2020-05-14 10:17:20 +00:00
use std::collections::HashMap;
use anyhow::{bail, Error};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use bitflags::bitflags;
use nom::{
error::{context, ParseError, VerboseError},
bytes::complete::{tag, take_while1},
combinator::{map_res, all_consuming, opt, recognize},
sequence::{pair, preceded, tuple},
character::complete::{alpha1, space0, digit1},
type IResult<I, O, E = VerboseError<I>> = Result<(I, O), nom::Err<E>>;
fn parse_error<'a>(i: &'a str, context: &'static str) -> nom::Err<VerboseError<&'a str>> {
let err = VerboseError { errors: Vec::new() };
let err =VerboseError::add_context(i, context, err);
pub struct WeekDays: u8 {
const MONDAY = 1;
const TUESDAY = 2;
const WEDNESDAY = 4;
const THURSDAY = 8;
const FRIDAY = 16;
const SATURDAY = 32;
const SUNDAY = 64;
pub enum DateTimeValue {
Range(u32, u32),
Repeated(u32, u32),
2020-05-15 15:55:54 +00:00
impl DateTimeValue {
// Test if the entry contains the value
pub fn contains(&self, value: u32) -> bool {
match self {
DateTimeValue::Single(v) => *v == value,
DateTimeValue::Range(start, end) => value >= *start && value <= *end,
DateTimeValue::Repeated(start, repetition) => {
if *repetition > 0 {
let mut found = false;
let mut v = *start;
loop {
if v == value { found = true; break; }
v += *repetition;
if v > value { break; }
} else {
*start == value
// Find an return an entry greater than value
pub fn find_next(list: &[DateTimeValue], value: u32) -> Option<u32> {
let mut next: Option<u32> = None;
let mut set_next = |v: u32| {
if let Some(n) = next {
if v > n { next = Some(v); }
} else {
next = Some(v);
for spec in list {
match spec {
DateTimeValue::Single(v) => {
if *v > value { set_next(*v); }
DateTimeValue::Range(start, end) => {
if value < *start {
} else {
let n = value + 1;
if n >= *start && n <= *end {
DateTimeValue::Repeated(start, repetition) => {
if value < *start {
} else if *repetition > 0 {
let mut v = *start;
loop {
if v > value { set_next(v); break; }
v += *repetition;
if v > value { break; }
2020-05-14 10:17:20 +00:00
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct CalendarEvent {
pub days: WeekDays,
pub second: Vec<DateTimeValue>, // todo: support float values
pub minute: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
pub hour: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
lazy_static! {
pub static ref TIME_SPAN_UNITS: HashMap<&'static str, f64> = {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
let second = 1.0;
map.insert("seconds", second);
map.insert("second", second);
map.insert("sec", second);
map.insert("s", second);
let msec = second / 1000.0;
map.insert("msec", msec);
map.insert("ms", msec);
let usec = msec / 1000.0;
map.insert("usec", usec);
map.insert("us", usec);
map.insert("µs", usec);
let nsec = usec / 1000.0;
map.insert("nsec", nsec);
map.insert("ns", nsec);
let minute = second * 60.0;
map.insert("minutes", minute);
map.insert("minute", minute);
map.insert("min", minute);
map.insert("m", minute);
let hour = minute * 60.0;
map.insert("hours", hour);
map.insert("hour", hour);
map.insert("hr", hour);
map.insert("h", hour);
let day = hour * 24.0 ;
map.insert("days", day);
map.insert("day", day);
map.insert("d", day);
let week = day * 7.0;
map.insert("weeks", week);
map.insert("week", week);
map.insert("w", week);
let month = 30.44 * day;
map.insert("months", month);
map.insert("month", month);
map.insert("M", month);
let year = 365.25 * day;
map.insert("years", year);
map.insert("year", year);
map.insert("y", year);
pub struct TimeSpan {
pub nsec: u64,
pub usec: u64,
pub msec: u64,
pub seconds: u64,
pub minutes: u64,
pub hours: u64,
pub days: u64,
pub weeks: u64,
pub months: u64,
pub years: u64,
impl TimeSpan {
pub fn new() -> Self {
impl From<TimeSpan> for f64 {
fn from(ts: TimeSpan) -> Self {
(ts.seconds as f64) +
((ts.nsec as f64) / 1_000_000_000.0) +
((ts.usec as f64) / 1_000_000.0) +
((ts.msec as f64) / 1_000.0) +
((ts.minutes as f64) * 60.0) +
((ts.hours as f64) * 3600.0) +
((ts.days as f64) * 3600.0 * 24.0) +
((ts.weeks as f64) * 3600.0 * 24.0 * 7.0) +
((ts.months as f64) * 3600.0 * 24.0 * 30.44) +
((ts.years as f64) * 3600.0 * 24.0 * 365.25)
fn parse_u32(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, u32> {
map_res(recognize(digit1), str::parse)(i)
fn parse_u64(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, u64> {
map_res(recognize(digit1), str::parse)(i)
fn parse_weekday(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, WeekDays, VerboseError<&str>> {
let (i, text) = alpha1(i)?;
match text.to_ascii_lowercase().as_str() {
"monday" | "mon" => Ok((i, WeekDays::MONDAY)),
"tuesday" | "tue" => Ok((i, WeekDays::TUESDAY)),
"wednesday" | "wed" => Ok((i, WeekDays::WEDNESDAY)),
"thursday" | "thu" => Ok((i, WeekDays::THURSDAY)),
"friday" | "fri" => Ok((i, WeekDays::FRIDAY)),
"saturday" | "sat" => Ok((i, WeekDays::SATURDAY)),
"sunday" | "sun" => Ok((i, WeekDays::SUNDAY)),
_ => return Err(parse_error(text, "weekday")),
fn parse_weekdays_range(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, WeekDays> {
let (i, startday) = parse_weekday(i)?;
let generate_range = |start, end| {
let mut res = 0;
let mut pos = start;
loop {
res |= pos;
if pos >= end { break; }
pos = pos << 1;
if let (i, Some((_, endday))) = opt(pair(tag(".."),parse_weekday))(i)? {
let start = startday.bits();
let end = endday.bits();
if start > end {
let set1 = generate_range(start, WeekDays::SUNDAY.bits());
let set2 = generate_range(WeekDays::MONDAY.bits(), end);
Ok((i, set1 | set2))
} else {
Ok((i, generate_range(start, end)))
} else {
Ok((i, startday))
fn parse_date_time_comp(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, DateTimeValue> {
let (i, value) = parse_u32(i)?;
if let (i, Some(end)) = opt(preceded(tag(".."), parse_u32))(i)? {
return Ok((i, DateTimeValue::Range(value, end)))
if i.starts_with("/") {
let i = &i[1..];
let (i, repeat) = parse_u32(i)?;
Ok((i, DateTimeValue::Repeated(value, repeat)))
} else {
Ok((i, DateTimeValue::Single(value)))
fn parse_date_time_comp_list(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<DateTimeValue>> {
if i.starts_with("*") {
return Ok((&i[1..], Vec::new()));
separated_nonempty_list(tag(","), parse_date_time_comp)(i)
fn parse_time_spec(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, (Vec<DateTimeValue>, Vec<DateTimeValue>, Vec<DateTimeValue>)> {
let (i, (hour, minute, opt_second)) = tuple((
preceded(tag(":"), parse_date_time_comp_list),
opt(preceded(tag(":"), parse_date_time_comp_list)),
if let Some(second) = opt_second {
Ok((i, (hour, minute, second)))
} else {
Ok((i, (hour, minute, vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)])))
pub fn parse_calendar_event(i: &str) -> Result<CalendarEvent, Error> {
match all_consuming(parse_calendar_event_incomplete)(i) {
Err(err) => bail!("unable to parse calendar event: {}", err),
Ok((_, ce)) => Ok(ce),
fn parse_calendar_event_incomplete(mut i: &str) -> IResult<&str, CalendarEvent> {
let mut has_dayspec = false;
let mut has_timespec = false;
let has_datespec = false;
let mut event = CalendarEvent::default();
if i.starts_with(|c: char| char::is_ascii_alphabetic(&c)) {
match i {
"minutely" => {
return Ok(("", CalendarEvent {
second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
"hourly" => {
return Ok(("", CalendarEvent {
minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
"daily" => {
return Ok(("", CalendarEvent {
hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
"monthly" | "weekly" | "yearly" | "quarterly" | "semiannually" => {
_ => { /* continue */ }
let (n, range_list) = context(
"weekday range list",
separated_nonempty_list(tag(","), parse_weekdays_range)
has_dayspec = true;
i = space0(n)?.0;
for range in range_list { event.days.insert(range); }
// todo: support date specs
if let (n, Some((hour, minute, second))) = opt(parse_time_spec)(i)? {
event.hour = hour;
event.minute = minute;
event.second = second;
has_timespec = true;
i = n;
} else {
event.hour = vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)];
event.minute = vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)];
event.second = vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)];
if !(has_dayspec || has_timespec || has_datespec) {
return Err(parse_error(i, "date or time specification"));
Ok((i, event))
fn parse_time_unit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
let (n, text) = take_while1(|c: char| char::is_ascii_alphabetic(&c) || c == 'µ')(i)?;
if TIME_SPAN_UNITS.contains_key(&text) {
Ok((n, text))
} else {
Err(parse_error(text, "time unit"))
pub fn parse_time_span(i: &str) -> Result<TimeSpan, Error> {
match all_consuming(parse_time_span_incomplete)(i) {
Err(err) => bail!("unable to parse time span: {}", err),
Ok((_, ts)) => Ok(ts),
fn parse_time_span_incomplete(mut i: &str) -> IResult<&str, TimeSpan> {
let mut ts = TimeSpan::default();
loop {
i = space0(i)?.0;
if i.is_empty() { break; }
let (n, num) = parse_u64(i)?;
i = space0(n)?.0;
if let (n, Some(unit)) = opt(parse_time_unit)(i)? {
i = n;
match unit {
"seconds" | "second" | "sec" | "s" => {
ts.seconds += num;
"msec" | "ms" => {
ts.msec += num;
"usec" | "us" | "µs" => {
ts.usec += num;
"nsec" | "ns" => {
ts.nsec += num;
"minutes" | "minute" | "min" | "m" => {
ts.minutes += num;
"hours" | "hour" | "hr" | "h" => {
ts.hours += num;
"days" | "day" | "d" => {
ts.days += num;
"weeks" | "week" | "w" => {
ts.weeks += num;
"months" | "month" | "M" => {
ts.months += num;
"years" | "year" | "y" => {
ts.years += num;
_ => return Err(parse_error(unit, "internal error")),
} else {
ts.seconds += num;
Ok((i, ts))
pub fn verify_time_span<'a>(i: &'a str) -> Result<(), Error> {
pub fn verify_calendar_event(i: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_event(v: &'static str) -> Result<(), Error> {
match parse_calendar_event(v) {
Ok(event) => println!("CalendarEvent '{}' => {:?}", v, event),
Err(err) => bail!("parsing '{}' failed - {}", v, err),
fn test_calendar_event_weekday() -> Result<(), Error> {
fn test_time_span_parser() -> Result<(), Error> {
let test_value = |ts_str: &str, expect: f64| -> Result<(), Error> {
let ts = parse_time_span(ts_str)?;
assert_eq!(f64::from(ts), expect, "{}", ts_str);
test_value("2", 2.0)?;
test_value("2s", 2.0)?;
test_value("2sec", 2.0)?;
test_value("2second", 2.0)?;
test_value("2seconds", 2.0)?;
test_value(" 2s 2 s 2", 6.0)?;
test_value("1msec 1ms", 0.002)?;
test_value("1usec 1us 1µs", 0.000_003)?;
test_value("1nsec 1ns", 0.000_000_002)?;
test_value("1minutes 1minute 1min 1m", 4.0*60.0)?;
test_value("1hours 1hour 1hr 1h", 4.0*3600.0)?;
test_value("1days 1day 1d", 3.0*86400.0)?;
test_value("1weeks 1 week 1w", 3.0*86400.0*7.0)?;
test_value("1months 1month 1M", 3.0*86400.0*30.44)?;
test_value("1years 1year 1y", 3.0*86400.0*365.25)?;
test_value("2h", 7200.0)?;
test_value(" 2 h", 7200.0)?;
test_value("2hours", 7200.0)?;
test_value("48hr", 48.0*3600.0)?;
test_value("1y 12month", 365.25*24.0*3600.0 + 12.0*30.44*24.0*3600.0)?;
test_value("55s500ms", 55.5)?;
test_value("300ms20s 5day", 5.0*24.0*3600.0 + 20.0 + 0.3)?;