gui: tfa support

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Bumiller <>
This commit is contained in:
Wolfgang Bumiller 2020-11-02 14:36:10 +01:00
parent 7f066a9b21
commit fbeac4ea28
10 changed files with 1477 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Ext.define('PBS.LoginView', {
controller: {
xclass: '',
submitForm: function() {
submitForm: async function() {
var me = this;
var loginForm = me.lookupReference('loginForm');
var unField = me.lookupReference('usernameField');
@ -33,24 +33,51 @@ Ext.define('PBS.LoginView', {
sp.set(saveunField.getStateId(), saveunField.getValue());
try {
let resp = await PBS.Async.api2({
url: '/api2/extjs/access/ticket',
params: params,
method: 'POST',
success: function(resp, opts) {
// save login data and create cookie
let data =;
if (data.ticket.startsWith("PBS:!tfa!")) {
data = await me.performTFAChallenge(data);
failure: function(resp, opts) {
} catch (error) {
console.error(error); // for debugging
gettext('Login failed. Please try again'),
performTFAChallenge: async function(data) {
let me = this;
let userid = data.username;
let ticket = data.ticket;
let challenge = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(
let resp = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Ext.create('PBS.login.TfaWindow', {
onResolve: value => resolve(value),
onReject: reject,
control: {
@ -209,3 +236,263 @@ Ext.define('PBS.LoginView', {
Ext.define('PBS.login.TfaWindow', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
modal: true,
resizable: false,
title: gettext("Second login factor required"),
cancelled: true,
width: 512,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch',
defaultButton: 'totpButton',
viewModel: {
data: {
userid: undefined,
ticket: undefined,
challenge: undefined,
controller: {
xclass: '',
init: function(view) {
let me = this;
if (!view.userid) {
throw "no userid given";
if (!view.ticket) {
throw "no ticket given";
if (!view.challenge) {
throw "no challenge given";
if (!view.challenge.webauthn) {
if (!view.challenge.totp) {
if (!view.challenge.recovery) {
} else if (view.challenge.recovery === "low") {
.setIconCls('fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle');
if (!view.challenge.totp && !view.challenge.recovery) {
// only webauthn tokens available, maybe skip ahead?
let _promise = me.loginWebauthn();
onClose: function() {
let me = this;
let view = me.getView();
if (!view.cancelled) {
cancel: function() {
loginTotp: function() {
let me = this;
let _promise = me.finishChallenge('totp:' + me.lookup('totp').value);
loginWebauthn: async function() {
let me = this;
let view = me.getView();
// avoid this window ending up above the tfa popup if we got triggered from init().
await PBS.Async.sleep(100);
// FIXME: With webauthn the browser provides a popup (since it doesn't necessarily need
// to require pressing a button, but eg. use a fingerprint scanner or face detection
// etc., so should we just trust that that happens and skip the popup?)
let msg ={
title: `Webauthn: ${gettext('Login')}`,
message: gettext('Please press the button on your Authenticator Device'),
buttons: [],
let challenge = view.challenge.webauthn;
// Byte array fixup, keep challenge string:
let challenge_str = challenge.publicKey.challenge;
challenge.publicKey.challenge = PBS.Utils.base64url_to_bytes(challenge_str);
for (const cred of challenge.publicKey.allowCredentials) { = PBS.Utils.base64url_to_bytes(;
let hwrsp;
try {
hwrsp = await navigator.credentials.get(challenge);
} catch (error) {
} finally {
let response = {
type: hwrsp.type,
challenge: challenge_str,
rawId: PBS.Utils.bytes_to_base64url(hwrsp.rawId),
response: {
authenticatorData: PBS.Utils.bytes_to_base64url(
clientDataJSON: PBS.Utils.bytes_to_base64url(hwrsp.response.clientDataJSON),
signature: PBS.Utils.bytes_to_base64url(hwrsp.response.signature),
await me.finishChallenge("webauthn:" + JSON.stringify(response));
loginRecovery: function() {
let me = this;
let view = me.getView();
if (me.login_recovery_confirm) {
let _promise = me.finishChallenge('recovery:' + me.lookup('totp').value);
} else {
me.login_recovery_confirm = true;
if (view.challenge.recovery === "low") {
finishChallenge: function(password) {
let me = this;
let view = me.getView();
view.cancelled = false;
let params = {
username: view.userid,
'tfa-challenge': view.ticket,
let resolve = view.onResolve;
let reject = view.onReject;
return PBS.Async.api2({
url: '/api2/extjs/access/ticket',
method: 'POST',
listeners: {
close: 'onClose',
items: [
xtype: 'form',
layout: 'anchor',
border: false,
fieldDefaults: {
anchor: '100%',
padding: '0 5',
items: [
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: gettext('Please enter your OTP verification code:'),
labelWidth: '300px',
name: 'totp',
reference: 'totp',
allowBlank: false,
xtype: 'box',
html: gettext('Waiting for second factor.'),
reference: 'waiting',
padding: '0 5',
hidden: true,
xtype: 'box',
padding: '0 5',
reference: 'recoveryInfo',
hidden: true,
html: gettext('Please note that each recovery code can only be used once!'),
style: {
textAlign: "center",
xtype: 'box',
padding: '0 5',
reference: 'recoveryLow',
hidden: true,
html: '<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle warning"></i>'
+ gettext('Only few recovery keys available. Please generate a new set!')
+ '<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle warning"></i>',
style: {
textAlign: "center",
buttons: [
text: gettext('Login with TOTP'),
handler: 'loginTotp',
reference: 'totpButton',
text: gettext('Login with a recovery key'),
handler: 'loginRecovery',
reference: 'recoveryButton',
text: gettext('Use a Webauthn token'),
handler: 'loginWebauthn',
reference: 'webauthnButton',

View File

@ -24,12 +24,16 @@ JSSRC= \
data/RunningTasksStore.js \
button/TaskButton.js \
config/UserView.js \
config/TfaView.js \
config/TokenView.js \
config/RemoteView.js \
config/ACLView.js \
config/SyncView.js \
config/VerifyView.js \
window/ACLEdit.js \
window/AddTfaRecovery.js \
window/AddTotp.js \
window/AddWebauthn.js \
window/BackupFileDownloader.js \
window/BackupGroupChangeOwner.js \
window/CreateDirectory.js \
@ -42,6 +46,7 @@ JSSRC= \
window/UserEdit.js \
window/UserPassword.js \
window/TokenEdit.js \
window/TfaEdit.js \
window/VerifyJobEdit.js \
window/ZFSCreate.js \
dashboard/DataStoreStatistics.js \

View File

@ -297,4 +297,63 @@ Ext.define('PBS.Utils', {
zfscreate: [gettext('ZFS Storage'), gettext('Create')],
// Convert an ArrayBuffer to a base64url encoded string.
// A `null` value will be preserved for convenience.
bytes_to_base64url: function(bytes) {
if (bytes === null) {
return null;
return btoa(Array
.from(new Uint8Array(bytes))
.map(val => String.fromCharCode(val))
.replace(/\+/g, '-')
.replace(/\//g, '_')
.replace(/[=]/g, '');
// Convert an a base64url string to an ArrayBuffer.
// A `null` value will be preserved for convenience.
base64url_to_bytes: function(b64u) {
if (b64u === null) {
return null;
return new Uint8Array(
.replace(/-/g, '+')
.replace(/_/g, '/'),
.map(val => val.charCodeAt(0)),
Ext.define('PBS.Async', {
singleton: true,
// Returns a Promise resolving to the result of an `API2Request`.
api2: function(reqOpts) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
delete reqOpts.callback; // not allowed in this api
reqOpts.success = response => resolve(response);
reqOpts.failure = response => {
if (response.result && response.result.message) {
} else {
reject("api call failed");
// Delay for a number of milliseconds.
sleep: function(millis) {
return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => setTimeout(resolve, millis));

www/config/TfaView.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
Ext.define('pbs-tfa-users', {
extend: '',
fields: ['userid'],
idProperty: 'userid',
proxy: {
type: 'proxmox',
url: '/api2/json/access/tfa',
Ext.define('pbs-tfa-entry', {
extend: '',
fields: ['fullid', 'type', 'description', 'enable'],
idProperty: 'fullid',
Ext.define('PBS.config.TfaView', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.GridPanel',
alias: 'widget.pbsTfaView',
title: gettext('Second Factors'),
reference: 'tfaview',
store: {
type: 'diff',
autoDestroy: true,
autoDestroyRstore: true,
model: 'pbs-tfa-entry',
rstore: {
type: 'store',
proxy: 'memory',
storeid: 'pbs-tfa-entry',
model: 'pbs-tfa-entry',
controller: {
xclass: '',
init: function(view) {
let me = this;
view.tfaStore = Ext.create('', {
autoStart: true,
interval: 5 * 1000,
storeid: 'pbs-tfa-users',
model: 'pbs-tfa-users',
view.tfaStore.on('load', this.onLoad, this);
view.on('destroy', view.tfaStore.stopUpdate);
Proxmox.Utils.monStoreErrors(view, view.tfaStore);
reload: function() { this.getView().tfaStore.load(); },
onLoad: function(store, data, success) {
if (!success) return;
let records = [];
Ext.Array.each(data, user => {
Ext.Array.each(, entry => {
fullid: `${}/${}`,
type: entry.type,
description: entry.description,
enable: entry.enable,
let rstore = this.getView().store.rstore;
rstore.fireEvent('load', rstore, records, true);
addTotp: function() {
let me = this;
Ext.create('PBS.window.AddTotp', {
isCreate: true,
listeners: {
destroy: function() {
addWebauthn: function() {
let me = this;
Ext.create('PBS.window.AddWebauthn', {
isCreate: true,
listeners: {
destroy: function() {
addRecovery: async function() {
let me = this;
Ext.create('PBS.window.AddTfaRecovery', {
listeners: {
destroy: function() {
editItem: function() {
let me = this;
let view = me.getView();
let selection = view.getSelection();
if (selection.length !== 1 || selection[0].id.endsWith("/recovery")) {
Ext.create('PBS.window.TfaEdit', {
'tfa-id': selection[0].data.fullid,
listeners: {
destroy: function() {
renderUser: fullid => fullid.split('/')[0],
renderEnabled: enabled => {
if (enabled === undefined) {
return Proxmox.Utils.yesText;
} else {
return Proxmox.Utils.format_boolean(enabled);
onRemoveButton: function(btn, event, record) {
let me = this;
Ext.create('PBS.tfa.confirmRemove', {
message: Ext.String.format(
gettext('Are you sure you want to remove entry {0}'),,
callback: password => me.removeItem(password, record),
removeItem: async function(password, record) {
let me = this;
let params = {};
if (password !== null) {
params.password = password;
try {
await PBS.Async.api2({
url: `/api2/extjs/access/tfa/${}`,
method: 'DELETE',
} catch (error) {
Ext.Msg.alert(gettext('Error'), error);
viewConfig: {
trackOver: false,
listeners: {
itemdblclick: 'editItem',
columns: [
header: gettext('User'),
width: 200,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'fullid',
renderer: 'renderUser',
header: gettext('Enabled'),
width: 80,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'enable',
renderer: 'renderEnabled',
header: gettext('TFA Type'),
width: 80,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'type',
header: gettext('Description'),
width: 300,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'description',
tbar: [
text: gettext('Add'),
menu: {
xtype: 'menu',
items: [
text: gettext('TOTP'),
itemId: 'totp',
iconCls: 'fa fa-fw fa-clock-o',
handler: 'addTotp',
text: gettext('Webauthn'),
itemId: 'webauthn',
iconCls: 'fa fa-fw fa-shield',
handler: 'addWebauthn',
text: gettext('Recovery Keys'),
itemId: 'recovery',
iconCls: 'fa fa-fw fa-file-text-o',
handler: 'addRecovery',
xtype: 'proxmoxButton',
text: gettext('Edit'),
handler: 'editItem',
enableFn: rec => !"/recovery"),
disabled: true,
xtype: 'proxmoxButton',
text: gettext('Remove'),
getRecordName: rec =>,
handler: 'onRemoveButton',
Ext.define('PBS.tfa.confirmRemove', {
extend: 'Proxmox.window.Edit',
modal: true,
resizable: false,
title: gettext("Confirm Password"),
width: 512,
isCreate: true, // logic
isRemove: true,
url: '/access/tfa',
initComponent: function() {
let me = this;
if (!me.message) {
throw "missing message";
if (!me.callback) {
throw "missing callback";
if (Proxmox.UserName === 'root@pam') {
submit: function() {
let me = this;
if (Proxmox.UserName === 'root@pam') {
} else {
items: [
xtype: 'box',
padding: '5 5',
reference: 'message',
html: gettext(''),
style: {
textAlign: "center",
xtype: 'textfield',
inputType: 'password',
fieldLabel: gettext('Password'),
minLength: 5,
reference: 'password',
name: 'password',
allowBlank: false,
validateBlank: true,
padding: '0 0 5 5',
emptyText: gettext('verify current password'),

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
Ext.History.fieldid = 'x-history-field';
<script type="text/javascript" src="/qrcodejs/qrcode.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/proxmox-backup-gui.js"></script>

View File

@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ Ext.define('PBS.AccessControlPanel', {
itemId: 'users',
iconCls: 'fa fa-user',
xtype: 'pbsTfaView',
title: gettext('Two Factor Authentication'),
itemId: 'tfa',
iconCls: 'fa fa-key',
xtype: 'pbsTokenView',
title: gettext('API Token'),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
Ext.define('PBS.window.AddTfaRecovery', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
alias: 'widget.pbsAddTfaRecovery',
mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
onlineHelp: 'user_mgmt',
modal: true,
resizable: false,
title: gettext('Add TFA recovery keys'),
width: 512,
fixedUser: false,
baseurl: '/api2/extjs/access/tfa',
initComponent: function() {
let me = this;
Ext.GlobalEvents.fireEvent('proxmoxShowHelp', me.onlineHelp);
viewModel: {
data: {
has_entry: false,
controller: {
xclass: '',
control: {
'#': {
show: function() {
let me = this;
let view = me.getView();
if (Proxmox.UserName === 'root@pam') {
hasEntry: async function(userid) {
let me = this;
let view = me.getView();
try {
await PBS.Async.api2({
url: `${view.baseurl}/${userid}/recovery`,
method: 'GET',
return true;
} catch (_ex) {
return false;
init: function() {
this.onUseridChange(null, Proxmox.UserName);
onUseridChange: async function(_field, userid) {
let me = this;
me.userid = userid;
let has_entry = await me.hasEntry(userid);
me.getViewModel().set('has_entry', has_entry);
onAdd: async function() {
let me = this;
let view = me.getView();
let baseurl = view.baseurl;
let userid = me.userid;
if (userid === undefined) {
throw "no userid set";
try {
let response = await PBS.Async.api2({
url: `${baseurl}/${userid}`,
method: 'POST',
params: { type: 'recovery' },
let values ="\n");
Ext.create('PBS.window.TfaRecoveryShow', {
autoShow: true,
} catch (ex) {
Ext.Msg.alert(gettext('Error'), ex);
items: [
xtype: 'pmxDisplayEditField',
name: 'userid',
cbind: {
editable: (get) => !get('fixedUser'),
fieldLabel: gettext('User'),
editConfig: {
xtype: 'pbsUserSelector',
allowBlank: false,
renderer: Ext.String.htmlEncode,
value: Proxmox.UserName,
listeners: {
change: 'onUseridChange',
xtype: 'displayfield',
bind: {
hidden: '{!has_entry}',
value: gettext('User already has recovery keys.'),
xtype: 'textfield',
inputType: 'password',
fieldLabel: gettext('Password'),
minLength: 5,
reference: 'password',
name: 'password',
allowBlank: false,
validateBlank: true,
padding: '0 0 5 5',
emptyText: gettext('verify current password'),
buttons: [
xtype: 'proxmoxHelpButton',
xtype: 'button',
text: gettext('Add'),
handler: 'onAdd',
bind: {
disabled: '{has_entry}',
Ext.define('PBS.window.TfaRecoveryShow', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
alias: ['widget.pbsTfaRecoveryShow'],
mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
width: 600,
modal: true,
resizable: false,
title: gettext('Recovery Keys'),
items: [
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'form',
bodyPadding: 10,
border: false,
fieldDefaults: {
labelWidth: 100,
anchor: '100%',
padding: '0 10 10 10',
items: [
xtype: 'textarea',
editable: false,
inputId: 'token-secret-value',
cbind: {
value: '{values}',
fieldStyle: {
'fontFamily': 'monospace',
height: '160px',
xtype: 'component',
border: false,
padding: '10 10 10 10',
userCls: 'pmx-hint',
html: gettext('Please record recovery keys - they will only be displayed now'),
buttons: [
handler: function(b) {
text: gettext('Copy Secret Value'),

www/window/AddTotp.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
/*global QRCode*/
Ext.define('PBS.window.AddTotp', {
extend: 'Proxmox.window.Edit',
alias: 'widget.pbsAddTotp',
mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
onlineHelp: 'user_mgmt',
modal: true,
resizable: false,
title: gettext('Add a TOTP login factor'),
width: 512,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch',
isAdd: true,
userid: undefined,
tfa_id: undefined,
fixedUser: false,
updateQrCode: function() {
let me = this;
let values = me.lookup('totp_form').getValues();
let algorithm = values.algorithm;
if (!algorithm) {
algorithm = 'SHA1';
let otpuri =
'otpauth://totp/' + encodeURIComponent(values.userid) +
'?secret=' + values.secret +
'&period=' + values.step +
'&digits=' + values.digits +
'&algorithm=' + algorithm +
'&issuer=' + encodeURIComponent(values.issuer);
me.getController().getViewModel().set('otpuri', otpuri);
viewModel: {
data: {
valid: false,
secret: '',
otpuri: '',
formulas: {
secretEmpty: function(get) {
return get('secret').length === 0;
controller: {
xclass: '',
control: {
'field[qrupdate=true]': {
change: function() {
'field': {
validitychange: function(field, valid) {
let me = this;
let viewModel = me.getViewModel();
let form = me.lookup('totp_form');
let challenge = me.lookup('challenge');
let password = me.lookup('password');
viewModel.set('valid', form.isValid() && challenge.isValid() && password.isValid());
'#': {
show: function() {
let me = this;
let view = me.getView();
view.qrdiv = document.createElement('div');
view.qrcode = new QRCode(view.qrdiv, {
width: 256,
height: 256,
correctLevel: QRCode.CorrectLevel.M,
if (Proxmox.UserName === 'root@pam') {
randomizeSecret: function() {
let me = this;
let rnd = new Uint8Array(32);
let data = '';
rnd.forEach(function(b) {
// secret must be base32, so just use the first 5 bits
b = b & 0x1f;
if (b < 26) {
// A..Z
data += String.fromCharCode(b + 0x41);
} else {
// 2..7
data += String.fromCharCode(b-26 + 0x32);
me.getViewModel().set('secret', data);
items: [
xtype: 'form',
layout: 'anchor',
border: false,
reference: 'totp_form',
fieldDefaults: {
anchor: '100%',
padding: '0 5',
items: [
xtype: 'pmxDisplayEditField',
name: 'userid',
cbind: {
editable: (get) => get('isAdd') && !get('fixedUser'),
fieldLabel: gettext('User'),
editConfig: {
xtype: 'pbsUserSelector',
allowBlank: false,
renderer: Ext.String.htmlEncode,
value: Proxmox.UserName,
qrupdate: true,
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: gettext('Description'),
allowBlank: false,
name: 'description',
maxLength: 256,
layout: 'hbox',
border: false,
padding: '0 0 5 0',
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: gettext('Secret'),
emptyText: gettext('Unchanged'),
name: 'secret',
reference: 'tfa_secret',
regex: /^[A-Z2-7=]+$/,
regexText: 'Must be base32 [A-Z2-7=]',
maskRe: /[A-Z2-7=]/,
qrupdate: true,
bind: {
value: "{secret}",
flex: 4,
xtype: 'button',
text: gettext('Randomize'),
reference: 'randomize_button',
handler: 'randomizeSecret',
flex: 1,
xtype: 'numberfield',
fieldLabel: gettext('Time period'),
name: 'step',
// Google Authenticator ignores this and generates bogus data
hidden: true,
value: 30,
minValue: 10,
qrupdate: true,
xtype: 'numberfield',
fieldLabel: gettext('Digits'),
name: 'digits',
value: 6,
// Google Authenticator ignores this and generates bogus data
hidden: true,
minValue: 6,
maxValue: 8,
qrupdate: true,
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: gettext('Issuer Name'),
name: 'issuer',
value: `Proxmox Backup Server - ${Proxmox.NodeName}`,
qrupdate: true,
xtype: 'box',
itemId: 'qrbox',
visible: false, // will be enabled when generating a qr code
bind: {
visible: '{!secretEmpty}',
style: {
'background-color': 'white',
'margin-left': 'auto',
'margin-right': 'auto',
padding: '5px',
width: '266px',
height: '266px',
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: gettext('Verification Code'),
allowBlank: false,
reference: 'challenge',
name: 'challenge',
bind: {
disabled: '{!showTOTPVerifiction}',
visible: '{showTOTPVerifiction}',
padding: '0 5',
emptyText: gettext('Scan QR code and enter TOTP auth. code to verify'),
xtype: 'textfield',
inputType: 'password',
fieldLabel: gettext('Password'),
minLength: 5,
reference: 'password',
name: 'password',
allowBlank: false,
validateBlank: true,
padding: '0 0 5 5',
emptyText: gettext('verify current password'),
initComponent: function() {
let me = this;
me.url = '/api2/extjs/access/tfa/';
me.method = 'POST';
getValues: function(dirtyOnly) {
let me = this;
let viewmodel = me.getController().getViewModel();
let values = me.callParent(arguments);
let uid = encodeURIComponent(values.userid);
me.url = `/api2/extjs/access/tfa/${uid}`;
delete values.userid;
let data = {
description: values.description,
type: "totp",
totp: viewmodel.get('otpuri'),
value: values.challenge,
if (values.password) {
data.password = values.password;
return data;

www/window/AddWebauthn.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
Ext.define('PBS.window.AddWebauthn', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
alias: 'widget.pbsAddWebauthn',
mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
onlineHelp: 'user_mgmt',
modal: true,
resizable: false,
title: gettext('Add a Webauthn login token'),
width: 512,
user: undefined,
fixedUser: false,
initComponent: function() {
let me = this;
Ext.GlobalEvents.fireEvent('proxmoxShowHelp', me.onlineHelp);
viewModel: {
data: {
valid: false,
controller: {
xclass: '',
control: {
'field': {
validitychange: function(field, valid) {
let me = this;
let viewmodel = me.getViewModel();
let form = me.lookup('webauthn_form');
viewmodel.set('valid', form.isValid());
'#': {
show: function() {
let me = this;
let view = me.getView();
if (Proxmox.UserName === 'root@pam') {
registerWebauthn: async function() {
let me = this;
let values = me.lookup('webauthn_form').getValues();
values.type = "webauthn";
let userid = values.user;
delete values.user;
try {
let register_response = await PBS.Async.api2({
url: `/api2/extjs/access/tfa/${userid}`,
method: 'POST',
params: values,
let data =;
if (!data.challenge) {
throw "server did not respond with a challenge";
let challenge_obj = JSON.parse(data.challenge);
// Fix this up before passing it to the browser, but keep a copy of the original
// string to pass in the response:
let challenge_str = challenge_obj.publicKey.challenge;
challenge_obj.publicKey.challenge = PBS.Utils.base64url_to_bytes(challenge_str); =
let msg ={
title: `Webauthn: ${gettext('Setup')}`,
message: gettext('Please press the button on your Webauthn Device'),
buttons: [],
let token_response = await navigator.credentials.create(challenge_obj);
// We cannot pass ArrayBuffers to the API, so extract & convert the data.
let response = {
type: token_response.type,
rawId: PBS.Utils.bytes_to_base64url(token_response.rawId),
response: {
attestationObject: PBS.Utils.bytes_to_base64url(
clientDataJSON: PBS.Utils.bytes_to_base64url(
let params = {
type: "webauthn",
challenge: challenge_str,
value: JSON.stringify(response),
if (values.password) {
params.password = values.password;
await PBS.Async.api2({
url: `/api2/extjs/access/tfa/${userid}`,
method: 'POST',
} catch (error) {
console.error(error); // for debugging if it's not displayable...
Ext.Msg.alert(gettext('Error'), error);
items: [
xtype: 'form',
reference: 'webauthn_form',
layout: 'anchor',
bodyPadding: 10,
fieldDefaults: {
anchor: '100%',
items: [
xtype: 'pmxDisplayEditField',
name: 'user',
cbind: {
editable: (get) => !get('fixedUser'),
fieldLabel: gettext('User'),
editConfig: {
xtype: 'pbsUserSelector',
allowBlank: false,
renderer: Ext.String.htmlEncode,
value: Proxmox.UserName,
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: gettext('Description'),
allowBlank: false,
name: 'description',
maxLength: 256,
emptyText: gettext('a short distinguishing description'),
xtype: 'textfield',
inputType: 'password',
fieldLabel: gettext('Password'),
minLength: 5,
reference: 'password',
name: 'password',
allowBlank: false,
validateBlank: true,
padding: '0 0 5 5',
emptyText: gettext('verify current password'),
buttons: [
xtype: 'proxmoxHelpButton',
xtype: 'button',
text: gettext('Register Webauthn Device'),
handler: 'registerWebauthn',
bind: {
disabled: '{!valid}',

www/window/TfaEdit.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
Ext.define('PBS.window.TfaEdit', {
extend: 'Proxmox.window.Edit',
alias: 'widget.pbsTfaEdit',
mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
onlineHelp: 'user_mgmt',
modal: true,
resizable: false,
title: gettext("Modify a TFA entry's description"),
width: 512,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch',
cbindData: function(initialConfig) {
let me = this;
let tfa_id = initialConfig['tfa-id'];
me.tfa_id = tfa_id;
me.defaultFocus = 'textfield[name=description]';
me.url = `/api2/extjs/access/tfa/${tfa_id}`;
me.method = 'PUT';
me.autoLoad = true;
return {};
initComponent: function() {
let me = this;
if (Proxmox.UserName === 'root@pam') {
let userid = me.tfa_id.split('/')[0];
items: [
xtype: 'displayfield',
reference: 'userid',
editable: false,
fieldLabel: gettext('User'),
editConfig: {
xtype: 'pbsUserSelector',
allowBlank: false,
value: Proxmox.UserName,
xtype: 'proxmoxtextfield',
name: 'description',
allowBlank: false,
fieldLabel: gettext('Description'),
xtype: 'proxmoxcheckbox',
fieldLabel: gettext('Enabled'),
name: 'enable',
uncheckedValue: 0,
defaultValue: 1,
checked: true,
xtype: 'textfield',
inputType: 'password',
fieldLabel: gettext('Password'),
minLength: 5,
reference: 'password',
name: 'password',
allowBlank: false,
validateBlank: true,
padding: '0 0 5 5',
emptyText: gettext('verify current password'),
getValues: function() {
var me = this;
var values = me.callParent(arguments);
delete values.userid;
return values;