ui: start tape backup job GUI

This commit is contained in:
Dietmar Maurer 2021-02-18 12:48:54 +01:00
parent 6ef8e2902f
commit 7aa4851b77
3 changed files with 117 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ TAPE_UI_FILES= \
tape/EncryptionKeys.js \ tape/EncryptionKeys.js \
tape/PoolConfig.js \ tape/PoolConfig.js \
tape/TapeInventory.js \ tape/TapeInventory.js \
tape/BackupJobs.js \
tape/TapeManagement.js \ tape/TapeManagement.js \
endif endif

www/tape/BackupJobs.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
Ext.define('pbs-tape-backup-job-status', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [
'id', 'store', 'pool', 'drive', 'store', 'schedule', 'comment',
{ name: 'eject-media', type: 'boolean' },
{ name: 'export-media-set', type: 'boolean' }
idProperty: 'id',
proxy: {
type: 'proxmox',
url: '/api2/json/config/tape-backup-job',
Ext.define('PBS.config.TapeBackupJobView', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.GridPanel',
alias: 'widget.pbsTapeBackupJobView',
stateful: true,
stateId: 'grid-tape-backup-jobs-v1',
title: gettext('Tape Backup Jobs'),
controller: {
xclass: 'Ext.app.ViewController',
startStore: function() { this.getView().getStore().rstore.startUpdate(); },
stopStore: function() { this.getView().getStore().rstore.stopUpdate(); },
reload: function() { this.getView().getStore().rstore.load(); },
init: function(view) {
Proxmox.Utils.monStoreErrors(view, view.getStore().rstore);
listeners: {
activate: 'startStore',
deactivate: 'stopStore',
//itemdblclick: 'editSyncJob',
store: {
type: 'diff',
autoDestroy: true,
autoDestroyRstore: true,
sorters: 'id',
rstore: {
type: 'update',
storeid: 'pbs-tape-backup-job-status',
model: 'pbs-tape-backup-job-status',
interval: 5000,
viewConfig: {
trackOver: false,
columns: [
header: gettext('Job ID'),
dataIndex: 'id',
renderer: Ext.String.htmlEncode,
maxWidth: 220,
minWidth: 75,
flex: 1,
sortable: true,
header: gettext('Datastore'),
dataIndex: 'store',
width: 120,
sortable: true,
header: gettext('Media Pool'),
dataIndex: 'pool',
width: 120,
sortable: true,
header: gettext('Drive'),
dataIndex: 'drive',
width: 120,
sortable: true,
header: gettext('Schedule'),
dataIndex: 'schedule',
maxWidth: 220,
minWidth: 80,
flex: 1,
sortable: true,
header: gettext('Comment'),
dataIndex: 'comment',
renderer: Ext.String.htmlEncode,
flex: 2,
sortable: true,
initComponent: function() {
let me = this;

View File

@ -46,5 +46,10 @@ Ext.define('PBS.TapeManagement', {
itemId: 'encryption-keys', itemId: 'encryption-keys',
xtype: 'pbsEncryptionKeys', xtype: 'pbsEncryptionKeys',
}, },
title: gettext('Backup Jobs'),
itemId: 'tape-backup-jobs',
xtype: 'pbsTapeBackupJobView',
], ],
}); });