; manifest.add_file(target, stats.size, stats.csum)?; } BackupSpecificationType::PXAR => { println!("Upload directory '{}' to '{:?}' as {}", filename, repo, target); catalog.lock().unwrap().start_directory(std::ffi::CString::new(target.as_str())?.as_c_str())?; let stats = backup_directory( &client, &filename, &target, chunk_size_opt, devices.clone(), verbose, skip_lost_and_found, crypt_config.clone(), catalog.clone(), pattern_list.clone(), entries_max as usize, ).await?; manifest.add_file(target, stats.size, stats.csum)?; catalog.lock().unwrap().end_directory()?; } BackupSpecificationType::IMAGE => { println!("Upload image '{}' to '{:?}' as {}", filename, repo, target); let stats = backup_image( &client, &filename, &target, size, chunk_size_opt, verbose, crypt_config.clone(), ).await?; manifest.add_file(target, stats.size, stats.csum)?; } } } // finalize and upload catalog if upload_catalog { let mutex = Arc::try_unwrap(catalog) .map_err(|_| format_err!("unable to get catalog (still used)"))?; let mut catalog = mutex.into_inner().unwrap(); catalog.finish()?; drop(catalog); // close upload stream let stats = catalog_result_rx.await??; manifest.add_file(CATALOG_NAME.to_owned(), stats.size, stats.csum)?; } if let Some(rsa_encrypted_key) = rsa_encrypted_key { let target = "rsa-encrypted.key"; println!("Upload RSA encoded key to '{:?}' as {}", repo, target); let stats = client .upload_blob_from_data(rsa_encrypted_key, target, None, false, false) .await?; manifest.add_file(format!("{}.blob", target), stats.size, stats.csum)?; // openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey master-private.pem -in rsa-encrypted.key -out t /* let mut buffer2 = vec![0u8; rsa.size() as usize]; let pem_data = file_get_contents("master-private.pem")?; let rsa = openssl::rsa::Rsa::private_key_from_pem(&pem_data)?; let len = rsa.private_decrypt(&buffer, &mut buffer2, openssl::rsa::Padding::PKCS1)?; println!("TEST {} {:?}", len, buffer2); */ } // create manifest (index.json) let manifest = manifest.into_json(); println!("Upload index.json to '{:?}'", repo); let manifest = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&manifest)?.into(); client .upload_blob_from_data(manifest, MANIFEST_BLOB_NAME, crypt_config.clone(), true, true) .await?; client.finish().await?; let end_time = Local::now(); let elapsed = end_time.signed_duration_since(start_time); println!("Duration: {}", elapsed); println!("End Time: {}", end_time.to_rfc3339_opts(chrono::SecondsFormat::Secs, false)); Ok(Value::Null) } fn complete_backup_source(arg: &str, param: &HashMap) -> Vec { let mut result = vec![]; let data: Vec<&str> = arg.splitn(2, ':').collect(); if data.len() != 2 { result.push(String::from("root.pxar:/")); result.push(String::from("etc.pxar:/etc")); return result; } let files = tools::complete_file_name(data[1], param); for file in files { result.push(format!("{}:{}", data[0], file)); } result } fn dump_image( client: Arc, crypt_config: Option>, index: FixedIndexReader, mut writer: W, verbose: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let most_used = index.find_most_used_chunks(8); let mut chunk_reader = RemoteChunkReader::new(client.clone(), crypt_config, most_used); // Note: we avoid using BufferedFixedReader, because that add an additional buffer/copy // and thus slows down reading. Instead, directly use RemoteChunkReader let mut per = 0; let mut bytes = 0; let start_time = std::time::Instant::now(); for pos in 0..index.index_count() { let digest = index.index_digest(pos).unwrap(); let raw_data = chunk_reader.read_chunk(&digest)?; writer.write_all(&raw_data)?; bytes += raw_data.len(); if verbose { let next_per = ((pos+1)*100)/index.index_count(); if per != next_per { eprintln!("progress {}% (read {} bytes, duration {} sec)", next_per, bytes, start_time.elapsed().as_secs()); per = next_per; } } } let end_time = std::time::Instant::now(); let elapsed = end_time.duration_since(start_time); eprintln!("restore image complete (bytes={}, duration={:.2}s, speed={:.2}MB/s)", bytes, elapsed.as_secs_f64(), bytes as f64/(1024.0*1024.0*elapsed.as_secs_f64()) ); Ok(()) } fn parse_archive_type(name: &str) -> (String, ArchiveType) { if name.ends_with(".didx") || name.ends_with(".fidx") || name.ends_with(".blob") { (name.into(), archive_type(name).unwrap()) } else if name.ends_with(".pxar") { (format!("{}.didx", name), ArchiveType::DynamicIndex) } else if name.ends_with(".img") { (format!("{}.fidx", name), ArchiveType::FixedIndex) } else { (format!("{}.blob", name), ArchiveType::Blob) } } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, snapshot: { type: String, description: "Group/Snapshot path.", }, "archive-name": { description: "Backup archive name.", type: String, }, target: { type: String, description: r###"Target directory path. Use '-' to write to standard output. We do not extraxt '.pxar' archives when writing to standard output. "### }, "allow-existing-dirs": { type: Boolean, description: "Do not fail if directories already exists.", optional: true, }, keyfile: { schema: KEYFILE_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, } } )] /// Restore backup repository. async fn restore(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let verbose = param["verbose"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false); let allow_existing_dirs = param["allow-existing-dirs"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false); let archive_name = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "archive-name")?; let client = connect(, repo.user())?; record_repository(&repo); let path = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let (backup_type, backup_id, backup_time) = if path.matches('/').count() == 1 { let group = BackupGroup::parse(path)?; api_datastore_latest_snapshot(&client,, group).await? } else { let snapshot = BackupDir::parse(path)?; (,, snapshot.backup_time()) }; let target = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "target")?; let target = if target == "-" { None } else { Some(target) }; let keyfile = param["keyfile"].as_str().map(PathBuf::from); let crypt_config = match keyfile { None => None, Some(path) => { let (key, _) = load_and_decrypt_key(&path, &get_encryption_key_password)?; Some(Arc::new(CryptConfig::new(key)?)) } }; let client = BackupReader::start( client, crypt_config.clone(),, &backup_type, &backup_id, backup_time, true, ).await?; let manifest = client.download_manifest().await?; let (archive_name, archive_type) = parse_archive_type(archive_name); if archive_name == MANIFEST_BLOB_NAME { let backup_index_data = manifest.into_json().to_string(); if let Some(target) = target { replace_file(target, backup_index_data.as_bytes(), CreateOptions::new())?; } else { let stdout = std::io::stdout(); let mut writer = stdout.lock(); writer.write_all(backup_index_data.as_bytes()) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to pipe data - {}", err))?; } } else if archive_type == ArchiveType::Blob { let mut reader = client.download_blob(&manifest, &archive_name).await?; if let Some(target) = target { let mut writer = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create(true) .create_new(true) .open(target) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to create target file {:?} - {}", target, err))?; std::io::copy(&mut reader, &mut writer)?; } else { let stdout = std::io::stdout(); let mut writer = stdout.lock(); std::io::copy(&mut reader, &mut writer) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to pipe data - {}", err))?; } } else if archive_type == ArchiveType::DynamicIndex { let index = client.download_dynamic_index(&manifest, &archive_name).await?; let most_used = index.find_most_used_chunks(8); let chunk_reader = RemoteChunkReader::new(client.clone(), crypt_config, most_used); let mut reader = BufferedDynamicReader::new(index, chunk_reader); if let Some(target) = target { proxmox_backup::pxar::extract_archive( pxar::decoder::Decoder::from_std(reader)?, Path::new(target), &[], proxmox_backup::pxar::Flags::DEFAULT, allow_existing_dirs, |path| { if verbose { println!("{:?}", path); } }, ) .map_err(|err| format_err!("error extracting archive - {}", err))?; } else { let mut writer = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .open("/dev/stdout") .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to open /dev/stdout - {}", err))?; std::io::copy(&mut reader, &mut writer) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to pipe data - {}", err))?; } } else if archive_type == ArchiveType::FixedIndex { let index = client.download_fixed_index(&manifest, &archive_name).await?; let mut writer = if let Some(target) = target { std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create(true) .create_new(true) .open(target) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to create target file {:?} - {}", target, err))? } else { std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .open("/dev/stdout") .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to open /dev/stdout - {}", err))? }; dump_image(client.clone(), crypt_config.clone(), index, &mut writer, verbose)?; } Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, snapshot: { type: String, description: "Group/Snapshot path.", }, logfile: { type: String, description: "The path to the log file you want to upload.", }, keyfile: { schema: KEYFILE_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, } } )] /// Upload backup log file. async fn upload_log(param: Value) -> Result { let logfile = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "logfile")?; let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let snapshot = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let snapshot = BackupDir::parse(snapshot)?; let mut client = connect(, repo.user())?; let keyfile = param["keyfile"].as_str().map(PathBuf::from); let crypt_config = match keyfile { None => None, Some(path) => { let (key, _created) = load_and_decrypt_key(&path, &get_encryption_key_password)?; let crypt_config = CryptConfig::new(key)?; Some(Arc::new(crypt_config)) } }; let data = file_get_contents(logfile)?; let blob = DataBlob::encode(&data, crypt_config.as_ref().map(Arc::as_ref), true)?; let raw_data = blob.into_inner(); let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/upload-backup-log",; let args = json!({ "backup-type":, "backup-id":, "backup-time": snapshot.backup_time().timestamp(), }); let body = hyper::Body::from(raw_data); client.upload("application/octet-stream", body, &path, Some(args)).await } const API_METHOD_PRUNE: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::Async(&prune), &ObjectSchema::new( "Prune a backup repository.", &proxmox_backup::add_common_prune_prameters!([ ("dry-run", true, &BooleanSchema::new( "Just show what prune would do, but do not delete anything.") .schema()), ("group", false, &StringSchema::new("Backup group.").schema()), ], [ ("output-format", true, &OUTPUT_FORMAT), ( "quiet", true, &BooleanSchema::new("Minimal output - only show removals.") .schema() ), ("repository", true, &REPO_URL_SCHEMA), ]) ) ); fn prune<'a>( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &'a mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> proxmox::api::ApiFuture<'a> { async move { prune_async(param).await }.boxed() } async fn prune_async(mut param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let mut client = connect(, repo.user())?; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/prune",; let group = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "group")?; let group = BackupGroup::parse(group)?; let output_format = get_output_format(¶m); let quiet = param["quiet"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false); param.as_object_mut().unwrap().remove("repository"); param.as_object_mut().unwrap().remove("group"); param.as_object_mut().unwrap().remove("output-format"); param.as_object_mut().unwrap().remove("quiet"); param["backup-type"] = group.backup_type().into(); param["backup-id"] = group.backup_id().into(); let mut result =, Some(param)).await?; record_repository(&repo); let render_snapshot_path = |_v: &Value, record: &Value| -> Result { let item: PruneListItem = serde_json::from_value(record.to_owned())?; let snapshot = BackupDir::new(item.backup_type, item.backup_id, item.backup_time); Ok(snapshot.relative_path().to_str().unwrap().to_owned()) }; let render_prune_action = |v: &Value, _record: &Value| -> Result { Ok(match v.as_bool() { Some(true) => "keep", Some(false) => "remove", None => "unknown", }.to_string()) }; let options = default_table_format_options() .sortby("backup-type", false) .sortby("backup-id", false) .sortby("backup-time", false) .column(ColumnConfig::new("backup-id").renderer(render_snapshot_path).header("snapshot")) .column(ColumnConfig::new("backup-time").renderer(tools::format::render_epoch).header("date")) .column(ColumnConfig::new("keep").renderer(render_prune_action).header("action")) ; let info = &proxmox_backup::api2::admin::datastore::API_RETURN_SCHEMA_PRUNE; let mut data = result["data"].take(); if quiet { let list: Vec = data.as_array().unwrap().iter().filter(|item| { item["keep"].as_bool() == Some(false) }).map(|v| v.clone()).collect(); data = list.into(); } format_and_print_result_full(&mut data, info, &output_format, &options); Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, "output-format": { schema: OUTPUT_FORMAT, optional: true, }, } } )] /// Get repository status. async fn status(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let output_format = get_output_format(¶m); let client = connect(, repo.user())?; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/status",; let mut result = client.get(&path, None).await?; let mut data = result["data"].take(); record_repository(&repo); let render_total_percentage = |v: &Value, record: &Value| -> Result { let v = v.as_u64().unwrap(); let total = record["total"].as_u64().unwrap(); let roundup = total/200; let per = ((v+roundup)*100)/total; let info = format!(" ({} %)", per); Ok(format!("{} {:>8}", v, info)) }; let options = default_table_format_options() .noheader(true) .column(ColumnConfig::new("total").renderer(render_total_percentage)) .column(ColumnConfig::new("used").renderer(render_total_percentage)) .column(ColumnConfig::new("avail").renderer(render_total_percentage)); let schema = &proxmox_backup::api2::admin::datastore::API_RETURN_SCHEMA_STATUS; format_and_print_result_full(&mut data, schema, &output_format, &options); Ok(Value::Null) } // like get, but simply ignore errors and return Null instead async fn try_get(repo: &BackupRepository, url: &str) -> Value { let fingerprint = std::env::var(ENV_VAR_PBS_FINGERPRINT).ok(); let password = std::env::var(ENV_VAR_PBS_PASSWORD).ok(); let options = HttpClientOptions::new() .prefix(Some("proxmox-backup".to_string())) .password(password) .interactive(false) .fingerprint(fingerprint) .fingerprint_cache(true) .ticket_cache(true); let client = match HttpClient::new(, repo.user(), options) { Ok(v) => v, _ => return Value::Null, }; let mut resp = match client.get(url, None).await { Ok(v) => v, _ => return Value::Null, }; if let Some(map) = resp.as_object_mut() { if let Some(data) = map.remove("data") { return data; } } Value::Null } fn complete_backup_group(_arg: &str, param: &HashMap) -> Vec { proxmox_backup::tools::runtime::main(async { complete_backup_group_do(param).await }) } async fn complete_backup_group_do(param: &HashMap) -> Vec { let mut result = vec![]; let repo = match extract_repository_from_map(param) { Some(v) => v, _ => return result, }; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/groups",; let data = try_get(&repo, &path).await; if let Some(list) = data.as_array() { for item in list { if let (Some(backup_id), Some(backup_type)) = (item["backup-id"].as_str(), item["backup-type"].as_str()) { result.push(format!("{}/{}", backup_type, backup_id)); } } } result } fn complete_group_or_snapshot(arg: &str, param: &HashMap) -> Vec { proxmox_backup::tools::runtime::main(async { complete_group_or_snapshot_do(arg, param).await }) } async fn complete_group_or_snapshot_do(arg: &str, param: &HashMap) -> Vec { if arg.matches('/').count() < 2 { let groups = complete_backup_group_do(param).await; let mut result = vec![]; for group in groups { result.push(group.to_string()); result.push(format!("{}/", group)); } return result; } complete_backup_snapshot_do(param).await } fn complete_backup_snapshot(_arg: &str, param: &HashMap) -> Vec { proxmox_backup::tools::runtime::main(async { complete_backup_snapshot_do(param).await }) } async fn complete_backup_snapshot_do(param: &HashMap) -> Vec { let mut result = vec![]; let repo = match extract_repository_from_map(param) { Some(v) => v, _ => return result, }; let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/snapshots",; let data = try_get(&repo, &path).await; if let Some(list) = data.as_array() { for item in list { if let (Some(backup_id), Some(backup_type), Some(backup_time)) = (item["backup-id"].as_str(), item["backup-type"].as_str(), item["backup-time"].as_i64()) { let snapshot = BackupDir::new(backup_type, backup_id, backup_time); result.push(snapshot.relative_path().to_str().unwrap().to_owned()); } } } result } fn complete_server_file_name(_arg: &str, param: &HashMap) -> Vec { proxmox_backup::tools::runtime::main(async { complete_server_file_name_do(param).await }) } async fn complete_server_file_name_do(param: &HashMap) -> Vec { let mut result = vec![]; let repo = match extract_repository_from_map(param) { Some(v) => v, _ => return result, }; let snapshot = match param.get("snapshot") { Some(path) => { match BackupDir::parse(path) { Ok(v) => v, _ => return result, } } _ => return result, }; let query = tools::json_object_to_query(json!({ "backup-type":, "backup-id":, "backup-time": snapshot.backup_time().timestamp(), })).unwrap(); let path = format!("api2/json/admin/datastore/{}/files?{}",, query); let data = try_get(&repo, &path).await; if let Some(list) = data.as_array() { for item in list { if let Some(filename) = item["filename"].as_str() { result.push(filename.to_owned()); } } } result } fn complete_archive_name(arg: &str, param: &HashMap) -> Vec { complete_server_file_name(arg, param) .iter() .map(|v| tools::format::strip_server_file_expenstion(&v)) .collect() } fn complete_pxar_archive_name(arg: &str, param: &HashMap) -> Vec { complete_server_file_name(arg, param) .iter() .filter_map(|v| { let name = tools::format::strip_server_file_expenstion(&v); if name.ends_with(".pxar") { Some(name) } else { None } }) .collect() } fn complete_chunk_size(_arg: &str, _param: &HashMap) -> Vec { let mut result = vec![]; let mut size = 64; loop { result.push(size.to_string()); size *= 2; if size > 4096 { break; } } result } fn get_encryption_key_password() -> Result, Error> { // fixme: implement other input methods use std::env::VarError::*; match std::env::var("PBS_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD") { Ok(p) => return Ok(p.as_bytes().to_vec()), Err(NotUnicode(_)) => bail!("PBS_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD contains bad characters"), Err(NotPresent) => { // Try another method } } // If we're on a TTY, query the user for a password if tty::stdin_isatty() { return Ok(tty::read_password("Encryption Key Password: ")?); } bail!("no password input mechanism available"); } fn key_create( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let path = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "path")?; let path = PathBuf::from(path); let kdf = param["kdf"].as_str().unwrap_or("scrypt"); let key = proxmox::sys::linux::random_data(32)?; if kdf == "scrypt" { // always read passphrase from tty if !tty::stdin_isatty() { bail!("unable to read passphrase - no tty"); } let password = tty::read_and_verify_password("Encryption Key Password: ")?; let key_config = encrypt_key_with_passphrase(&key, &password)?; store_key_config(&path, false, key_config)?; Ok(Value::Null) } else if kdf == "none" { let created = Local.timestamp(Local::now().timestamp(), 0); store_key_config(&path, false, KeyConfig { kdf: None, created, modified: created, data: key, })?; Ok(Value::Null) } else { unreachable!(); } } fn master_pubkey_path() -> Result { let base = BaseDirectories::with_prefix("proxmox-backup")?; // usually $HOME/.config/proxmox-backup/master-public.pem let path = base.place_config_file("master-public.pem")?; Ok(path) } fn key_import_master_pubkey( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let path = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "path")?; let path = PathBuf::from(path); let pem_data = file_get_contents(&path)?; if let Err(err) = openssl::pkey::PKey::public_key_from_pem(&pem_data) { bail!("Unable to decode PEM data - {}", err); } let target_path = master_pubkey_path()?; replace_file(&target_path, &pem_data, CreateOptions::new())?; println!("Imported public master key to {:?}", target_path); Ok(Value::Null) } fn key_create_master_key( _param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { // we need a TTY to query the new password if !tty::stdin_isatty() { bail!("unable to create master key - no tty"); } let rsa = openssl::rsa::Rsa::generate(4096)?; let pkey = openssl::pkey::PKey::from_rsa(rsa)?; let password = String::from_utf8(tty::read_and_verify_password("Master Key Password: ")?)?; let pub_key: Vec = pkey.public_key_to_pem()?; let filename_pub = "master-public.pem"; println!("Writing public master key to {}", filename_pub); replace_file(filename_pub, pub_key.as_slice(), CreateOptions::new())?; let cipher = openssl::symm::Cipher::aes_256_cbc(); let priv_key: Vec = pkey.private_key_to_pem_pkcs8_passphrase(cipher, password.as_bytes())?; let filename_priv = "master-private.pem"; println!("Writing private master key to {}", filename_priv); replace_file(filename_priv, priv_key.as_slice(), CreateOptions::new())?; Ok(Value::Null) } fn key_change_passphrase( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let path = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "path")?; let path = PathBuf::from(path); let kdf = param["kdf"].as_str().unwrap_or("scrypt"); // we need a TTY to query the new password if !tty::stdin_isatty() { bail!("unable to change passphrase - no tty"); } let (key, created) = load_and_decrypt_key(&path, &get_encryption_key_password)?; if kdf == "scrypt" { let password = tty::read_and_verify_password("New Password: ")?; let mut new_key_config = encrypt_key_with_passphrase(&key, &password)?; new_key_config.created = created; // keep original value store_key_config(&path, true, new_key_config)?; Ok(Value::Null) } else if kdf == "none" { let modified = Local.timestamp(Local::now().timestamp(), 0); store_key_config(&path, true, KeyConfig { kdf: None, created, // keep original value modified, data: key.to_vec(), })?; Ok(Value::Null) } else { unreachable!(); } } fn key_mgmt_cli() -> CliCommandMap { const KDF_SCHEMA: Schema = StringSchema::new("Key derivation function. Choose 'none' to store the key unecrypted.") .format(&ApiStringFormat::Enum(&[ EnumEntry::new("scrypt", "SCrypt"), EnumEntry::new("none", "Do not encrypt the key")])) .default("scrypt") .schema(); #[sortable] const API_METHOD_KEY_CREATE: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::Sync(&key_create), &ObjectSchema::new( "Create a new encryption key.", &sorted!([ ("path", false, &StringSchema::new("File system path.").schema()), ("kdf", true, &KDF_SCHEMA), ]), ) ); let key_create_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_KEY_CREATE) .arg_param(&["path"]) .completion_cb("path", tools::complete_file_name); #[sortable] const API_METHOD_KEY_CHANGE_PASSPHRASE: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::Sync(&key_change_passphrase), &ObjectSchema::new( "Change the passphrase required to decrypt the key.", &sorted!([ ("path", false, &StringSchema::new("File system path.").schema()), ("kdf", true, &KDF_SCHEMA), ]), ) ); let key_change_passphrase_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_KEY_CHANGE_PASSPHRASE) .arg_param(&["path"]) .completion_cb("path", tools::complete_file_name); const API_METHOD_KEY_CREATE_MASTER_KEY: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::Sync(&key_create_master_key), &ObjectSchema::new("Create a new 4096 bit RSA master pub/priv key pair.", &[]) ); let key_create_master_key_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_KEY_CREATE_MASTER_KEY); #[sortable] const API_METHOD_KEY_IMPORT_MASTER_PUBKEY: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::Sync(&key_import_master_pubkey), &ObjectSchema::new( "Import a new RSA public key and use it as master key. The key is expected to be in '.pem' format.", &sorted!([ ("path", false, &StringSchema::new("File system path.").schema()) ]), ) ); let key_import_master_pubkey_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_KEY_IMPORT_MASTER_PUBKEY) .arg_param(&["path"]) .completion_cb("path", tools::complete_file_name); CliCommandMap::new() .insert("create", key_create_cmd_def) .insert("create-master-key", key_create_master_key_cmd_def) .insert("import-master-pubkey", key_import_master_pubkey_cmd_def) .insert("change-passphrase", key_change_passphrase_cmd_def) } fn mount( param: Value, _info: &ApiMethod, _rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, ) -> Result { let verbose = param["verbose"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false); if verbose { // This will stay in foreground with debug output enabled as None is // passed for the RawFd. return proxmox_backup::tools::runtime::main(mount_do(param, None)); } // Process should be deamonized. // Make sure to fork before the async runtime is instantiated to avoid troubles. let pipe = pipe()?; match fork() { Ok(ForkResult::Parent { .. }) => { nix::unistd::close(pipe.1).unwrap(); // Blocks the parent process until we are ready to go in the child let _res = nix::unistd::read(pipe.0, &mut [0]).unwrap(); Ok(Value::Null) } Ok(ForkResult::Child) => { nix::unistd::close(pipe.0).unwrap(); nix::unistd::setsid().unwrap(); proxmox_backup::tools::runtime::main(mount_do(param, Some(pipe.1))) } Err(_) => bail!("failed to daemonize process"), } } use proxmox_backup::client::RemoteChunkReader; /// This is a workaround until we have cleaned up the chunk/reader/... infrastructure for better /// async use! /// /// Ideally BufferedDynamicReader gets replaced so the LruCache maps to `BroadcastFuture`, /// so that we can properly access it from multiple threads simultaneously while not issuing /// duplicate simultaneous reads over http. struct BufferedDynamicReadAt { inner: Mutex>, } impl BufferedDynamicReadAt { fn new(inner: BufferedDynamicReader) -> Self { Self { inner: Mutex::new(inner), } } } impl pxar::accessor::ReadAt for BufferedDynamicReadAt { fn poll_read_at( self: Pin<&Self>, _cx: &mut Context, buf: &mut [u8], offset: u64, ) -> Poll> { use std::io::Read; tokio::task::block_in_place(move || { let mut reader = self.inner.lock().unwrap();; Poll::Ready(Ok( }) } } async fn mount_do(param: Value, pipe: Option) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let archive_name = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "archive-name")?; let target = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "target")?; let client = connect(, repo.user())?; record_repository(&repo); let path = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let (backup_type, backup_id, backup_time) = if path.matches('/').count() == 1 { let group = BackupGroup::parse(path)?; api_datastore_latest_snapshot(&client,, group).await? } else { let snapshot = BackupDir::parse(path)?; (,, snapshot.backup_time()) }; let keyfile = param["keyfile"].as_str().map(PathBuf::from); let crypt_config = match keyfile { None => None, Some(path) => { let (key, _) = load_and_decrypt_key(&path, &get_encryption_key_password)?; Some(Arc::new(CryptConfig::new(key)?)) } }; let server_archive_name = if archive_name.ends_with(".pxar") { format!("{}.didx", archive_name) } else { bail!("Can only mount pxar archives."); }; let client = BackupReader::start( client, crypt_config.clone(),, &backup_type, &backup_id, backup_time, true, ).await?; let manifest = client.download_manifest().await?; if server_archive_name.ends_with(".didx") { let index = client.download_dynamic_index(&manifest, &server_archive_name).await?; let most_used = index.find_most_used_chunks(8); let chunk_reader = RemoteChunkReader::new(client.clone(), crypt_config, most_used); let reader = BufferedDynamicReader::new(index, chunk_reader); let archive_size = reader.archive_size(); let reader: proxmox_backup::pxar::fuse::Reader = Arc::new(BufferedDynamicReadAt::new(reader)); let decoder = proxmox_backup::pxar::fuse::Accessor::new(reader, archive_size).await?; let options = OsStr::new("ro,default_permissions"); let session = proxmox_backup::pxar::fuse::Session::mount( decoder, &options, false, Path::new(target), ) .map_err(|err| format_err!("pxar mount failed: {}", err))?; if let Some(pipe) = pipe { nix::unistd::chdir(Path::new("/")).unwrap(); // Finish creation of daemon by redirecting filedescriptors. let nullfd = nix::fcntl::open( "/dev/null", nix::fcntl::OFlag::O_RDWR, nix::sys::stat::Mode::empty(), ).unwrap(); nix::unistd::dup2(nullfd, 0).unwrap(); nix::unistd::dup2(nullfd, 1).unwrap(); nix::unistd::dup2(nullfd, 2).unwrap(); if nullfd > 2 { nix::unistd::close(nullfd).unwrap(); } // Signal the parent process that we are done with the setup and it can // terminate. nix::unistd::write(pipe, &[0u8])?; nix::unistd::close(pipe).unwrap(); } let mut interrupt = signal(SignalKind::interrupt())?; select! { res = session.fuse() => res?, _ = interrupt.recv().fuse() => { // exit on interrupted } } } else { bail!("unknown archive file extension (expected .pxar)"); } Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { "snapshot": { type: String, description: "Group/Snapshot path.", }, "archive-name": { type: String, description: "Backup archive name.", }, "repository": { optional: true, schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, }, "keyfile": { optional: true, type: String, description: "Path to encryption key.", }, }, }, )] /// Shell to interactively inspect and restore snapshots. async fn catalog_shell(param: Value) -> Result<(), Error> { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let client = connect(, repo.user())?; let path = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "snapshot")?; let archive_name = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "archive-name")?; let (backup_type, backup_id, backup_time) = if path.matches('/').count() == 1 { let group = BackupGroup::parse(path)?; api_datastore_latest_snapshot(&client,, group).await? } else { let snapshot = BackupDir::parse(path)?; (,, snapshot.backup_time()) }; let keyfile = param["keyfile"].as_str().map(|p| PathBuf::from(p)); let crypt_config = match keyfile { None => None, Some(path) => { let (key, _) = load_and_decrypt_key(&path, &get_encryption_key_password)?; Some(Arc::new(CryptConfig::new(key)?)) } }; let server_archive_name = if archive_name.ends_with(".pxar") { format!("{}.didx", archive_name) } else { bail!("Can only mount pxar archives."); }; let client = BackupReader::start( client, crypt_config.clone(),, &backup_type, &backup_id, backup_time, true, ).await?; let tmpfile = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .read(true) .custom_flags(libc::O_TMPFILE) .open("/tmp")?; let manifest = client.download_manifest().await?; let index = client.download_dynamic_index(&manifest, &server_archive_name).await?; let most_used = index.find_most_used_chunks(8); let chunk_reader = RemoteChunkReader::new(client.clone(), crypt_config.clone(), most_used); let reader = BufferedDynamicReader::new(index, chunk_reader); let archive_size = reader.archive_size(); let reader: proxmox_backup::pxar::fuse::Reader = Arc::new(BufferedDynamicReadAt::new(reader)); let decoder = proxmox_backup::pxar::fuse::Accessor::new(reader, archive_size).await?; let tmpfile =, tmpfile).await?; let index = DynamicIndexReader::new(tmpfile) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to read catalog index - {}", err))?; // Note: do not use values stored in index (not trusted) - instead, computed them again let (csum, size) = index.compute_csum(); manifest.verify_file(CATALOG_NAME, &csum, size)?; let most_used = index.find_most_used_chunks(8); let chunk_reader = RemoteChunkReader::new(client.clone(), crypt_config, most_used); let mut reader = BufferedDynamicReader::new(index, chunk_reader); let mut catalogfile = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .read(true) .custom_flags(libc::O_TMPFILE) .open("/tmp")?; std::io::copy(&mut reader, &mut catalogfile) .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to download catalog - {}", err))?;; let catalog_reader = CatalogReader::new(catalogfile); let state = Shell::new( catalog_reader, &server_archive_name, decoder, ).await?; println!("Starting interactive shell");; record_repository(&repo); Ok(()) } fn catalog_mgmt_cli() -> CliCommandMap { let catalog_shell_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_CATALOG_SHELL) .arg_param(&["snapshot", "archive-name"]) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository) .completion_cb("archive-name", complete_pxar_archive_name) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_group_or_snapshot); let catalog_dump_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_DUMP_CATALOG) .arg_param(&["snapshot"]) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_backup_snapshot); CliCommandMap::new() .insert("dump", catalog_dump_cmd_def) .insert("shell", catalog_shell_cmd_def) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, limit: { description: "The maximal number of tasks to list.", type: Integer, optional: true, minimum: 1, maximum: 1000, default: 50, }, "output-format": { schema: OUTPUT_FORMAT, optional: true, }, all: { type: Boolean, description: "Also list stopped tasks.", optional: true, }, } } )] /// List running server tasks for this repo user async fn task_list(param: Value) -> Result { let output_format = get_output_format(¶m); let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let client = connect(, repo.user())?; let limit = param["limit"].as_u64().unwrap_or(50) as usize; let running = !param["all"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false); let args = json!({ "running": running, "start": 0, "limit": limit, "userfilter": repo.user(), "store":, }); let mut result = client.get("api2/json/nodes/localhost/tasks", Some(args)).await?; let mut data = result["data"].take(); let schema = &proxmox_backup::api2::node::tasks::API_RETURN_SCHEMA_LIST_TASKS; let options = default_table_format_options() .column(ColumnConfig::new("starttime").right_align(false).renderer(tools::format::render_epoch)) .column(ColumnConfig::new("endtime").right_align(false).renderer(tools::format::render_epoch)) .column(ColumnConfig::new("upid")) .column(ColumnConfig::new("status").renderer(tools::format::render_task_status)); format_and_print_result_full(&mut data, schema, &output_format, &options); Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, upid: { schema: UPID_SCHEMA, }, } } )] /// Display the task log. async fn task_log(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let upid = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "upid")?; let client = connect(, repo.user())?; display_task_log(client, upid, true).await?; Ok(Value::Null) } #[api( input: { properties: { repository: { schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA, optional: true, }, upid: { schema: UPID_SCHEMA, }, } } )] /// Try to stop a specific task. async fn task_stop(param: Value) -> Result { let repo = extract_repository_from_value(¶m)?; let upid_str = tools::required_string_param(¶m, "upid")?; let mut client = connect(, repo.user())?; let path = format!("api2/json/nodes/localhost/tasks/{}", upid_str); let _ = client.delete(&path, None).await?; Ok(Value::Null) } fn task_mgmt_cli() -> CliCommandMap { let task_list_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_TASK_LIST) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository); let task_log_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_TASK_LOG) .arg_param(&["upid"]); let task_stop_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_TASK_STOP) .arg_param(&["upid"]); CliCommandMap::new() .insert("log", task_log_cmd_def) .insert("list", task_list_cmd_def) .insert("stop", task_stop_cmd_def) } fn main() { let backup_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_CREATE_BACKUP) .arg_param(&["backupspec"]) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository) .completion_cb("backupspec", complete_backup_source) .completion_cb("keyfile", tools::complete_file_name) .completion_cb("chunk-size", complete_chunk_size); let upload_log_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_UPLOAD_LOG) .arg_param(&["snapshot", "logfile"]) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_backup_snapshot) .completion_cb("logfile", tools::complete_file_name) .completion_cb("keyfile", tools::complete_file_name) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository); let list_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_LIST_BACKUP_GROUPS) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository); let snapshots_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_LIST_SNAPSHOTS) .arg_param(&["group"]) .completion_cb("group", complete_backup_group) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository); let forget_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_FORGET_SNAPSHOTS) .arg_param(&["snapshot"]) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_backup_snapshot); let garbage_collect_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_START_GARBAGE_COLLECTION) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository); let restore_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_RESTORE) .arg_param(&["snapshot", "archive-name", "target"]) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_group_or_snapshot) .completion_cb("archive-name", complete_archive_name) .completion_cb("target", tools::complete_file_name); let files_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_LIST_SNAPSHOT_FILES) .arg_param(&["snapshot"]) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_backup_snapshot); let prune_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_PRUNE) .arg_param(&["group"]) .completion_cb("group", complete_backup_group) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository); let status_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_STATUS) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository); let login_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_API_LOGIN) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository); let logout_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_API_LOGOUT) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository); #[sortable] const API_METHOD_MOUNT: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new( &ApiHandler::Sync(&mount), &ObjectSchema::new( "Mount pxar archive.", &sorted!([ ("snapshot", false, &StringSchema::new("Group/Snapshot path.").schema()), ("archive-name", false, &StringSchema::new("Backup archive name.").schema()), ("target", false, &StringSchema::new("Target directory path.").schema()), ("repository", true, &REPO_URL_SCHEMA), ("keyfile", true, &StringSchema::new("Path to encryption key.").schema()), ("verbose", true, &BooleanSchema::new("Verbose output.").default(false).schema()), ]), ) ); let mount_cmd_def = CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_MOUNT) .arg_param(&["snapshot", "archive-name", "target"]) .completion_cb("repository", complete_repository) .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_group_or_snapshot) .completion_cb("archive-name", complete_pxar_archive_name) .completion_cb("target", tools::complete_file_name); let cmd_def = CliCommandMap::new() .insert("backup", backup_cmd_def) .insert("upload-log", upload_log_cmd_def) .insert("forget", forget_cmd_def) .insert("garbage-collect", garbage_collect_cmd_def) .insert("list", list_cmd_def) .insert("login", login_cmd_def) .insert("logout", logout_cmd_def) .insert("prune", prune_cmd_def) .insert("restore", restore_cmd_def) .insert("snapshots", snapshots_cmd_def) .insert("files", files_cmd_def) .insert("status", status_cmd_def) .insert("key", key_mgmt_cli()) .insert("mount", mount_cmd_def) .insert("catalog", catalog_mgmt_cli()) .insert("task", task_mgmt_cli()); let rpcenv = CliEnvironment::new(); run_cli_command(cmd_def, rpcenv, Some(|future| { proxmox_backup::tools::runtime::main(future) })); }