.. _pve-integration:

`Proxmox VE`_ Integration

You need to define a new storage with type 'pbs' on your `Proxmox VE`_
node. The following example uses ``store2`` as storage name, and
assumes the server address is ``localhost``, and you want to connect
as ``user1@pbs``.

.. code-block:: console

  # pvesm add pbs store2 --server localhost --datastore store2
  # pvesm set store2 --username user1@pbs --password <secret>

.. note:: If you would rather not pass your password as plain text, you can pass
  the ``--password`` parameter, without any arguments. This will cause the
  program to prompt you for a password upon entering the command.

If your backup server uses a self signed certificate, you need to add
the certificate fingerprint to the configuration. You can get the
fingerprint by running the following command on the backup server:

.. code-block:: console

  # proxmox-backup-manager cert info | grep Fingerprint
  Fingerprint (sha256): 64:d3:ff:3a:50:38:53:5a:9b:f7:50:...:ab:fe

Please add that fingerprint to your configuration to establish a trust

.. code-block:: console

  # pvesm set store2 --fingerprint  64:d3:ff:3a:50:38:53:5a:9b:f7:50:...:ab:fe

After that you should be able to see storage status with:

.. code-block:: console

  # pvesm status --storage store2
  Name             Type     Status           Total            Used       Available        %
  store2            pbs     active      3905109820      1336687816      2568422004   34.23%

Having added the PBS datastore to `Proxmox VE`_, you can backup VMs and
containers in the same way you would for any other storage device within the
environment (see `PVE Admin Guide: Backup and Restore