Ext.define('PBS.window.NamespaceEdit', { extend: 'Proxmox.window.Edit', xtype: 'pbsNamespaceEdit', // for now rather "NamespaceAdd" mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'], //onlineHelp: 'namespaces', // TODO isCreate: true, subject: gettext('Namespace'), // avoid that the trigger of the combogrid fields open on window show defaultFocus: 'proxmoxHelpButton', cbind: { url: '/api2/extjs/admin/datastore/{datastore}/namespace', }, method: 'POST', width: 450, fieldDefaults: { labelWidth: 120, }, items: { xtype: 'inputpanel', onGetValues: function(values) { if (values.parent === '') { delete values.parent; } return values; }, items: [ { xtype: 'pbsNamespaceSelector', name: 'parent', fieldLabel: gettext('Parent Namespace'), cbind: { datastore: '{datastore}', }, }, { xtype: 'proxmoxtextfield', name: 'name', fieldLabel: gettext('Namespace Name'), value: '', allowBlank: false, maxLength: 31, regex: PBS.Utils.SAFE_ID_RE, regexText: gettext("Only alpha numerical, '_' and '-' (if not at start) allowed"), }, ], }, });