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//! This implements the parts of qemu's AioContext interface we need for testing outside qemu.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::os::unix::io::RawFd;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock};
use std::thread;
use failure::Error;
use mio::{Events, Poll, Token};
use mio::unix::EventedFd;
use crate::util::{AioCb, AioHandlerState};
/// This is a reference to a standalone `AioContextImpl` and allows instantiating a new context
/// with a polling thread.
pub struct AioContext(Arc<AioContextImpl>);
impl std::ops::Deref for AioContext {
type Target = AioContextImpl;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl AioContext {
/// Create a new `AioContext` instance with an associated polling thread, which will live as
/// long as there are references to it.
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, Error> {
pub struct AioContextImpl {
poll: Poll,
handlers: RwLock<HashMap<Token, AioHandlerState>>,
poll_thread: Mutex<Option<thread::JoinHandle<()>>>,
impl AioContextImpl {
pub fn new() -> Result<Arc<Self>, Error> {
let this = Arc::new(Self {
poll: Poll::new()?,
handlers: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
poll_thread: Mutex::new(None),
let this2 = Arc::clone(&this);
this.poll_thread.lock().unwrap().replace(thread::spawn(|| this2.main_loop()));
/// Qemu's aio_set_fd_handler. We're skipping the `io_poll` parameter for this implementation
/// as we don't use it.
/// ```
/// void aio_set_fd_handler(AioContext *ctx,
/// int fd,
/// bool is_external,
/// IOHandler *io_read,
/// IOHandler *io_write,
/// AioPollFn *io_poll,
/// void *opaque);
/// ```
/// Since this does not have any ways of returning errors, wrong usage will cause a panic in
/// this test implementation.
pub fn set_fd_handler(
fd: RawFd,
io_read: Option<AioCb>,
io_write: Option<AioCb>,
// skipping io_poll,
//opaque: *const (),
) {
self.set_fd_handler_impl(fd, io_read, io_write, mio::PollOpt::level())
/// This is going to be a proposed new api for Qemu's AioContext.
pub fn set_fd_handler_edge(
fd: RawFd,
io_read: Option<AioCb>,
io_write: Option<AioCb>,
// skipping io_poll,
//opaque: *const (),
) {
self.set_fd_handler_impl(fd, io_read, io_write, mio::PollOpt::edge())
fn set_fd_handler_impl(
fd: RawFd,
io_read: Option<AioCb>,
io_write: Option<AioCb>,
// skipping io_poll,
//opaque: *const (),
poll_opt: mio::PollOpt,
) {
if io_read.is_none() && io_write.is_none() {
return self.remove_fd_handler(fd);
let handlers = AioHandlerState {
read: io_read,
write: io_write,
let mio_ready = handlers.mio_ready();
let token = Token(fd as usize);
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
match self.handlers.write().unwrap().entry(token) {
Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
self.poll.register(&EventedFd(&fd), token, mio_ready, poll_opt)
.expect("failed to register a new fd for polling");
Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
self.poll.reregister(&EventedFd(&fd), token, mio_ready, poll_opt)
.expect("failed to update an existing poll fd");
fn remove_fd_handler(&self, fd: RawFd) {
let mut guard = self.handlers.write().unwrap();
.expect("failed to remove an existing poll fd");
guard.remove(&Token(fd as usize));
/// We don't use qemu's aio_poll, so let's make this easy:
/// ```
/// bool aio_poll(AioContext *ctx, bool blocking);
/// ```
pub fn poll(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let timeout = Some(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100));
let mut events = Events::with_capacity(16);
if self.poll.poll(&mut events, timeout)? == 0 {
return Ok(());
for event in events.iter() {
let token = event.token();
let ready = event.readiness();
// NOTE: We need to read-lock while fetching handlers, but handlers need a write-lock!!!
// because they need to be edge-triggered and therefore *update* this handler list!
// While we could instead do this here (or use edge triggering from mio), this would
// not properly simulate Qemu's AioContext, so we enforce this behavior here as well.
// This means we cannot just hold a read lock during the events.iter() iteration
// though.
let handler =|h| AioHandlerState {
// Those are Option<Arc>!
write: h.write.clone(),
if let Some(handler) = handler {
if ready.is_readable() {|func| func());
if ready.is_writable() {
handler.write.as_ref().map(|func| func());
fn main_loop(mut self: Arc<Self>) {
while Arc::get_mut(&mut self).is_none() {
if let Err(err) = self.poll() {
dbg!("error AioContextImpl::poll(): {}", err);