.. _sysadmin_traffic_control:

Traffic Control

Proxmox Backup Server allows to limit network traffic for clients
within specified source networks. The following command adds a traffic
control rule to limit all clients (network ````) to 100 MB/s:

.. code-block:: console

 # proxmox-backup-manager traffic-control create rule0  --network \
   --rate-in 100000000 --rate-out 100000000 \
   --comment "Default rate limit (100MB/s) for all clients"

It is possible to restrict rules to certain time frames, for example
the company office hours:

.. code-block:: console

 # proxmox-backup-manager traffic-control update rule0  \
   --timeframe "mon..fri 8-12" \
   --timeframe "mon..fri 14:30-18"

If there are more rules, the server uses the rule with the smaller
network. For example, we can overwrite the setting for our private
network (and the server itself) with:

.. code-block:: console

 # proxmox-backup-manager traffic-control create rule1 \
   --network \
   --network \
   --rate-in 20000000000 --rate-out 20000000000 \
   --comment "Use 20GB/s for the local network"

.. note:: The behavior is undefined if there are several rules for the same network.

To list the current rules use:

.. code-block:: console

 # proxmox-backup-manager traffic-control list
 │ name  │     rate-in │    rate-out │ network                 │ timeframe  ... │
 │ rule0 │   100000000 │   100000000 │ [""]           │ ["mon..fri ... │
 │ rule1 │ 20000000000 │ 20000000000 │ ["", ...] │            ... │

Rules can also be removed:

.. code-block:: console

 # proxmox-backup-manager traffic-control remove rule1

To show the state (current data rate) of all configured rules use:

.. code-block:: console

  # proxmox-backup-manager traffic-control traffic
  │ name  │ rate-in │ rate-out │
  │ rule0 │       0 │        0 │
  │ rule1 │   10344 │      237 │